Fact-check Obama's speech?

Has Trump ever called Putin his role model?

Those exact words - Perhaps not, but damn CLOSE
Trump’s Love for Putin: a Presidential Role Model

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?
9:17 PM - Jun 18, 2013

Oct. 17, 2013
Trump tells David Letterman that he’s done “a lot of business with the Russians” and says they are “smart” and “tough” and that they don’t look “so dumb right now.” He calls Putin a “tough guy” and says that he “met him once.”

I believe Putin will continue to re-build the Russian Empire. He has zero respect for Obama or the U.S.!
8:03 PM - Mar 21, 2014

Putin has shown the world what happens when America has weak leaders. Peace Through Strength!
1:37 PM - Apr 28, 2014

After officially declaring his candidacy, Trump has nice things to say. "Putin is a nicer person than I am.”

The new joke in town is that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mails, which should never have been written (stupid), because Putin likes me
5:31 AM - Jul 25, 2016

In this interview, Trump stood up for Putin against his then Fox News champion Bill O'Reilly, who called Putin a killer. "There are a lot of killers,” Trump responded. “Do you think our country is so innocent? Do you think our country is so innocent?

Trump said that he believed the Russian leader, that he wasn't involved in the Russia hacks and election meddling. "He said he didn’t meddle — I asked him again,” Mr. Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One. “You can only ask so many times. I just asked him again. He said he absolutely did not meddle in our election. He did not do what they are saying he did.”

After being told NOT to, Trump wasted no time congratulating Putin on his reelection, not mentioning the need for open elections.
I called President Putin of Russia to congratulate him on his election victory (in past, Obama called him also). The Fake News Media is crazed because they wanted me to excoriate him. They are wrong! Getting along with Russia (and others) is a good thing, not a bad thing.......
12:56 PM - Mar 21, 2018

Need another 60 or 70 examples of Pooty Love? :rolleyes:
80 times Trump talked about Putin

Putin Better Leader Than Obama, Trump Claims

That asshole Obama did nothing but lie every day of his disastrous administration so we can pretty well assume he is going to continue to lie in a role as a Democrat partisan piece of shit.

Can you find an Obama list of lies that equal the 4,200 plus list of lies and misstatements, that have not been debunked by Trump, Trumps team or supporters?
Analysis | President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days
I've looked on high and low, so far Obama is way, way behind Donald J Trump when it comes to bullshit.

View attachment 215345
That’s the problem with DNCMSM dupes. They don’t know that nearly everything BO said was a lie, misrepresentation, or just plain stupidity.

BO drones don't think Obama lied about what he said and then misapplies everything Trump says as a lie

Must be a mental disorder.
Obama's speech was an amazing example of liberal projection. He repeatedly accused the right of doing something he himself routinely did, then condemn it. Several times he condemned something, then in the same sentence do the very thing he just condemned. There's no reason to listen to anything that moron says. :eusa_hand:
Last edited:
It’s all true by definition because Obama said it.

If Obama said the sky is NOT blue, left wing scientists would scurry to change the names in the color spectrum.
Obama confirms all the media's biases, so why would they even think about fact checking him?
Has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Wapo, NYslimes, Reuters, AP, Huffpo, Time, Newsweek, Bloomberg, BBC, USA Today, etc...............................................................fact checked BO's speech yet?

There must be some whoppers. Seems like fertile ground for fact checking, by these esteemed institutions.

of course they had

similar to how comey cleared clinton before the interviews

the "networks" have cleared everything obama is going to say

Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.
All Islamists are radicals.

Want proof? Name one majority Muslim country that doesn’t oppress Jews, Christians, atheists, homosexuals, and women.

Islam’s teachings are extreme but not every Muslim subscribes to that extremism. There are a bunch of Muslims here in Minnesota living in peace with non-Muslims and this is bc, for whatever reason, they are not under the impression the world must be cleansed of infidels.

I’m no expert on Islam but you have to admit if all Muslims were terrorists like ISIS American streets would be a lot bloodier. I worked with two Muslim women and although devout in their faith, they were not willing to blow themselves or anyone else up in the name of their god or religion.

There are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world.
If they thought the world must be cleansed of infidels, there would be a bloodbath
There was a blood bath, moron. How many infidels do you imagine the Muslims slaughtered before the 19th Century?
Has Trump ever called Putin his role model?

Those exact words - Perhaps not, but damn CLOSE
Trump’s Love for Putin: a Presidential Role Model

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?
9:17 PM - Jun 18, 2013

Oct. 17, 2013
Trump tells David Letterman that he’s done “a lot of business with the Russians” and says they are “smart” and “tough” and that they don’t look “so dumb right now.” He calls Putin a “tough guy” and says that he “met him once.”

I believe Putin will continue to re-build the Russian Empire. He has zero respect for Obama or the U.S.!
8:03 PM - Mar 21, 2014

Putin has shown the world what happens when America has weak leaders. Peace Through Strength!
1:37 PM - Apr 28, 2014

After officially declaring his candidacy, Trump has nice things to say. "Putin is a nicer person than I am.”

The new joke in town is that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mails, which should never have been written (stupid), because Putin likes me
5:31 AM - Jul 25, 2016

In this interview, Trump stood up for Putin against his then Fox News champion Bill O'Reilly, who called Putin a killer. "There are a lot of killers,” Trump responded. “Do you think our country is so innocent? Do you think our country is so innocent?

Trump said that he believed the Russian leader, that he wasn't involved in the Russia hacks and election meddling. "He said he didn’t meddle — I asked him again,” Mr. Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One. “You can only ask so many times. I just asked him again. He said he absolutely did not meddle in our election. He did not do what they are saying he did.”

After being told NOT to, Trump wasted no time congratulating Putin on his reelection, not mentioning the need for open elections.
I called President Putin of Russia to congratulate him on his election victory (in past, Obama called him also). The Fake News Media is crazed because they wanted me to excoriate him. They are wrong! Getting along with Russia (and others) is a good thing, not a bad thing.......
12:56 PM - Mar 21, 2018

Need another 60 or 70 examples of Pooty Love? :rolleyes:
80 times Trump talked about Putin

Putin Better Leader Than Obama, Trump Claims

Did Clinton excoriate the Russians for the need for democrat elections at this meeting?


How about here? Did Obama excoriate the Russians for the need for democrat elections at this meeting?

Best tweet I've seen about it...in response to Ear's "how hard can it be to say Nazi's are bad?"

Boom, drop the mic and walk away Rob O'Neil

Robert J. O'Neill


Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Oh yeah, that really wowed me, too.

Here's what Obama said, quoted:
"....... They have perverted and distorted and tried to claim the mantle of Islam for an excuse for basically barbarism and death," he said.
"These are people who've killed children, killed Muslims, take sex slaves, there's no religious rationale that would justify in any way any of the things that they do," he said. "But what I have been careful about when I describe these issues is to make sure that we do not lump these murderers into the billion Muslims that exist around the world, including in this country, who are peaceful, who are responsible, who, in this country, are fellow troops and police officers and fire fighters and teachers and neighbors and friends.

So put the mic back and shuffle off the stage, O'Neil, and take your skanks with you.
That asshole Obama did nothing but lie every day of his disastrous administration so we can pretty well assume he is going to continue to lie in a role as a Democrat partisan piece of shit.

Can you find an Obama list of lies that equal the 4,200 plus list of lies and misstatements, that have not been debunked by Trump, Trumps team or supporters?
Analysis | President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days
I've looked on high and low, so far Obama is way, way behind Donald J Trump when it comes to bullshit.

View attachment 215345
That’s the problem with DNCMSM dupes. They don’t know that nearly everything BO said was a lie, misrepresentation, or just plain stupidity.

There is no changing their minds. They’ll never understand how much power the media has—that if they’d wanted to destroy Obama how they’re trying to destroy Trump, they could have.
Has Trump ever called Putin his role model?

Those exact words - Perhaps not, but damn CLOSE
Trump’s Love for Putin: a Presidential Role Model

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?
9:17 PM - Jun 18, 2013

Oct. 17, 2013
Trump tells David Letterman that he’s done “a lot of business with the Russians” and says they are “smart” and “tough” and that they don’t look “so dumb right now.” He calls Putin a “tough guy” and says that he “met him once.”

I believe Putin will continue to re-build the Russian Empire. He has zero respect for Obama or the U.S.!
8:03 PM - Mar 21, 2014

Putin has shown the world what happens when America has weak leaders. Peace Through Strength!
1:37 PM - Apr 28, 2014

After officially declaring his candidacy, Trump has nice things to say. "Putin is a nicer person than I am.”

The new joke in town is that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mails, which should never have been written (stupid), because Putin likes me
5:31 AM - Jul 25, 2016

In this interview, Trump stood up for Putin against his then Fox News champion Bill O'Reilly, who called Putin a killer. "There are a lot of killers,” Trump responded. “Do you think our country is so innocent? Do you think our country is so innocent?

Trump said that he believed the Russian leader, that he wasn't involved in the Russia hacks and election meddling. "He said he didn’t meddle — I asked him again,” Mr. Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One. “You can only ask so many times. I just asked him again. He said he absolutely did not meddle in our election. He did not do what they are saying he did.”

After being told NOT to, Trump wasted no time congratulating Putin on his reelection, not mentioning the need for open elections.
I called President Putin of Russia to congratulate him on his election victory (in past, Obama called him also). The Fake News Media is crazed because they wanted me to excoriate him. They are wrong! Getting along with Russia (and others) is a good thing, not a bad thing.......
12:56 PM - Mar 21, 2018

Need another 60 or 70 examples of Pooty Love? :rolleyes:
80 times Trump talked about Putin

Putin Better Leader Than Obama, Trump Claims

So no he never called Putin his role model.
That asshole Obama did nothing but lie every day of his disastrous administration so we can pretty well assume he is going to continue to lie in a role as a Democrat partisan piece of shit.

Can you find an Obama list of lies that equal the 4,200 plus list of lies and misstatements, that have not been debunked by Trump, Trumps team or supporters?
Analysis | President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days
I've looked on high and low, so far Obama is way, way behind Donald J Trump when it comes to bullshit.

Yep - When last I checked "all false and misleading statements" on PolitiFact comparing Obama and Trump .. there were somewhere in the neighborhood of TWENTY full pages for the Orange Doughboy after ONE year to FOUR full pages in EIGHT years for Obama.

The mental illness that you have with Trump Derangement Syndrome has really made you delusional, hasn't it?

Please seek competent mental health treatment so you don't embarrass yourself when you post your Moon Bat garbage.

Without a doubt that asshole Obama was the most dishonest and incompetent President this country ever had. His record of increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth was a disaster for this country.

In his stupid little speech yesterday he used the term "I" 103 times. He doesn't take responsibility for the damage he did to this country and he will lie about his record every time he opens his filthy mouth.

Only idiots like you believe his lies and that is a testimony to your stupidity.
Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.
All Islamists are radicals.

Want proof? Name one majority Muslim country that doesn’t oppress Jews, Christians, atheists, homosexuals, and women.

LOL! You do realize that Jews (Charlottesville), atheists, homosexuals (DOMA, finally repealed in 2015) and women are oppressed in THIS country, right?

Try getting a job by telling an employer you're an atheist.

And women still don't get equal pay for equal work, and the most glaring area of discrimination right now is Silicon Valley.

Christians are not discriminated, but the fucking Catholic Church needs to be shut down. Nothing but a cesspool of child molestation and rape.

That asshole Obama did nothing but lie every day of his disastrous administration so we can pretty well assume he is going to continue to lie in a role as a Democrat partisan piece of shit.

Can you find an Obama list of lies that equal the 4,200 plus list of lies and misstatements, that have not been debunked by Trump, Trumps team or supporters?
Analysis | President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days
I've looked on high and low, so far Obama is way, way behind Donald J Trump when it comes to bullshit.

Yep - When last I checked "all false and misleading statements" on PolitiFact comparing Obama and Trump .. there were somewhere in the neighborhood of TWENTY full pages for the Orange Doughboy after ONE year to FOUR full pages in EIGHT years for Obama.

The mental illness that you have with Trump Derangement Syndrome has really made you delusional, hasn't it?

Please seek competent mental health treatment so you don't embarrass yourself when you post your Moon Bat garbage.

Without a doubt that asshole Obama was the most dishonest and incompetent President this country ever had. His record of increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth was a disaster for this country.

In his stupid little speech yesterday he used the term "I" 103 times. He doesn't take responsibility for the damage he did to this country and he will lie about his record every time he opens his filthy mouth.

Only idiots like you believe his lies and that is a testimony to your stupidity.

The mental illness that you have with Trump Derangement Syndrome has really made you delusional, hasn't it?

Please seek competent mental health treatment

who cares if he does or does not

folks like this guy are all that remain of the democrat party

any reasonable folk has pretty much left

personally i hope he dont

and keeps spouting his hatred it only helps other fence sitters to move to the right
The mental illness that you have with Trump Derangement Syndrome has really made you delusional, hasn't it?

Please seek competent mental health treatment so you don't embarrass yourself when you post your Moon Bat garbage.

Without a doubt that asshole Obama was the most dishonest and incompetent President this country ever had. His record of increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth was a disaster for this country.

In his stupid little speech yesterday he used the term "I" 103 times. He doesn't take responsibility for the damage he did to this country and he will lie about his record every time he opens his filthy mouth.

Only idiots like you believe his lies and that is a testimony to your stupidity.

Family income did not decrease under Obama after Bush recession recovery


Home Prices Soared


Gas Prices Plummeted Following Full Bush Recession Recovery in mid-2014


Job Growth (75 straight months of gains)


Unemployment Plummeted


Regarding Self-referential rhetoric - Use of the words "I" - "Me" etc? Trump is WORSE

Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

Clearly - You are a fucking idiot :)
That asshole Obama did nothing but lie every day of his disastrous administration so we can pretty well assume he is going to continue to lie in a role as a Democrat partisan piece of shit.

Can you find an Obama list of lies that equal the 4,200 plus list of lies and misstatements, that have not been debunked by Trump, Trumps team or supporters?
Analysis | President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days
I've looked on high and low, so far Obama is way, way behind Donald J Trump when it comes to bullshit.

Yep - When last I checked "all false and misleading statements" on PolitiFact comparing Obama and Trump .. there were somewhere in the neighborhood of TWENTY full pages for the Orange Doughboy after ONE year to FOUR full pages in EIGHT years for Obama.

The mental illness that you have with Trump Derangement Syndrome has really made you delusional, hasn't it?

Please seek competent mental health treatment so you don't embarrass yourself when you post your Moon Bat garbage.

Without a doubt that asshole Obama was the most dishonest and incompetent President this country ever had. His record of increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth was a disaster for this country.

In his stupid little speech yesterday he used the term "I" 103 times. He doesn't take responsibility for the damage he did to this country and he will lie about his record every time he opens his filthy mouth.

Only idiots like you believe his lies and that is a testimony to your stupidity.

The mental illness that you have with Trump Derangement Syndrome has really made you delusional, hasn't it?

Please seek competent mental health treatment

who cares if he does or does not

folks like this guy are all that remain of the democrat party

any reasonable folk has pretty much left

personally i hope he dont

and keeps spouting his hatred it only helps other fence sitters to move to the right

It's pretty sad that you don't give a shit about Trump not only to the Little Trumpsters but also to all Americans.
You are on of those amoral and simple minded folks, who would still support Trump if he shot anyone.
That is a pretty sad statement about your character.
Fact: Obabble made 102 self-references in his whinge-fest.

And while Obama found plenty of time to denigrate Republicans for allegedly stoking fear during these “dangerous” and “extraordinary times,” he also dedicated a lot of his speech to patting himself on the back for everything from the improving economy to supposedly helping to heal the country’s racial divisions.

All told, the former president referred to himself – I, My, Me – more than 102 times in about 64 minutes, while simultaneously engaging in the type political pot shots he criticized Republicans for....

HE'S BACK! Obama refers to himself 102 times during 64-minute speech - The American Mirror
Has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Wapo, NYslimes, Reuters, AP, Huffpo, Time, Newsweek, Bloomberg, BBC, USA Today, etc...............................................................fact checked BO's speech yet?

There must be some whoppers. Seems like fertile ground for fact checking, by these esteemed institutions.

Was it one of those 10 minute speeches cut down to 83 seconds once you cut out all the "Uhhh I.... Uhhh.... welll uhhhh....I ... I... Iii... WE... uhh..." shit?

I can't even stand the sound of his voice. If there is a source of it I can turn off I do immediately, or I get away from the source regardless of the circumstance.

Yes BO was a prolific liar. He was very smooth, but some of us understood very quickly what he is.

However the DNCMSM proclaimed him untouchable and ignored his numerous lies. The result is Americans who get their news from DNCMSM don't know of BO's lies, but they sure do know that Trump is a prolific liar. Amazingly these Americans can't see the distortion being played on them, though it is clearly evident.
Now THAT'S a lie!

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