Fact Checked

Do you believe AG Barr is obstructing justice?

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Yes, the AG seems to be acting not as the lawyer for the nation, but as Trump's personal defender. It is clear that Barr's opinion on the matter was formed months before he was nominated, in the "resume" for AG he sent to the White House, telling the President he would be his wing man.

Agreed, but I don’t think that’s much different than Holder was for Obama and I don’t think that is illegal. Do you?

I can't look into Barr's brain, but I believe no person is above the law, within the values of American Jurisprudence. Barr's "resume" may protect him from Mens rea, or be a liability.

That said, I believe Mr. Mueller will testify before the Congressional Committees in the H. or Rep. and I have no doubt that he is both honest and a patriot.

His nuanced comments yesterday were for the Press and the People, I believe he will be frank and answer questions from both sides of the House committee's truthfully, and with the details necessary for Impeachment of the President.

I also believe a trial in the senate will never convict this President as long as the Republicans control the Senate.

IMO Barr's behavior is an example of misfeasance, if not nonfeasance and/or malfeasance.

Well doy....all the radical left guys say Barr is a crook and Mueller a saint.:2up:

Nah. According to the lefty loons both men are shielding Trump.

Mueller was their hero till his report didn't say what they hoped and prayed it would say. Now he's also shielding Trump.

Cement heads one and all. Not worth anyones time.

Why do you post on issues you know nothing about, and are unwilling to learn?

Postscript: You think my question to you was funny. That's sad, you cannot learn the truth.
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Barr is putting politics above the law.

But like Holder, hes the AG and will do whatever the fuck he wants s0n!! The left gonna hate Barr more than Trump when it's all said and done which who would think that possible.

Obama weaponized the DOJ....payback does indeed bite the bumpy.
What do you think of Obama weaponizing the DOJ? Good practice?
No. I want to you to produce proof of the claims you have made. No more. No less.
And since you've given me a link that cannot be opened (National Law Journal) or an ACLU link to Barr's twenty page memo, it's totally appropriate and incumbent upon you to produce the exact text where AG Barr offers, proposes, seeks to become Donald Trump's personal wing man, a term first used by Eric Holder with reference to Barack Obama.

I take it for granted Barr's twenty page legal memo will not produce any revelations about him
becoming Trump's "personal lawyer or wing man". If I'm wrong I know you will point it out.

Or just remain a liar and fully inflated gas bag which I totally expect you are despite all your claims to the contrary.
You make the claim...you justify your claim. It's a simple system when you don't try to game it.
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Barr is putting politics above the law.

But like Holder, hes the AG and will do whatever the fuck he wants s0n!! The left gonna hate Barr more than Trump when it's all said and done which who would think that possible.

Obama weaponized the DOJ....payback does indeed bite the bumpy.
What do you think of Obama weaponizing the DOJ? Good practice?

Hey if the level of division continues to skyrocket, I'm all for it! If career bureaucrats are political, this is what happens. Discussing the DOJ in terms of what its supposed to be is ghey....its like me wishing for a return of Dunkin Donuts to it's original form serving just coffee and plain donuts.:deal:

You ain't changing it and neither am i
Yes, the AG seems to be acting not as the lawyer for the nation, but as Trump's personal defender. It is clear that Barr's opinion on the matter was formed months before he was nominated, in the "resume" for AG he sent to the White House, telling the President he would be his wing man.

Agreed, but I don’t think that’s much different than Holder was for Obama and I don’t think that is illegal. Do you?

I can't look into Barr's brain, but I believe no person is above the law, within the values of American Jurisprudence. Barr's "resume" may protect him from Mens rea, or be a liability.

That said, I believe Mr. Mueller will testify before the Congressional Committees in the H. or Rep. and I have no doubt that he is both honest and a patriot.

His nuanced comments yesterday were for the Press and the People, I believe he will be frank and answer questions from both sides of the House committee's truthfully, and with the details necessary for Impeachment of the President.

I also believe a trial in the senate will never convict this President as long as the Republicans control the Senate.

IMO Barr's behavior is an example of misfeasance, if not nonfeasance and/or malfeasance.

Well doy....all the radical left guys say Barr is a crook and Mueller a saint.:2up:

Nah. According to the lefty loons both men are shielding Trump.

Mueller was their hero till his report didn't say what they hoped and prayed it would say. Now he's also shielding Trump.

Cement heads one and all. Not worth anyones time.

Why do you post on issues you know nothing about, and are unwilling to learn?

For the same reason you post bullshit.

Because I can. Dumbass.
Yes, the AG seems to be acting not as the lawyer for the nation, but as Trump's personal defender. It is clear that Barr's opinion on the matter was formed months before he was nominated, in the "resume" for AG he sent to the White House, telling the President he would be his wing man.

Are you really this stupid, or are you just pretending to be this stupid as your online character? Barr released the mueller report, which he didn't have to do. He is actually looking into how the spying on Trump started......and how the FISA process was abused by obama and his minions....he is actually looking out for the country, instead of using the Government as his own, Chicago style, political machine, the way obama did....
Yes he also lied to congress and is also in contempt of congress. Also he is not judge and jury and misrepresented the Mueller report on national TV.

Moron......he released the entire report......are you guys really this stupid.........

Gee, I put out a statement ....but if you want to check what my statement...you can read the entire report that my statement is based on.......so now you asshats are upset.....

You guys are really dumb....
Barr is putting politics above the law.

But like Holder, hes the AG and will do whatever the fuck he wants s0n!! The left gonna hate Barr more than Trump when it's all said and done which who would think that possible.

Obama weaponized the DOJ....payback does indeed bite the bumpy.

What else did you find in your colon?
Yes he also lied to congress and is also in contempt of congress. Also he is not judge and jury and misrepresented the Mueller report on national TV.

Moron......he released the entire report......are you guys really this stupid.........

Gee, I put out a statement ....but if you want to check what my statement...you can read the entire report that my statement is based on.......so now you asshats are upset.....

You guys are really dumb....

What else did you learn when exploring your colon?
Do any of you ABNORMALS remember the Surrender Monkeys AG, Eric "The RED" Holder?

Perhaps this little audio stating " "I’m still the President’s wingman, so I’m there with my boy." Attorney General Eric Holder. (April 2013)

Please give a listen and then think of your scumbag Anti-American HYPOCRISY and LIES about AG Barr....If in my power I would take away all your fingers so you can't type your asinine responses!!!...But knowing I have uncovered your bullshit hypocrisy to the forum is thanks enough!

Do any of you ABNORMALS remember the Surrender Monkeys AG, Eric "The RED" Holder?

Perhaps this little audio stating " "I’m still the President’s wingman, so I’m there with my boy." Attorney General Eric Holder. (April 2013)

Please give a listen and then think of your scumbag Anti-American HYPOCRISY and LIES about AG Barr....If in my power I would take away all your fingers so you can't type your asinine responses!!!...But knowing I have uncovered your bullshit hypocrisy to the forum is thanks enough!


How long will you continue to keep you head up your ass?

This is 2019, not 2013, not 1492 nor 1215. You and your little band of biddable can't learn in the dark tunnel filled with bullshit where you and they "learn" current events.
One more attempt to get the willfully ignorant to turn off Fox News and Limbaugh too, and read the following memo which got him the job of Trump's personal Attorney General. Here is the memo, aka, a resume to be the wing man for trump:


Don't pretend to be a patriot if you agree that Trump, or any President past or future, is above the law.
Do any of you ABNORMALS remember the Surrender Monkeys AG, Eric "The RED" Holder?

Perhaps this little audio stating " "I’m still the President’s wingman, so I’m there with my boy." Attorney General Eric Holder. (April 2013)

Please give a listen and then think of your scumbag Anti-American HYPOCRISY and LIES about AG Barr....If in my power I would take away all your fingers so you can't type your asinine responses!!!...But knowing I have uncovered your bullshit hypocrisy to the forum is thanks enough!


How long will you continue to keep you head up your ass?

This is 2019, not 2013, not 1492 nor 1215. You and your little band of biddable can't learn in the dark tunnel filled with bullshit where you and they "learn" current events.
What did you HYPOCRITES do to Kavanaugh...back to 1982 and Roy Moore back to 1978....Hey please keep it up shit for brains.....you do realize what an ass you look like for your lies and hypocrisy....ROTFLMFAO!!
Yes, the AG seems to be acting not as the lawyer for the nation, but as Trump's personal defender. It is clear that Barr's opinion on the matter was formed months before he was nominated, in the "resume" for AG he sent to the White House, telling the President he would be his wing man.

Agreed, but I don’t think that’s much different than Holder was for Obama and I don’t think that is illegal. Do you?

I can't look into Barr's brain, but I believe no person is above the law, within the values of American Jurisprudence. Barr's "resume" may protect him from Mens rea, or be a liability.

That said, I believe Mr. Mueller will testify before the Congressional Committees in the H. or Rep. and I have no doubt that he is both honest and a patriot.

His nuanced comments yesterday were for the Press and the People, I believe he will be frank and answer questions from both sides of the House committee's truthfully, and with the details necessary for Impeachment of the President.

I also believe a trial in the senate will never convict this President as long as the Republicans control the Senate.

IMO Barr's behavior is an example of misfeasance, if not nonfeasance and/or malfeasance.

Well doy....all the radical left guys say Barr is a crook and Mueller a saint.:2up:

Nah. According to the lefty loons both men are shielding Trump.

Mueller was their hero till his report didn't say what they hoped and prayed it would say. Now he's also shielding Trump.

Cement heads one and all. Not worth anyones time.

Why do you post on issues you know nothing about, and are unwilling to learn?

Postscript: You think my question to you was funny. That's sad, you cannot learn the truth.

You are incapable of discerning the truth. You have words, yet no critical thinking skills. Trump's doinking your brain with a sharp cocktail fork in 5,4,3,2....DOINK!

Barr is going to do some damage to the democrat party, and wry ain't liking it one little bit.
wry will stoop to being one of the willfully ignorant...or maybe he's just ignorant.
But, the left is really trying hard to besmirch the reputation of Barr.
Do any of you ABNORMALS remember the Surrender Monkeys AG, Eric "The RED" Holder?

Perhaps this little audio stating " "I’m still the President’s wingman, so I’m there with my boy." Attorney General Eric Holder. (April 2013)

Please give a listen and then think of your scumbag Anti-American HYPOCRISY and LIES about AG Barr....If in my power I would take away all your fingers so you can't type your asinine responses!!!...But knowing I have uncovered your bullshit hypocrisy to the forum is thanks enough!


How long will you continue to keep you head up your ass?

This is 2019, not 2013, not 1492 nor 1215. You and your little band of biddable can't learn in the dark tunnel filled with bullshit where you and they "learn" current events.
What did you HYPOCRITES do to Kavanaugh...back to 1982 and Roy Moore back to 1978....Hey please keep it up shit for brains.....you do realize what an ass you look like for your lies and hypocrisy....ROTFLMFAO!!

Barr is going to do some damage to the democrat party, and wry ain't liking it one little bit.
wry will stoop to being one of the willfully ignorant...or maybe he's just ignorant.
But, the left is really trying hard to besmirch the reputation of Barr.

You're not receptive to anything which challenge your opinions, thus you default to personal attacks on my intelligence and character. A post which tells me and the discernible reader that your character and intelligence come into question.

Time will tell which one of us has judged Barr correctly, and by that I don't mean any legal judgment, that will be left to the courts.

As for willful ignorance, it is on display in every way by Trump Supporters every day on this message board.
You're a funny guy, wry. You attack posters intelligence on a daily basis, but so thin skinned you can't
accept it when pointed at you. You are one of the dimmer stars in the universe, son.
Barr is the smartest man in the room, and no matter how much Pelosi and company tries to attack
his character, it's as empty as the Mueller report on Trump. Funny stuff.

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