Fact Checked

Do you believe AG Barr is obstructing justice?

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Hopefully in 2020 we shall see the end to these bastards in office.
I don't trust a one of them.
First off they are rich entitled upper class people who think they are above the rest of the nation they govern.
Second they are intrinsically greedy and self centered to the point of killing off someone to keep their position and money flowing.
Each side plays the game and it's a waste of time having to deal with these egomaniacs and their megalomania...
They waste our time, our nation's resources and I for one am tired of seeing people like this in office.

I don't see an end in sight, Democrat or Republican, no one that has ran for President in the last 30 plus years has done right by the American people. We need change, yet we keep voting the same bastards back in, time and time again.
Do you believe AG Barr is obstructing justice?


Would you if I offered you a banana?
How is Barr obstructing justice?
When you take a report, where the decision was to go to Congress, according to the Constitution and Mueller, the very second that Barr rendered a decision, was not only a mistake, but could easily be viewed as getting out in front of a report that clearly did not exonerate Trump, and use that opportunity as cover for Trump. And who did Barr influence as a result of that? The entire American public. How? Because, based on the evidence in the public domain, everyone knew Trump was guilty of obstruction and the American people were like, "WTF?"And the other side took it and ran with it. Trump was the first out of the box to exonerate himself. Barr hijacked the investigation by rendering a decision he had no business rendering. Was there intent? I'm sorry, but you'd have to be borderline IQ deficient not to see intent. What else could it be?

And by the way, Trump is even guilty of collusion, just not a conspiracy to collude. Which by the way, is just as bad.

Under special counsel regulation, the special counsel writes up a report on his charging decisions (etc.) and hands it over to the Attorney General. Neither the Constitution nor Mueller decided at any point that it should go to Congress. The Constitution is silent on the matter, and Mueller did not have the power to decide on that.

How the American public forms its opinion on Mueller's findings is not an "official proceeding". Influencing same with lies and obfuscation is, again, Barr debasing himself, but not obstruction of justice.
Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia

The sole power of impeachment lies with Congress, which is why Mueller referred the findings to Congress. What's in the Constitution is what is important to understand. But barr got in front of it first. What is written in the Constitution, does not give Barr that power. Barr took a real gamble and he lost.

Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia The Constitution is not silent on impeachment.
Hopefully in 2020 we shall see the end to these bastards in office.
I don't trust a one of them.
First off they are rich entitled upper class people who think they are above the rest of the nation they govern.
Second they are intrinsically greedy and self centered to the point of killing off someone to keep their position and money flowing.
Each side plays the game and it's a waste of time having to deal with these egomaniacs and their megalomania...
They waste our time, our nation's resources and I for one am tired of seeing people like this in office.

I don't see an end in sight, Democrat or Republican, no one that has ran for President in the last 30 plus years has done right by the American people. We need change, yet we keep voting the same bastards back in, time and time again.
When corporations run the country and own the politicians, what do you think is going to happen?
Agreed, but I don’t think that’s much different than Holder was for Obama and I don’t think that is illegal. Do you?
It is different. Holder wasn't carrying water for Obama by getting out in front of a scandal by telling a different story that covered Obama.

Yes, pretty much. Moreover, when did "it's not illegal" become the standard for the highest law-enforcement officer of the U.S. of A.?
You got me?
Hopefully in 2020 we shall see the end to these bastards in office.
I don't trust a one of them.
First off they are rich entitled upper class people who think they are above the rest of the nation they govern.
Second they are intrinsically greedy and self centered to the point of killing off someone to keep their position and money flowing.
Each side plays the game and it's a waste of time having to deal with these egomaniacs and their megalomania...
They waste our time, our nation's resources and I for one am tired of seeing people like this in office.

I don't see an end in sight, Democrat or Republican, no one that has ran for President in the last 30 plus years has done right by the American people. We need change, yet we keep voting the same bastards back in, time and time again.
When corporations run the country and own the politicians, what do you think is going to happen?

Very true, however the American people are just plain dumb, instead of voting for change, we continue to look at the hype and keep voting dumb and dumber into office. Democrats and Republicans are the problem.
Hopefully in 2020 we shall see the end to these bastards in office.
I don't trust a one of them.
First off they are rich entitled upper class people who think they are above the rest of the nation they govern.
Second they are intrinsically greedy and self centered to the point of killing off someone to keep their position and money flowing.
Each side plays the game and it's a waste of time having to deal with these egomaniacs and their megalomania...
They waste our time, our nation's resources and I for one am tired of seeing people like this in office.

I don't see an end in sight, Democrat or Republican, no one that has ran for President in the last 30 plus years has done right by the American people. We need change, yet we keep voting the same bastards back in, time and time again.
When corporations run the country and own the politicians, what do you think is going to happen?

Very true, however the American people are just plain dumb, instead of voting for change, we continue to look at the hype and keep voting dumb and dumber into office. Democrats and Republicans are the problem.
We have to go to the source of the problem. Citizens United and tax cuts for the wealthy, from a sheer statistical point of view, have proven to be disastrous. And if anyone doesn't believe me, fine. Do your own research. You'll see. Corporations, as we speak, are the real presidents of this country. They control every human being here. We were founded on "we the people". What happened to that? They took it from us. And, in the mean time, Trump milks it for himself, so he could care less. The very small percentage in this country, and quite frankly in the world, are telling us without saying a word, " I got mine, thanks for handing it to me, and by the way, fuck you."
When you take a report, where the decision was to go to Congress, according to the Constitution and Mueller, the very second that Barr rendered a decision, was not only a mistake, but could easily be viewed as getting out in front of a report that clearly did not exonerate Trump, and use that opportunity as cover for Trump. And who did Barr influence as a result of that? The entire American public. How? Because, based on the evidence in the public domain, everyone knew Trump was guilty of obstruction and the American people were like, "WTF?"And the other side took it and ran with it. Trump was the first out of the box to exonerate himself. Barr hijacked the investigation by rendering a decision he had no business rendering. Was there intent? I'm sorry, but you'd have to be borderline IQ deficient not to see intent. What else could it be?

And by the way, Trump is even guilty of collusion, just not a conspiracy to collude. Which by the way, is just as bad.

Under special counsel regulation, the special counsel writes up a report on his charging decisions (etc.) and hands it over to the Attorney General. Neither the Constitution nor Mueller decided at any point that it should go to Congress. The Constitution is silent on the matter, and Mueller did not have the power to decide on that.

How the American public forms its opinion on Mueller's findings is not an "official proceeding". Influencing same with lies and obfuscation is, again, Barr debasing himself, but not obstruction of justice.
Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia

The sole power of impeachment lies with Congress, which is why Mueller referred the findings to Congress. What's in the Constitution is what is important to understand. But barr got in front of it first. What is written in the Constitution, does not give Barr that power. Barr took a real gamble and he lost.

Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia The Constitution is not silent on impeachment.

Impeachment is the prerogative of the House.

A special counsel investigation, started by the Attorney General, and ending with the Attorney General receiving the special counsel's report, is an entirely different matter. The two have nothing whatsoever to do with each other - even while the special counsel's findings may later be used in a Congressional impeachment proceeding.

§ 600.8 Notification and reports by the Special Counsel.

(c)Closing documentation. At the conclusion of the Special Counsel's work, he or she shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel.
Hopefully in 2020 we shall see the end to these bastards in office.
I don't trust a one of them.
First off they are rich entitled upper class people who think they are above the rest of the nation they govern.
Second they are intrinsically greedy and self centered to the point of killing off someone to keep their position and money flowing.
Each side plays the game and it's a waste of time having to deal with these egomaniacs and their megalomania...
They waste our time, our nation's resources and I for one am tired of seeing people like this in office.

I don't see an end in sight, Democrat or Republican, no one that has ran for President in the last 30 plus years has done right by the American people. We need change, yet we keep voting the same bastards back in, time and time again.
When corporations run the country and own the politicians, what do you think is going to happen?

Very true, however the American people are just plain dumb, instead of voting for change, we continue to look at the hype and keep voting dumb and dumber into office. Democrats and Republicans are the problem.
We have to go to the source of the problem. Citizens United and tax cuts for the wealthy, from a sheer statistical point of view, have proven to be disastrous. And if anyone doesn't believe me, fine. Do your own research. You'll see. Corporations, as we speak, are the real presidents of this country. They control every human being here. We were founded on "we the people". What happened to that? They took it from us. And, in the mean time, Trump milks it for himself, so he could care less. The very small percentage in this country, and quite frankly in the world, are telling us without saying a word, " I got mine, thanks for handing it to me, and by the way, fuck you."

Citizens United was a result of the McCain/Feingold bill, that opened the door to Pandora's Box. Back when it was going through Congress many people predicted that this would become and mess and it did. I didn't vote for McCain for that reason in 2008, it was a disaster. They need to get rid of deductions and credits in the tax bill to change the effective tax rates, which favor the rich. Congress is made up of the rich and they write laws that favor the rich. I don't blame the corporations as much as I do Congress.

You are right, the American citizens need to open their eyes.
When you take a report, where the decision was to go to Congress, according to the Constitution and Mueller, the very second that Barr rendered a decision, was not only a mistake, but could easily be viewed as getting out in front of a report that clearly did not exonerate Trump, and use that opportunity as cover for Trump. And who did Barr influence as a result of that? The entire American public. How? Because, based on the evidence in the public domain, everyone knew Trump was guilty of obstruction and the American people were like, "WTF?"And the other side took it and ran with it. Trump was the first out of the box to exonerate himself. Barr hijacked the investigation by rendering a decision he had no business rendering. Was there intent? I'm sorry, but you'd have to be borderline IQ deficient not to see intent. What else could it be?

And by the way, Trump is even guilty of collusion, just not a conspiracy to collude. Which by the way, is just as bad.

Under special counsel regulation, the special counsel writes up a report on his charging decisions (etc.) and hands it over to the Attorney General. Neither the Constitution nor Mueller decided at any point that it should go to Congress. The Constitution is silent on the matter, and Mueller did not have the power to decide on that.

How the American public forms its opinion on Mueller's findings is not an "official proceeding". Influencing same with lies and obfuscation is, again, Barr debasing himself, but not obstruction of justice.
Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia

The sole power of impeachment lies with Congress, which is why Mueller referred the findings to Congress. What's in the Constitution is what is important to understand. But barr got in front of it first. What is written in the Constitution, does not give Barr that power. Barr took a real gamble and he lost.

Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia The Constitution is not silent on impeachment.

Impeachment is the prerogative of the House.

A special counsel investigation, started by the Attorney General, and ending with the Attorney General receiving the special counsel's report, is an entirely different matter. The two have nothing whatsoever to do with each other - even while the special counsel's findings may later be used in a Congressional impeachment proceeding.

§ 600.8 Notification and reports by the Special Counsel.

(c)Closing documentation. At the conclusion of the Special Counsel's work, he or she shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached by the Special Counsel.
I'm not so sure impeachment was ever their prerogative? It was for me, because I knew from day one that Trump was in it for himself and his own enrichment.

But now, with the indisputable evidence against Trump, Democrats are boxed in now to perform a Constitutional duty. I'm still not convinced they will go through with it, seeing that the Senate won't move on it? But, I don't really see it as a choice either for them. Democrats are caught between two bad things for them politically too. They have no good political options, but the best one, to show they are doing a Constitutionally bounded function, is to proceed.
But now, with the indisputable evidence against Trump, Democrats are boxed in now to perform a Constitutional duty. I'm still not convinced they will go through with it, seeing that the Senate won't move on it? But, I don't really see it as a choice either for them. Democrats are caught between two bad things for them politically too. They have no good political options, but the best one, to show they are doing a Constitutionally bounded function, is to proceed.

Sit back and watch. Assuming she won't be thwarted by her own caucus, you're going to see the best strategist in Washington perform her Constitutional duties, and outwit and outmaneuver the White House on top of it. It's going to be a blast.
Do you believe AG Barr is obstructing justice?


Would you if I offered you a banana?

How is Barr obstructing justice?

'First of all I believe and stated so above that Barr used a policy, not a law, not even a regulation, to decide a sitting president cannot be indicted for a crime.

An Attorney General, the highest law enforcement officer in our country has decided that the POTUS is above the law.

Now, consider this, an Investigation is the process to determine if a) a crime was committed; and b) who committed it.

Mueller's one page assignment,



is detailed in the link above.

How many times did Trump claim the Mueller Report was a Witch Hunt and a Hoax.

How many times did Trump attack AG sessions for not protecting him (not the AG's job)?

How many times has he demeaned and discredited the FBI, our national security agencies and Mr. Mueller?

How many times has he lied and mislead the public?

How many times did Trump promise to release his taxes?

How many times have Trump supporters been led by him to chant, "lock her up"; without ever an indictment, a trial and a conviction?

How many times has he claimed major daily newspapers print Fake News?

How many times has he contradicted himself?

Face it folks, his attorney was spot on when he told the Court Donald Trump is a conman, his supporters have been conned for 28 months.

Michael Cohen: Trump A "Racist," "Conman" Who Knew About WikiLeaks In Advance
But now, with the indisputable evidence against Trump, Democrats are boxed in now to perform a Constitutional duty. I'm still not convinced they will go through with it, seeing that the Senate won't move on it? But, I don't really see it as a choice either for them. Democrats are caught between two bad things for them politically too. They have no good political options, but the best one, to show they are doing a Constitutionally bounded function, is to proceed.

Sit back and watch. Assuming she won't be thwarted by her own caucus, you're going to see the best strategist in Washington perform her Constitutional duties, and outwit and outmaneuver the White House on top of it. It's going to be a blast.

I hope so. The Republican Party will sell out the Constitution to keep the power of the Senate, the Executive, the Supreme Court and regain the H. or Rep.

They will lie, cheat, suppress the vote, attack the character of every Democratic candidate and possibly start a war to do so.

2020 will not only put a new president in the White House; it's time for the Census, Trump&Co. are working hard to use the Census to commit fraud and have redistricting continue to put more of their party to retake the House.

Friends don't let friends vote Republican.
Convincing or not?

What Mueller, Barr Say About Obstruction of Justice - FactCheck.org

Explain and justify your response.

How is he possibly obstructing justice? You are making the extraordinary claim. YOU must back it up. Then tell us why it was OK for the shrilary to demolish 13 blackberries and delete 30,000 emails that were under subpoena.

Ask HRC. Oh yea, the Issa Committee hearings did, and found nothing to support "lock her up"; let only having a prosecutor provide under oath an indictment, followed by a trial and a conviction to so what Trump and you wanted done.

[it seems dirt bags like you, Westwall, and Trump support Kangaroo courts as are done in Moscow, and not American values of jurisprudence]

Get you head out of your ass, and take a peak at the year 2019.
Do you believe AG Barr is obstructing justice?


Would you if I offered you a banana?

How is Barr obstructing justice?

'First of all I believe and stated so above that Barr used a policy, not a law, not even a regulation, to decide a sitting president cannot be indicted for a crime.

An Attorney General, the highest law enforcement officer in our country has decided that the POTUS is above the law.

Now, consider this, an Investigation is the process to determine if a) a crime was committed; and b) who committed it.

Mueller's one page assignment,



is detailed in the link above.
I agree, policy is not law. Which begs the question. Why didn't Mueller prosecute? Does he think POTUS is above the law?

Also detailed in the link;

(c) If the Special Counsel believes it is necessary and appropriate, the Special Counsel is
authorized to prosecute federal crimes arising from the investigation of these matters.
Do you believe AG Barr is obstructing justice?


Would you if I offered you a banana?

How is Barr obstructing justice?

'First of all I believe and stated so above that Barr used a policy, not a law, not even a regulation, to decide a sitting president cannot be indicted for a crime.

An Attorney General, the highest law enforcement officer in our country has decided that the POTUS is above the law.

Now, consider this, an Investigation is the process to determine if a) a crime was committed; and b) who committed it.

Mueller's one page assignment,



is detailed in the link above.

How many times did Trump claim the Mueller Report was a Witch Hunt and a Hoax.

How many times did Trump attack AG sessions for not protecting him (not the AG's job)?

How many times has he demeaned and discredited the FBI, our national security agencies and Mr. Mueller?

How many times has he lied and mislead the public?

How many times did Trump promise to release his taxes?

How many times have Trump supporters been led by him to chant, "lock her up"; without ever an indictment, a trial and a conviction?

How many times has he claimed major daily newspapers print Fake News?

How many times has he contradicted himself?

Face it folks, his attorney was spot on when he told the Court Donald Trump is a conman, his supporters have been conned for 28 months.

Michael Cohen: Trump A "Racist," "Conman" Who Knew About WikiLeaks In Advance
Mueller is not an saint, and he certainly is not above criticism.
He obviously is a progressive deep state operative

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