FAIL- Electric Car Sales Plunge To 4 Year Lows

Yet Obama continues to squeeze the coal miners


But low oil prices are supposed to be unequivocally good? On the day when Ford lays off 700 Michigan plant workers in small cars and hybrids manufacturing, The Detroit News reports that, according to, sales of electric cars and hybrids are at the lowest level since 2011. What is even more worrisome, motorists who leased those first-generation cars, and have decided not to buy them, are turning them in, leaving dealer lots full of low mileage cars at huge discounts to new ones. As Edmunds concludes, while "the government's going to keep pushing it, there is time to pause right now."

Low oil prices have not been unequivocally good for these workers... (as Detroit Free Press reports)

Ford said today that it is planning to cut a shift at its Michigan Assembly Plant where it makes the Ford Focus compact car and C-Max crossover because of declining sales of small cars, hybrids and electric vehicles.

The automaker told workers and notified the state of Michigan that it will lay off 700 workers, starting June 22. The decision affects 675 hourly workers and 25 salaried employees who make the Focus, Focus ST, Focus Electric, C-Max hybrid and C-Max Energi plug-in hybrid at the Wayne plant.

The first 200 workers will be laid off in June, another 200 at the end of July and the remainder at the end of September.

Electric Car Sales Plunge To 4 Year Lows Zero Hedge

Are you somehow rooting that the new technology fails?
What new technology?

Efficient electric and hybrid vehicles

Why are some so intimidated by alternative energy? Are you that tied to big oil?

If alternative energy is so great, then why aren't you willing to pay market prices for it?

For the first time in my life I see functional and high performance electric cars. I find it odd that anyone would be rooting for them to fail

Seems odd, don't you think?

Not off if one is paying taxes to subsidize them. If they are So Great, people who want them should buy them with Their Own Money.


According to this website (CNN) Tesla sold just over 10,000 of the Model S in the first quarter of 2015.
Tesla sales hit new record - Apr. 3 2015
Are you somehow rooting that the new technology fails?
What new technology?

Efficient electric and hybrid vehicles

Why are some so intimidated by alternative energy? Are you that tied to big oil?

If alternative energy is so great, then why aren't you willing to pay market prices for it?

For the first time in my life I see functional and high performance electric cars. I find it odd that anyone would be rooting for them to fail

Seems odd, don't you think?

Not off if one is paying taxes to subsidize them. If they are So Great, people who want them should buy them with Their Own Money.
Sometimes you have to prime the pump on new technology

We did it on internal combustion and look how that paid off
Are you somehow rooting that the new technology fails?
What new technology?

Efficient electric and hybrid vehicles

Why are some so intimidated by alternative energy? Are you that tied to big oil?

If alternative energy is so great, then why aren't you willing to pay market prices for it?

For the first time in my life I see functional and high performance electric cars. I find it odd that anyone would be rooting for them to fail

Seems odd, don't you think?

Not off if one is paying taxes to subsidize them. If they are So Great, people who want them should buy them with Their Own Money.

Sorry. Incorrect, young grasshopper. There was never a subsidy, only a (temporary) NONREFUNDABLE tax credit -- that means that you got SOME of your own money back (now to find a way to get it ALL back).
What new technology?

Efficient electric and hybrid vehicles

Why are some so intimidated by alternative energy? Are you that tied to big oil?

If alternative energy is so great, then why aren't you willing to pay market prices for it?

For the first time in my life I see functional and high performance electric cars. I find it odd that anyone would be rooting for them to fail

Seems odd, don't you think?

Not off if one is paying taxes to subsidize them. If they are So Great, people who want them should buy them with Their Own Money.

Sorry. Incorrect, young grasshopper. There was never a subsidy, only a (temporary) NONREFUNDABLE tax credit -- that means that you got SOME of your own money back (now to find a way to get it ALL back).

Absolute nonsense. Look at the taxpayer funded loans provided to TESLA, for just one example.
Are you somehow rooting that the new technology fails?
What new technology?

Efficient electric and hybrid vehicles

Why are some so intimidated by alternative energy? Are you that tied to big oil?

If alternative energy is so great, then why aren't you willing to pay market prices for it?

For the first time in my life I see functional and high performance electric cars. I find it odd that anyone would be rooting for them to fail

Seems odd, don't you think?

Not off if one is paying taxes to subsidize them. If they are So Great, people who want them should buy them with Their Own Money.

Where do you guys DRUDGE this crap up???
Absolute nonsense. Look at the taxpayer funded loans provided to TESLA, for just one example.

Link please....

*What the heck is a taxpayer "loan?" does that mean it doesn't have to be paid back? You guys were talking about "free money."
Last edited:
What new technology?

Efficient electric and hybrid vehicles

Why are some so intimidated by alternative energy? Are you that tied to big oil?

If alternative energy is so great, then why aren't you willing to pay market prices for it?

For the first time in my life I see functional and high performance electric cars. I find it odd that anyone would be rooting for them to fail

Seems odd, don't you think?

Not off if one is paying taxes to subsidize them. If they are So Great, people who want them should buy them with Their Own Money.

Where do you guys DRUDGE this crap up???

By not having our heads buried in the sand. Do you read any news at all?

The Obama Administration will lend Tesla Motors $465 million to build an electric sedan and the battery packs needed to propel it. It’s one of three loans totaling almost $8 billion that the Department of Energy awarded today to spur the development of fuel-efficient vehicles....

Feds Lend Tesla 465 Million to Build Model S WIRED
What new technology?

Efficient electric and hybrid vehicles

Why are some so intimidated by alternative energy? Are you that tied to big oil?

If alternative energy is so great, then why aren't you willing to pay market prices for it?

For the first time in my life I see functional and high performance electric cars. I find it odd that anyone would be rooting for them to fail

Seems odd, don't you think?

Not off if one is paying taxes to subsidize them. If they are So Great, people who want them should buy them with Their Own Money.
Sometimes you have to prime the pump on new technology

We did it on internal combustion and look how that paid off

Um, lol Solyndra?

Efficient electric and hybrid vehicles

Why are some so intimidated by alternative energy? Are you that tied to big oil?

If alternative energy is so great, then why aren't you willing to pay market prices for it?

For the first time in my life I see functional and high performance electric cars. I find it odd that anyone would be rooting for them to fail

Seems odd, don't you think?

Not off if one is paying taxes to subsidize them. If they are So Great, people who want them should buy them with Their Own Money.
Sometimes you have to prime the pump on new technology

We did it on internal combustion and look how that paid off

Um, lol Solyndra?



Small price to pay for emerging technology.
If alternative energy is so great, then why aren't you willing to pay market prices for it?

For the first time in my life I see functional and high performance electric cars. I find it odd that anyone would be rooting for them to fail

Seems odd, don't you think?

Not off if one is paying taxes to subsidize them. If they are So Great, people who want them should buy them with Their Own Money.
Sometimes you have to prime the pump on new technology

We did it on internal combustion and look how that paid off

Um, lol Solyndra?



Small price to pay for emerging technology.

^^^^^^^^^^ :badgrin: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Absolute nonsense. Look at the taxpayer funded loans provided to TESLA, for just one example.

Link please....

*What the heck is a taxpayer "loan?" does that mean it doesn't have to be paid back? You guys were talking about "free money."

I can't explain things to you when you are so thoroughly ignorant of the fact that when the government spends or loans money, they are using taxpayer money.
Efficient electric and hybrid vehicles

Why are some so intimidated by alternative energy? Are you that tied to big oil?

If alternative energy is so great, then why aren't you willing to pay market prices for it?

For the first time in my life I see functional and high performance electric cars. I find it odd that anyone would be rooting for them to fail

Seems odd, don't you think?

Not off if one is paying taxes to subsidize them. If they are So Great, people who want them should buy them with Their Own Money.

Where do you guys DRUDGE this crap up???

By not having our heads buried in the sand. Do you read any news at all?

The Obama Administration will lend Tesla Motors $465 million to build an electric sedan and the battery packs needed to propel it. It’s one of three loans totaling almost $8 billion that the Department of Energy awarded today to spur the development of fuel-efficient vehicles....

Feds Lend Tesla 465 Million to Build Model S WIRED

You forgot a few details. The article you posted was from 2009.

Here is an article from Bloombergs dated May 22, 2013.
Tesla Pays Off Its 465 Million Loser Loan - Businessweek
"Elon Musk’s “Summer of Revenge Tour” continues. His electric-car company, Tesla Motors, just cut the government a $451.8 million check, which means that Tesla has paid off its entire Department of Energy loan plus interest. “Following this payment, Tesla (TSLA) will be the only American car company to have fully repaid the government,” the company boasted (emphasis Tesla’s)."

So yes, the gov't did loan Tesla money. And the loan was due to be repaid by 2022. But then Tesla paid the loan back, in full, including interest, and did it 9 years early. And that was 2 years ago. Sounds like a good investment to me.
Absolute nonsense. Look at the taxpayer funded loans provided to TESLA, for just one example.

Link please....

*What the heck is a taxpayer "loan?" does that mean it doesn't have to be paid back? You guys were talking about "free money."

I can't explain things to you when you are so thoroughly ignorant of the fact that when the government spends or loans money, they are using taxpayer money.

And when the loan is repaid, with interest, the tax payers came out to the good.
If alternative energy is so great, then why aren't you willing to pay market prices for it?

For the first time in my life I see functional and high performance electric cars. I find it odd that anyone would be rooting for them to fail

Seems odd, don't you think?

Not off if one is paying taxes to subsidize them. If they are So Great, people who want them should buy them with Their Own Money.

Where do you guys DRUDGE this crap up???

By not having our heads buried in the sand. Do you read any news at all?

The Obama Administration will lend Tesla Motors $465 million to build an electric sedan and the battery packs needed to propel it. It’s one of three loans totaling almost $8 billion that the Department of Energy awarded today to spur the development of fuel-efficient vehicles....

Feds Lend Tesla 465 Million to Build Model S WIRED

You forgot a few details.

Here is an article from Bloombergs dated May 22, 2013.
Tesla Pays Off Its 465 Million Loser Loan - Businessweek
"Elon Musk’s “Summer of Revenge Tour” continues. His electric-car company, Tesla Motors, just cut the government a $451.8 million check, which means that Tesla has paid off its entire Department of Energy loan plus interest. “Following this payment, Tesla (TSLA) will be the only American car company to have fully repaid the government,” the company boasted (emphasis Tesla’s)."

So yes, the gov't did loan Tesla money. But then Tesla paid the loan back, in full, including interest. And that was 2 years ago. Sounds like a good investment to me.

It doesn't matter that they paid it back. Taxpayers were RIPPED OFF.

Tesla Is Worse Than Solyndra
How the U.S. government’s bungled investment in the car company cost taxpayers at
least $1 billion.

In 2009, as the financial crisis raged and General Motors and Chrysler plunged toward bankruptcy, Tesla Motors faced a seemingly impossible task: raising half a billion dollars to build an electric-car factory. Tesla had just staggered through a year of layoffs, canceled orders, and record losses. Then suddenly, salvation. The U.S. Department of Energy offered to lend the company $465 million at rock-bottom interest rates.

Four years later, Tesla Motors offers a remarkable example of how a well-timed government investment in the right company can pay off. Every week, 400 all-electric Model S sedans roll out of Tesla’s factory in Fremont, Calif., which the government’s loan financed. Motor Trend named the Model S its 2013 Car of the Year. Tesla’s stock is the toast of Wall Street, giving the company a market value topping $12 billion. And in sharp contrast to Solyndra, the solar panel maker that defaulted on its $528 million loan from the Energy Department, Tesla last week paid the government back early, with interest.

Yet despite all the public celebration, both Solyndra and Tesla stand as warnings of the dangers in deputizing bureaucrats to play bankers and venture capitalists. In both loans, the government walked away laughably undercompensated for the risk it accepted in the startup companies. In fact, the Tesla deal was arguably far more costly for America than the Solyndra fiasco.

Solyndra exposed the first way the taxpayer could lose out. The traditional advantage of making a loan (as opposed to buying stock in a company) is that lenders often get paid something even when the borrowing company fails, because they hold collateral. Solyndra’s bankruptcy revealed the ephemeral value of the government’s collateral. Taxpayers have yet to recover a penny from the company.

Tesla’s runaway success, by contrast, is demonstrating how making venture capital–style investments in risky companies—without demanding venture capital–style compensation in return—can end up costing taxpayers even more. In Silicon Valley, one Google pays for a dozen The government made the key mistake of loaning money to Tesla without insisting on receiving stock options, options that could have allowed the Department of Energy to pay for the Solyndra losses several times over.

When the government’s negotiators started hammering out the details of the Tesla investment in mid-2009, it was obvious to both sides that the feds were in a position to name their terms. Tesla’s management knew that if they couldn’t get the government’s money at 3 or 4 percent interest, their next cheapest source of capital would cost 10 times more, a whopping 30 to 40 percent annually. (That’s according to estimates Tesla made in a regulatory filing, which based its numbers on “venture capital rates of return for companies at a similar stage of development as us.”)


Personal loans made in 2008 by Elon Musk, Tesla’s co-founder and CEO, provide a telling contrast. Musk received a much higher interest rate (10 percent) from Tesla and, more importantly, the option to convert his $38 million of debt into shares of Tesla stock. That’s exactly what he ended up doing, and the resulting shares are now worth a whopping $1.4 billion—a 3,500 percent return on his investment. By contrast, the Department of Energy earned only $12 million in interest on its $465 million loan—a 2.6 percent return....

Tesla is worse than Solyndra How the U.S. government bungled its investment in the car company and cost taxpayers at least 1 billion.
Absolute nonsense. Look at the taxpayer funded loans provided to TESLA, for just one example.

Link please....

*What the heck is a taxpayer "loan?" does that mean it doesn't have to be paid back? You guys were talking about "free money."

I can't explain things to you when you are so thoroughly ignorant of the fact that when the government spends or loans money, they are using taxpayer money.

And when the loan is repaid, with interest, the tax payers came out to the good.

I addressed that in another post. We got ripped off by issuing below market loans.
Absolute nonsense. Look at the taxpayer funded loans provided to TESLA, for just one example.

Link please....

*What the heck is a taxpayer "loan?" does that mean it doesn't have to be paid back? You guys were talking about "free money."

I can't explain things to you when you are so thoroughly ignorant of the fact that when the government spends or loans money, they are using taxpayer money.

And when the loan is repaid, with interest, the tax payers came out to the good.

I addressed that in another post. We got ripped off by issuing below market loans.

Ripped off? The loans were at a low interest rate. But the interest was paid. What other use of our tax dollars provides the money back plus 3%-4% in addition to the original amount?
Absolute nonsense. Look at the taxpayer funded loans provided to TESLA, for just one example.

Link please....

*What the heck is a taxpayer "loan?" does that mean it doesn't have to be paid back? You guys were talking about "free money."

I can't explain things to you when you are so thoroughly ignorant of the fact that when the government spends or loans money, they are using taxpayer money.

And when the loan is repaid, with interest, the tax payers came out to the good.

I addressed that in another post. We got ripped off by issuing below market loans.

Ripped off? The loans were at a low interest rate. But the interest was paid. What other use of our tax dollars provides the money back plus 3%-4% in addition to the original amount?

Is it the purpose of the Federal government to earn investment returns on Taxpayer funds? If it were the purpose (which is isn't, but we'll assume for the sake of discussion that it is), then the taxpayers were indeed ripped off.

Musk received 10% interest and convertible stock for his loans to the company. The taxpayers got 3%. Big Whoop.

Here's who really benefited: the Government Cronies who were given allocations of IPO shares and traded on government insider trading.
Yet Obama continues to squeeze the coal miners


But low oil prices are supposed to be unequivocally good? On the day when Ford lays off 700 Michigan plant workers in small cars and hybrids manufacturing, The Detroit News reports that, according to, sales of electric cars and hybrids are at the lowest level since 2011. What is even more worrisome, motorists who leased those first-generation cars, and have decided not to buy them, are turning them in, leaving dealer lots full of low mileage cars at huge discounts to new ones. As Edmunds concludes, while "the government's going to keep pushing it, there is time to pause right now."

Low oil prices have not been unequivocally good for these workers... (as Detroit Free Press reports)

Ford said today that it is planning to cut a shift at its Michigan Assembly Plant where it makes the Ford Focus compact car and C-Max crossover because of declining sales of small cars, hybrids and electric vehicles.

The automaker told workers and notified the state of Michigan that it will lay off 700 workers, starting June 22. The decision affects 675 hourly workers and 25 salaried employees who make the Focus, Focus ST, Focus Electric, C-Max hybrid and C-Max Energi plug-in hybrid at the Wayne plant.

The first 200 workers will be laid off in June, another 200 at the end of July and the remainder at the end of September.

Electric Car Sales Plunge To 4 Year Lows Zero Hedge

Are you somehow rooting that the new technology fails?
What new technology?

Efficient electric and hybrid vehicles

Why are some so intimidated by alternative energy? Are you that tied to big oil?

Because they honestly believe that only a fossil fuel economy can work effectively. is demonstrably the best, cleanest, most efficient system there is. In the areas where hydroelectric can work that of course is far superior. But those areas are few and far between.
Absolute nonsense. Look at the taxpayer funded loans provided to TESLA, for just one example.

Link please....

*What the heck is a taxpayer "loan?" does that mean it doesn't have to be paid back? You guys were talking about "free money."

I can't explain things to you when you are so thoroughly ignorant of the fact that when the government spends or loans money, they are using taxpayer money.

Dude, a loan is not a subsidy; it has to be paid back.

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