FactCheck: The original birthers were Hillary supporters

Obama, born in Kenya
Then maybe he is a messiah. It's the only way to explain how someone can be born in Kenya when there is no evidence his mother ever visited that country.

I'm going to go out on a long limb and say it is downright impossible to be born in Kenya if your mother has never been there.

Whatever you say, or I mean, whatever Hillary or Obama tell you to say.
Obama, born in Kenya
Then maybe he is a messiah. It's the only way to explain how someone can be born in Kenya when there is no evidence his mother ever visited that country.

I'm going to go out on a long limb and say it is downright impossible to be born in Kenya if your mother has never been there.

Whatever you say, or I mean, whatever Hillary or Obama tell you to say.

Whatever you say, or I mean, whatever Putin tells you to say.
According to factcheck.org the original birthers were Hillary supporters.

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?

Read it and weep.
I notice you now add the word "supporters". That is not what the birthers have been saying up to now. They have been saying Hillary was the original birther.

Nice try.

It is not me saying this. It is factcheck.org saying that Hillary supporters were the original birthers. That just sounds even better.

So you think that Donald Trump is just another gullible Birther- easily fooled by Clinton supporters?

View attachment 88831
Donald Trump was a Hillary supporter in 2008. He said she would make a great President. He was also a registered Democrat. He and his entire family donated to her campaign.

So, yeah. That's one Hillary supporter we know for sure who propagated the birther myth.

So- maybe Trump was the person who started the Birther movement?

After all- the articles says an email from an 'anonymous' Clinton supporter- it could have been Trump!


Poor gullible Birther Trump.


I'm sure Trump started the whole thing back in 2008. I'm not going to say anything that contradicts you because if I did I get called all sorts of names. You can say anything you want and I will agree to it. You can say any stupid thing you want and I will even agree to that because I can't tell the difference between you saying anything you want and you saying any stupid thing you want. They just seem to be the same statements.
Obama, born in Kenya
Then maybe he is a messiah. It's the only way to explain how someone can be born in Kenya when there is no evidence his mother ever visited that country.

I'm going to go out on a long limb and say it is downright impossible to be born in Kenya if your mother has never been there.

Whatever you say, or I mean, whatever Hillary or Obama tell you to say.
Excuse me, but Hillary told you to say Obama was born in Kenya, remember?
Obama, born in Kenya
Then maybe he is a messiah. It's the only way to explain how someone can be born in Kenya when there is no evidence his mother ever visited that country.

I'm going to go out on a long limb and say it is downright impossible to be born in Kenya if your mother has never been there.

Whatever you say, or I mean, whatever Hillary or Obama tell you to say.
Excuse me, but Hillary told you Obama was born in Kenya, remember?

Hillary told you she wasn't wearing an ear piece and "Alt Right", so, by coincidence, you say "no ear piece" and "Alt Right"

Hillary has since denied being a birther, so what choice did you have?
Obama, born in Kenya
Then maybe he is a messiah. It's the only way to explain how someone can be born in Kenya when there is no evidence his mother ever visited that country.

I'm going to go out on a long limb and say it is downright impossible to be born in Kenya if your mother has never been there.

Whatever you say, or I mean, whatever Hillary or Obama tell you to say.

Whatever you say, or I mean, whatever Putin tells you to say.

Putin told Obama's publisher that he was born in Kenya?
According to factcheck.org the original birthers were Hillary supporters.

Was Hillary Clinton the Original ‘Birther’?

Read it and weep.
I notice you now add the word "supporters". That is not what the birthers have been saying up to now. They have been saying Hillary was the original birther.

Nice try.

It is not me saying this. It is factcheck.org saying that Hillary supporters were the original birthers. That just sounds even better.

Sounds more typical of a Turdblossum move. Anonymous emails, really?
FactCheck: The original birthers were Hillary supporters

Of course. This has been well known since Hillary's campaign first brought it up in 2008, and has never been refuted... because you can't refute what actually happened.

Liberals have resorted to calling people names who mention it. It's all they have.

You don't expect the mainstream media to report the truth about Democrats, do you? If they did that, not a single Democrat would ever get elected to office.
The Hillary supporters were not the first birthers either...they actually got the info from an internet search on Obama...

When Obama was running for State Senator of Illinois...one of Obama's State opponents put the birther conspiracy out there then.
Hillary clinton was never a birther, after hillary lost the primary a single person who volunteered on her campaign started supporting john mccain and first spread the rumor online, Hillary herself never said it, and it just shows the idiocy, hypocrisy, deceit, and cowardice of this new american fascist movement known as the trump campaign

Did Hillary Clinton start the Obama birther movement?
The Hillary supporters were not the first birthers either...they actually got the info from an internet search on Obama...

When Obama was running for State Senator of Illinois...one of Obama's State opponents put the birther conspiracy out there then.

factcheck.org says you are wrong.

Welcome to the birther movement!
Hillary told you she wasn't wearing an ear piece and "Alt Right", so, by coincidence, you say "no ear piece" and "Alt Right"

Hillary has since denied being a birther, so what choice did you have?
What are you still doing here? You said you were permanently leaving if there was no earpiece in Hillary's ear, and yet you are still here.

Hillary told you she wasn't wearing an ear piece and "Alt Right", so, by coincidence, you say "no ear piece" and "Alt Right"

Hillary has since denied being a birther, so what choice did you have?
What are you still doing here? You said you were permanently leaving if there was no earpiece in Hillary's ear, and yet you are still here.

Oh God. It's the dreaded "roast his genitals over the fire, and then ask him again" look! (-:
Obama, born in Kenya
Then maybe he is a messiah. It's the only way to explain how someone can be born in Kenya when there is no evidence his mother ever visited that country.

I'm going to go out on a long limb and say it is downright impossible to be born in Kenya if your mother has never been there.

Whatever you say, or I mean, whatever Hillary or Obama tell you to say.

Whatever you say, or I mean, whatever Putin tells you to say.

Putin told Obama's publisher that he was born in Kenya?

Do you believe that also?

Well you just post whatever Putin tells you to....so...
Hillary told you she wasn't wearing an ear piece and "Alt Right", so, by coincidence, you say "no ear piece" and "Alt Right"

Hillary has since denied being a birther, so what choice did you have?
What are you still doing here? You said you were permanently leaving if there was no earpiece in Hillary's ear, and yet you are still here.


The redacted photo show a blurry earpiece!

My God, you win!!
I notice you now add the word "supporters". That is not what the birthers have been saying up to now. They have been saying Hillary was the original birther.

Nice try.

It is not me saying this. It is factcheck.org saying that Hillary supporters were the original birthers. That just sounds even better.

So you think that Donald Trump is just another gullible Birther- easily fooled by Clinton supporters?

View attachment 88831
Donald Trump was a Hillary supporter in 2008. He said she would make a great President. He was also a registered Democrat. He and his entire family donated to her campaign.

So, yeah. That's one Hillary supporter we know for sure who propagated the birther myth.

So- maybe Trump was the person who started the Birther movement?

After all- the articles says an email from an 'anonymous' Clinton supporter- it could have been Trump!


Poor gullible Birther Trump.


I'm sure Trump started the whole thing back in 2008. I'm not going to say anything that contradicts you because if I did I get called all sorts of names. You can say anything you want and I will agree to it. You can say any stupid thing you want and I will even agree to that because I can't tell the difference between you saying anything you want and you saying any stupid thing you want. They just seem to be the same statements.

Nothing stupid about pointing out that Donald Trump is King of the Birthers
FactCheck: The original birthers were Hillary supporters

Of course. This has been well known since Hillary's campaign first brought it up in 2008, and has never been refuted... because you can't refute what actually happened..

The funny part is that the article you cite- says that Hillary's campaign wasn't the first to bring it up- and actually refuted.

Silly Birther- still hoping you were just a gullible idiot duped by Clinton- still hoping that Trump is just a gullible idiot.
The Hillary supporters were not the first birthers either...they actually got the info from an internet search on Obama...

When Obama was running for State Senator of Illinois...one of Obama's State opponents put the birther conspiracy out there then.

factcheck.org says you are wrong.

Welcome to the birther movement!

A brief history of birtherism

Birtherism is the latest and most enduring version of a theory in search of facts.

The original smear against Obama was that he was a crypto-Muslim, floated in 2004 by perennial Illinois political candidate and serial litigant Andy Martin. Other related versions of this theory alleged that Obama was educated in an Indonesian “madrassa” or steeped in Islamist ideology from a young age, and the theories began to spread virally after Obama appeared on the national stage – to the casual observer, from nowhere – with his early 2007 presidential campaign announcement. (See: Obama kin: Birther rumors 'a shame')

All through that year, the Obama campaign – with the affirmation of most leaders of both parties – aggressively battled that smear by emphasizing his Christian faith. Obama’s controversial but emphatically Christian pastor emerged as a campaign issue and the belief that he was a Muslim seemed to lose traction. (See: Clinton: Birther claims 'ludicrous')

Then, as Obama marched toward the presidency, a new suggestion emerged: That he was not eligible to serve. (See: Birther debate alive across U.S.)

That theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.

“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth,” asserted one chain email that surfaced on the urban legend site Snopes.com in April 2008.

Birtherism: Where it all began

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