Fact-check Obama's speech?

Just a quick question to determine your sanity. Is Obama a liar?

Just a quick answer:
Everyone lies - Politicians are especially prone to do so -
Fuckface von Clownstick has taken lying to unprecedented new levels.

I counted about 20 lies in Obama's inaugural address, alone. Your chart is snowflake horseshit propaganda.
That asshole Obama did nothing but lie every day of his disastrous administration so we can pretty well assume he is going to continue to lie in a role as a Democrat partisan piece of shit.

Can you find an Obama list of lies that equal the 4,200 plus list of lies and misstatements, that have not been debunked by Trump, Trumps team or supporters?
Analysis | President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days
I've looked on high and low, so far Obama is way, way behind Donald J Trump when it comes to bullshit.

Yep - When last I checked "all false and misleading statements" on PolitiFact comparing Obama and Trump .. there were somewhere in the neighborhood of TWENTY full pages for the Orange Doughboy after ONE year to FOUR full pages in EIGHT years for Obama.

The mental illness that you have with Trump Derangement Syndrome has really made you delusional, hasn't it?

Please seek competent mental health treatment so you don't embarrass yourself when you post your Moon Bat garbage.

Without a doubt that asshole Obama was the most dishonest and incompetent President this country ever had. His record of increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth was a disaster for this country.

In his stupid little speech yesterday he used the term "I" 103 times. He doesn't take responsibility for the damage he did to this country and he will lie about his record every time he opens his filthy mouth.

Only idiots like you believe his lies and that is a testimony to your stupidity.

The mental illness that you have with Trump Derangement Syndrome has really made you delusional, hasn't it?

Please seek competent mental health treatment

who cares if he does or does not

folks like this guy are all that remain of the democrat party

any reasonable folk has pretty much left

personally i hope he dont

and keeps spouting his hatred it only helps other fence sitters to move to the right

It's pretty sad that you don't give a shit about Trump not only to the Little Trumpsters but also to all Americans.
You are on of those amoral and simple minded folks, who would still support Trump if he shot anyone.
That is a pretty sad statement about your character.

fact is he has not shot anyone nor colluded with the russians or anything of the sort

he has done nothing but help the country

the economy and employment and that frosts your leftist ass

so go fuck yourself
Can you find an Obama list of lies that equal the 4,200 plus list of lies and misstatements, that have not been debunked by Trump, Trumps team or supporters?
Analysis | President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days
I've looked on high and low, so far Obama is way, way behind Donald J Trump when it comes to bullshit.

Yep - When last I checked "all false and misleading statements" on PolitiFact comparing Obama and Trump .. there were somewhere in the neighborhood of TWENTY full pages for the Orange Doughboy after ONE year to FOUR full pages in EIGHT years for Obama.

The mental illness that you have with Trump Derangement Syndrome has really made you delusional, hasn't it?

Please seek competent mental health treatment so you don't embarrass yourself when you post your Moon Bat garbage.

Without a doubt that asshole Obama was the most dishonest and incompetent President this country ever had. His record of increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth was a disaster for this country.

In his stupid little speech yesterday he used the term "I" 103 times. He doesn't take responsibility for the damage he did to this country and he will lie about his record every time he opens his filthy mouth.

Only idiots like you believe his lies and that is a testimony to your stupidity.

The mental illness that you have with Trump Derangement Syndrome has really made you delusional, hasn't it?

Please seek competent mental health treatment

who cares if he does or does not

folks like this guy are all that remain of the democrat party

any reasonable folk has pretty much left

personally i hope he dont

and keeps spouting his hatred it only helps other fence sitters to move to the right

It's pretty sad that you don't give a shit about Trump not only to the Little Trumpsters but also to all Americans.
You are on of those amoral and simple minded folks, who would still support Trump if he shot anyone.
That is a pretty sad statement about your character.

fact is he has not shot anyone nor colluded with the russians or anything of the sort

he has done nothing but help the country

the economy and employment and that frosts your leftist ass

so go fuck yourself

Most of these Moon Bats are dickless (except for the transvestites) so it will be hard for them to go fuck themselves.

This Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness is causing all kinds of confusion and delusions to these Moon Bats.

Trump is the best President of modern times and these stupid uneducated, low information TDS suffering Moon Bats are still stuck on that silly Hope and Change bullshit.

What are they going to do this November when that Blue Wave fizzles and the Republicans maintain control of the House, pick up seats in the Senate and Trump is still President? More marching around in pink pussy hats and howling at the sky?
Yep - When last I checked "all false and misleading statements" on PolitiFact comparing Obama and Trump .. there were somewhere in the neighborhood of TWENTY full pages for the Orange Doughboy after ONE year to FOUR full pages in EIGHT years for Obama.

The mental illness that you have with Trump Derangement Syndrome has really made you delusional, hasn't it?

Please seek competent mental health treatment so you don't embarrass yourself when you post your Moon Bat garbage.

Without a doubt that asshole Obama was the most dishonest and incompetent President this country ever had. His record of increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth was a disaster for this country.

In his stupid little speech yesterday he used the term "I" 103 times. He doesn't take responsibility for the damage he did to this country and he will lie about his record every time he opens his filthy mouth.

Only idiots like you believe his lies and that is a testimony to your stupidity.

The mental illness that you have with Trump Derangement Syndrome has really made you delusional, hasn't it?

Please seek competent mental health treatment

who cares if he does or does not

folks like this guy are all that remain of the democrat party

any reasonable folk has pretty much left

personally i hope he dont

and keeps spouting his hatred it only helps other fence sitters to move to the right

It's pretty sad that you don't give a shit about Trump not only to the Little Trumpsters but also to all Americans.
You are on of those amoral and simple minded folks, who would still support Trump if he shot anyone.
That is a pretty sad statement about your character.

fact is he has not shot anyone nor colluded with the russians or anything of the sort

he has done nothing but help the country

the economy and employment and that frosts your leftist ass

so go fuck yourself

Most of these Moon Bats are dickless (except for the transvestites) so it will be hard for them to go fuck themselves.

This Trump Derangement Syndrome mental illness is causing all kinds of confusion and delusions to these Moon Bats.

Trump is the best President of modern times and these stupid uneducated, low information TDS suffering Moon Bats are still stuck on that silly Hope and Change bullshit.

What are they going to do this November when that Blue Wave fizzles and the Republicans maintain control of the House, pick up seats in the Senate and Trump is still President? More marching around in pink pussy hats and howling at the sky?
I would crawl over broken glass to vote against the Democrats running for office in my district.

I would crawl over broken glass to vote against the Democrats running for office in my district.

Anybody with any amount of intelligence would vote against Democrats. The party of vile hateful despicable stupid Moon Bats with a few Illegals and a whole lot of welfare queens thrown in.
Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.
All Islamists are radicals.

Want proof? Name one majority Muslim country that doesn’t oppress Jews, Christians, atheists, homosexuals, and women.

Islam’s teachings are extreme but not every Muslim subscribes to that extremism. There are a bunch of Muslims here in Minnesota living in peace with non-Muslims and this is bc, for whatever reason, they are not under the impression the world must be cleansed of infidels.

I’m no expert on Islam but you have to admit if all Muslims were terrorists like ISIS American streets would be a lot bloodier. I worked with two Muslim women and although devout in their faith, they were not willing to blow themselves or anyone else up in the name of their god or religion.

Who cares if they aren’t all terrorists? Do you think they will ever fight against terrorists or even turn them in? Most Muslims wouldn’t. The point is we are better off without them. Did we refuse to bomb Germany because “not all Germans are Nazis”? The “good Muslims” don’t matter, we are at war with the radical ones. Live your life like a sheep and pretend you won’t get slaughtered by Islamists, the rest of us however, will do no such thing.
Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.
All Islamists are radicals.

Want proof? Name one majority Muslim country that doesn’t oppress Jews, Christians, atheists, homosexuals, and women.

LOL! You do realize that Jews (Charlottesville), atheists, homosexuals (DOMA, finally repealed in 2015) and women are oppressed in THIS country, right?

Try getting a job by telling an employer you're an atheist.

And women still don't get equal pay for equal work, and the most glaring area of discrimination right now is Silicon Valley.

Christians are not discriminated, but the fucking Catholic Church needs to be shut down. Nothing but a cesspool of child molestation and rape.

Have any proof to show how they are “oppressed”?

Since when do employers care about you being an atheist? I know plenty of atheists were I work. Never heard any of them once claim they are oppressed.

Women get equal pay already. You really think companies would want to pay men more money for the same work? The reality is women take more time off from work for their kids, hence less work from them and less pay.
Women also have it much better than men when it comes to alimony, divorce courts, and child custody. Men are in fact discriminated against when it comes to that. I also don’t see women having to register for selective service or getting drafted in the military. How about women in dangerous jobs? Men make up 90% of workplace deaths, is that fair?

But, back to the point. Islamist countries are the most oppressive in the world, thanks to the bigot Muslims that run them.
It's real simple.
White only groups = racism
Black only groups = inclusiveness.
Yeah I don't get that.
Inclusiveness via exclusivity just doesn't make sense. It just keeps the divisive feelings alive.
Black only groups are not inclusive. They are survival instincts.

Bc blacks are victims, right?

This is what you think, isn’t it?
They have been historically victimized in this country. Say it isn't so.

Don’t dodge the question.

I never said they haven’t been victimized in the past. Nowadays people like you continue to victimize them by painting them as helpless idiots who can’t do anything for themselves.

Would you be insulted if there were people who actually thought you were too stupid/lazy/unmotivated/poor to acquire an ID in order to vote?
You are projecting.

All I am saying is that people form into groups for strength. Always have.

Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.
All Islamists are radicals.

Want proof? Name one majority Muslim country that doesn’t oppress Jews, Christians, atheists, homosexuals, and women.

Islam’s teachings are extreme but not every Muslim subscribes to that extremism. There are a bunch of Muslims here in Minnesota living in peace with non-Muslims and this is bc, for whatever reason, they are not under the impression the world must be cleansed of infidels.

I’m no expert on Islam but you have to admit if all Muslims were terrorists like ISIS American streets would be a lot bloodier. I worked with two Muslim women and although devout in their faith, they were not willing to blow themselves or anyone else up in the name of their god or religion.

Who cares if they aren’t all terrorists? Do you think they will ever fight against terrorists or even turn them in? Most Muslims wouldn’t. The point is we are better off without them. Did we refuse to bomb Germany because “not all Germans are Nazis”? The “good Muslims” don’t matter, we are at war with the radical ones. Live your life like a sheep and pretend you won’t get slaughtered by Islamists, the rest of us however, will do no such thing.

LOL I don’t “pretend” anything you clown. Do you go on the offensive every time someone disagrees with you? Maybe you don’t care that a large amount of people think Trump voters are genuinely horrible people, but I do care and I treat others how I want to be treated. Next time someone smears your character bc you’re a Trump supporter remember you do the exact same thing to others and don’t give a shit. And i’m No fucking sheep. If you actually fucking knew me you’d laugh at anyone who called me that.
HE’S BACK! Obama refers to himself 102 times during 64-minute speech

Barack Obama visited The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Friday to accept the school’s ethics in government award, and to offer his take on “the state of our democracy.”

And while Obama found plenty of time to denigrate Republicans for allegedly stoking fear during these “dangerous” and “extraordinary times,” he also dedicated a lot of his speech to patting himself on the back for everything from the improving economy to supposedly helping to heal the country’s racial divisions.

All told, the former president referred to himself – I, My, Me – more than 102 times in about 64 minutes, while simultaneously engaging in the type political pot shots he criticized Republicans for.

Obama’s favorite word seemed to be “I,” which he repeated at least 87 times, followed by more than a dozen references to “my” or “me.”

“By the time I left office, household income was near its all-time high, and the uninsured rate had hit an all-time low, and wages were rising, and poverty rates were falling. I mention all this just so when you hear how great the economy is doing right now, let’s just remember when this recovery started,” Obama told students.

“When you hear about this economic miracle that’s been going on – when the job numbers come out … and suddenly Republicans are saying, ‘It’s a miracle!’ I have to kind of remind them: actually, those job numbers are the same as they were in 2015 and 2016,” he said.

(Excerpt) Read more at theamericanmirror.com ...
Black only groups are not inclusive. They are survival instincts.

Bc blacks are victims, right?

This is what you think, isn’t it?
They have been historically victimized in this country. Say it isn't so.

Don’t dodge the question.

I never said they haven’t been victimized in the past. Nowadays people like you continue to victimize them by painting them as helpless idiots who can’t do anything for themselves.

Would you be insulted if there were people who actually thought you were too stupid/lazy/unmotivated/poor to acquire an ID in order to vote?
You are projecting.

All I am saying is that people form into groups for strength. Always have.

Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.
All Islamists are radicals.

Want proof? Name one majority Muslim country that doesn’t oppress Jews, Christians, atheists, homosexuals, and women.

Islam’s teachings are extreme but not every Muslim subscribes to that extremism. There are a bunch of Muslims here in Minnesota living in peace with non-Muslims and this is bc, for whatever reason, they are not under the impression the world must be cleansed of infidels.

I’m no expert on Islam but you have to admit if all Muslims were terrorists like ISIS American streets would be a lot bloodier. I worked with two Muslim women and although devout in their faith, they were not willing to blow themselves or anyone else up in the name of their god or religion.

Who cares if they aren’t all terrorists? Do you think they will ever fight against terrorists or even turn them in? Most Muslims wouldn’t. The point is we are better off without them. Did we refuse to bomb Germany because “not all Germans are Nazis”? The “good Muslims” don’t matter, we are at war with the radical ones. Live your life like a sheep and pretend you won’t get slaughtered by Islamists, the rest of us however, will do no such thing.

LOL I don’t “pretend” anything you clown. Do you go on the offensive every time someone disagrees with you? Maybe you don’t care that a large amount of people think Trump voters are genuinely horrible people, but I do care and I treat others how I want to be treated. Next time someone smears your character bc you’re a Trump supporter remember you do the exact same thing to others and don’t give a shit. And i’m No fucking sheep. If you actually fucking knew me you’d laugh at anyone who called me that.

You are a sheep because you trust Muslims.

Now, can you name one Islamic country that isn’t an oppressive shithole?
Why would you think for one second that Muslims invading our country would turn out to be any different than the Muslims that invaded every other country in their history and turned them into shitholes? Because you worked with a few “nice” Muslim women that didn’t blow you up?
Did the few “nice Germans” that Jews knew save them from the furnace?
Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.

I will define radical Islam.

Islamics who stone women to death for leaving their homes without a male who is blood related.

Islamics who believe if they blow themselves up and take “infidels”with them, they will go to Paradise.

Islamics who blame the women themselves who are raped and then stone them to death.

Those are SOME of the characteristics of “Radcial Islamics”.

By the way, they don’t GAF if you are a social justice warrior, by definition, if you are not the correct sect of Islam....you should convert or die....according to their beliefs.

That’s Radical Islam.
The stuff with the women is third world stuff, just like Christians in the third world. They are coming along, they only got oil money starting in the 40s. Then there are Islamic terrorists....
you elected Donald Trump, Obama, and there's nothing you can do about it!

this is not about America, its about Obama's pathetic attempt to protect his failure of a legacy
Bc blacks are victims, right?

This is what you think, isn’t it?
They have been historically victimized in this country. Say it isn't so.

Don’t dodge the question.

I never said they haven’t been victimized in the past. Nowadays people like you continue to victimize them by painting them as helpless idiots who can’t do anything for themselves.

Would you be insulted if there were people who actually thought you were too stupid/lazy/unmotivated/poor to acquire an ID in order to vote?
You are projecting.

All I am saying is that people form into groups for strength. Always have.

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.
All Islamists are radicals.

Want proof? Name one majority Muslim country that doesn’t oppress Jews, Christians, atheists, homosexuals, and women.

Islam’s teachings are extreme but not every Muslim subscribes to that extremism. There are a bunch of Muslims here in Minnesota living in peace with non-Muslims and this is bc, for whatever reason, they are not under the impression the world must be cleansed of infidels.

I’m no expert on Islam but you have to admit if all Muslims were terrorists like ISIS American streets would be a lot bloodier. I worked with two Muslim women and although devout in their faith, they were not willing to blow themselves or anyone else up in the name of their god or religion.

Who cares if they aren’t all terrorists? Do you think they will ever fight against terrorists or even turn them in? Most Muslims wouldn’t. The point is we are better off without them. Did we refuse to bomb Germany because “not all Germans are Nazis”? The “good Muslims” don’t matter, we are at war with the radical ones. Live your life like a sheep and pretend you won’t get slaughtered by Islamists, the rest of us however, will do no such thing.

LOL I don’t “pretend” anything you clown. Do you go on the offensive every time someone disagrees with you? Maybe you don’t care that a large amount of people think Trump voters are genuinely horrible people, but I do care and I treat others how I want to be treated. Next time someone smears your character bc you’re a Trump supporter remember you do the exact same thing to others and don’t give a shit. And i’m No fucking sheep. If you actually fucking knew me you’d laugh at anyone who called me that.

You are a sheep because you trust Muslims.

Now, can you name one Islamic country that isn’t an oppressive shithole?
Why would you think for one second that Muslims invading our country would turn out to be any different than the Muslims that invaded every other country in their history and turned them into shitholes? Because you worked with a few “nice” Muslim women that didn’t blow you up?
Did the few “nice Germans” that Jews knew save them from the furnace?

I’m not for open borders. You seem to think I am just bc I know not all Muslims are pieces of shit. I’m vehemently against open borders for the reason you mentioned as well as many other reasons.
I’m just not for demonizing any one group bc it’s foolish to believe just bc a person has a certain belief they must also have this or that belief.
You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know.
They have been historically victimized in this country. Say it isn't so.

Don’t dodge the question.

I never said they haven’t been victimized in the past. Nowadays people like you continue to victimize them by painting them as helpless idiots who can’t do anything for themselves.

Would you be insulted if there were people who actually thought you were too stupid/lazy/unmotivated/poor to acquire an ID in order to vote?
You are projecting.

All I am saying is that people form into groups for strength. Always have.

All Islamists are radicals.

Want proof? Name one majority Muslim country that doesn’t oppress Jews, Christians, atheists, homosexuals, and women.

Islam’s teachings are extreme but not every Muslim subscribes to that extremism. There are a bunch of Muslims here in Minnesota living in peace with non-Muslims and this is bc, for whatever reason, they are not under the impression the world must be cleansed of infidels.

I’m no expert on Islam but you have to admit if all Muslims were terrorists like ISIS American streets would be a lot bloodier. I worked with two Muslim women and although devout in their faith, they were not willing to blow themselves or anyone else up in the name of their god or religion.

Who cares if they aren’t all terrorists? Do you think they will ever fight against terrorists or even turn them in? Most Muslims wouldn’t. The point is we are better off without them. Did we refuse to bomb Germany because “not all Germans are Nazis”? The “good Muslims” don’t matter, we are at war with the radical ones. Live your life like a sheep and pretend you won’t get slaughtered by Islamists, the rest of us however, will do no such thing.

LOL I don’t “pretend” anything you clown. Do you go on the offensive every time someone disagrees with you? Maybe you don’t care that a large amount of people think Trump voters are genuinely horrible people, but I do care and I treat others how I want to be treated. Next time someone smears your character bc you’re a Trump supporter remember you do the exact same thing to others and don’t give a shit. And i’m No fucking sheep. If you actually fucking knew me you’d laugh at anyone who called me that.

You are a sheep because you trust Muslims.

Now, can you name one Islamic country that isn’t an oppressive shithole?
Why would you think for one second that Muslims invading our country would turn out to be any different than the Muslims that invaded every other country in their history and turned them into shitholes? Because you worked with a few “nice” Muslim women that didn’t blow you up?
Did the few “nice Germans” that Jews knew save them from the furnace?

I’m not for open borders. You seem to think I am just bc I know not all Muslims are pieces of shit. I’m vehemently against open borders for the reason you mentioned as well as many other reasons.
I’m just not for demonizing any one group bc it’s foolish to believe just bc a person has a certain belief they must also have this or that belief.
You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know.

It’s not “demonizing” them, it’s being honest about their history. Sure, there can be some “nice Muslims”, the point is there are many who are not. We are far better off banning Muslim immigration and keeping them in the Middle East. There they can kill each other off all they want. Islam is simply not compatible with Western civilization. Why not acknowledge that fact and act accordingly? Keeping your head buried in the sand isn’t going to solve the problem, it only makes it worse.
Has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Wapo, NYslimes, Reuters, AP, Huffpo, Time, Newsweek, Bloomberg, BBC, USA Today, etc...............................................................fact checked BO's speech yet?

There must be some whoppers. Seems like fertile ground for fact checking, by these esteemed institutions.

BriteFart got ya covered (was there a doubt? ;-)
Fact Check: Obama's Speech Attacking Trump at University of Illinois | Breitbart

One of the GREAT Obama speeches Btw - Epic .. and another two months of them to come :)
Okay but I was looking for a fact-check done by the DNCMSM. Got one? They are very good at fact-checking Donnie. Why does BO get a pass?

Did you heard BO claimed Putin is a former head of the KGB??? Surely you know this is not true. Seems to me the DNCMSM would shit all over Donnie, for such an absurdly ignorant statement. No?

“You’re the party that is tough on foreign policy and opposes Russia, and then you nominate this guy, whose role model is [Russian President] Vladimir Putin, the former head of the KGB? I’m sorry, what happened?” Obama said.
It is closer to the truth than anything Donnie Dirtbag has ever said! On 25 July 1998, Yeltsin appointed Putin as Director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the primary intelligence and security organization of the Russian Federation and the successor to the KGB.
The point of this most insightful thread is to prove BO lied as much or more than Donnie. His recent speech was full of lies and distortions, but the DNCMSM that is so good a exposing Donnie’s lies (even if they have to make them up), refuses to expose BO. The result is many Americans like some in this thread, have been gaslighted by the DNCMSM and don’t know it.

Now...who is dividing Americans?
very stupid
radical islamists/etc murder innocent civilians
they directly target innocent civilians
the US does not as policy

Really? Because it seems to me that we've killed a lot more innocent Afghans and Iraqis than they've killed Americans.
we do not DIRECTLY target civilians
in war, there is usually innocent civilians killed by the military
this is NOT wrong....that is war
directly targeting civilians is wrong/against international law/etc
it is murder
Has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Wapo, NYslimes, Reuters, AP, Huffpo, Time, Newsweek, Bloomberg, BBC, USA Today, etc...............................................................fact checked BO's speech yet?

There must be some whoppers. Seems like fertile ground for fact checking, by these esteemed institutions.
You lions couldn’t fact check a paper bag.

But you’re so funny. Do they pay you for doing nothing but lying all day?
Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.
The SOB said, The war on terror is over' ... Right before they attacked 22 US Embassies on the same day, overran 2, & killed 4 Americans.
- The terrorists obviously did not get the memo.

He sent his US AG out to threaten Americans with judicial punishment for exercising their First Amendment right of free speech if they talked about the Islamic extremist terrorist he let into the country who murdered seven Americans and California...

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