Fact-check Obama's speech?

Has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Wapo, NYslimes, Reuters, AP, Huffpo, Time, Newsweek, Bloomberg, BBC, USA Today, etc...............................................................fact checked BO's speech yet?

There must be some whoppers. Seems like fertile ground for fact checking, by these esteemed institutions.

BriteFart got ya covered (was there a doubt? ;-)
Fact Check: Obama's Speech Attacking Trump at University of Illinois | Breitbart

One of the GREAT Obama speeches Btw - Epic .. and another two months of them to come :)
Okay but I was looking for a fact-check done by the DNCMSM. Got one? They are very good at fact-checking Donnie. Why does BO get a pass?

Did you heard BO claimed Putin is a former head of the KGB??? Surely you know this is not true. Seems to me the DNCMSM would shit all over Donnie, for such an absurdly ignorant statement. No?

“You’re the party that is tough on foreign policy and opposes Russia, and then you nominate this guy, whose role model is [Russian President] Vladimir Putin, the former head of the KGB? I’m sorry, what happened?” Obama said.
It is closer to the truth than anything Donnie Dirtbag has ever said! On 25 July 1998, Yeltsin appointed Putin as Director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the primary intelligence and security organization of the Russian Federation and the successor to the KGB.
All Islamists are radicals.

Want proof? Name one majority Muslim country that doesn’t oppress Jews, Christians, atheists, homosexuals, and women.

Turkey, to start with. They are a pretty secular society. Indonesia, pretty secular. Egypt is pretty secular.

Keeping in mind, homosexual acts were still illegal in this country as recently as 20 years ago. Trump's buddy Putin still oppresses gays.

View attachment 215329
The last I heard it was against the law to teach evolution in Turkey.
You can't learn to be a doctor without learning evolution.
I think that's why Turkey's doctors are sent overseas to learn.
Course, this was 20 years ago. I'd be surprised if things have changed.
Trump said some Nazi's are VERY FINE PEOPLE.
mic drop
Has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Wapo, NYslimes, Reuters, AP, Huffpo, Time, Newsweek, Bloomberg, BBC, USA Today, etc...............................................................fact checked BO's speech yet?

There must be some whoppers. Seems like fertile ground for fact checking, by these esteemed institutions.

Go ahead and fact check it.

Dare you.
The mental illness that you have with Trump Derangement Syndrome has really made you delusional, hasn't it?

Please seek competent mental health treatment so you don't embarrass yourself when you post your Moon Bat garbage.

Without a doubt that asshole Obama was the most dishonest and incompetent President this country ever had. His record of increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth was a disaster for this country.

In his stupid little speech yesterday he used the term "I" 103 times. He doesn't take responsibility for the damage he did to this country and he will lie about his record every time he opens his filthy mouth.

Only idiots like you believe his lies and that is a testimony to your stupidity.

Family income did not decrease under Obama after Bush recession recovery


Home Prices Soared


Gas Prices Plummeted Following Full Bush Recession Recovery in mid-2014


Job Growth (75 straight months of gains)


Unemployment Plummeted


Regarding Self-referential rhetoric - Use of the words "I" - "Me" etc? Trump is WORSE

Trump and Obama have one surprising thing in common – the words they use

Clearly - You are a fucking idiot :)
Just a quick question to determine your sanity. Is Obama a liar?
Has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Wapo, NYslimes, Reuters, AP, Huffpo, Time, Newsweek, Bloomberg, BBC, USA Today, etc...............................................................fact checked BO's speech yet?

There must be some whoppers. Seems like fertile ground for fact checking, by these esteemed institutions.

Go ahead and fact check it.

Dare you.

Dare you? WTF, are you 12 years old?
Has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Wapo, NYslimes, Reuters, AP, Huffpo, Time, Newsweek, Bloomberg, BBC, USA Today, etc...............................................................fact checked BO's speech yet?

There must be some whoppers. Seems like fertile ground for fact checking, by these esteemed institutions.

Go ahead and fact check it.

Dare you.
Just a quick question to determine your sanity. Is obama a liar?
Has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Wapo, NYslimes, Reuters, AP, Huffpo, Time, Newsweek, Bloomberg, BBC, USA Today, etc...............................................................fact checked BO's speech yet?

There must be some whoppers. Seems like fertile ground for fact checking, by these esteemed institutions.

Go ahead and fact check it.

Dare you.
Just a quick question to determine your sanity. Is obama a liar?

Why? Are you Terri Schiavo's video doctor?
Has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Wapo, NYslimes, Reuters, AP, Huffpo, Time, Newsweek, Bloomberg, BBC, USA Today, etc...............................................................fact checked BO's speech yet?

There must be some whoppers. Seems like fertile ground for fact checking, by these esteemed institutions.

Go ahead and fact check it.

Dare you.

Dare you? WTF, are you 12 years old?

Even a 12-year old knows that you're full of shit.

Go ahead and point out the lies that you claim are easy to find.

I could find more lies in the orange jesus' speech from Montana last night by just posting video of the plaid shirt guy behind him.

Republicans on the USMB are doing their traditional Obama spew. The thread says "Fact Check Obama's Speech" and so far, just racist rants and insults. But hey, these are USMB Republicans we are talking about. They elected a criminal into office and support a leadership that is looting America.
Like good minions, they mindlessly attack and blindly follow.
So here we have dozens of quotes proving my point.

Good Job USMB Repubicans.
Has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Wapo, NYslimes, Reuters, AP, Huffpo, Time, Newsweek, Bloomberg, BBC, USA Today, etc...............................................................fact checked BO's speech yet?

There must be some whoppers. Seems like fertile ground for fact checking, by these esteemed institutions.

BriteFart got ya covered (was there a doubt? ;-)
Fact Check: Obama's Speech Attacking Trump at University of Illinois | Breitbart

One of the GREAT Obama speeches Btw - Epic .. and another two months of them to come :)
Okay but I was looking for a fact-check done by the DNCMSM. Got one? They are very good at fact-checking Donnie. Why does BO get a pass?

Did you heard BO claimed Putin is a former head of the KGB??? Surely you know this is not true. Seems to me the DNCMSM would shit all over Donnie, for such an absurdly ignorant statement. No?

“You’re the party that is tough on foreign policy and opposes Russia, and then you nominate this guy, whose role model is [Russian President] Vladimir Putin, the former head of the KGB? I’m sorry, what happened?” Obama said.
It is closer to the truth than anything Donnie Dirtbag has ever said! On 25 July 1998, Yeltsin appointed Putin as Director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the primary intelligence and security organization of the Russian Federation and the successor to the KGB.

Are ya RIGHT? - As if there is some sort of fundamental difference between the KGB and FSB aside from a few organizational changes?
Meh - Putin WAS a former KGB higher-up and reinvented it - THIS time worse.
Completely fair to say that Putin is was a former head of the KGB.
O no lie on that one. :wink:

Putin Has Finally Reincarnated the KGB
Has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Wapo, NYslimes, Reuters, AP, Huffpo, Time, Newsweek, Bloomberg, BBC, USA Today, etc...............................................................fact checked BO's speech yet?

There must be some whoppers. Seems like fertile ground for fact checking, by these esteemed institutions.

Go ahead and fact check it.

Dare you.

Hell they did it thousands of times -
Trumptard ADD?
Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.
All Islamists are radicals.

Want proof? Name one majority Muslim country that doesn’t oppress Jews, Christians, atheists, homosexuals, and women.

LOL! You do realize that Jews (Charlottesville), atheists, homosexuals (DOMA, finally repealed in 2015) and women are oppressed in THIS country, right?

Try getting a job by telling an employer you're an atheist.

And women still don't get equal pay for equal work, and the most glaring area of discrimination right now is Silicon Valley.

Christians are not discriminated, but the fucking Catholic Church needs to be shut down. Nothing but a cesspool of child molestation and rape.

I'm an atheist, and I don't feel oppressed. If your employer discriminates against atheists, then don't tell him you're one.

That's the extent of my "oppression."

Women get paid more then men for equal work. Studies have shown that given the same education, same experience and same number of hours worked, women earn more.

"Name one majority Muslim country that doesn’t oppress Jews, Christians, atheists, homosexuals, and women."

The United States and every country in Western Europe. Also Japan, South Korea and Singapore.
Has ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, Wapo, NYslimes, Reuters, AP, Huffpo, Time, Newsweek, Bloomberg, BBC, USA Today, etc...............................................................fact checked BO's speech yet?

There must be some whoppers. Seems like fertile ground for fact checking, by these esteemed institutions.

Go ahead and fact check it.

Dare you.

Hell they did it thousands of times -
Trumptard ADD?
"Fact check" sites are fake news.
Nazis are bad. Now try saying “Radical Islam...”

Define "Radical Islam".

seems to me that it works like this.

We invade their countries, they fight back, and they must be "radicals"!

and no, Obama was just as bad on this point as any Republican. No matter who gets in, we have the same stupid policy.

There is no difference, all Islam is radical. It’s radical, barbaric, homophobic, violent, misogynistic, bigoted, and destructive.

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