CDZ FACTS about the Obama presidency

Even the thread is nothing but lies.
liar of the year 2013 obama.
Recovery hype?
If 99% of Americans have seen an income rise of 0.4% between 2009-2012 and 1% have seen their income climb by 31.4% during the same three years, is Obama's recovery just another lie the rich tell?
Recovery hype American Capitalism s Weapon of Mass Distraction Professor Richard D. Wolff


Sadly, 99% did not see their income rise by .4%, just as 1% did not see their incomes rise by >31%.

But the hyper-wealthy usually see their incomes rise faster in periods of economic collapse, because they play the markets as they would a poorly run casino... through THAT trait, we can readily deduce that THEY are people of low moral character... relativist who reject soundly reasoned morality which would otherwise eschew notions built upon profiting from the misery of others.

Now relativists... those who reject the objectivity which essential to the development, trust and adherence to the truths common to a soundly reasoned morality... rests as the foundation of Left-think.

Which means that YOU who comes today to lament relativism... are in point of fact, a relativist.

Now how do you feel that unenviable circumstance comes to pass?
I'm a little confused about your point here. Are you saying markets are morally neutral and competition within those markets exempts policy makers from the need to make any moral judgments?

I'm saying that markets are comprised of individuals and those individuals either comport themselves within the laws of nature which govern human behavior and profit from such, or they reject those laws and suffer the inescapable consequences.

And of course, that the Ideological Left is the singular set of ideas, around which, the rejection of those natural laws, is built. Thus that where a sum of individuals, comprising a market, seek viability, profit and happiness, they will reject "Left-think".

Are you disagreeing with that, simple... but incontestable point?
So why are the Democrats brutally losing Tuesday's elections?

Off-topic, but generally the "opposite" team usually wins in midterms.

But if Obama has had such a successful presidency as the OP is claiming it shouldn't matter.

Never ever underestimate the power of fox.

You're losing in "blue" states too.

That's why I posted this.

The ignorance about what Obama has actually done.

Not that it will make any difference cuz people don't want to learn facts. They want their ignorance and their mindless hate reinforced. That's why fox is popular.

Really does anyone believe a word that comes from his cult member's or him for than matter?

man oh man desperation is strong to make him something the majority of the people in this country doesn't see him as

Stephanie, you wouldn't believe anything good about Obama if Jesus Christ himself were to tell you himself. The OP has listed links and sources, you can't say everyone is lying and those on the right are telling the truth without looking silly. Whether the right wants to admit it or not, facts don't lie. Obama has taken the country out of the toilet, where Bush and Republican policies put it and has made this a better place. Let's not ever go back to where the Republican party has put us time and time again. Let's go forward.:)
So why are the Democrats brutally losing Tuesday's elections?
Because most states have Republican leaders and have gerry-mandered the districts to look like jigsaw puzzle pieces in order for Republicans to have the advantage.

Can't do that in general elections, that's why in general elections you'll continue to lose and when we are able to get those district fairly redrawn, you won't be winning mid-term elections either.

7 GOP Governors Who May Lose Re-Election The Nation

Gov. Rick Scott s fangate revolt Did he just lose Florida governor s race video -
So why are the Democrats brutally losing Tuesday's elections?
Because most states have Republican leaders and have gerry-mandered the districts to look like jigsaw puzzle pieces in order for Republicans to have the advantage.

Can't do that in general elections, that's why in general elections you'll continue to lose and when we are able to get those district fairly redrawn, you won't be winning mid-term elections either.

7 GOP Governors Who May Lose Re-Election The Nation

Gov. Rick Scott s fangate revolt Did he just lose Florida governor s race video -
Democrats gerrymandered it's districts like a jigsaw puzzle did you whine about it then?
Obama is so great that roughly 60% of people do not approve of his performance as POTUS, and 70% believe the country is heading in the wrong direction. . :thup:

Of course, that's all because of the GOP.....:rofl:
Even the thread is nothing but lies.
liar of the year 2013 obama.

You can't handle the truth...........:D
There is nothing truthful in the op. sorry for pointing out the fail.

Well, I know in your Fox News altered version of facts, it probably isn't, but in reality, it is. Too bad that it isn't something that you can rejoice about being that it is good for America.
I don't watch TV and yes obama is a liar and everything in the OP is a lie.
Even the thread is nothing but lies.
liar of the year 2013 obama.

You can't handle the truth...........:D
There is nothing truthful in the op. sorry for pointing out the fail.

Well, I know in your Fox News altered version of facts, it probably isn't, but in reality, it is. Too bad that it isn't something that you can rejoice about being that it is good for America.
I don't watch TV and yes obama is a liar and everything in the OP is a lie.

Just because you say it doesn't make it so. You can hold your breath until you turn blue and say it's a lie, but in the end you's fact.
Now folks... all ya really need to know about the people presently running the government is that these are the SAME people who are DEMANDING that you believe that: 'EBOLA is no cause for concern'.

They're the same one's telling you that sexual behavior which deviates as FAR FROM THE HUMAN PHYSIOLOGICAL STANDARD AS CAN BE DEVIATED AND STILL BE ASSOCIATED WITH HUMANS... 'is Perfectly Normal...' .

And that extended periods of global cooling... is PROOF CERTAIN that 'the GLOBE IS WARMING!'

What more do ya really need to recognize that these people are NOT WELL...? That their means to reason is DEFECTIVE.

What we are witnessing today, is the literal expression of Edgar Allen Poe's "Stonehearst Asylum", wherein the "inmates came to RUN the Asylum". Poe of course provided that such ended well... but in reality, author's license, aside, such is simply not possible.

And we are VERY close to seeing that certainty come to life, in the most undeniable of terms.

It's amazing how well brain-washed most on the right are. Is it a Fox News generated phenomenon?
Now folks... all ya really need to know about the people presently running the government is that these are the SAME people who are DEMANDING that you believe that: 'EBOLA is no cause for concern'.

They're the same one's telling you that sexual behavior which deviates as FAR FROM THE HUMAN PHYSIOLOGICAL STANDARD AS CAN BE DEVIATED AND STILL BE ASSOCIATED WITH HUMANS... 'is Perfectly Normal...' .

And that extended periods of global cooling... is PROOF CERTAIN that 'the GLOBE IS WARMING!'

What more do ya really need to recognize that these people are NOT WELL...? That their means to reason is DEFECTIVE.

What we are witnessing today, is the literal expression of Edgar Allen Poe's "Stonehearst Asylum", wherein the "inmates came to RUN the Asylum". Poe of course provided that such ended well... but in reality, author's license, aside, such is simply not possible.

And we are VERY close to seeing that certainty come to life, in the most undeniable of terms.

It's amazing how well brain-washed most on the right are. Is it a Fox News generated phenomenon?
Brainwashed would be thinking the OP was fact.
So why are the Democrats brutally losing Tuesday's elections?

Off-topic, but generally the "opposite" team usually wins in midterms.

A lot has to do with gerrymandering. Looking at some of the districts makes you wonder who drew the districts.

This is a district in Texas.........geez, GOP will do anything to win, but nothing honest.

You're such a partisan hack it's really hard to take you seriously. Have you ever looked at Maryland? they have some of the most gerrymandered districts in the country. Here's the 3rd district- drawn by (gasp) Democrats. Are they cheating too??


It's not just the GOP who gerrymanders districts. Both parties do it. Wake up!
Now folks... all ya really need to know about the people presently running the government is that these are the SAME people who are DEMANDING that you believe that: 'EBOLA is no cause for concern'.

They're the same one's telling you that sexual behavior which deviates as FAR FROM THE HUMAN PHYSIOLOGICAL STANDARD AS CAN BE DEVIATED AND STILL BE ASSOCIATED WITH HUMANS... 'is Perfectly Normal...' .

And that extended periods of global cooling... is PROOF CERTAIN that 'the GLOBE IS WARMING!'

What more do ya really need to recognize that these people are NOT WELL...? That their means to reason is DEFECTIVE.

What we are witnessing today, is the literal expression of Edgar Allen Poe's "Stonehearst Asylum", wherein the "inmates came to RUN the Asylum". Poe of course provided that such ended well... but in reality, author's license, aside, such is simply not possible.

And we are VERY close to seeing that certainty come to life, in the most undeniable of terms.

It's amazing how well brain-washed most on the right are. Is it a Fox News generated phenomenon?

HEY! That is a wonderful demonstration of obscurant deflection, thus your yielding from the point, therefore conceding the point.

BRAVO! BULLY FOR YOU FRIEND! Why struggle when your failure is otherwise quite inevitable! May I ask: how many generations are you removed from France?

Oh well... that was a lovely concession and I should not merely note such and summarily accept, same.
You can't handle the truth...........:D
There is nothing truthful in the op. sorry for pointing out the fail.

Well, I know in your Fox News altered version of facts, it probably isn't, but in reality, it is. Too bad that it isn't something that you can rejoice about being that it is good for America.
I don't watch TV and yes obama is a liar and everything in the OP is a lie.

Just because you say it doesn't make it so. You can hold your breath until you turn blue and say it's a lie, but in the end you's fact.
Like this post? you think Republicans are the only ones that gerrymandered? Dumb ass it's not what I say but fact makes it all a lie.

Where did I say that Republicans were the only ones that gerrymandered? You feeling a tad guilty?

Well, at least you are not denying that gerrymandering has all to do with why there is a GOP surge in the 2014's not like it's because of GOP great leadership.

As for Obama, the majority of the country voted for with it. FACT.
There is nothing truthful in the op. sorry for pointing out the fail.

Well, I know in your Fox News altered version of facts, it probably isn't, but in reality, it is. Too bad that it isn't something that you can rejoice about being that it is good for America.
I don't watch TV and yes obama is a liar and everything in the OP is a lie.

Just because you say it doesn't make it so. You can hold your breath until you turn blue and say it's a lie, but in the end you's fact.
Like this post? you think Republicans are the only ones that gerrymandered? Dumb ass it's not what I say but fact makes it all a lie.

Where did I say that Republicans were the only ones that gerrymandered? You feeling a tad guilty?

Well, at least you are not denying that gerrymandering has all to do with why there is a GOP surge in the 2014's not like it's because of GOP great leadership.

As for Obama, the majority of the country voted for with it. FACT.
You only said Republicans why is it a problem now?

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