Fact Checked

Do you believe AG Barr is obstructing justice?

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Barr is going to do some damage to the democrat party, and wry ain't liking it one little bit.
wry will stoop to being one of the willfully ignorant...or maybe he's just ignorant.
But, the left is really trying hard to besmirch the reputation of Barr.

Wry is a sheeple just like all the other lefty loons on this board. No way does the idiot think for herself.

Durham is investigating now and I sure hope we get to read his report. Should be a dandy.
You're a funny guy, wry. You attack posters intelligence on a daily basis, but so thin skinned you can't
accept it when pointed at you. You are one of the dimmer stars in the universe, son.
Barr is the smartest man in the room, and no matter how much Pelosi and company tries to attack
his character, it's as empty as the Mueller report on Trump. Funny stuff.

What makes you believe Barr is "the smartest man in the room" [maybe when he and Trump are the only two in said room)?

The Speaker spoke the truth, in her eyes, when she called Barr arrogant and condescending, and that he was not telling the truth.

I agree with the Speaker, but would add Barr seems highly motivated by ambition, which any reader of Shakespeare or Sophocles can attest can make a smart person make some very serious errors.
Barr is going to do some damage to the democrat party, and wry ain't liking it one little bit.
wry will stoop to being one of the willfully ignorant...or maybe he's just ignorant.
But, the left is really trying hard to besmirch the reputation of Barr.

Wry is a sheeple just like all the other lefty loons on this board. No way does the idiot think for herself.

Durham is investigating now and I sure hope we get to read his report. Should be a dandy.

YOU can read? Hmmm. the next step for you is to comprehend.
Barr is going to do some damage to the democrat party, and wry ain't liking it one little bit.
wry will stoop to being one of the willfully ignorant...or maybe he's just ignorant.
But, the left is really trying hard to besmirch the reputation of Barr.

Wry is a sheeple just like all the other lefty loons on this board. No way does the idiot think for herself.

Durham is investigating now and I sure hope we get to read his report. Should be a dandy.

YOU can read? Hmmm. the next step for you is to comprehend.
There you go again, wry, you can't help yourself. What a goofball.
You thin skinned little man with a fragile ego.

Barr is the smartest man in the room and runs roughshod with his knowledge of the law over Pelosi.
Personally I think Barr should start publicly hanging democrats.
Barr is going to do some damage to the democrat party, and wry ain't liking it one little bit.
wry will stoop to being one of the willfully ignorant...or maybe he's just ignorant.
But, the left is really trying hard to besmirch the reputation of Barr.

Wry is a sheeple just like all the other lefty loons on this board. No way does the idiot think for herself.

Durham is investigating now and I sure hope we get to read his report. Should be a dandy.

YOU can read? Hmmm. the next step for you is to comprehend.

There you go again, wry, you can't help yourself. What a goofball.
You thin skinned little man with a fragile ego.

Barr is the smartest man in the room and runs roughshod with his knowledge of the law over Pelosi.

'Wrong. A DOJ POLICY is not the law. Pelosi reminded Barr of this fact, Barr mislead the public by using the policy as IF if was a law. He knows the difference, as do I. Don't you?

As for your statement:

"There you go again, wry"

I always have a reason behind my use of ad hominems. I do not like bullies, and I especially despise regulars who never have anything to post of substance, thoughtful or thought provoking. Claude is one whose never posted anything but an echo of the daily propaganda which mocks reality and deserves nothing more than being mocked.

Speaker Pelosi is hands above Barr on politics, and has many lawyers to assist her on The Law.
YOU can read? Hmmm. the next step for you is to comprehend.

At this point let's just agree you have no intention of providing the material asked for and are full of crap. That's a very safe bet.

Now you're a LIAR. Twice I posted this:


Barr had made the decision to exonerate Trump when he wrote this memo. Well before he read (if he ever did) the Mueller Report.

He lied to the Senate Committee, and he lied by failing to appear before the H. of Rep. Committee.
Convincing or not?

What Mueller, Barr Say About Obstruction of Justice - FactCheck.org

Explain and justify your response.

Do you believe AG Barr is obstructing justice?

Where to begin... In order to obstruct justice, Barr would have to influence, with corrupt intent, an official proceeding.

There is, as far as I am aware, no evidence whatsoever that Barr influenced the Mueller inquiry.

Lying about the Mueller report, lying in particular about the reasons for the absence of corruption charges, on behalf of his Dear Leader, managing public perception, and telling Trumpletons what they need to hear, is Barr debasing himself, but not obstruction of justice.
Barr is acting shady and definitely covering for the president but I don’t think he is doing anything illegal. It is concerning that the spin was so bad about the report both from Barr and the President that Mueller felt compelled to give a press conference to clear it up. That’s rather pathetic for the Trump team.
All modern presidents have AGs that are in their corner though, that’s not a shocker.
Yeah, it's only a scandal when the other party does it.

I think he's lost some credibility, but in the grand scheme of things I suspect it doesn't matter.
Convincing or not?

What Mueller, Barr Say About Obstruction of Justice - FactCheck.org

Explain and justify your response.

Do you believe AG Barr is obstructing justice?

Where to begin... In order to obstruct justice, Barr would have to influence, with corrupt intent, an official proceeding.

There is, as far as I am aware, no evidence whatsoever that Barr influenced the Mueller inquiry.

Lying about the Mueller report, lying in particular about the reasons for the absence of corruption charges, on behalf of his Dear Leader, managing public perception, and telling Trumpletons what they need to hear, is Barr debasing himself, but not obstruction of justice.
When you take a report, where the decision was to go to Congress, according to the Constitution and Mueller, the very second that Barr rendered a decision, was not only a mistake, but could easily be viewed as getting out in front of a report that clearly did not exonerate Trump, and use that opportunity as cover for Trump. And who did Barr influence as a result of that? The entire American public. How? Because, based on the evidence in the public domain, everyone knew Trump was guilty of obstruction and the American people were like, "WTF?"And the other side took it and ran with it. Trump was the first out of the box to exonerate himself. Barr hijacked the investigation by rendering a decision he had no business rendering. Was there intent? I'm sorry, but you'd have to be borderline IQ deficient not to see intent. What else could it be?

And by the way, Trump is even guilty of collusion, just not a conspiracy to collude. Which by the way, is just as bad.
Yes, the AG seems to be acting not as the lawyer for the nation, but as Trump's personal defender. It is clear that Barr's opinion on the matter was formed months before he was nominated, in the "resume" for AG he sent to the White House, telling the President he would be his wing man.

Agreed, but I don’t think that’s much different than Holder was for Obama and I don’t think that is illegal. Do you?

I can't look into Barr's brain, but I believe no person is above the law, within the values of American Jurisprudence. Barr's "resume" may protect him from Mens rea, or be a liability.

That said, I believe Mr. Mueller will testify before the Congressional Committees in the H. or Rep. and I have no doubt that he is both honest and a patriot.

His nuanced comments yesterday were for the Press and the People, I believe he will be frank and answer questions from both sides of the House committee's truthfully, and with the details necessary for Impeachment of the President.

I also believe a trial in the senate will never convict this President as long as the Republicans control the Senate.

IMO Barr's behavior is an example of misfeasance, if not nonfeasance and/or malfeasance.

Well doy....all the radical left guys say Barr is a crook and Mueller a saint.:2up:
And Trump called the Mueller report a "beautiful report." Lol!
Yes, the AG seems to be acting not as the lawyer for the nation, but as Trump's personal defender. It is clear that Barr's opinion on the matter was formed months before he was nominated, in the "resume" for AG he sent to the White House, telling the President he would be his wing man.
Agreed, but I don’t think that’s much different than Holder was for Obama and I don’t think that is illegal. Do you?
It is different. Holder wasn't carrying water for Obama by getting out in front of a scandal by telling a different story that covered Obama.
When you take a report, where the decision was to go to Congress, according to the Constitution and Mueller, the very second that Barr rendered a decision, was not only a mistake, but could easily be viewed as getting out in front of a report that clearly did not exonerate Trump, and use that opportunity as cover for Trump. And who did Barr influence as a result of that? The entire American public. How? Because, based on the evidence in the public domain, everyone knew Trump was guilty of obstruction and the American people were like, "WTF?"And the other side took it and ran with it. Trump was the first out of the box to exonerate himself. Barr hijacked the investigation by rendering a decision he had no business rendering. Was there intent? I'm sorry, but you'd have to be borderline IQ deficient not to see intent. What else could it be?

And by the way, Trump is even guilty of collusion, just not a conspiracy to collude. Which by the way, is just as bad.

Under special counsel regulation, the special counsel writes up a report on his charging decisions (etc.) and hands it over to the Attorney General. Neither the Constitution nor Mueller decided at any point that it should go to Congress. The Constitution is silent on the matter, and Mueller did not have the power to decide on that.

How the American public forms its opinion on Mueller's findings is not an "official proceeding". Influencing same with lies and obfuscation is, again, Barr debasing himself, but not obstruction of justice.
Agreed, but I don’t think that’s much different than Holder was for Obama and I don’t think that is illegal. Do you?
It is different. Holder wasn't carrying water for Obama by getting out in front of a scandal by telling a different story that covered Obama.

Yes, pretty much. Moreover, when did "it's not illegal" become the standard for the highest law-enforcement officer of the U.S. of A.?

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