FAIL- Electric Car Sales Plunge To 4 Year Lows

Yet Obama continues to squeeze the coal miners


But low oil prices are supposed to be unequivocally good? On the day when Ford lays off 700 Michigan plant workers in small cars and hybrids manufacturing, The Detroit News reports that, according to, sales of electric cars and hybrids are at the lowest level since 2011. What is even more worrisome, motorists who leased those first-generation cars, and have decided not to buy them, are turning them in, leaving dealer lots full of low mileage cars at huge discounts to new ones. As Edmunds concludes, while "the government's going to keep pushing it, there is time to pause right now."

Low oil prices have not been unequivocally good for these workers... (as Detroit Free Press reports)

Ford said today that it is planning to cut a shift at its Michigan Assembly Plant where it makes the Ford Focus compact car and C-Max crossover because of declining sales of small cars, hybrids and electric vehicles.

The automaker told workers and notified the state of Michigan that it will lay off 700 workers, starting June 22. The decision affects 675 hourly workers and 25 salaried employees who make the Focus, Focus ST, Focus Electric, C-Max hybrid and C-Max Energi plug-in hybrid at the Wayne plant.

The first 200 workers will be laid off in June, another 200 at the end of July and the remainder at the end of September.

Electric Car Sales Plunge To 4 Year Lows Zero Hedge

Are you somehow rooting that the new technology fails?
Yes, Conservatives loath progress of any kind.

I agree with you in this case. ;) Not all the time as not all progress is good. I do believe that renewables and electric cars could easily become very good for our status as a super power in the future!
Yet Obama continues to squeeze the coal miners


But low oil prices are supposed to be unequivocally good? On the day when Ford lays off 700 Michigan plant workers in small cars and hybrids manufacturing, The Detroit News reports that, according to, sales of electric cars and hybrids are at the lowest level since 2011. What is even more worrisome, motorists who leased those first-generation cars, and have decided not to buy them, are turning them in, leaving dealer lots full of low mileage cars at huge discounts to new ones. As Edmunds concludes, while "the government's going to keep pushing it, there is time to pause right now."

Low oil prices have not been unequivocally good for these workers... (as Detroit Free Press reports)

Ford said today that it is planning to cut a shift at its Michigan Assembly Plant where it makes the Ford Focus compact car and C-Max crossover because of declining sales of small cars, hybrids and electric vehicles.

The automaker told workers and notified the state of Michigan that it will lay off 700 workers, starting June 22. The decision affects 675 hourly workers and 25 salaried employees who make the Focus, Focus ST, Focus Electric, C-Max hybrid and C-Max Energi plug-in hybrid at the Wayne plant.

The first 200 workers will be laid off in June, another 200 at the end of July and the remainder at the end of September.

Electric Car Sales Plunge To 4 Year Lows Zero Hedge

Are you somehow rooting that the new technology fails?
Yes, Conservatives loath progress of any kind.

I agree with you in this case. ;) Not all the time as not all progress is good. I do believe that renewables and electric cars could easily become very good for our status as a super power in the future!

Sure beats sending more and more $$$ to the Middle East.
Yet Obama continues to squeeze the coal miners


But low oil prices are supposed to be unequivocally good? On the day when Ford lays off 700 Michigan plant workers in small cars and hybrids manufacturing, The Detroit News reports that, according to, sales of electric cars and hybrids are at the lowest level since 2011. What is even more worrisome, motorists who leased those first-generation cars, and have decided not to buy them, are turning them in, leaving dealer lots full of low mileage cars at huge discounts to new ones. As Edmunds concludes, while "the government's going to keep pushing it, there is time to pause right now."

Low oil prices have not been unequivocally good for these workers... (as Detroit Free Press reports)

Ford said today that it is planning to cut a shift at its Michigan Assembly Plant where it makes the Ford Focus compact car and C-Max crossover because of declining sales of small cars, hybrids and electric vehicles.

The automaker told workers and notified the state of Michigan that it will lay off 700 workers, starting June 22. The decision affects 675 hourly workers and 25 salaried employees who make the Focus, Focus ST, Focus Electric, C-Max hybrid and C-Max Energi plug-in hybrid at the Wayne plant.

The first 200 workers will be laid off in June, another 200 at the end of July and the remainder at the end of September.

Electric Car Sales Plunge To 4 Year Lows Zero Hedge

Are you somehow rooting that the new technology fails?
Yes, Conservatives loath progress of any kind.

It's not that.....they defend Big Oil at all costs
Yet Obama continues to squeeze the coal miners


But low oil prices are supposed to be unequivocally good? On the day when Ford lays off 700 Michigan plant workers in small cars and hybrids manufacturing, The Detroit News reports that, according to, sales of electric cars and hybrids are at the lowest level since 2011. What is even more worrisome, motorists who leased those first-generation cars, and have decided not to buy them, are turning them in, leaving dealer lots full of low mileage cars at huge discounts to new ones. As Edmunds concludes, while "the government's going to keep pushing it, there is time to pause right now."

Low oil prices have not been unequivocally good for these workers... (as Detroit Free Press reports)

Ford said today that it is planning to cut a shift at its Michigan Assembly Plant where it makes the Ford Focus compact car and C-Max crossover because of declining sales of small cars, hybrids and electric vehicles.

The automaker told workers and notified the state of Michigan that it will lay off 700 workers, starting June 22. The decision affects 675 hourly workers and 25 salaried employees who make the Focus, Focus ST, Focus Electric, C-Max hybrid and C-Max Energi plug-in hybrid at the Wayne plant.

The first 200 workers will be laid off in June, another 200 at the end of July and the remainder at the end of September.

Electric Car Sales Plunge To 4 Year Lows Zero Hedge

Are you somehow rooting that the new technology fails?
Yes, Conservatives loath progress of any kind.

It's not that.....they defend Big Oil at all costs

Yes because investing in a limited resource is a great idea.

US fracking industry decline 2015 - Business Insider
Yet Obama continues to squeeze the coal miners


But low oil prices are supposed to be unequivocally good? On the day when Ford lays off 700 Michigan plant workers in small cars and hybrids manufacturing, The Detroit News reports that, according to, sales of electric cars and hybrids are at the lowest level since 2011. What is even more worrisome, motorists who leased those first-generation cars, and have decided not to buy them, are turning them in, leaving dealer lots full of low mileage cars at huge discounts to new ones. As Edmunds concludes, while "the government's going to keep pushing it, there is time to pause right now."

Low oil prices have not been unequivocally good for these workers... (as Detroit Free Press reports)

Ford said today that it is planning to cut a shift at its Michigan Assembly Plant where it makes the Ford Focus compact car and C-Max crossover because of declining sales of small cars, hybrids and electric vehicles.

The automaker told workers and notified the state of Michigan that it will lay off 700 workers, starting June 22. The decision affects 675 hourly workers and 25 salaried employees who make the Focus, Focus ST, Focus Electric, C-Max hybrid and C-Max Energi plug-in hybrid at the Wayne plant.

The first 200 workers will be laid off in June, another 200 at the end of July and the remainder at the end of September.

Electric Car Sales Plunge To 4 Year Lows Zero Hedge

Yes we need more coal. Let's pollute enough till you can't ever eat fish and they glow like light bulbs.

Now I know why you're scared of guns too


Have you ever noticed that the same people who are for government control of...well pretty much everything are also big supporters of gun control? Makes it easier to turn people into slaves when they are disarmed.
Yet Obama continues to squeeze the coal miners


But low oil prices are supposed to be unequivocally good? On the day when Ford lays off 700 Michigan plant workers in small cars and hybrids manufacturing, The Detroit News reports that, according to, sales of electric cars and hybrids are at the lowest level since 2011. What is even more worrisome, motorists who leased those first-generation cars, and have decided not to buy them, are turning them in, leaving dealer lots full of low mileage cars at huge discounts to new ones. As Edmunds concludes, while "the government's going to keep pushing it, there is time to pause right now."

Low oil prices have not been unequivocally good for these workers... (as Detroit Free Press reports)

Ford said today that it is planning to cut a shift at its Michigan Assembly Plant where it makes the Ford Focus compact car and C-Max crossover because of declining sales of small cars, hybrids and electric vehicles.

The automaker told workers and notified the state of Michigan that it will lay off 700 workers, starting June 22. The decision affects 675 hourly workers and 25 salaried employees who make the Focus, Focus ST, Focus Electric, C-Max hybrid and C-Max Energi plug-in hybrid at the Wayne plant.

The first 200 workers will be laid off in June, another 200 at the end of July and the remainder at the end of September.

Electric Car Sales Plunge To 4 Year Lows Zero Hedge

Yes we need more coal. Let's pollute enough till you can't ever eat fish and they glow like light bulbs.

Now I know why you're scared of guns too


Have you ever noticed that the same people who are for government control of...well pretty much everything are also big supporters of gun control? Makes it easier to turn people into slaves when they are disarmed.

Yes like all those slaves in every country that has few guns. Oh wait they aren't slaves. Looks like you fail again. Your paranoia is however humorous.
Same stupid, nonsensical rubbish in every " electric cars suck" thread ever made by a partisan dito-head. Its gets really old, people like Rush are the first to start with the silliness and eventually it becomes part of the Republican Bible.

Thou shalt not.....
Yet Obama continues to squeeze the coal miners


But low oil prices are supposed to be unequivocally good? On the day when Ford lays off 700 Michigan plant workers in small cars and hybrids manufacturing, The Detroit News reports that, according to, sales of electric cars and hybrids are at the lowest level since 2011. What is even more worrisome, motorists who leased those first-generation cars, and have decided not to buy them, are turning them in, leaving dealer lots full of low mileage cars at huge discounts to new ones. As Edmunds concludes, while "the government's going to keep pushing it, there is time to pause right now."

Low oil prices have not been unequivocally good for these workers... (as Detroit Free Press reports)

Ford said today that it is planning to cut a shift at its Michigan Assembly Plant where it makes the Ford Focus compact car and C-Max crossover because of declining sales of small cars, hybrids and electric vehicles.

The automaker told workers and notified the state of Michigan that it will lay off 700 workers, starting June 22. The decision affects 675 hourly workers and 25 salaried employees who make the Focus, Focus ST, Focus Electric, C-Max hybrid and C-Max Energi plug-in hybrid at the Wayne plant.

The first 200 workers will be laid off in June, another 200 at the end of July and the remainder at the end of September.

Electric Car Sales Plunge To 4 Year Lows Zero Hedge

Yes we need more coal. Let's pollute enough till you can't ever eat fish and they glow like light bulbs.

Now I know why you're scared of guns too


Have you ever noticed that the same people who are for government control of...well pretty much everything are also big supporters of gun control? Makes it easier to turn people into slaves when they are disarmed.

I'm against gun control and against OPEC. Republicans Love OPEC; ITS A FACT.
Same stupid, nonsensical rubbish in every " electric cars suck" thread ever made by a partisan dito-head. Its gets really old, people like Rush are the first to start with the silliness and eventually it becomes part of the Republican Bible.

Thou shalt not.....
Electric cars can't replace internal combustion yet

But they have made great strides to where they are now practical

I fail to see why conservatives root against them. What do you hav to lose?
Yet Obama continues to squeeze the coal miners


But low oil prices are supposed to be unequivocally good? On the day when Ford lays off 700 Michigan plant workers in small cars and hybrids manufacturing, The Detroit News reports that, according to, sales of electric cars and hybrids are at the lowest level since 2011. What is even more worrisome, motorists who leased those first-generation cars, and have decided not to buy them, are turning them in, leaving dealer lots full of low mileage cars at huge discounts to new ones. As Edmunds concludes, while "the government's going to keep pushing it, there is time to pause right now."

Low oil prices have not been unequivocally good for these workers... (as Detroit Free Press reports)

Ford said today that it is planning to cut a shift at its Michigan Assembly Plant where it makes the Ford Focus compact car and C-Max crossover because of declining sales of small cars, hybrids and electric vehicles.

The automaker told workers and notified the state of Michigan that it will lay off 700 workers, starting June 22. The decision affects 675 hourly workers and 25 salaried employees who make the Focus, Focus ST, Focus Electric, C-Max hybrid and C-Max Energi plug-in hybrid at the Wayne plant.

The first 200 workers will be laid off in June, another 200 at the end of July and the remainder at the end of September.

Electric Car Sales Plunge To 4 Year Lows Zero Hedge

Are you somehow rooting that the new technology fails?
What new technology?

Efficient electric and hybrid vehicles

Why are some so intimidated by alternative energy? Are you that tied to big oil?

If alternative energy is so great, then why aren't you willing to pay market prices for it?

For the first time in my life I see functional and high performance electric cars. I find it odd that anyone would be rooting for them to fail

Seems odd, don't you think?

Rooting for them to to be forced into one before they can match the performance and price of a gas fueled car....yeah, that is the problem......
Yet Obama continues to squeeze the coal miners


But low oil prices are supposed to be unequivocally good? On the day when Ford lays off 700 Michigan plant workers in small cars and hybrids manufacturing, The Detroit News reports that, according to, sales of electric cars and hybrids are at the lowest level since 2011. What is even more worrisome, motorists who leased those first-generation cars, and have decided not to buy them, are turning them in, leaving dealer lots full of low mileage cars at huge discounts to new ones. As Edmunds concludes, while "the government's going to keep pushing it, there is time to pause right now."

Low oil prices have not been unequivocally good for these workers... (as Detroit Free Press reports)

Ford said today that it is planning to cut a shift at its Michigan Assembly Plant where it makes the Ford Focus compact car and C-Max crossover because of declining sales of small cars, hybrids and electric vehicles.

The automaker told workers and notified the state of Michigan that it will lay off 700 workers, starting June 22. The decision affects 675 hourly workers and 25 salaried employees who make the Focus, Focus ST, Focus Electric, C-Max hybrid and C-Max Energi plug-in hybrid at the Wayne plant.

The first 200 workers will be laid off in June, another 200 at the end of July and the remainder at the end of September.

Electric Car Sales Plunge To 4 Year Lows Zero Hedge

Yes we need more coal. Let's pollute enough till you can't ever eat fish and they glow like light bulbs.

Now I know why you're scared of guns too


Have you ever noticed that the same people who are for government control of...well pretty much everything are also big supporters of gun control? Makes it easier to turn people into slaves when they are disarmed.

I'm against gun control and against OPEC. Republicans Love OPEC; ITS A FACT.

Hmmmm...where have you been....Republicans love frakking and the ability to tell opec to get need to listen to more conservative talk radio and Fox cable news.......
Yet Obama continues to squeeze the coal miners


But low oil prices are supposed to be unequivocally good? On the day when Ford lays off 700 Michigan plant workers in small cars and hybrids manufacturing, The Detroit News reports that, according to, sales of electric cars and hybrids are at the lowest level since 2011. What is even more worrisome, motorists who leased those first-generation cars, and have decided not to buy them, are turning them in, leaving dealer lots full of low mileage cars at huge discounts to new ones. As Edmunds concludes, while "the government's going to keep pushing it, there is time to pause right now."

Low oil prices have not been unequivocally good for these workers... (as Detroit Free Press reports)

Ford said today that it is planning to cut a shift at its Michigan Assembly Plant where it makes the Ford Focus compact car and C-Max crossover because of declining sales of small cars, hybrids and electric vehicles.

The automaker told workers and notified the state of Michigan that it will lay off 700 workers, starting June 22. The decision affects 675 hourly workers and 25 salaried employees who make the Focus, Focus ST, Focus Electric, C-Max hybrid and C-Max Energi plug-in hybrid at the Wayne plant.

The first 200 workers will be laid off in June, another 200 at the end of July and the remainder at the end of September.

Electric Car Sales Plunge To 4 Year Lows Zero Hedge

Yes we need more coal. Let's pollute enough till you can't ever eat fish and they glow like light bulbs.

Now I know why you're scared of guns too


Have you ever noticed that the same people who are for government control of...well pretty much everything are also big supporters of gun control? Makes it easier to turn people into slaves when they are disarmed.

I'm against gun control and against OPEC. Republicans Love OPEC; ITS A FACT.

Hmmmm...where have you been....Republicans love frakking and the ability to tell opec to get need to listen to more conservative talk radio and Fox cable news.......
Cons love fracking, love Big Oil because of the propaganda they get from Right Wing Talk Radio and Fox.
Yes we need more coal. Let's pollute enough till you can't ever eat fish and they glow like light bulbs.

Now I know why you're scared of guns too


Have you ever noticed that the same people who are for government control of...well pretty much everything are also big supporters of gun control? Makes it easier to turn people into slaves when they are disarmed.

I'm against gun control and against OPEC. Republicans Love OPEC; ITS A FACT.

Hmmmm...where have you been....Republicans love frakking and the ability to tell opec to get need to listen to more conservative talk radio and Fox cable news.......
Cons love fracking, love Big Oil because of the propaganda they get from Right Wing Talk Radio and Fox.

No....we love frakking because we now pay less for gas.....and we can tell muslim countries with oil to get lost.......
Yes we need more coal. Let's pollute enough till you can't ever eat fish and they glow like light bulbs.

Now I know why you're scared of guns too


Have you ever noticed that the same people who are for government control of...well pretty much everything are also big supporters of gun control? Makes it easier to turn people into slaves when they are disarmed.

I'm against gun control and against OPEC. Republicans Love OPEC; ITS A FACT.

Hmmmm...where have you been....Republicans love frakking and the ability to tell opec to get need to listen to more conservative talk radio and Fox cable news.......
Cons love fracking, love Big Oil because of the propaganda they get from Right Wing Talk Radio and Fox.
No, consumers just like lower consumer goods prices. With Obama gas so high a hybrid was a practical investment for some. Now that prices have dropped, in spite of Obama, hybrids aren't as necessary and the market is reflecting that.
I want to see a electric car do two things
1. Go 250 mph
2. Go a 1,000 miles before recharging!

I got to take a test drive in a Tesla Model S P85D.

No, it won't go 250 mph. But then, I can't imagine where you would drive a car 250 mph.

But it will do 0-60 in 3.2 seconds. It doesn't accelerate, it LAUNCHES. It feels like a ride at Six Flags, but you are never out of control. It is an amazing car.
I want to see a electric car do two things
1. Go 250 mph
2. Go a 1,000 miles before recharging!

I got to take a test drive in a Tesla Model S P85D.

No, it won't go 250 mph. But then, I can't imagine where you would drive a car 250 mph.

But it will do 0-60 in 3.2 seconds. It doesn't accelerate, it LAUNCHES. It feels like a ride at Six Flags, but you are never out of control. It is an amazing car.
Why not do the same in a combustion engine car?
I want to see a electric car do two things
1. Go 250 mph
2. Go a 1,000 miles before recharging!

I got to take a test drive in a Tesla Model S P85D.

No, it won't go 250 mph. But then, I can't imagine where you would drive a car 250 mph.

But it will do 0-60 in 3.2 seconds. It doesn't accelerate, it LAUNCHES. It feels like a ride at Six Flags, but you are never out of control. It is an amazing car.
Why not do the same in a combustion engine car?
Electric emits no exhaust fumes.

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