Fact Checked

Do you believe AG Barr is obstructing justice?

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Barr is acting shady and definitely covering for the president but I don’t think he is doing anything illegal. It is concerning that the spin was so bad about the report both from Barr and the President that Mueller felt compelled to give a press conference to clear it up. That’s rather pathetic for the Trump team.

All modern presidents have AGs that are in their corner though, that’s not a shocker.
Yes, the AG seems to be acting not as the lawyer for the nation, but as Trump's personal defender. It is clear that Barr's opinion on the matter was formed months before he was nominated, in the "resume" for AG he sent to the White House, telling the President he would be his wing man.
Yes, the AG seems to be acting not as the lawyer for the nation, but as Trump's personal defender. It is clear that Barr's opinion on the matter was formed months before he was nominated, in the "resume" for AG he sent to the White House, telling the President he would be his wing man.
Agreed, but I don’t think that’s much different than Holder was for Obama and I don’t think that is illegal. Do you?
Of course he is.

Barr is a liar and a crook.

He should be behind bars.
Hopefully in 2020 we shall see the end to these bastards in office.
I don't trust a one of them.
First off they are rich entitled upper class people who think they are above the rest of the nation they govern.
Second they are intrinsically greedy and self centered to the point of killing off someone to keep their position and money flowing.
Each side plays the game and it's a waste of time having to deal with these egomaniacs and their megalomania...
They waste our time, our nation's resources and I for one am tired of seeing people like this in office.
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Yes he also lied to congress and is also in contempt of congress. Also he is not judge and jury and misrepresented the Mueller report on national TV.
Lol....nobody cares s0n. People only interested when the first criminal referrals will be handed out by William Barr. The other stuff is old rehashed news.....doy.

How much of a hoot is this forum going to be when Barr indicts Obama era DOJ people. Holy fuck.....the head explosions will be historic. Even for this forum!:113::113:
Yes, the AG seems to be acting not as the lawyer for the nation, but as Trump's personal defender. It is clear that Barr's opinion on the matter was formed months before he was nominated, in the "resume" for AG he sent to the White House, telling the President he would be his wing man.
Quote that "resume" you refer to and point out exactly where Barr told the President he would be his "wing man".
Get off your dead horse and produce some actual verifiable proof.
Lol....nobody cares s0n. People only interested when the first criminal referrals will be handed out by William Barr. The other stuff is old rehashed news.....doy.

How much of a hoot is this forum going to be when Barr indicts Obama era DOJ people. Holy fuck.....the head explosions will be historic. Even for this forum!:113::113:

I'll believe it when I see it.
Yes, the AG seems to be acting not as the lawyer for the nation, but as Trump's personal defender. It is clear that Barr's opinion on the matter was formed months before he was nominated, in the "resume" for AG he sent to the White House, telling the President he would be his wing man.

Agreed, but I don’t think that’s much different than Holder was for Obama and I don’t think that is illegal. Do you?

I can't look into Barr's brain, but I believe no person is above the law, within the values of American Jurisprudence. Barr's "resume" may protect him from Mens rea, or be a liability.

That said, I believe Mr. Mueller will testify before the Congressional Committees in the H. or Rep. and I have no doubt that he is both honest and a patriot.

His nuanced comments yesterday were for the Press and the People, I believe he will be frank and answer questions from both sides of the House committee's truthfully, and with the details necessary for Impeachment of the President.

I also believe a trial in the senate will never convict this President as long as the Republicans control the Senate.

IMO Barr's behavior is an example of misfeasance, if not nonfeasance and/or malfeasance.
Convincing or not?

What Mueller, Barr Say About Obstruction of Justice - FactCheck.org

Explain and justify your response.

No. You have confused yourself. On one hand you (meaning the American Left) cry and wail and stomp your feet for the rule of law and due process as supreme moral justification for removing a President you claim presides outside those civilizational foundations. On the other hand, when the rule of law is imposed, you decry it's very foundation as being utterly corrupt and nepotic. Why not embrace truth for a change and just admit that no matter what our POTUS says, does or does not do . . . end of day, for you, all that matters is deposing him whether or not doing that happens within or outside the laws of our nation. I (as in, me) find hilarious your go-to site for legitimacy of information calls itself FactCheck. Smile! President Trump loves all you serious intellectuals.
That said, I believe Mr. Mueller will testify before the Congressional Committees in the H. or Rep. and I have no doubt that he is both honest and a patriot.
Mueller unequivocally shut that door with his last comments on the matter. He is not about to put himself in a situation where he has to answer questions that would most definitely show him NOT to be honest and a patriot.

Please post that document you claim that said Barr would be Trump's "wingman". Still waiting.
Yes, the AG seems to be acting not as the lawyer for the nation, but as Trump's personal defender. It is clear that Barr's opinion on the matter was formed months before he was nominated, in the "resume" for AG he sent to the White House, telling the President he would be his wing man.

Agreed, but I don’t think that’s much different than Holder was for Obama and I don’t think that is illegal. Do you?

I can't look into Barr's brain, but I believe no person is above the law, within the values of American Jurisprudence. Barr's "resume" may protect him from Mens rea, or be a liability.

That said, I believe Mr. Mueller will testify before the Congressional Committees in the H. or Rep. and I have no doubt that he is both honest and a patriot.

His nuanced comments yesterday were for the Press and the People, I believe he will be frank and answer questions from both sides of the House committee's truthfully, and with the details necessary for Impeachment of the President.

I also believe a trial in the senate will never convict this President as long as the Republicans control the Senate.

IMO Barr's behavior is an example of misfeasance, if not nonfeasance and/or malfeasance.

Well doy....all the radical left guys say Barr is a crook and Mueller a saint.:2up:
Yes, the AG seems to be acting not as the lawyer for the nation, but as Trump's personal defender. It is clear that Barr's opinion on the matter was formed months before he was nominated, in the "resume" for AG he sent to the White House, telling the President he would be his wing man.

Quote that "resume" you refer to and point out exactly where Barr told the President he would be his "wing man".
Get off your dead horse and produce some actual verifiable proof.

You want me to do you homework?

William Barr’s Unsolicited Memo to Trump About Obstruction of Justice

And the memo is on this link:

READ: Bill Barr's 19-Page Memo Ripping Mueller Probe | National Law Journal

You're welcome.
Yes, the AG seems to be acting not as the lawyer for the nation, but as Trump's personal defender. It is clear that Barr's opinion on the matter was formed months before he was nominated, in the "resume" for AG he sent to the White House, telling the President he would be his wing man.

Agreed, but I don’t think that’s much different than Holder was for Obama and I don’t think that is illegal. Do you?

I can't look into Barr's brain, but I believe no person is above the law, within the values of American Jurisprudence. Barr's "resume" may protect him from Mens rea, or be a liability.

That said, I believe Mr. Mueller will testify before the Congressional Committees in the H. or Rep. and I have no doubt that he is both honest and a patriot.

His nuanced comments yesterday were for the Press and the People, I believe he will be frank and answer questions from both sides of the House committee's truthfully, and with the details necessary for Impeachment of the President.

I also believe a trial in the senate will never convict this President as long as the Republicans control the Senate.

IMO Barr's behavior is an example of misfeasance, if not nonfeasance and/or malfeasance.

Well doy....all the radical left guys say Barr is a crook and Mueller a saint.:2up:

Nah. According to the lefty loons both men are shielding Trump.

Mueller was their hero till his report didn't say what they hoped and prayed it would say. Now he's also shielding Trump.

Cement heads one and all. Not worth anyones time.

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