Factors that have made this country so darn divided

The proliferation of social media, coupled with the anonymity that such media allow, has given a "voice" to the most strident fringe of our electorate.

Well, free speech wasn't encoded into the Constitution with the intent that folks who have nothing of substance to say be heard. Social media, however, has afforded a platform to far too many folks who aren't worth hearing. I don't have a problem with folks saying what they want to say. What I find odious is that social media allows them to be so damned "loud" with their inane and absurd remarks.

Of course taxes made our country great....what do you think paid for it?

Roads, bridges, harbors, airports, medical research, our military, our schools, security, safe food and water, environmental protection.........

It is always amazing how stupid you Moon Bats are.

Taxes did not make this country great. Taxes take money out of the productive economy and put it in the hands of corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups.

Taxes also are used for thievery when money is taken away from the people that earned it and given to the shithead welfare queens that didn't earn it.

Nobody has any problem with funding the minimal necessary government functions such as defense, courts, police etc providing the money is spent efficently.

The problem is the enormous amount of money that is stolen from the people and lost to the private economy on welfare, entitlements, subsidies and bailouts.

Corporate America does not exist without a government. They are the ones corrupting it for their own means
To me it began with Obama.
An unqualified candidate to whom the left supported because of his race and the right opposed in spite of his race.
Who ARE the racists??

No, it began when the democrats refused to accept the results of the election in 2000. While Gore and the corrupt DNC finally backed down, a month later, most of the rabid partisans never did. That continued and exacerbated under the great divider, but the origins go back to 2000.
By this time tomorrow, we can all safely state that we have "dodged a bullet" in rejecting the Trumpster...of that many of us have no doubt.

But what has made this country so divided, as many right wingers on this microcosm of a forum clearly shows?
I have lived through the turbulent 1960s, felt heartbroken over the many assassinations of our leaders, and have marched against useless and bloody wars that costs us so many lives and treasure. Yet, the meanness that this forum has often shown is unprecedented.

For myself, I "blame" 3 factors that in my long life seem to have precipitated this huge division among our fellow Americans:

1. The proliferation of social media, coupled with the anonymity that such media allow, has given a "voice" to the most strident fringe of our electorate.

2. The whole impeachment process of Bill Clinton also showed us how vengeful politics have become (and I'm not exempt form this because I would readily admit that I simply hated the GWB administration.)

3. Most of all I blame the factor that a mere 16 years ago, we had to have a supreme court appoint a president for us, where a cabal of just 5 people told us who would lead us .

I'm not even going to bring out that the Obama election also brought out the latent racism that fermented in some people hearts, since I believe that many who resented Obama were not necessarily racists, although many certainly were and are.

I sincerely hope that Wednesday we will witness a peaceful transfer of power; a factor that has made us great as a country and as a paragon of how other countries should behave in the political arena; sure there will be disappointments and bitterness in many minds that wanted a different direction for our country...but, once the electorate has spoken in a majority voice, the results MUST be accepted.

Let me offer my perspective.

1. First was the rise of talk radio which started to take off in the very same year that GHWB took office. I started listening to it in 1993 and couldn't believe the sheer nonsense being passed off as erudition. And since controversy gets attention, the hosts of these shows were often not motivated by anything more than high ratings and money. Therefore, it shouldn't have surprised anyone that the truth was sacrificed in the process.

2. The rise of Newt Gingrich and his hyperbolic and destructive statements which lowered the level of discourse while also raising the volume of people speaking past each other instead of to one another in an effort to score political points while winning nothing in the process except increasing division and resentment.

3. The fact that elected representatives stopped living in Washington and interacting with each other. Instead, they left to go back to their districts every weekend and consequently didn't have much in the way of any meaningful personal relationships with members of the opposing political parties.

4. While both parties shifted right over the years, both parties increasingly lost the moderate middle (conservative Democrats and moderate Republicans) who could ultimately be counted on to come together to make deals when the more extreme wings of each party were unable to work together. This ultimately led to the nonsensical notion that compromise was a bad thing. That only led to increasing gridlock which frustrated everyone, none more than the American electorate itself.
(As an aside, I once heard a conservative say that he would not compromise with Democrats. Instead, Democrats would have to compromise with him. That's truly a nonsensical statement if I ever heard one.)

5. The rise of social media which too often pushed paranoid conspiracy theories which some politicians were too often willing to exploit to get the base to the polls in election years.

6. The fact that conservative talk radio hosts eventually turned on the leadership of the Republican Party when they were unable to live up to an absolutist all-or-nothing approach to governance.

Enter Trump...

The timeline is absolutely correct and leads us to where we are today

There is no compromise anymore. Compromise is treated the same as defeat. In fact, Republicans would rather lose entirely than have to compromise with Democrats

You have been gloating for over a year about the coming permanent marginalization of the GOP, thanks to mass Third World immigration.

WHat compromise is there for the GOP in that scenario?

Instead of US being effectively disenfranchised tomorrow, we are effectively disenfranchised in a year?


You are right about one thing. There is not compromise. If you people win, we lose, and will continue to lose forever, with no legal or political recourse, ever.
By this time tomorrow, we can all safely state that we have "dodged a bullet" in rejecting the Trumpster...of that many of us have no doubt.

But what has made this country so divided, as many right wingers on this microcosm of a forum clearly shows?
I have lived through the turbulent 1960s, felt heartbroken over the many assassinations of our leaders, and have marched against useless and bloody wars that costs us so many lives and treasure. Yet, the meanness that this forum has often shown is unprecedented.

For myself, I "blame" 3 factors that in my long life seem to have precipitated this huge division among our fellow Americans:

1. The proliferation of social media, coupled with the anonymity that such media allow, has given a "voice" to the most strident fringe of our electorate.

2. The whole impeachment process of Bill Clinton also showed us how vengeful politics have become (and I'm not exempt form this because I would readily admit that I simply hated the GWB administration.)

3. Most of all I blame the factor that a mere 16 years ago, we had to have a supreme court appoint a president for us, where a cabal of just 5 people told us who would lead us .

I'm not even going to bring out that the Obama election also brought out the latent racism that fermented in some people hearts, since I believe that many who resented Obama were not necessarily racists, although many certainly were and are.

I sincerely hope that Wednesday we will witness a peaceful transfer of power; a factor that has made us great as a country and as a paragon of how other countries should behave in the political arena; sure there will be disappointments and bitterness in many minds that wanted a different direction for our country...but, once the electorate has spoken in a majority voice, the results MUST be accepted.

Let me offer my perspective.

1. First was the rise of talk radio which started to take off in the very same year that GHWB took office. I started listening to it in 1993 and couldn't believe the sheer nonsense being passed off as erudition. And since controversy gets attention, the hosts of these shows were often not motivated by anything more than high ratings and money. Therefore, it shouldn't have surprised anyone that the truth was sacrificed in the process.

2. The rise of Newt Gingrich and his hyperbolic and destructive statements which lowered the level of discourse while also raising the volume of people speaking past each other instead of to one another in an effort to score political points while winning nothing in the process except increasing division and resentment.

3. The fact that elected representatives stopped living in Washington and interacting with each other. Instead, they left to go back to their districts every weekend and consequently didn't have much in the way of any meaningful personal relationships with members of the opposing political parties.

4. While both parties shifted right over the years, both parties increasingly lost the moderate middle (conservative Democrats and moderate Republicans) who could ultimately be counted on to come together to make deals when the more extreme wings of each party were unable to work together. This ultimately led to the nonsensical notion that compromise was a bad thing. That only led to increasing gridlock which frustrated everyone, none more than the American electorate itself.
(As an aside, I once heard a conservative say that he would not compromise with Democrats. Instead, Democrats would have to compromise with him. That's truly a nonsensical statement if I ever heard one.)

5. The rise of social media which too often pushed paranoid conspiracy theories which some politicians were too often willing to exploit to get the base to the polls in election years.

6. The fact that conservative talk radio hosts eventually turned on the leadership of the Republican Party when they were unable to live up to an absolutist all-or-nothing approach to governance.

Enter Trump...

The timeline is absolutely correct and leads us to where we are today

There is no compromise anymore. Compromise is treated the same as defeat. In fact, Republicans would rather lose entirely than have to compromise with Democrats

You have been gloating for over a year about the coming permanent marginalization of the GOP, thanks to mass Third World immigration.

WHat compromise is there for the GOP in that scenario?

Instead of US being effectively disenfranchised tomorrow, we are effectively disenfranchised in a year?


You are right about one thing. There is not compromise. If you people win, we lose, and will continue to lose forever, with no legal or political recourse, ever.


How about....

We will agree to $1 in tax increases for every $3 of spending cuts
We well agree to more investment in alternate energy if you will approve the Keystone Pipeline
We will agree to Obamacare if you include more tax cuts, HSAs and competition across state lines

None of which Republicans would support
By this time tomorrow, we can all safely state that we have "dodged a bullet" in rejecting the Trumpster...of that many of us have no doubt.

But what has made this country so divided, as many right wingers on this microcosm of a forum clearly shows?
I have lived through the turbulent 1960s, felt heartbroken over the many assassinations of our leaders, and have marched against useless and bloody wars that costs us so many lives and treasure. Yet, the meanness that this forum has often shown is unprecedented.

For myself, I "blame" 3 factors that in my long life seem to have precipitated this huge division among our fellow Americans:

1. The proliferation of social media, coupled with the anonymity that such media allow, has given a "voice" to the most strident fringe of our electorate.

2. The whole impeachment process of Bill Clinton also showed us how vengeful politics have become (and I'm not exempt form this because I would readily admit that I simply hated the GWB administration.)

3. Most of all I blame the factor that a mere 16 years ago, we had to have a supreme court appoint a president for us, where a cabal of just 5 people told us who would lead us .

I'm not even going to bring out that the Obama election also brought out the latent racism that fermented in some people hearts, since I believe that many who resented Obama were not necessarily racists, although many certainly were and are.

I sincerely hope that Wednesday we will witness a peaceful transfer of power; a factor that has made us great as a country and as a paragon of how other countries should behave in the political arena; sure there will be disappointments and bitterness in many minds that wanted a different direction for our country...but, once the electorate has spoken in a majority voice, the results MUST be accepted.

Let me offer my perspective.

1. First was the rise of talk radio which started to take off in the very same year that GHWB took office. I started listening to it in 1993 and couldn't believe the sheer nonsense being passed off as erudition. And since controversy gets attention, the hosts of these shows were often not motivated by anything more than high ratings and money. Therefore, it shouldn't have surprised anyone that the truth was sacrificed in the process.

2. The rise of Newt Gingrich and his hyperbolic and destructive statements which lowered the level of discourse while also raising the volume of people speaking past each other instead of to one another in an effort to score political points while winning nothing in the process except increasing division and resentment.

3. The fact that elected representatives stopped living in Washington and interacting with each other. Instead, they left to go back to their districts every weekend and consequently didn't have much in the way of any meaningful personal relationships with members of the opposing political parties.

4. While both parties shifted right over the years, both parties increasingly lost the moderate middle (conservative Democrats and moderate Republicans) who could ultimately be counted on to come together to make deals when the more extreme wings of each party were unable to work together. This ultimately led to the nonsensical notion that compromise was a bad thing. That only led to increasing gridlock which frustrated everyone, none more than the American electorate itself.
(As an aside, I once heard a conservative say that he would not compromise with Democrats. Instead, Democrats would have to compromise with him. That's truly a nonsensical statement if I ever heard one.)

5. The rise of social media which too often pushed paranoid conspiracy theories which some politicians were too often willing to exploit to get the base to the polls in election years.

6. The fact that conservative talk radio hosts eventually turned on the leadership of the Republican Party when they were unable to live up to an absolutist all-or-nothing approach to governance.

Enter Trump...

The timeline is absolutely correct and leads us to where we are today

There is no compromise anymore. Compromise is treated the same as defeat. In fact, Republicans would rather lose entirely than have to compromise with Democrats

You have been gloating for over a year about the coming permanent marginalization of the GOP, thanks to mass Third World immigration.

WHat compromise is there for the GOP in that scenario?

Instead of US being effectively disenfranchised tomorrow, we are effectively disenfranchised in a year?


You are right about one thing. There is not compromise. If you people win, we lose, and will continue to lose forever, with no legal or political recourse, ever.


How about....

We will agree to $1 in tax increases for every $3 of spending cuts
We well agree to more investment in alternate energy if you will approve the Keystone Pipeline
We will agree to Obamacare if you include more tax cuts, HSAs and competition across state lines

None of which Republicans would support

1. We've tried that game. YOu fucked us.

2. We invest plenty in alternate energy. We still live on fossil fuels. Don't play games with our society's life blood.

3. LOL!!! You consider it compromise as long as you get government control of health care? LOL!

4. And none of that shit matters, because once you grant amnesty to all the illegals, you have One Party Rule and any deals will be throw out the window and you will rule as you see fit.
.......AND fighting useless, deadly and costly wars....just ask Cheney.

Who else would start two wars and cut taxes to pay for them?

Kennedy and Johnson.

Taxes were at 70% for the wealthy in the 60s
Bush cut it to 35%

don't be naïve. no one paid 70%. in those days there were all kinds of exemptions and deductions in the tax code. The rich actually paid less then than they do now.


Horseshit, hogshit, sheepshit, batshit, cowshit, dogshit, all kinds of shit for your ignorant postings, you are the dumbest shit on this message board.
By this time tomorrow, we can all safely state that we have "dodged a bullet" in rejecting the Trumpster...of that many of us have no doubt.

But what has made this country so divided, as many right wingers on this microcosm of a forum clearly shows?
I have lived through the turbulent 1960s, felt heartbroken over the many assassinations of our leaders, and have marched against useless and bloody wars that costs us so many lives and treasure. Yet, the meanness that this forum has often shown is unprecedented.

For myself, I "blame" 3 factors that in my long life seem to have precipitated this huge division among our fellow Americans:

1. The proliferation of social media, coupled with the anonymity that such media allow, has given a "voice" to the most strident fringe of our electorate.

2. The whole impeachment process of Bill Clinton also showed us how vengeful politics have become (and I'm not exempt form this because I would readily admit that I simply hated the GWB administration.)

3. Most of all I blame the factor that a mere 16 years ago, we had to have a supreme court appoint a president for us, where a cabal of just 5 people told us who would lead us .

I'm not even going to bring out that the Obama election also brought out the latent racism that fermented in some people hearts, since I believe that many who resented Obama were not necessarily racists, although many certainly were and are.

I sincerely hope that Wednesday we will witness a peaceful transfer of power; a factor that has made us great as a country and as a paragon of how other countries should behave in the political arena; sure there will be disappointments and bitterness in many minds that wanted a different direction for our country...but, once the electorate has spoken in a majority voice, the results MUST be accepted.

Let me offer my perspective.

1. First was the rise of talk radio which started to take off in the very same year that GHWB took office. I started listening to it in 1993 and couldn't believe the sheer nonsense being passed off as erudition. And since controversy gets attention, the hosts of these shows were often not motivated by anything more than high ratings and money. Therefore, it shouldn't have surprised anyone that the truth was sacrificed in the process.

2. The rise of Newt Gingrich and his hyperbolic and destructive statements which lowered the level of discourse while also raising the volume of people speaking past each other instead of to one another in an effort to score political points while winning nothing in the process except increasing division and resentment.

3. The fact that elected representatives stopped living in Washington and interacting with each other. Instead, they left to go back to their districts every weekend and consequently didn't have much in the way of any meaningful personal relationships with members of the opposing political parties.

4. While both parties shifted right over the years, both parties increasingly lost the moderate middle (conservative Democrats and moderate Republicans) who could ultimately be counted on to come together to make deals when the more extreme wings of each party were unable to work together. This ultimately led to the nonsensical notion that compromise was a bad thing. That only led to increasing gridlock which frustrated everyone, none more than the American electorate itself.
(As an aside, I once heard a conservative say that he would not compromise with Democrats. Instead, Democrats would have to compromise with him. That's truly a nonsensical statement if I ever heard one.)

5. The rise of social media which too often pushed paranoid conspiracy theories which some politicians were too often willing to exploit to get the base to the polls in election years.

6. The fact that conservative talk radio hosts eventually turned on the leadership of the Republican Party when they were unable to live up to an absolutist all-or-nothing approach to governance.

Enter Trump...

The timeline is absolutely correct and leads us to where we are today

There is no compromise anymore. Compromise is treated the same as defeat. In fact, Republicans would rather lose entirely than have to compromise with Democrats

You have been gloating for over a year about the coming permanent marginalization of the GOP, thanks to mass Third World immigration.

WHat compromise is there for the GOP in that scenario?

Instead of US being effectively disenfranchised tomorrow, we are effectively disenfranchised in a year?


You are right about one thing. There is not compromise. If you people win, we lose, and will continue to lose forever, with no legal or political recourse, ever.


How about....

We will agree to $1 in tax increases for every $3 of spending cuts
We well agree to more investment in alternate energy if you will approve the Keystone Pipeline
We will agree to Obamacare if you include more tax cuts, HSAs and competition across state lines

None of which Republicans would support

1. We've tried that game. YOu fucked us.

2. We invest plenty in alternate energy. We still live on fossil fuels. Don't play games with our society's life blood.

3. LOL!!! You consider it compromise as long as you get government control of health care? LOL!

4. And none of that shit matters, because once you grant amnesty to all the illegals, you have One Party Rule and any deals will be throw out the window and you will rule as you see fit.

the goal of RW and his kind is dictatorial socialism, and what's really sad is that they are too stupid to know what it would do to THEM

Of course taxes made our country great....what do you think paid for it?

Roads, bridges, harbors, airports, medical research, our military, our schools, security, safe food and water, environmental protection.........

It is always amazing how stupid you Moon Bats are.

Taxes did not make this country great. Taxes take money out of the productive economy and put it in the hands of corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups.

Taxes also are used for thievery when money is taken away from the people that earned it and given to the shithead welfare queens that didn't earn it.

Nobody has any problem with funding the minimal necessary government functions such as defense, courts, police etc providing the money is spent efficently.

The problem is the enormous amount of money that is stolen from the people and lost to the private economy on welfare, entitlements, subsidies and bailouts.

Corporate America does not exist without a government. They are the ones corrupting it for their own means

some, yes. most, no. Madoff is in jail, Ken Lay is dead. Crooked corporate CEOs get their due, unlike crooked politicians.
The reason the left has apparently turned against so-called "social media" is because the social media is all we have left when the entire mainstream media (with few exceptions) becomes an arm of the democrat party. Are lefties still whining about Bill Clinton's impeachment when he was literally caught with his freaking pants down in the Oval Office and lying about it? Look at what the Washington Post did to Dick Nixon. The Fla supreme court consisted of mostly democrats when they called the election for Bush. When you read sickening accounts of the little army of Gore lawyers high fiving each other when sacks of unopened ballots from ships and Military bases were thrown out for technical violations you get a feel for the Gore campaign.
We the People decide what services we want from our government.... police, fire, free education, defense, infrastructure, welfare

Cutting taxes to pay for it is not an answer

No, we don't decide--politicians decide, and they were only to decide on the local level--not federal.

On the federal level, we have a Constitution that tells us what government is to provide us. Had we just adhered to that, we wouldn't be 20 trillion in the hole and growing today.
We the People decide what services we want from our government.... police, fire, free education, defense, infrastructure, welfare

Cutting taxes to pay for it is not an answer

No, we don't decide--politicians decide, and they were only to decide on the local level--not federal.

On the federal level, we have a Constitution that tells us what government is to provide us. Had we just adhered to that, we wouldn't be 20 trillion in the hole and growing today.

talking to RW about the constitution is like talking to a garden slug about calculus.
The answer is simple: Politics.

The ruling class cannot function unless the people are divided.
The answer is simple: Politics.

The ruling class cannot function unless the people are divided.

NO, that's wrong. Our constitution works when applied literally. It prevents a "ruling class". But if we don't return to the constitution in this election, the USA as a free democratic representative republic is over.
NO, that's wrong.


Our constitution works when applied literally.

The constitution works now.

It prevents a "ruling class".

No, it doesn't.

But if we don't return to the constitution in this election

What are you talking about?

The state is following the constitution. The constitution authorized the government that we have today.

the USA as a free democratic representative republic is over.

The USA is only a republic. It was never free, democratic, or representative.
By this time tomorrow, we can all safely state that we have "dodged a bullet" in rejecting the Trumpster...of that many of us have no doubt.

But what has made this country so divided, as many right wingers on this microcosm of a forum clearly shows?
I have lived through the turbulent 1960s, felt heartbroken over the many assassinations of our leaders, and have marched against useless and bloody wars that costs us so many lives and treasure. Yet, the meanness that this forum has often shown is unprecedented.

For myself, I "blame" 3 factors that in my long life seem to have precipitated this huge division among our fellow Americans:

1. The proliferation of social media, coupled with the anonymity that such media allow, has given a "voice" to the most strident fringe of our electorate.

2. The whole impeachment process of Bill Clinton also showed us how vengeful politics have become (and I'm not exempt form this because I would readily admit that I simply hated the GWB administration.)

3. Most of all I blame the factor that a mere 16 years ago, we had to have a supreme court appoint a president for us, where a cabal of just 5 people told us who would lead us .

I'm not even going to bring out that the Obama election also brought out the latent racism that fermented in some people hearts, since I believe that many who resented Obama were not necessarily racists, although many certainly were and are.

I sincerely hope that Wednesday we will witness a peaceful transfer of power; a factor that has made us great as a country and as a paragon of how other countries should behave in the political arena; sure there will be disappointments and bitterness in many minds that wanted a different direction for our country...but, once the electorate has spoken in a majority voice, the results MUST be accepted.

What have you, Obama or Hillary ever done to reach out to anyone who disagrees with you?

Why would I respect you when you don't respect my liberty or property?
The country has always been divided. It runs better this way. A totally united country cannot succeed.

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