
Platinum Member
Nov 6, 2023

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Mohammed (Haj) Amin al-Husseini
(Arabic: محمد أمين الحسيني[
(c. 1897 -1974)
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Jamal Husseini
In 1939 Jamal ordered 10 copies of Mein Kampf link.

With the Nufti, had founded the Hitler Youth modeled Futuwwa link.
Worked with the Mufti, and at pro-Nazi Rashid Ali coup.
In 1946, with Ahmad Shukeir, had justified the Holocaust. link.
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Rashid Ali al-Gaylani
[رشيد عالي الکَيلاني]

Pro-Nazi coup Iraq 1941. Then in Nazi Germany.
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Issa Basil Bandak
[عيسى باسل البندك]
Of the first to employ Nazi propaganda in mandatory palestine. In the 1930s.



Akam Zuaiter
[أكرم أبو زعيتر]
At the pro-Nazi coup in Iraq.

Akram Zuaiter.jpg


Ahmad Shukeiri (Shukairy)
[أحمد الشقيري]
Propagated for Hitler, link, link, link, link, had testified in his 1969 book that in WW2 they (all) cheered and prayed for Hitler link .

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Darwish al-Miqdadi
When in Iraq, he ‘educated’ there with his pro-Nazi line, active in the fascistic al-Muthanna Club link.
By 1938, heading Arab club in Nazi-Germany link (Nadi el-Arabi).
Worked with the Mufti, and at pro-Nazi Rashid Ali coup.


Ibrahim a Shanti
The Islamist founder of the al Difaa Newspaper (the Defense).
Hitler glorifier / propagandist (after meeting with Goebbeles' aid van Berk in Cairo, together with El Issa of Falastin) and had published portions of Mein Kampf. link


Issa Nakhleh
Glorified Hitler regime PDF archived, denied the Holocaust link, worked with neo Nazis most of his career. link. link
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Jamal Husseini explained in 1947, Arab rejection of partition because of racism:
Arab 'racial homogeneity' link.

Ahmad Shukeiri was the first to come up with the apartheid slur, on Oct.17.1961 link link, a little over a year later, (Nov.30.1962) he promoted a Neo-Nazi Storm-troop gang at UN link, link.
Became head of PLO in 1964, infamous especially for his genocidal admitted "non of them will survive" pre Six Day War. Link


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Relationships of convenience.
Ideology. Al Difaa, for instance glorified SS



  • Ad Difaa had promoted his book in portions and promoted propaganda.

  • Falastin in May 1933: "Noble [sic] Hitler" *

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  • Jamal Husseini ordered 10 books of Mein Kampf in 1939.

  • 'Arabs admire our Fuhrer.’
    “The Palestinian Arabs show on all levels a great sympathy for the new Germany and its Fuhrer, a sympathy whose value is particularly high as it is based on a purely ideological foundation,” a Nazi official in Palestine wrote in a letter to Berlin in 1937. He added: “Most important for the sympathies which Arabs now feel towards Germany is their admiration for our Fuhrer, especially during the unrests, I often had an opportunity to see how far these sympathies extend. *

  • Dr. Zaid Hamzeh: "We Arabs Supported Hitler During WWII Because He Hated The Jews." (Re 1941) *

  • Farouq Qaddoumi (b.1931), PLO Official: We Supported the Nazis in WWII. *

  • After the war, pre Nuremberg trial, the Falastin [Filastin] paper justified NAZISM as a form of system, just like any other. Oct.31.45 Headline: 'Falastin defends Nazism' * .


  • This was printed in 1946:
    Difaa, the ex - Mufti's organ which was subsidized by Dr. Goebbels , gives much promi- nence to Adolf Hitler's recently discovered politi- cal testament , quoting his allegations that the Jews were responsible for the war and printing
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So much of the Nazi Empire was Jewish and starting with Dear Uncle Adolf himself .
Jewish blood on both sides , particularly his mother's side

Off you trot Pasta Jelly and DYOR .

You need to know your subject before Trolling . Check out Goebbels , Goering and Hess while you do your home work -- to name a few from several hundred .

Ideology. Al Difaa, for instance glorified SS

View attachment 871156

View attachment 871157

  • Ad Difaa had promoted his book in portions and promoted propaganda.

  • Falastin in May 1933: "Noble [sic] Hitler" *

    View attachment 871174

  • Jamal Husseini ordered 10 books of Mein Kampf in 1939.
    View attachment 871159

  • 'Arabs admire our Fuhrer.’
    “The Palestinian Arabs show on all levels a great sympathy for the new Germany and its Fuhrer, a sympathy whose value is particularly high as it is based on a purely ideological foundation,” a Nazi official in Palestine wrote in a letter to Berlin in 1937. He added: “Most important for the sympathies which Arabs now feel towards Germany is their admiration for our Fuhrer, especially during the unrests, I often had an opportunity to see how far these sympathies extend. *

  • Dr. Zaid Hamzeh: "We Arabs Supported Hitler During WWII Because He Hated The Jews." (Re 1941) *

  • Farouq Qaddoumi (b.1931), PLO Official: We Supported the Nazis in WWII. *

  • After the war, pre Nuremberg trial, the Falastin [Filastin] paper justified NAZISM as a form of system, just like any other. Oct.31.45 Headline: 'Falastin defends Nazism' * .

    View attachment 871197

  • This was printed in 1946:
    Difaa, the ex - Mufti's organ which was subsidized by Dr. Goebbels , gives much promi- nence to Adolf Hitler's recently discovered politi- cal testament , quoting his allegations that the Jews were responsible for the war and printing
    View attachment 871202
The fact that even after the Nazis lost they were still on with it is testament to deep rooted problem.
So much of the Nazi Empire was Jewish and starting with Dear Uncle Adolf himself .
Jewish blood on both sides , particularly his mother's side

Off you trot Pasta Jelly and DYOR .

You need to know your subject before Trolling . Check out Goebbels , Goering and Hess while you do your home work -- to name a few from several hundred .
Most important for deranged folks like Pastelli & Co. - thanks to Zionists like Netanyahu and Co. the Nazi ideology is well preserved to this day and continuous to carry fruit.
It is why the Nein Kampf is still popular there.
Mein Kampf is still on sale in Ukraine and any books showing the victory of the red army are not, there were volunteers for Hitlers foreign legions from most Countries occupied, there were even some quite high ranking Nazis of jewish origin.
It is why the Nein Kampf is still popular there.
In order to understand ones enemy - one needs to study him.

Therefore it is an absolute necessity for Palestinians to read and be familiar with Netanyahu&Co's bedtime lecture and ideological inspiration.
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Wow. A new justification of Hitler snd his book writing.
And twisted at that.
Only to those who don't know shit about history

The Arabs nor Palestinians didn't know about Hitler and Mein Kampf - till the Zionist brought his ideology to British mandated Palestine in the 1920'ies.
Only to those who don't know shit about history

The Arabs nor Palestinians didn't know about Hitler and Mein Kampf -
Please think before writing invented lines.


When in 1920?

When Arabs massacred non zionists in Hebron 1929?

Mein Kampf began being distributed outside Germany intl the 1930s not 1920s.

You have it all backwards.

By Nov 1936 it became a best seller by Arabs in Palestine as AP reported.

From the New York Times, April 4, 1937.
'Hitler's “Mein Kampf” once banned in Palestine is now reported to be a Best seller among the Arabs who have joined with Nazi Germany in antagonism to the Jews.'

OP cited Jamal al Husseini buying mein kampf in 1939.

Istiqlal leader Abd Al Hadi bragged in the same year to Nazi magazine he read it from cover to cover after arrested by the British.

And already in January 1937 said: That Arabs like Hitler
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Link for above quote from the New York Times in 1937:
Hitler's “Mein Kampf” once banned in Palestine is now reported to be a Best seller among the Arabs who have joined with Nazi Germany in antagonism to the Jews.

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Mein Kampf began being distributed outside Germany intl the 1930s not 1920s.

You have it all backwards.
No you have - as usual
It was published in two volumes in 1925 and 1927, and an abridged edition appeared in 1930.
Therefore Zionist brought it into Palestine in the 20'ies - and the Arab-Palestinians took up reading it, in order to understand as to what Zionism is factually about.
No you have - as usual
It was published in two volumes in 1925 and
As usual you fail in history/ facts.
But helping on inventing things imaginary.

Name a 'person' who brought the ANTI-JEWISH book?

It was banned (you need more sources --other than NYT, AP-- about being banned but picked up by anti-Jewish Arabs?), because of Jews and because of Britain.

The first time Arab Palestine saw it was in 1934.

Now go back to my post, I wasn't talking about when Hitler wrote it, but when outside Germany internationaly..


Referring to it being an international sensation.

All I said is SOURCED. Including publication at the time.

AKA with Hitler rise in 1933.

And what happened within 2 months of his career?
Al Husseini rushed to German council... Heinrich Wolff.

But since you make up things as you go you know when the first translation in Arabic came about?
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Now go back to my post, I wasn't talking about when Hitler wrote it, but when outside Germany internationaly..

I wrote: It was published in two volumes in 1925 and 1927, and an abridged edition appeared in 1930.

As usual you don't even know how to read and know nothing of history - Mein Kampf, was written/dictated by Adolf Hitler while imprisoned in 1924. He had written the 2nd volume in 1926. - see above mentioned PUBLISHING DATES.

As for the usual Zionist falsifying claims:
On November 21st 2023 a Swedish news site published an article claiming that an Arabic translation of Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" was "prominently displayed" at Malmö City Library in Sweden.

In the following days, the claims went viral and were shared by newspapers, social media users, and organizations. The Jerusalem Post published the claim on November 21, and the European Jewish Congress posted similar on X the following day, racking up 400,000 views.
However, the claim is false.
The book is not an Arabic translation of "Mein Kampf" but an Arabic biography of Adolf Hitler written by Farid Al-Falouji.

As for your "Arabic Mein Kampf" nonsense:

In July 1933 Zionist Leader, Chaim Weizmann, who would later become Israel’s first president, was instrumental in rendering the original German text into English. - thus establishing the English version of Mein Kampf.
In spring 1934, an Arabic excerpt appeared in the Beirut-based Newspaper al-Nida. The translation, which was based on the English version of the book, approved of Hitler’s message, but many Arab intellectuals were critical, “especially concerning Hitler’s racism,”

The Arabs had no issue with the Jews - but with their French and British Colonizers - therefore their interest towards Hitler.
The British-Jewish Balfour Deceleration in 1917 and the then following sale of land to Jews by the British Mandate power and allowing for Jewish settlers to come into Palestine - brought people like the Mufti into the picture, and naturally inspired his personal liking for Hitler's stance towards Britain and the Jews.

In the spring of 1934, Fritz Grobba, Germany′s ambassador to Iraq, reported that an Iraqi newspaper has begun to print extracts from Hitler′s Mein Kampf in Arabic. In his letter to the foreign office in Berlin, the diplomat advocated turning the translated extracts into a book and giving the project German financial backing.

Arab Nationalist movements, campaigning for independence, were growing ever stronger. The fact that Hitler viewed the two occupying countries as enemies won him the Arabs′ sympathy; they saw him as a strong man who could put the hated colonizers in their place. A popular slogan on the streets of Aleppo and Damascus went as follows: ″No more Monsieur, no more Mister; Allah in heaven and on earth, Hitler.″ - no mentioning of Jews - whatsoever.

In November 1936, the propaganda ministry informed the foreign ministry that Hitler had agreed to the printing of an Arabic version of his book. Passages that Arabs might find particularly offensive were to be omitted ″out of consideration for the current political situation.″therefore translating the German word ″Antisemitismus″ as ″Anti-Judaism″.

The Arabic version – meaning the first translation from Iraq – was to be run past the privy councilor Bernhard Moritz, who worked for the Pol. VII department of the foreign office responsible for the Orient. He was an Arabist and his verdict was damning. The translated newspaper passages, he said, had been ″taken out of context; the translations were incorrect and frequently unintelligible.″ Moritz also rejected other Arabic newspaper translations in circulation at the time for their obvious failings. Hitler′s statement: ″I became a nationalist″ had been turned into the confession: ″I became a socialist″.

Alongside such unauthorized translated newspaper articles, false information was also threatening to destroy the propaganda effect the Germans had been hoping for. The German consulate in Beirut reported that people believed the ″invented claim″ that ″the National Socialists have compiled a scale of races on which the Arabs come 14th.″

An official Arabic translation of Mein Kampf was never published. An internal memo, probably written in 1940, reads that the matter was ″no longer current due to the outbreak of war.″ Unauthorized editions, however, are still being sold in kiosks all over the Arab and the rest of the world.

So much for your bullshit claim - regarding Mein Kampf having been translated and published into Arabic, and having become a Bestseller amongst Arabs in 1937.
ONE WORD: 1933
Not before 1934 were Arabs exposed to the book.

(Though some portions began to serialize by 1933 by Futuwa's all Saba'wi).

Not "1920s"

  • You invented ideas VS NYT and AP regarding 1937 after being banned , but picked up only by Arabs because of common struggle against the Jews. I only quoted them.
  • You avoided the main year: Hitler's rise 1933.
    When mein kampf became a hit BECAUSE of that.
    When al Husseini met Heinrich Wolff.
    Or wider nazism among local Arabs

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  • The same as you avoided why Arab newaspapers serialized portions of Mein Kampf in the 1930s
  • In 1934 a large shipment came into Egypt with Arabic translation.
  • Educate yourself how the Arabic translated Mein kampf into portions in Iraq in late 1930s was connected to 1941 Farhoud pogrom.

    The Farhud - Holocaust Encyclopedia

    Mein Kampf had been translated into Arabic by Yunis al-Sab'awi, and was published in a local newspaper, Al Alam al Arabi (The Arab World), in Baghdad during 1933-1934. Yunis al-Sab'awi also headed the Futtuwa, a pre-military youth movement influenced by the Hitlerjugend (Hitler Youth) in Germany. After the coup d'etat, al-Sab'awi became a minister in the new Iraqi government.
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The fact that even after the Nazis lost they were still on with it is testament to deep rooted problem.
So why are you , Pasta Jelly , plus one or two other depraved individuals signed up to the Nazi creed ?

I am hoping that real Racists like you are removed from the site regardless of whether you are just ignorant Trolls or mentally disturbed individuals who require treatment .

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