FactCheck: The original birthers were Hillary supporters


"Born in Kenya, raised in Hawaii"...

Don't punish those who actually believed what was written in Barry's own book.

Can I just point out that you are an idiot?

'written in Barry's own book'? LOL- your own citation shows you are an idiot or a liar.

In May 2012 the web site Breitbart.com published a copy of a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by the literary agency Acton & Dystel showcasing their roster of writers, among whom was a young man named Barack Obama. This booklet was of particular interest because it included a brief biographical sketch which described the future President as having been born in Kenya:

LOL- you can't even read your own 'sources'
According to factcheck.org the original birthers were Hillary supporters.

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?

Read it and weep.
I notice you now add the word "supporters". That is not what the birthers have been saying up to now. They have been saying Hillary was the original birther.

Nice try.
You actually think Hillary's surrogates acted without her knowing what they were doing? yeah, go with that.

I love that you think that Donald Trump is just a gullible fool who was duped by Hillary Clinton.

According to factcheck.org the original birthers were Hillary supporters.

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?

Read it and weep.
I notice you now add the word "supporters". That is not what the birthers have been saying up to now. They have been saying Hillary was the original birther.

Nice try.
You actually think Hillary's surrogates acted without her knowing what they were doing? yeah, go with that.

You mean like David Duke and white supremacist groups (Trump surrogates) are acting without Trump knowing what they are doing? Interesting...
The article linked by the OP doesn't show one piece of concrete evidence. It only shows that Ted Cruz, Donald Trump and Politico reported it but not one of these sources provide any evidence.

As a Bernie supporter I don't doubt that the Clintons did a lot of sketchy shit - but I'm not as inclined as SuperDemocrat to trust unsourced garbage from crooked politicians and/or the lame stream media. Granted, the Clintons didn't sink to the level of Karl Rove or the Nixon team, but that still leaves a lot of room for dirty tricks, so it's totally possible.
What are you still doing here? You said you were permanently leaving if there was no earpiece in Hillary's ear, and yet you are still here.


The redacted photo show a blurry earpiece!

My God, you win!!
You don't even know what "redacted" means. That photo is sharper than any of the so called earpiece photos.

That is an artifact from over sharpening in photoshop. You can tell the photo was artificially sharpened by the overall graininess and emphasis of her wrinkles. sharpening makes light areas lighter and dark areas darker.
Try again with an "un-redacted" photo. :rofl::lmao:
BTW the video of the debate clearly shows no earpiece.

The original photo clearly shows the earpiece, the memeit blurred photo makes it harder to spot.

Convinced I am, says Master Yoda
And what is your excuse for the video showing no earpiece?

Did Trump ever get that complete report his team of investigators were
putting together that proved Obama was not born in the USA....

Didn't Trump say once that the evidence was astonishing ?....

But we never did get to see that report....
How is it that Trump never presented his case...
Seemed like he was on to something.

But like with a lot of what Trump says it never does pan out.


Mr. Trump also said repeatedly that he had sent a team of investigators to Hawaii to unearth information about Mr. Obama’s birth records.
“They cannot believe what they are finding,” Mr. Trump told ABC’s “The View.”
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The article linked by the OP doesn't show one piece of concrete evidence. It only shows that Ted Cruz, Donald Trump and Politico reported it but not one of these sources provide any evidence.

As a Bernie supporter I don't doubt that the Clintons did a lot of sketchy shit - but I'm not as inclined as SuperDemocrat to trust unsourced garbage from crooked politicians and/or the lame stream media. Granted, the Clintons didn't sink to the level of Karl Rove or the Nixon team, but that still leaves a lot of room for dirty tricks, so it's totally possible.

fact check .org actually verified that it was hillary supporters that started this.
Did Trump ever get that complete report his team of investigators were
putting together that proved Obama was not born in the USA....

Didn't Trump say once that the evidence was astonishing ?....

But we never did get to see that report....
How is it that Trump never presented his case...
Seemed like he was on to something.

But like with a lot of what Trump says it never does pan out.


Mr. Trump also said repeatedly that he had sent a team of investigators to Hawaii to unearth information about Mr. Obama’s birth records.
“They cannot believe what they are finding,” Mr. Trump told ABC’s “The View.”

Did you just make this up? I don't know if your psyciatrist ever told you this but your imagination is not necessary real.

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