Fact check: Public schools still teach the Declaration of Independence, contrary to claim

It should be 100% of all schools.. We should be taught it in Canada too so we can appreciate what forged the movement of freedom seeking citizens from a monarchy to a Constituional Republic where citizens rights matter.
It should be 100% of all schools.. We should be taught it in Canada too so we can appreciate what forged the movement of freedom seeking citizens from a monarchy to a Constituional Republic where citizens rights matter.
Ignorance is bliss.

Freedom seeking citizens?
But, what do they teach about the Declaration of Independence?
Do they teach it line by line, or just skim over it? And do they teach the prophetic implications of the division of the Abrahamic birthright promises; Ephraim (Britain) from Manasseh (America)?

And how do they deal with "nature's God"?
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Is there another reason Americans left the Monarchy and built their own empire? Folowjg it up with the most cherished citizens legal Rights in the world, your Constitution.
First, it were British Subjects.

The former Colonists did not build an Empire. That came later. The US Constitution was a compromise. It was also built like the rebellion itself on an extra-legal premise.

Your Junior High School understanding of the English/British colonial era in America (what was then meant by America included all of Northern America, and the islands and more) is not worthy of challenging here.

Try renting or buying a few books beyond your educational level.
The human condition

Thou shalt never say a bad thing about the white man?
Bruise your precious ego?

Does the most famous document in American history really state “all Men are created equal,” then hypocritically proclaim right afterward its first inhabitants are “merciless Indian savages”?
Yes it does.
First, it were British Subjects.

The former Colonists did not build an Empire. That came later. The US Constitution was a compromise. It was also built like the rebellion itself on an extra-legal premise.

Your Junior High School understanding of the English/British colonial era in America (what was then meant by America included all of Northern America, and the islands and more) is not worthy of challenging here.

Try renting or buying a few books beyond your educational level.
I am still a British subject in many ways as our system hasn't evolved as intended (and all Canadians were before 1947).
First, it were British Subjects.

The former Colonists did not build an Empire. That came later. The US Constitution was a compromise. It was also built like the rebellion itself on an extra-legal premise.

Your Junior High School understanding of the English/British colonial era in America (what was then meant by America included all of Northern America, and the islands and more) is not worthy of challenging here.

Try renting or buying a few books beyond your educational level.
Considering Canada in fact had Brtish subject status in this country until 1947, I find your post vexatious. My understanding is enough to possibly be more informed than many Americans and the vast majority of Canadians. Bottom line, you left for the New Country and fought the Brtish empire, with assistance from their nemesis France: thid allowed you to achieve your Independence. You get into granular details to confuse the issue and try and belittle me? How noble.
It should be 100% of all schools.. We should be taught it in Canada too so we can appreciate what forged the movement of freedom seeking citizens from a monarchy to a Constituional Republic where citizens rights matter.
God save the King.
It should be 100% of all schools.. We should be taught it in Canada too so we can appreciate what forged the movement of freedom seeking citizens from a monarchy to a Constituional Republic where citizens rights matter.
isn’t Canada still a Commonwealth State with a King in England??

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