Fact-check Obama's speech?

Yes BO was a prolific liar. He was very smooth, but some of us understood very quickly what he is.

However the DNCMSM proclaimed him untouchable and ignored his numerous lies. The result is Americans who get their news from DNCMSM don't know of BO's lies, but they sure do know that Trump is a prolific liar. Amazingly these Americans can't see the distortion being played on them, though it is clearly evident.

That is the big difference in people there.

We know Trump is full of shit. Television Grade Full of Shit. World's Richest Professional Clown Full of Shit.

We're entertained by it. No one is being killed because of it. No one except bed wetters are are upset by it. The economy is Trucking along, optimism is up, mattresses are selling like crazy, and I'm truly hoping the DNC gets Thunder Fucked in November.
All Islamists are radicals.

Want proof? Name one majority Muslim country that doesn’t oppress Jews, Christians, atheists, homosexuals, and women.

Turkey, to start with. They are a pretty secular society. Indonesia, pretty secular. Egypt is pretty secular.

Keeping in mind, homosexual acts were still illegal in this country as recently as 20 years ago. Trump's buddy Putin still oppresses gays.

View attachment 215329

Turkey, a country that had to have its elected government overthrown by the military every ten to twenty years because the people keep electing radicals. Then the last time they went to overthrow the radical Islamist, the Ataturks failed and now the entire country is going the way of every other radical Islamist shithole. The only reason they were ever close to being a civil society was because they run by secularists, against their will I might add.

Great example Joe, keep ‘em coming.
That asshole Obama did nothing but lie every day of his disastrous administration so we can pretty well assume he is going to continue to lie in a role as a Democrat partisan piece of shit.

Can you find an Obama list of lies that equal the 4,200 plus list of lies and misstatements, that have not been debunked by Trump, Trumps team or supporters?
Analysis | President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days
I've looked on high and low, so far Obama is way, way behind Donald J Trump when it comes to bullshit.

Yep - When last I checked "all false and misleading statements" on PolitiFact comparing Obama and Trump .. there were somewhere in the neighborhood of TWENTY full pages for the Orange Doughboy after ONE year to FOUR full pages in EIGHT years for Obama.
...and your conclusion is Obama is great and Trump is an f-ing liar. Right?

I was plenty critical of Obama - mostly with regards to foreign policy.
Was he a "great" president. No - but in my eyes and the eyes of presidential historians he was a solid B.
Yes, Trump is a f-ing liar
I'm really hoping for some mass suicides, I hope it rains moonbats in every major city with buildings as tall as 10 stories.



Has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Wapo, NYslimes, Reuters, AP, Huffpo, Time, Newsweek, Bloomberg, BBC, USA Today, etc...............................................................fact checked BO's speech yet?

There must be some whoppers. Seems like fertile ground for fact checking, by these esteemed institutions.
/——-/ Obama brought back all the jobs Obama said were never coming back.
Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.

So you are cool with pushing Gheys off buildings?

Nobody has any credible facts Obama got wrong
Turkey, a country that had to have its elected government overthrown by the military every ten to twenty years because the people keep electing radicals. Then the last time they went to overthrow the radical Islamist, the Ataturks failed and now the entire country is going the way of every other radical Islamist shithole. The only reason they were ever close to being a civil society was because they run by secularists, against their will I might add.

Great example Joe, keep ‘em coming.

The Greeks won't put up with them. I think they'll get their shit together before it gets out of hand.
Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.
All Islamists are radicals.

Want proof? Name one majority Muslim country that doesn’t oppress Jews, Christians, atheists, homosexuals, and women.

Islam’s teachings are extreme but not every Muslim subscribes to that extremism. There are a bunch of Muslims here in Minnesota living in peace with non-Muslims and this is bc, for whatever reason, they are not under the impression the world must be cleansed of infidels.

I’m no expert on Islam but you have to admit if all Muslims were terrorists like ISIS American streets would be a lot bloodier. I worked with two Muslim women and although devout in their faith, they were not willing to blow themselves or anyone else up in the name of their god or religion.
Has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Wapo, NYslimes, Reuters, AP, Huffpo, Time, Newsweek, Bloomberg, BBC, USA Today, etc...............................................................fact checked BO's speech yet?

There must be some whoppers. Seems like fertile ground for fact checking, by these esteemed institutions.
Theres a guy from MSN tha did it.

Google is your friend.
That asshole Obama did nothing but lie every day of his disastrous administration so we can pretty well assume he is going to continue to lie in a role as a Democrat partisan piece of shit.

Can you find an Obama list of lies that equal the 4,200 plus list of lies and misstatements, that have not been debunked by Trump, Trumps team or supporters?
Analysis | President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days
I've looked on high and low, so far Obama is way, way behind Donald J Trump when it comes to bullshit.

Yep - When last I checked "all false and misleading statements" on PolitiFact comparing Obama and Trump .. there were somewhere in the neighborhood of TWENTY full pages for the Orange Doughboy after ONE year to FOUR full pages in EIGHT years for Obama.
...and your conclusion is Obama is great and Trump is an f-ing liar. Right?
Now, you are getting it
I will define radical Islam.

Islamics who stone women to death for leaving their homes without a male who is blood related.

Okay, and how often does that happen? If a woman is getting stoned, she probably did a lot more than that.

Islamics who believe if they blow themselves up and take “infidels”with them, they will go to Paradise.

again, history is full of people who thought they were going to be rewarded for dying in a war... so this is kind of a weak argument. Here's a crazy idea, don't invade their countries to start with.

By the way, they don’t GAF if you are a social justice warrior, by definition, if you are not the correct sect of Islam....you should convert or die....according to their beliefs.

Hey, funny thing, I've got a Mosque a few miles form where I live... and not a one of them has ever come over to try to force met convert at swordpoint, or even asked me nicely if I'd like to convert.

We do not have a problem with them because their belief in a sky fairy is any sillier than your belief in a sky fairy.

We have a problem with them because we invade their countries.

It's like sticking your dick in a hornets nest, and then complaining how radical the hornets are when they sting you.

Allah is a sky fairy. There is no such thing. There is only one God.
Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.
All Islamists are radicals.

Want proof? Name one majority Muslim country that doesn’t oppress Jews, Christians, atheists, homosexuals, and women.

Islam’s teachings are extreme but not every Muslim subscribes to that extremism. There are a bunch of Muslims here in Minnesota living in peace with non-Muslims and this is bc, for whatever reason, they are not under the impression the world must be cleansed of infidels.

I’m no expert on Islam but you have to admit if all Muslims were terrorists like ISIS American streets would be a lot bloodier. I worked with two Muslim women and although devout in their faith, they were not willing to blow themselves or anyone else up in the name of their god or religion.

There are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world.
If they thought the world must be cleansed of infidels, there would be a bloodbath
That asshole Obama did nothing but lie every day of his disastrous administration so we can pretty well assume he is going to continue to lie in a role as a Democrat partisan piece of shit.

Can you find an Obama list of lies that equal the 4,200 plus list of lies and misstatements, that have not been debunked by Trump, Trumps team or supporters?
Analysis | President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days
I've looked on high and low, so far Obama is way, way behind Donald J Trump when it comes to bullshit.

Has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Wapo, NYslimes, Reuters, AP, Huffpo, Time, Newsweek, Bloomberg, BBC, USA Today, etc...............................................................fact checked BO's speech yet?

There must be some whoppers. Seems like fertile ground for fact checking, by these esteemed institutions.

You dare question the "Obama"?

Yes...the King of Kings is above reproach, while being above us all...a Godlike creature. Let us bow down to his greatness.

All Hail Obama!

Has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Wapo, NYslimes, Reuters, AP, Huffpo, Time, Newsweek, Bloomberg, BBC, USA Today, etc...............................................................fact checked BO's speech yet?

There must be some whoppers. Seems like fertile ground for fact checking, by these esteemed institutions.

BriteFart got ya covered (was there a doubt? ;-)
Fact Check: Obama's Speech Attacking Trump at University of Illinois | Breitbart

One of the GREAT Obama speeches Btw - Epic .. and another two months of them to come :)
Okay but I was looking for a fact-check done by the DNCMSM. Got one? They are very good at fact-checking Donnie. Why does BO get a pass?

Did you heard BO claimed Putin is a former head of the KGB??? Surely you know this is not true. Seems to me the DNCMSM would shit all over Donnie, for such an absurdly ignorant statement. No?

“You’re the party that is tough on foreign policy and opposes Russia, and then you nominate this guy, whose role model is [Russian President] Vladimir Putin, the former head of the KGB? I’m sorry, what happened?” Obama said.

Has Trump ever called Putin his role model?
That asshole Obama did nothing but lie every day of his disastrous administration so we can pretty well assume he is going to continue to lie in a role as a Democrat partisan piece of shit.

Can you find an Obama list of lies that equal the 4,200 plus list of lies and misstatements, that have not been debunked by Trump, Trumps team or supporters?
Analysis | President Trump has made 4,229 false or misleading claims in 558 days
I've looked on high and low, so far Obama is way, way behind Donald J Trump when it comes to bullshit.

View attachment 215345
That’s the problem with DNCMSM dupes. They don’t know that nearly everything BO said was a lie, misrepresentation, or just plain stupidity.
Has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Wapo, NYslimes, Reuters, AP, Huffpo, Time, Newsweek, Bloomberg, BBC, USA Today, etc...............................................................fact checked BO's speech yet?

There must be some whoppers. Seems like fertile ground for fact checking, by these esteemed institutions.

BriteFart got ya covered (was there a doubt? ;-)
Fact Check: Obama's Speech Attacking Trump at University of Illinois | Breitbart

One of the GREAT Obama speeches Btw - Epic .. and another two months of them to come :)
Okay but I was looking for a fact-check done by the DNCMSM. Got one? They are very good at fact-checking Donnie. Why does BO get a pass?

Did you heard BO claimed Putin is a former head of the KGB??? Surely you know this is not true. Seems to me the DNCMSM would shit all over Donnie, for such an absurdly ignorant statement. No?

“You’re the party that is tough on foreign policy and opposes Russia, and then you nominate this guy, whose role model is [Russian President] Vladimir Putin, the former head of the KGB? I’m sorry, what happened?” Obama said.

Has Trump ever called Putin his role model?

Yet another lie by BO.

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