FACT - The federal govt CANNOT by itself amend the federal constitution

You're right. I should have said the feds cannot legally amend the constitution by themselves. They do it illegally all the time by saying they're just interpreting it. States need to stop this by refusing to obey changes in the constitution made by the courts.

We need a Constitutional Convention of the States. To put a leash on the Federal Government.


Are you aware that 47 to 50% of the populace are parasites, dependent on federal government largesse?



Damn blind, the elderly who paid into the system, and those damn veterans.
We need a Constitutional Convention of the States. To put a leash on the Federal Government.


Are you aware that 47 to 50% of the populace are parasites, dependent on federal government largesse?



Of course. So should we just give up...................................Do you want that changed..................We can't continue down our current path...............

Read American history...everything will be alright
double :cuckoo:

double :cuckoo:

The US Constitution has NEVER been amended by the courts.

Forget school, go back to hell.

Really, then tell me where the feds got the authority to legislate over private lands?

Legislating is a power granted to the Congress, it involves enacting laws. :eusa_whistle:

Private lands? Read the US Constitution: no person shall "be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

Excuse me dingle berry.

They can ONLY legislate over issues which have been SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED.



Are you aware that 47 to 50% of the populace are parasites, dependent on federal government largesse?



Of course. So should we just give up...................................Do you want that changed..................We can't continue down our current path...............

Read American history...everything will be alright

You first. Start with the Federalist papers. Maybe you'll get your head out of your ass.
Really, then tell me where the feds got the authority to legislate over private lands?

Legislating is a power granted to the Congress, it involves enacting laws. :eusa_whistle:

Private lands? Read the US Constitution: no person shall "be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

Excuse me dingle berry.

They can ONLY legislate over issues which have been SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED.



Okay genius :lol: name ONE piece of legislation that exists that was NOT passed by the Congress

double :cuckoo:

double :cuckoo:

The US Constitution has NEVER been amended by the courts.

Forget school, go back to hell.

Really, then tell me where the feds got the authority to legislate over private lands?

Legislating is a power granted to the Congress, it involves enacting laws. :eusa_whistle:

Private lands? Read the US Constitution: no person shall "be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

Now try reading Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 and see what lands congress was given legislative authority over, hint it wasn't private land.

Are you aware that 47 to 50% of the populace are parasites, dependent on federal government largesse?



Of course. So should we just give up...................................Do you want that changed..................We can't continue down our current path...............

Read American history...everything will be alright

Read American History.

People like Dante will run over you, they will tyrannize you , they will shit on you. 10% of the population will rise up, will kill the sons-of-bitches and then start all over again.

Of course. So should we just give up...................................Do you want that changed..................We can't continue down our current path...............

Read American history...everything will be alright

You first. Start with the Federalist papers. Maybe you'll get your head out of your ass.

The Federalist papers were written arguing in support of a STRONG federal government.

The anti federalists had arguments too.

Hamilton was one of the fiercest proponents of adoption of the USC even though it was more of a document to Madison's liking than his own.

The framers (not the founders) brooked compromise.

now take a hike back to your home school

Are you aware that 47 to 50% of the populace are parasites, dependent on federal government largesse?


That's true but still those that want to drastically reduce the federal govt have the constitution on their side. It could be done if the states would grow a pair and assert their rights.
Really, then tell me where the feds got the authority to legislate over private lands?

Legislating is a power granted to the Congress, it involves enacting laws. :eusa_whistle:

Private lands? Read the US Constitution: no person shall "be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

Now try reading Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 and see what lands congress was given legislative authority over, hint it wasn't private land.

The USC provides for this: Private property can be taken for public use, with just compensation.

You are swinging at windmills
The states can only amend the Constitution with We the People's agreement.

The state is only the agent of the People.

SCOTUS has always had the right of judicial review IAW with Article 3.

Okay genius :lol: name ONE piece of legislation that exists that was NOT passed by the Congress


Are you serious? There are countless examples. Bureaucrats and judges write laws all the time. I was recently given a warning and threatened with a fine for camping in an area the ranger said was closed to camping. There is no congressional law that said that. The National forest service just wrote the "law".
Ummmmm......amongst rational intellectuals and anyone who paid even an iota of attention in high school knows this.

In other news, the sky is blue. Gravity keeps us on the ground. Water is wet and squirrels like nuts.

Tomorrow we will have a more challenging lesson on the necessities of oxygen.

Are you aware that 47 to 50% of the populace are parasites, dependent on federal government largesse?


That's true but still those that want to drastically reduce the federal govt have the constitution on their side. It could be done if the states would grow a pair and assert their rights.

Any presidential candidate, like Romney, who harps about the 47%, when in fact it includes SS and Medicare the which the citizens have paid for, the VA and disability and retired which the veterans have earned, and so forth, and the 85% of those who receive assistance while working, is going to lose every time.
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The founding fathers took states rights for granted and that's why when they wrote the constitution, they listed two ways of amending the constitution and in both ways the states have final vote on whether the proposed amendment passes.

The states can amend the constitution all by themselves, the feds cannot.

Duh, Article V

The only method ever used is the congressional method.
Legislating is a power granted to the Congress, it involves enacting laws. :eusa_whistle:

Private lands? Read the US Constitution: no person shall "be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

Excuse me dingle berry.

They can ONLY legislate over issues which have been SPECIFICALLY ENUMERATED.



Okay genius :lol: name ONE piece of legislation that exists that was NOT passed by the Congress


OMG, where oh where do I begin,


No. 03—1454

For example, Justice Thomas was right in Raich to refuse to stretch the interstate commerce clause to find a power granted to Congress to regulate purely local growth and consumption of marijuana.

Read American history...everything will be alright

You first. Start with the Federalist papers. Maybe you'll get your head out of your ass.

The Federalist papers were written arguing in support of a STRONG federal government.

The anti federalists had arguments too.

Hamilton was one of the fiercest proponents of adoption of the USC even though it was more of a document to Madison's liking than his own.

The framers (not the founders) brooked compromise.

now take a hike back to your home school

Can't get back through all the BS you are spouting.

There intent was clear. And they warned us not to do the things we have done. Especially over the last 100 years.

Now get off your damn high horse and tell us how we are going to pay for 127 Trillion in unfunded liabilities you dumb ass.

This is how libs rule...........

Oh, you poor thing. You need a cell phone in case of emergency. So the Gov't gives poor people cell phones.

You rule on emotion and not reality. Telling the tax payers that you have decided for them to pay for Cell phones to their fellow citizens. To me this is a clear example of why we need to put a leash on the Federal Gov't. They are spending on shit that should never even have been brought up. And they are destroying the dollar and the standard of living in this country.
The states can only amend the Constitution with We the People's agreement.

The state is only the agent of the People.

SCOTUS has always had the right of judicial review IAW with Article 3.

Judicial review is not mentioned in article 3. You say otherwise - give us the quote.
Read American history...everything will be alright

You first. Start with the Federalist papers. Maybe you'll get your head out of your ass.

The Federalist papers were written arguing in support of a STRONG federal government.

The anti federalists had arguments too.

Hamilton was one of the fiercest proponents of adoption of the USC even though it was more of a document to Madison's liking than his own.

The framers (not the founders) brooked compromise.

now take a hike back to your home school

The "Federalist Papers" are pretty neat archives but they were intended to be illustrations and agendas based on revolutionary propaganda. Hamilton was a walking contradiction. He was a patriot who fought beside Washington but he also admired the British centralized government. He was a federalist but switched parties (and beliefs?) when he opposed Adam's bid for reelection. The framers and the founders created the greatest document in the world. The Constitution is the law of the land regardless of the low information left's sudden interest in revolutionary history.

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