Factors that have made this country so darn divided

The country has always been divided. It runs better this way. A totally united country cannot succeed.

No, it's become more and more divided every election. There is no longer middle ground.

On the right, you have the tea party battling the establishment, and the tea party is gaining ground.

On the left, you have the Socialists and Communists. Sanders was a close second and Hillary was endorsed by the US Communist Party.

Where is the middle ground between constitutionalism and communism? There isn't any, and I would welcome dividing this country in half so we can have two separate countries. I would love to live in a country with no liberalism at all.
The proliferation of social media, coupled with the anonymity that such media allow, has given a "voice" to the most strident fringe of our electorate.

Well, free speech wasn't encoded into the Constitution with the intent that folks who have nothing of substance to say be heard. Social media, however, has afforded a platform to far too many folks who aren't worth hearing. I don't have a problem with folks saying what they want to say. What I find odious is that social media allows them to be so damned "loud" with their inane and absurd remarks.

Who gets to decide what is worth hearing or not? That is the problem. The more you disagree with something the more Loud and inane and absurd it may sound to you.
The proliferation of social media, coupled with the anonymity that such media allow, has given a "voice" to the most strident fringe of our electorate.

Well, free speech wasn't encoded into the Constitution with the intent that folks who have nothing of substance to say be heard. Social media, however, has afforded a platform to far too many folks who aren't worth hearing. I don't have a problem with folks saying what they want to say. What I find odious is that social media allows them to be so damned "loud" with their inane and absurd remarks.

Who gets to decide what is worth hearing or not? That is the problem. The more you disagree with something the more Loud and inane and absurd it may sound to you.

What's worth hearing should be self evident given the context under discussion and what one may say. That which isn't germane, well thought out, and based on sound reasoning isn't worth hearing. For example....Our emotions are ours, but they have no place in arena of public policy. On the other hand, at and of the Superbowl, by all means, emote away.
Good post. If you would, permit me to bring out Obama's two elections. They both predicated the end of the United States of America. Hillary will finish what Obama started.
I can only hope. I've always been fond of success.
And after the destruction under Bush and the GOP? At least that's something Republicans can't deny. Not when they won't let him anywhere near any of their conventions.

Republicans wish Bush was deader than they want gays dead. And that's saying a lot.
Having not logged on since before the elections, I find this post especially rewarding. LOL IN YOUR FACE, BITCH. :slap:
QUOTE="nat4900, post: 15754895, member: 53797"]By this time tomorrow, we can all safely state that we have "dodged a bullet" in rejecting the Trumpster...of that many of us have no doubt.

But what has made this country so divided, as many right wingers on this microcosm of a forum clearly shows?
I have lived through the turbulent 1960s, felt heartbroken over the many assassinations of our leaders, and have marched against useless and bloody wars that costs us so many lives and treasure. Yet, the meanness that this forum has often shown is unprecedented.

For myself, I "blame" 3 factors that in my long life seem to have precipitated this huge division among our fellow Americans:

1. The proliferation of social media, coupled with the anonymity that such media allow, has given a "voice" to the most strident fringe of our electorate.

2. The whole impeachment process of Bill Clinton also showed us how vengeful politics have become (and I'm not exempt form this because I would readily admit that I simply hated the GWB administration.)

3. Most of all I blame the factor that a mere 16 years ago, we had to have a supreme court appoint a president for us, where a cabal of just 5 people told us who would lead us .

I'm not even going to bring out that the Obama election also brought out the latent racism that fermented in some people hearts, since I believe that many who resented Obama were not necessarily racists, although many certainly were and are.

I sincerely hope that Wednesday we will witness a peaceful transfer of power; a factor that has made us great as a country and as a paragon of how other countries should behave in the political arena; sure there will be disappointments and bitterness in many minds that wanted a different direction for our country...but, once the electorate has spoken in a majority voice, the results MUST be accepted.[/QUOTE

Factors that have made this country so darn divided

Come on....THIS ONE IS CLASSIC!!! NAT from November 7th..

QUOTE="nat4900, post: 15754895, member: 53797"]By this time tomorrow, we can all safely state that we have "dodged a bullet" in rejecting the Trumpster...of that many of us have no doubt.

But what has made this country so divided, as many right wingers on this microcosm of a forum clearly shows?
I have lived through the turbulent 1960s, felt heartbroken over the many assassinations of our leaders, and have marched against useless and bloody wars that costs us so many lives and treasure. Yet, the meanness that this forum has often shown is unprecedented.

For myself, I "blame" 3 factors that in my long life seem to have precipitated this huge division among our fellow Americans:

1. The proliferation of social media, coupled with the anonymity that such media allow, has given a "voice" to the most strident fringe of our electorate.

2. The whole impeachment process of Bill Clinton also showed us how vengeful politics have become (and I'm not exempt form this because I would readily admit that I simply hated the GWB administration.)

3. Most of all I blame the factor that a mere 16 years ago, we had to have a supreme court appoint a president for us, where a cabal of just 5 people told us who would lead us .

I'm not even going to bring out that the Obama election also brought out the latent racism that fermented in some people hearts, since I believe that many who resented Obama were not necessarily racists, although many certainly were and are.

I sincerely hope that Wednesday we will witness a peaceful transfer of power; a factor that has made us great as a country and as a paragon of how other countries should behave in the political arena; sure there will be disappointments and bitterness in many minds that wanted a different direction for our country...but, once the electorate has spoken in a majority voice, the results MUST be accepted.[/QUOTE

Factors that have made this country so darn divided

Come on....THIS ONE IS CLASSIC!!! NAT from November 7th..


Dont' forget these folks

Winner x 4
Carla_DangerThe VORrightwingermy2¢
Thank You! x 2
Hutch StarskeySYTFE
Agree x 1
QUOTE="nat4900, post: 15754895, member: 53797"]By this time tomorrow, we can all safely state that we have "dodged a bullet" in rejecting the Trumpster...of that many of us have no doubt.

But what has made this country so divided, as many right wingers on this microcosm of a forum clearly shows?
I have lived through the turbulent 1960s, felt heartbroken over the many assassinations of our leaders, and have marched against useless and bloody wars that costs us so many lives and treasure. Yet, the meanness that this forum has often shown is unprecedented.

For myself, I "blame" 3 factors that in my long life seem to have precipitated this huge division among our fellow Americans:

1. The proliferation of social media, coupled with the anonymity that such media allow, has given a "voice" to the most strident fringe of our electorate.

2. The whole impeachment process of Bill Clinton also showed us how vengeful politics have become (and I'm not exempt form this because I would readily admit that I simply hated the GWB administration.)

3. Most of all I blame the factor that a mere 16 years ago, we had to have a supreme court appoint a president for us, where a cabal of just 5 people told us who would lead us .

I'm not even going to bring out that the Obama election also brought out the latent racism that fermented in some people hearts, since I believe that many who resented Obama were not necessarily racists, although many certainly were and are.

I sincerely hope that Wednesday we will witness a peaceful transfer of power; a factor that has made us great as a country and as a paragon of how other countries should behave in the political arena; sure there will be disappointments and bitterness in many minds that wanted a different direction for our country...but, once the electorate has spoken in a majority voice, the results MUST be accepted.[/QUOTE

Factors that have made this country so darn divided

Come on....THIS ONE IS CLASSIC!!! NAT from November 7th..


Dont' forget these folks

Winner x 4
Carla_DangerThe VORrightwingermy2¢
Thank You! x 2
Hutch StarskeySYTFE
Agree x 1

Snowflakes are funny.

What is really funny is how these assholes were setting themselves up to whine about REPUBLICANS contesting the election.

They tried to say the whole "PEACEFUL TRANSITION OF POWER" is what America is all about...

...then the fucks tried to overturn the election.

Last edited:
QUOTE="nat4900, post: 15754895, member: 53797"]By this time tomorrow, we can all safely state that we have "dodged a bullet" in rejecting the Trumpster...of that many of us have no doubt.

But what has made this country so divided, as many right wingers on this microcosm of a forum clearly shows?
I have lived through the turbulent 1960s, felt heartbroken over the many assassinations of our leaders, and have marched against useless and bloody wars that costs us so many lives and treasure. Yet, the meanness that this forum has often shown is unprecedented.

For myself, I "blame" 3 factors that in my long life seem to have precipitated this huge division among our fellow Americans:

1. The proliferation of social media, coupled with the anonymity that such media allow, has given a "voice" to the most strident fringe of our electorate.
Hillary was not "fringe" when she smeared and attacked her opponent supporters. THe political class that has nothing but contempt for Middle American is not fringe.

2. The whole impeachment process of Bill Clinton also showed us how vengeful politics have become (and I'm not exempt form this because I would readily admit that I simply hated the GWB administration.)

We cons were told that sexual harassment was a very big thing. We were stupid enough to believe it. We now understand that it is only a big thing when it can be used by the Left against someone on the RIght.

3. Most of all I blame the factor that a mere 16 years ago, we had to have a supreme court appoint a president for us, where a cabal of just 5 people told us who would lead us .

The PARTIAL Florida recount was an attempt by Al Gore to steal the election. He was not looking for a true recount but just for some more dem votes.

I'm not even going to bring out that the Obama election also brought out the latent racism

This is where I stopped reading.

Nothing is more divisive in this nation than the constant race baiting by the left.

Yes, 8 years ago the Democrat part was the party of YES WE CAN.
Now they are the party of OH NO YOU WONT!!
QUOTE="nat4900, post: 15754895, member: 53797"]By this time tomorrow, we can all safely state that we have "dodged a bullet" in rejecting the Trumpster...of that many of us have no doubt.

But what has made this country so divided, as many right wingers on this microcosm of a forum clearly shows?
I have lived through the turbulent 1960s, felt heartbroken over the many assassinations of our leaders, and have marched against useless and bloody wars that costs us so many lives and treasure. Yet, the meanness that this forum has often shown is unprecedented.

For myself, I "blame" 3 factors that in my long life seem to have precipitated this huge division among our fellow Americans:

1. The proliferation of social media, coupled with the anonymity that such media allow, has given a "voice" to the most strident fringe of our electorate.
Hillary was not "fringe" when she smeared and attacked her opponent supporters. THe political class that has nothing but contempt for Middle American is not fringe.

2. The whole impeachment process of Bill Clinton also showed us how vengeful politics have become (and I'm not exempt form this because I would readily admit that I simply hated the GWB administration.)

We cons were told that sexual harassment was a very big thing. We were stupid enough to believe it. We now understand that it is only a big thing when it can be used by the Left against someone on the RIght.

3. Most of all I blame the factor that a mere 16 years ago, we had to have a supreme court appoint a president for us, where a cabal of just 5 people told us who would lead us .

The PARTIAL Florida recount was an attempt by Al Gore to steal the election. He was not looking for a true recount but just for some more dem votes.

I'm not even going to bring out that the Obama election also brought out the latent racism

This is where I stopped reading.

Nothing is more divisive in this nation than the constant race baiting by the left.


He gets in line early and withdraws large amounts from the FAIL bank.

I like his rewriting of the BILL CLINTON impeachment.


The politics was on the left for not making Clinton resign office.
QUOTE="nat4900, post: 15754895, member: 53797"]By this time tomorrow, we can all safely state that we have "dodged a bullet" in rejecting the Trumpster...of that many of us have no doubt.

But what has made this country so divided, as many right wingers on this microcosm of a forum clearly shows?
I have lived through the turbulent 1960s, felt heartbroken over the many assassinations of our leaders, and have marched against useless and bloody wars that costs us so many lives and treasure. Yet, the meanness that this forum has often shown is unprecedented.

For myself, I "blame" 3 factors that in my long life seem to have precipitated this huge division among our fellow Americans:

1. The proliferation of social media, coupled with the anonymity that such media allow, has given a "voice" to the most strident fringe of our electorate.

2. The whole impeachment process of Bill Clinton also showed us how vengeful politics have become (and I'm not exempt form this because I would readily admit that I simply hated the GWB administration.)

3. Most of all I blame the factor that a mere 16 years ago, we had to have a supreme court appoint a president for us, where a cabal of just 5 people told us who would lead us .

I'm not even going to bring out that the Obama election also brought out the latent racism that fermented in some people hearts, since I believe that many who resented Obama were not necessarily racists, although many certainly were and are.

I sincerely hope that Wednesday we will witness a peaceful transfer of power; a factor that has made us great as a country and as a paragon of how other countries should behave in the political arena; sure there will be disappointments and bitterness in many minds that wanted a different direction for our country...but, once the electorate has spoken in a majority voice, the results MUST be accepted.[/QUOTE

Factors that have made this country so darn divided

Come on....THIS ONE IS CLASSIC!!! NAT from November 7th..


Dont' forget these folks

Winner x 4
Carla_DangerThe VORrightwingermy2¢
Thank You! x 2
Hutch StarskeySYTFE
Agree x 1

Snowflakes are funny.

What is really funny is how these assholes were setting themselves up to whine about REPUBLICANS contesting the election.

They tried to say the whole "PEACEFUL TRANSITION OF POWER" is what America is all about...

...then the fucks tried to overturn the election.


You mean the same people that ridiculed Mitt Romney when he said the Russians were a threat???
OP- RW fake news, bs/hate propaganda for 30 years that have produced another planet that the rest of the world doesn't recognize- and pure GOP obstruction for 30+ that keep pander to the rich tax rates and policy in place and wreck the nonrich and the country.
OP- RW fake news, bs/hate propaganda for 30 years that have produced another planet that the rest of the world doesn't recognize- and pure GOP obstruction for 30+ that keep pander to the rich tax rates and policy in place and wreck the nonrich and the country.

God what an ill educated broken record you are.
By this time tomorrow, we can all safely state that we have "dodged a bullet" in rejecting the Trumpster...of that many of us have no doubt.

But what has made this country so divided, as many right wingers on this microcosm of a forum clearly shows?
I have lived through the turbulent 1960s, felt heartbroken over the many assassinations of our leaders, and have marched against useless and bloody wars that costs us so many lives and treasure. Yet, the meanness that this forum has often shown is unprecedented.

For myself, I "blame" 3 factors that in my long life seem to have precipitated this huge division among our fellow Americans:

1. The proliferation of social media, coupled with the anonymity that such media allow, has given a "voice" to the most strident fringe of our electorate.

2. The whole impeachment process of Bill Clinton also showed us how vengeful politics have become (and I'm not exempt form this because I would readily admit that I simply hated the GWB administration.)

3. Most of all I blame the factor that a mere 16 years ago, we had to have a supreme court appoint a president for us, where a cabal of just 5 people told us who would lead us .

I'm not even going to bring out that the Obama election also brought out the latent racism that fermented in some people hearts, since I believe that many who resented Obama were not necessarily racists, although many certainly were and are.

I sincerely hope that Wednesday we will witness a peaceful transfer of power; a factor that has made us great as a country and as a paragon of how other countries should behave in the political arena; sure there will be disappointments and bitterness in many minds that wanted a different direction for our country...but, once the electorate has spoken in a majority voice, the results MUST be accepted.

How's that peaceful transfer of power going?
OP- RW fake news, bs/hate propaganda for 30 years that have produced another planet that the rest of the world doesn't recognize- and pure GOP obstruction for 30+ that keep pander to the rich tax rates and policy in place and wreck the nonrich and the country.

By this time tomorrow, we can all safely state that we have "dodged a bullet" in rejecting the Trumpster...of that many of us have no doubt.

But what has made this country so divided, as many right wingers on this microcosm of a forum clearly shows?
I have lived through the turbulent 1960s, felt heartbroken over the many assassinations of our leaders, and have marched against useless and bloody wars that costs us so many lives and treasure. Yet, the meanness that this forum has often shown is unprecedented.

For myself, I "blame" 3 factors that in my long life seem to have precipitated this huge division among our fellow Americans:

1. The proliferation of social media, coupled with the anonymity that such media allow, has given a "voice" to the most strident fringe of our electorate.

2. The whole impeachment process of Bill Clinton also showed us how vengeful politics have become (and I'm not exempt form this because I would readily admit that I simply hated the GWB administration.)

3. Most of all I blame the factor that a mere 16 years ago, we had to have a supreme court appoint a president for us, where a cabal of just 5 people told us who would lead us .

I'm not even going to bring out that the Obama election also brought out the latent racism that fermented in some people hearts, since I believe that many who resented Obama were not necessarily racists, although many certainly were and are.

I sincerely hope that Wednesday we will witness a peaceful transfer of power; a factor that has made us great as a country and as a paragon of how other countries should behave in the political arena; sure there will be disappointments and bitterness in many minds that wanted a different direction for our country...but, once the electorate has spoken in a majority voice, the results MUST be accepted.

How's that peaceful transfer of power going?

I think gnat is exhausted, spent all night rioting against Trump....
OP- RW fake news, bs/hate propaganda for 30 years that have produced another planet that the rest of the world doesn't recognize- and pure GOP obstruction for 30+ that keep pander to the rich tax rates and policy in place and wreck the nonrich and the country.
QUOTE="nat4900, post: 15754895, member: 53797"]By this time tomorrow, we can all safely state that we have "dodged a bullet" in rejecting the Trumpster...of that many of us have no doubt.

But what has made this country so divided, as many right wingers on this microcosm of a forum clearly shows?
I have lived through the turbulent 1960s, felt heartbroken over the many assassinations of our leaders, and have marched against useless and bloody wars that costs us so many lives and treasure. Yet, the meanness that this forum has often shown is unprecedented.

For myself, I "blame" 3 factors that in my long life seem to have precipitated this huge division among our fellow Americans:

1. The proliferation of social media, coupled with the anonymity that such media allow, has given a "voice" to the most strident fringe of our electorate.

2. The whole impeachment process of Bill Clinton also showed us how vengeful politics have become (and I'm not exempt form this because I would readily admit that I simply hated the GWB administration.)

3. Most of all I blame the factor that a mere 16 years ago, we had to have a supreme court appoint a president for us, where a cabal of just 5 people told us who would lead us .

I'm not even going to bring out that the Obama election also brought out the latent racism that fermented in some people hearts, since I believe that many who resented Obama were not necessarily racists, although many certainly were and are.

I sincerely hope that Wednesday we will witness a peaceful transfer of power; a factor that has made us great as a country and as a paragon of how other countries should behave in the political arena; sure there will be disappointments and bitterness in many minds that wanted a different direction for our country...but, once the electorate has spoken in a majority voice, the results MUST be accepted.[/QUOTE

Factors that have made this country so darn divided

Come on....THIS ONE IS CLASSIC!!! NAT from November 7th..


Dont' forget these folks

Winner x 4
Carla_DangerThe VORrightwingermy2¢
Thank You! x 2
Hutch StarskeySYTFE
Agree x 1

Snowflakes are funny.

What is really funny is how these assholes were setting themselves up to whine about REPUBLICANS contesting the election.

They tried to say the whole "PEACEFUL TRANSITION OF POWER" is what America is all about...

...then the fucks tried to overturn the election.


You mean the same people that ridiculed Mitt Romney when he said the Russians were a threat???

Yes, those assholes.
OP- RW fake news, bs/hate propaganda for 30 years that have produced another planet that the rest of the world doesn't recognize- and pure GOP obstruction for 30+ that keep pander to the rich tax rates and policy in place and wreck the nonrich and the country.

God what an ill educated broken record you are.
Only THE story of the last 35 years, brainwashed functional moron. Sorry to not be as exciting as your imaginary "facts", dupe. Me, Masters in History; You, masters in bs propaganda.How's the Hilary special prosecutor coming along, SHYTTEHEAD? lol

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