failed political candidate arrested for poison letters!


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2012
The FBI has arrested J. Everett Dutschke for sending letters contaminated with the poison ricin to President Obama and others.

He's a former Republican candidate for the Mississippi state legislature.

"...Mr. Dutschke, the owner of Tupelo Taekwondo Plus, ran as a Republican for the state House of Representatives in 2007 and lost..."

Mississippi Man Arrested in Ricin Letter Case -

Remember the number of threads we had about the previous suspect from those on the right crowing about his political affiliation?

Let's see what they have to say now.

Corrected Flawed Thread Title. -Intense
aww, I so wanted it to be Elvis, that was funny.

Turns out it may be a life long douche that likes teenage girls
The FBI has arrested J. Everett Dutschke for sending letters contaminated with the poison ricin to President Obama and others.

He's a former Republican candidate for the Mississippi state legislature.

"...Mr. Dutschke, the owner of Tupelo Taekwondo Plus, ran as a Republican for the state House of Representatives in 2007 and lost..."

Mississippi Man Arrested in Ricin Letter Case -

Remember the number of threads we had about the previous suspect from those on the right crowing about his political affiliation?

Let's see what they have to say now.

They don't care. They are probably just happy someone is trying to kill Obama.
the fbi has arrested j. Everett dutschke for sending letters contaminated with the poison ricin to president obama and others.

He's a former republican candidate for the mississippi state legislature.

" Dutschke, the owner of tupelo taekwondo plus, ran as a republican for the state house of representatives in 2007 and lost..."

mississippi man arrested in ricin letter case -

remember the number of threads we had about the previous suspect from those on the right crowing about his political affiliation?

Let's see what they have to say now.

and of course liberals laugh

not funny, quite sad really...when a dem was arrested, libs cried foul....wait until more evidence comes in...but as soon as a pub is arrested....convict him with no facts

and of course liberals laugh

not funny, quite sad really...when a dem was arrested, libs cried foul....wait until more evidence comes in...but as soon as a pub is arrested....convict him with no facts


Naw, brother! I agree with ya. He's innocent until proven guilty.

But the irony of it all is just too much to remain quiet, don't you agree?
Another right winger bites the dust. The guy is also charged with molesting 3 underage girls.
and of course liberals laugh

not funny, quite sad really...when a dem was arrested, libs cried foul....wait until more evidence comes in...but as soon as a pub is arrested....convict him with no facts


As opposed to inmates of the rightwing nuthouse around here who waited after that democrat was wrongly arrested??

lol, you might be the least intelligent poster on this forum.
This thread is strangely quiet. I wonder why?

The FBI has arrested J. Everett Dutschke for sending letters contaminated with the poison ricin to President Obama and others.

He's a former Republican candidate for the Mississippi state legislature.

"...Mr. Dutschke, the owner of Tupelo Taekwondo Plus, ran as a Republican for the state House of Representatives in 2007 and lost..."

Mississippi Man Arrested in Ricin Letter Case -

Let's see what they have to say now.

I guarantee Beck and the right wing machine won't cover this, or apologize for blaming an innocent man and "the left" for it,...
Remember the number of threads we had about the previous suspect from those on the right crowing about his political affiliation?
I hope he rots in prison. You do terrorism you deserve to go to prison or death and it doesn't matter what party you're part of.
This thread is strangely quiet. I wonder why?


Because you went and found a low life and libs try and pretend he somehow represents the whole of the conservative movement in America. "Another rightwinger bites the dust." He's prolly a low life, not right, left or in the middle. If we play this game, didn't you democrats just blow up a shit load of people in Boston? Or are they just insane low lives that just happen to have supported Democrats?
The FBI has arrested J. Everett Dutschke for sending letters contaminated with the poison ricin to President Obama and others.

He's a former Republican candidate for the Mississippi state legislature.

"...Mr. Dutschke, the owner of Tupelo Taekwondo Plus, ran as a Republican for the state House of Representatives in 2007 and lost..."

Mississippi Man Arrested in Ricin Letter Case -

Remember the number of threads we had about the previous suspect from those on the right crowing about his political affiliation?

Let's see what they have to say now.

Yeah, everything blew up in their collective face when the charges were dropped.

Political ‘gotcha’ can be treacherous.
The FBI has arrested J. Everett Dutschke for sending letters contaminated with the poison ricin to President Obama and others.

He's a former Republican candidate for the Mississippi state legislature.

"...Mr. Dutschke, the owner of Tupelo Taekwondo Plus, ran as a Republican for the state House of Representatives in 2007 and lost..."

Mississippi Man Arrested in Ricin Letter Case -

Let's see what they have to say now.

I guarantee Beck and the right wing machine won't cover this, or apologize for blaming an innocent man and "the left" for it,...
Remember the number of threads we had about the previous suspect from those on the right crowing about his political affiliation?

Again, just like you and all of the left Media did about the Boston bombers... How about we not make metal low life's somehow represent the party they attached themselves to?
Wonderful, what you fail to mention is that one letter was sent to his opponent. So, he was bipartisan in his hatred. Which is less than I can say for you Oldguy.
The FBI has arrested J. Everett Dutschke for sending letters contaminated with the poison ricin to President Obama and others.

He's a former Republican candidate for the Mississippi state legislature.

"...Mr. Dutschke, the owner of Tupelo Taekwondo Plus, ran as a Republican for the state House of Representatives in 2007 and lost..."

Mississippi Man Arrested in Ricin Letter Case -

Let's see what they have to say now.

I guarantee Beck and the right wing machine won't cover this, or apologize for blaming an innocent man and "the left" for it,...
Remember the number of threads we had about the previous suspect from those on the right crowing about his political affiliation?

Again, just like you and all of the left Media did about the Boston bombers... How about we not make metal low life's somehow represent the party they attached themselves to?

Oldie there has a very deep seated hatred for his political counterparts. It's pathetic to see people redact a news article to paint one party in a bad light.

"Ricin-laced letters were sent April 8 to U.S. Sen. Roger Wicker (R., Miss.), President Obama and Sadie Holland, a local county judge."

R stands for Republican Oldguy you dimwit. He didn't just have a vendetta against the President, he was just an all around poor sport.
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This thread is strangely quiet. I wonder why?


Because rightwingers WANT scumbags to go to prison? Where this individual seems to belong if found guilty? I don't know, seems to me the righties have no problem getting rid of the trash, unlike us lefties. So long as the scumbag is OUR scumbag we seem to turn a large blind eye.
This thread is strangely quiet. I wonder why?


Only one quiet here is you. You're reaching. Your attempt to spin this into a hitpiece is pathetic. You did read that Roger Wicker was targeted too, right? He's a Republican you know.

I can't help but laugh at your desperation. Give it up.

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