Facts about the Biden economy

I checked them too…. Biden took inflation to Carter territory in Summer 2022.
Wrong. It matters WHO STARTED THE RECESSION. Gas prices always drop during recessions when people lise their jobs.,

Energy and food prices follow the market and peoples ABILITY to pay. The gop nearly,always starts recessions and puts more out of work. That’s YOUR recipe for lower gas and food prices ?
50% from when ? We were in a recession under Trump ?
Yes, prices were lower when people weren’t working or driving their cars much

We were also in a recession under Bush. Not even Obama took inflation to 50 percent at anytime. Bush also inherited a recession from Clinton and definitely did not take inflation to 50 percent.
We were also in a recession under Bush. Not even Obama took inflation to 50 percent at anytime. Bush also inherited a recession from Clinton and definitely did not take inflation to 50 percent.
Wrong in all accounts. It matters who STARTS a recession.
Prices started to rise under Trump.
We were also in a recession under Bush. Not even Obama took inflation to 50 percent at anytime. Bush also inherited a recession from Clinton and definitely did not take inflation to 50 percent.
Go to this interactive chart …it clearly illustrates v job growth at the beginning and end of each president. Job growth and gdp lost is a major recession indicator
The current crop of moron Democrats forgot their own golden rule, it's the economy stupid. Each time someone checks out at the grocery, Dems lose another vote.
The current crop of moron Democrats forgot their own golden rule, it's the economy stupid. Each time someone checks out at the grocery, Dems lose another vote.
Facts about the Biden economy .
Increase of 800,000 manufacturing jobs under Biden, increase of 450,000 manufacturing jobs under Trump before COVID
Economy grew 3.4% first 3 years under Biden, Economy grew 2.6% first 3 years under Trump
Unemployment 3.5%, under Biden, equaling lowest rate in decades.
Stock market at a record high under Biden.

Biden's policies are working! If we can take back the House, things will just get better.
The Dem Biden economy propaganda tells you how panicked Dems are, this Nov will be a bloodbath with Dems getting booted out of office in an historic loss. The same thing happened to Obama in 2010, the biggest Dem loss in nearly 100 years and things under Biden are far worse.
The Dem Biden economy propaganda tells you how panicked Dems are, this Nov will be a bloodbath with Dems getting booted out of office in an historic loss. The same thing happened to Obama in 2010, the biggest Dem loss in nearly 100 years and things under Biden are far worse.

See you in Roevember

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