Fact Checking of ObamaCare

Obamacare glitches out of control...

ObamaCare ‘Glitch’ Watch: Reporter seeking coverage ends up at vacant building
October 02, 2013 ~ As ObamaCare enrollment begins, technical glitches on federal and numerous state-run insurance exchanges are delaying and turning away Americans. The following is a round-up of reported problems.
Tennessee: Reporter seeking ObamaCare coverage ends up at vacant building

Can a government that cannot figure out how to keep itself open figure out how to manage America’s health care system? The launch of the ObamaCare exchanges is still off to a rocky start. Error messages continued to pop up on the main healthcare.gov site on Tuesday. And one Tennessee reporter has detailed her daylong, and ultimately unsuccessful, saga in trying to sign up for health care via the new insurance exchanges – a goose chase that sent her, in the end, to a vacant building.

The travails of Tennessean reporter Shelley DuBois started at 9:33 a.m. on Tuesday when she tried to log on to the state website, which is really the federal government exchange. “We have a lot of visitors on our site right now and we’re working to make your experience here better,” a site message read. “Please wait here until we send you to the login page. Thanks for your patience!” DuBois reports she got to the login page about 10 minutes later, only to be stopped at the page asking for answers to security questions. “Time to hit the phones,” writes DuBois, who at about 9:48 a.m. said a “nice lady” at the Nashville Academy of Medicine, to which the website referred her, said she wasn’t trained to take the call.

DuBois was referred to Health Assist, only to learn shortly after 10 a.m. that the group didn’t have any pricing information. By 10:22 DuBois decided to call in the feds, but the woman on the other end also was locked out of the system. Not totally satisfied with the promise of an application coming in the mail, DuBois got an address where she could talk in person with somebody.

And a few unsuccessful calls later to so-called ObamaCare “navigators,” DuBois left at 11:39 a.m. to find the address – only to learn it was a vacant building next to a Holiday Inn Express. She eventually got a call back at 3:12 p.m. from the United Neighborhood Health Services, but the woman on the other end also was locked out from the website. “That’s a wrap for day one of exchange enrollment,” DuBois wrote. “The search continues.”

Oct. 1:

Washington: “Connection Refused”

See also:

How to kill ObamaCare and save the GOP
October 01, 2013 ~ Ted Cruz, the Tea Party, and the GOP fought hard and courageously, but it’s time to recognize that we aren’t going to win the current battle. Obama will negotiate with madmen in Iran over a nuclear bomb, and with madmen in Syria over chemical weapons, but he won’t negotiate with Republicans in Congress over healthcare. So who’s the crazy one here?
No matter. Obama will not defund ObamaCare. He will not even allow reasonable changes. It’s his law and he’s in charge. We are fighting a “no win” battle over both ObamaCare and the government slimdown or shutdown as other describe it. Especially because the media protects him at all costs. The message the media puts out is that “Obama is for the little guy. The GOP is evil and greedy.” Unfortunately we are playing right into Obama’s hands with both a defunding of ObamaCare and a federal government shutdown.

Great generals change tactics constantly to win battles and wars. They recognize it is all a chess game and as circumstances change and evolve, tactics must change and evolve. Now it’s time for the Republican congress to change tactics. How can the GOP message be changed to win the battle instantly? By changing our demand. Here’s a way to turn this into a “win-win” for the GOP. Republicans will in fact end the government shutdown, pass the budget, and fund ObamaCare if this one single simple demand is met: REMOVE ALL EXEMPTIONS, EXCEPTIONS, AND WAIVERS TO OBAMACARE.

It’s that simple. The message is: If ObamaCare is so good for the people, then let everyone have it. Right now. This instant. The poor, the rich, the big unions, the big corporations, the politically connected, the lawyers, the lobbyists, and of course, Congress, too. Everyone means everyone. “Everyone” must specifically include Senators, Congressmen, their staffs, Obama himself, Michelle, Sasha and Malia. It’s everyone in the rowboat, or no one. That's the only GOP demand. Forget defunding -- it's not going to happen. Fund it, but only if Obama agrees to end all exemptions, exceptions, and waivers today.

How’s that for a simple, clear and concise, easy to understand message? A message that puts the GOP clearly on the side of equality and fairness for all. This is a message a majority of Americans will support. This is a message that puts Obama on the defensive and paints him into a dangerous "no win" corner. That’s how you win the war with Obama and kill ObamaCare. That’s how you win the public relations battle. That’s how you leave the media speechless. That’s how you outmaneuver Obama.

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