Facts About The Ahmaud Arbery Case: Racism? Seems Not.

So you are prone to believing every Democrat lie, even after some 30+ have been shown to be lies.

Now....one more.

Georgia is still a Republican State, for the time being. Republican Governor, Republican Attorney General, Republican Secretary of State. Yes the State went for Biden in 2020, and with the Republican Party going full bore in with Loyalty Purges in favor of the idiot Trump, it is liable to lose that Republican label soon enough.

However, the Attorney General who assigned this case to this DA’s office, was a Republican. The Attorney General who is the senior person this side of the Governor who is in command of not only the Prosecutors in Georgia, but the State Police, and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. And they have been under the control of Republicans for decades.

But blame the Democrats if information comes out which you don’t like. For example, the claims that the Unite the Right gathering was totally not racist. Well it was. That has been demonstrated for three weeks so far. And that trial is continuing. You probably haven’t heard about that since it is unlikely to be published on the RW approved news sites. Or should I say White Wing?

Since they are exposing the truth about people you have supported, I suppose you’ll label it fake news too. But hey, denounce away. The spotlight is coming on, and people are scurrying for the exits.
Georgia is still a Republican State, for the time being. Republican Governor, Republican Attorney General, Republican Secretary of State. Yes the State went for Biden in 2020, and with the Republican Party going full bore in with Loyalty Purges in favor of the idiot Trump, it is liable to lose that Republican label soon enough.

However, the Attorney General who assigned this case to this DA’s office, was a Republican. The Attorney General who is the senior person this side of the Governor who is in command of not only the Prosecutors in Georgia, but the State Police, and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. And they have been under the control of Republicans for decades.

But blame the Democrats if information comes out which you don’t like. For example, the claims that the Unite the Right gathering was totally not racist. Well it was. That has been demonstrated for three weeks so far. And that trial is continuing. You probably haven’t heard about that since it is unlikely to be published on the RW approved news sites. Or should I say White Wing?

Since they are exposing the truth about people you have supported, I suppose you’ll label it fake news too. But hey, denounce away. The spotlight is coming on, and people are scurrying for the exits.

Let's review the information, not from a prosecutor, but from an impartial lawyer, covering the trial for HLN

2. Based on the (biased) news reporting, this was an open and shut case of armed white racist vigilances chasing down an innocent black jogger....and shooting him.
Now it comes down to a question of whether a citizens arrest was legal in this case.
Evidence now appears to strengthen the view that Arbery was engaged in some sort of criminal acts.
The statute in Georgia requires a reasonable suspicion that a felony had been committed.

3. Testimony of Robert Rash, a Glynn County police officer, ...Arbery had been caught five times, on camera, at a house under construction, where material had been stolen.

There is body cam footage from the officer, talking with the defendants about what was known....that Arbery had been at the site of thefts five times, and told by the officer that the individual in the five vids had been trespassing "or maybe something more"....a possible felony.

4. There is body cam vid of Officer Rash in that house, at night, gun drawn......making clear that this is a serious crime.....police looking for the individual seen on the vids.....who ended up being identified as Arbery. This is a serious crime....burglary....and something the defendants knew when they intercepted Arbery.
The defendants were told 'if you see this guy, call the police'.....which seems to fit the Georgia statute for citizen's arrest.

5. In the vid one of the defendants states that he had seen Arbery before and believes he was armed....."a new narrative which supports the McMichael's side of the case...."
A game changer: now there are facts, information, testimony and body cam video.

6. To use the 'citizen's arrest law' the defense needs to show justification based on the preponderance of the evidence, the slightest bit over 50%......not 'beyond a reasonable doubt.'
If there was a reasonable suspicion that a crime had been committed, and they could use police body cam footage to show it was information that they knew at the time, then the 'Citizen's Arrest Law' is applicable....

7. "There have not been any racial sluts toward Arbery....they called him a joker and a rat...on body cam footage....."

Rather than race, the ubiquitous claim by the party of racism, why are so many of the Democrat's heroes felons, criminals, assaulters....?????
He was trapped like a rat, but only figuratively speaking. Literally speaking, there was plenty of open space he could go.

But Arbery knew the police were on the way and there were witnesses everywhere. He saw witnesses in vehicles who could easily follow him because although Arbery was an athlete with very significant foot speed, motor vehicles are faster.

And although he had gotten away in the past, this time it was broad daylight. He was going back to jail if he didn't steal that shotgun and that truck and get the hell out of Dodge before the police arrived.

Arbery had made a big mistake that many habitual criminals make. He got away with it so many times that he became overconfident and more brazen. On the other occasions, he did it under cover of the night and was able to easily get away. This time it was broad daylight on a Sunday afternoon.
I'm not going to make a comment on the facts of the case since I'm not following it. However, I will make the general comment that anyone who attacks someone pointing a shotgun at them from fifty feet away is an idiot. If someone is pointing a gun at me, I am going to be as cooperative as I possibly can to defuse the situation and let the lawyers sort it out later. I have no desire to get shot and getting shot by accident would be adding insult to injury.

"Ahmaud Arbery trial: Cops planned to give him trespassing warning before death


Authorities were looking for Ahmaud Arbery to give him a trespass warning for repeatedly entering an under-construction home in Georgia before he was chased and shot dead by neighbors who saw him running from the property, a cop testified Friday.

Glynn County Police Officer Robert Rash told jurors he had been searching for the 25-year-old black man — who hadn’t yet been identified — to tell him to stay away from the home after repeated complaints from the homeowner.

The owner had sent the officer security camera videos of Arbery at the site five times between Oct. 25, 2019, and Feb. 23, 2020 — the day Arbery was killed after being pursued by the three white men currently on trial for his murder.

Rash, who was a patrol officer assigned to the neighborhood, testified that he had shared the video clips with neighbors, including Gregory McMichael."

So....they had knowledge of the police looking for Arbery.

Was there any basis for suspicion about the deceased????

"Defense attorneys have focused on Arbery allegedly being seen on the videos entering onto the property a number of times in the months leading up to his death and becoming in the minds of some neighbors - including the men accused of murder in the trial - a "suspect" in break-ins and thefts around the neighborhood.
English said in his deposition that about $2,500 of electronic equipment, as well as a Yeti cooler, was taken out of the boat sometime in 2019.
...English's suspicions - expressed through phone calls to police and in text messages with officers and neighbors - about the man, believed to be Arbery, seen in his videos.

"Oct. 25, this man who comes at 10 o'clock at night, he looks suspicious to you right," defense lawyer Robert Rubin asked English.
"There was no reason - no legitimate reason in your mind - for him to be on your property that late at night, 'plundering around' as you put it?"
Let's review the information, not from a prosecutor, but from an impartial lawyer, covering the trial for HLN

2. Based on the (biased) news reporting, this was an open and shut case of armed white racist vigilances chasing down an innocent black jogger....and shooting him.
Now it comes down to a question of whether a citizens arrest was legal in this case.
Evidence now appears to strengthen the view that Arbery was engaged in some sort of criminal acts.
The statute in Georgia requires a reasonable suspicion that a felony had been committed.

3. Testimony of Robert Rash, a Glynn County police officer, ...Arbery had been caught five times, on camera, at a house under construction, where material had been stolen.

There is body cam footage from the officer, talking with the defendants about what was known....that Arbery had been at the site of thefts five times, and told by the officer that the individual in the five vids had been trespassing "or maybe something more"....a possible felony.

4. There is body cam vid of Officer Rash in that house, at night, gun drawn......making clear that this is a serious crime.....police looking for the individual seen on the vids.....who ended up being identified as Arbery. This is a serious crime....burglary....and something the defendants knew when they intercepted Arbery.
The defendants were told 'if you see this guy, call the police'.....which seems to fit the Georgia statute for citizen's arrest.

5. In the vid one of the defendants states that he had seen Arbery before and believes he was armed....."a new narrative which supports the McMichael's side of the case...."
A game changer: now there are facts, information, testimony and body cam video.

6. To use the 'citizen's arrest law' the defense needs to show justification based on the preponderance of the evidence, the slightest bit over 50%......not 'beyond a reasonable doubt.'
If there was a reasonable suspicion that a crime had been committed, and they could use police body cam footage to show it was information that they knew at the time, then the 'Citizen's Arrest Law' is applicable....

7. "There have not been any racial sluts toward Arbery....they called him a joker and a rat...on body cam footage....."

Rather than race, the ubiquitous claim by the party of racism, why are so many of the Democrat's heroes felons, criminals, assaulters....?????

Yet it was a White Couple who were caught on camera stealing.

In fact. Officer Rash said that the reason that Arbery wasn’t a suspect was they had a description of a suspect. A white person

So let’s talk about that. Why were the McMichaels chasing someone who wasn’t a suspect instead of the person who was? Because they assumed. Just as you do. That the criminal had to be black. That is literally the definition of Racism.

But let’s keep talking. You are on this board defending people who broke the law. They did so by their own statements in court.

Travis McMichaels testified that he expected that his shotgun would force compliance in Arbery.

That is Aggravated Assault. Forcing someone at gunpoint without a valid threat to your own safety is Aggravated Assault. It is a felony. And Travis said he did it. Not the Prosecutor. Not Liberals. But the guy you are defending.

You are literally blaming the Left for the statements of your own hero.

Turn it around. Imagine that three Black guys had chased a white male. What would you be screaming right now? How Liberals were encouraging violence?

I on the other hand, driven by facts and truth, would be saying exactly what I am now.

And how do we know that is true? Because I have posted this video multiple times to show that in Georgia you can shoot in self defense. But you can’t be the instigator of the confrontation when you do so.

The bad guys were Black. And nobody charged the woman with anything. Not even disturbing the peace. Because she was minding her own business in her own home when the baddies came to her. She didn’t go chasing someone she thought might be bad.
So you are prone to believing every Democrat lie, even after some 30+ have been shown to be lies.

Now....one more.
See folks this is what this country has come to, she has been shown the Law, shown the videos of the crimes and still she tries to argue that these 3 racist, white rednecks were justified in murdering an unarmed black man. This is what we are dealing with in this country.

You have presented no evidence to back up your conspiracy theory that some vast nefarious "God Ole Boy Network" even exists. Are they Illuminati? Reptilians?

If you have no evidence, it's just a paranoid delusion.
The DA was indicted for trying to cover up for the murderers -- you fucking dunce
Yet it was a White Couple who were caught on camera stealing.

In fact. Officer Rash said that the reason that Arbery wasn’t a suspect was they had a description of a suspect. A white person

So let’s talk about that. Why were the McMichaels chasing someone who wasn’t a suspect instead of the person who was? Because they assumed. Just as you do. That the criminal had to be black. That is literally the definition of Racism.

But let’s keep talking. You are on this board defending people who broke the law. They did so by their own statements in court.

Travis McMichaels testified that he expected that his shotgun would force compliance in Arbery.

That is Aggravated Assault. Forcing someone at gunpoint without a valid threat to your own safety is Aggravated Assault. It is a felony. And Travis said he did it. Not the Prosecutor. Not Liberals. But the guy you are defending.

You are literally blaming the Left for the statements of your own hero.

Turn it around. Imagine that three Black guys had chased a white male. What would you be screaming right now? How Liberals were encouraging violence?

I on the other hand, driven by facts and truth, would be saying exactly what I am now.

And how do we know that is true? Because I have posted this video multiple times to show that in Georgia you can shoot in self defense. But you can’t be the instigator of the confrontation when you do so.

The bad guys were Black. And nobody charged the woman with anything. Not even disturbing the peace. Because she was minding her own business in her own home when the baddies came to her. She didn’t go chasing someone she thought might be bad.

It is certainly going to be an interesting decision.

This, from this morning's "Legal Insurrection" site:

"Here’s the general theme: A community finds itself suddenly awash in crime—generally property crimes of varying degrees, some definitely endangering life. Petty theft of items left unattended, lawnmowers taken from open garages, outright felony burglaries, even home invasions. The police either declined to respond or the response is ineffective.

The community decides they need to do something themselves. They start Neighborhood Watch, they buy guns, they start calling in suspicious activity and license plate numbers to 911. Then there’s a confrontation between a member of the neighborhood and a miscreant, with the miscreant ending up shot dead, usually in circumstances that look overwhelmingly like lawful self-defense.

Nevertheless, and especially if the dead miscreant turns out to be a racial minority or of a political faction favored by the Progressive Left, there’s an immediate hyper-politicization of the event as racist, white supremacist, or otherwise beyond the pale. The neighborhood member, now the defendant in a murder trial, suddenly find their lives destroyed, and face the prospect of the rest of their life in prison—and the only thing that can save them is a fair and impartial jury.

That was the pattern in the George Zimmerman shooting, it was the pattern in the Kyle Rittenhouse shootings, and it is the pattern in the shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery."

What if race was not an issue?
See folks this is what this country has come to, she has been shown the Law, shown the videos of the crimes and still she tries to argue that these 3 racist, white rednecks were justified in murdering an unarmed black man. This is what we are dealing with in this country.

You said the law required them to see the crime.

It doesn't.

You continue to lie.

"Apparently, one of the criminal predators committing serial property crimes in this neighborhood was one Ahmaud Arbery. He’d been caught repeatedly on surveillance camera, generally in the dark of night, inside a local home under construction from which thousands of dollars of property had been stolen over time—generally in the dark of night. On at least one occasion he’d been frightened into flight by neighbors seeing him lurking in shadows among houses, and having headlights put on him as the neighbors called 911."

What if this is about criminality, not race?
"The position of the defense, however, is that the grounds for probable cause should not be limited strictly to the observations made and knowledge acquired in the moments immediately preceding the arrest of Arbery. Rather, they took a “totality of the circumstances” view of probable cause, that incorporated everything the defendants knew about the felony burglaries in the neighborhood generally and at that home under construction in particular, as well as everything the defendants knew about Arbery—because Travis, in particular, knew that the person he had induced to flee from that property on the prior occasion when he’d had 911 on the phone, was the same person that was fleeing from the same person fleeing on February 23, he knew the same person was on video plundering the home, and so forth.

So, what justified the reasonable perception of probable cause for the citizen’s arrest on February 23 was not just Arbery’s apparently felonious conduct on February 23, but his apparently felonious conduct on prior occasions, as well.

Not a bad argument, and one that begins to look a great deal like probable cause for a lawful citizen’s arrest under the then-existing statute.

An analogy to this might be if a police officer had possessed all the Arbery-related information and prior conduct that Travis McMichaels had possessed, and then also observed Arbery’s flight conduct the afternoon of Feb. 23, would that officer have had probable cause to make an arrest—and the answer is certainly yes."
"Apparently, one of the criminal predators committing serial property crimes in this neighborhood was one Ahmaud Arbery. He’d been caught repeatedly on surveillance camera, generally in the dark of night, inside a local home under construction from which thousands of dollars of property had been stolen over time—generally in the dark of night. On at least one occasion he’d been frightened into flight by neighbors seeing him lurking in shadows among houses, and having headlights put on him as the neighbors called 911."

What if this is about criminality, not race?

In that case why not chase the White Male the police had a description of stealing the items?

n testimony, Rash then told the court he had responded about two months before - on Dec. 7, 2020 - to an entering auto call at the neighboring house.

"Did they have video from the front of their house?" prosecutor Linda Dunikoski asked the officer.

"Yes ma'am."

"And did you watch that video?"

"Yes ma'am."

"And what was the person who went into their Jeep and stole their guns? White, Black, Hispanic, Asian?"

"Based on the video it appeared to be a white male.”

It is why the Police did not consider Arbery a suspect. They had one on video actually stealing. Not just looking around. It was a White Male.

So explain to me the legal justification for assuming that anyone was the baddie. It could have been anyone who was chased. An off duty cop jogging. No proof that this guy was the crook. And he wasn’t the suspect. It was a white guy.
In that case why not chase the White Male the police had a description of stealing the items?

n testimony, Rash then told the court he had responded about two months before - on Dec. 7, 2020 - to an entering auto call at the neighboring house.

"Did they have video from the front of their house?" prosecutor Linda Dunikoski asked the officer.

"Yes ma'am."

"And did you watch that video?"

"Yes ma'am."

"And what was the person who went into their Jeep and stole their guns? White, Black, Hispanic, Asian?"

"Based on the video it appeared to be a white male.”

It is why the Police did not consider Arbery a suspect. They had one on video actually stealing. Not just looking around. It was a White Male.

So explain to me the legal justification for assuming that anyone was the baddie. It could have been anyone who was chased. An off duty cop jogging. No proof that this guy was the crook. And he wasn’t the suspect. It was a white guy.


Were they running, as Arbery was?
"Hogue hit hard on the notion of community, neighborhood, and safety—how we all wanted to live in a place like that, and how all of those qualities were being destroyed by criminal predation in that particular neighborhood.

She also spared no punches in noting that Arbery was very much part of that criminal predation.

Unlike what we saw in the defense closing gin Rittenhouse, however, Hogue expressed genuine sympathy for Arbery’s tragic fate, as well as for his family. In his teens, she acknowledged, he’d apparently been a lovely boy with great potential. But in his 20s he went off the rails, and by the time of his encounter with Travis McMichael, he’d simply become a criminal thieving and plundering his way through life."
In your presence, how do you know it's in your presence if you don't see it taking place? Don't worry about it, surely you ate just playing dumb. I hope.

"... it was incontestable that it was Ahmaud Arbery returning night after night, repeatedly caught on camera, at the same time thousands of dollars worth of property was disappearing. Did we have a picture of Arbery walking off with the property? No. But the only reasonable inference of someone skulking around another person’s home at night, with valuable property found missing the next day, is that the person skulking was plundering that property, and engaged in felony burglary under Georgia law."

Pretty damning.

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