Fair & Balanced My Ass


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
$Picture 1.jpg

Time to play a game boys and girls of USMB, how many GOP talking points can you find in this one picture taken at 6:20 PM EST on March 18?

I count 8. :D
The Union Teacher hanging Obama in Effigy is a great story! :lol:

It figures Fox News is going to use that one teacher and make it seem out that everyone hates Obama for doing this when everyone on both sides of the aisle wanted these teachers gone.

Nice deflecting. :thup:

Now if you can find in my OP where I defended any of those stations, you might have a point. Otherwise, all you're doing is trying to defend Faux. :thup:
Nice deflecting.

Now if you can find in my OP where I defended any of those stations, you might have a point. Otherwise, all you're doing is trying to defend Faux.

You sure don't spend time creating threads criticizing those other stations, do you?

Here's a bit of a suggestion: Don't like FOXNews? Don't watch it. If enough feel it's not worth watching then it will fade away into nothing...

I just don't get the constant whining about FNC...
The Union Teacher hanging Obama in Effigy is a great story! :lol:

It figures Fox News is going to use that one teacher and make it seem out that everyone hates Obama for doing this when everyone on both sides of the aisle wanted these teachers gone.

I'd be willing to bet this Union Teacher voted for Obama. :lol:

FOXNews.com - Fired Rhode Island Teacher Hangs Effigy of Obama in Classroom

I imagine you'd be right...lol
You sure don't spend time creating threads criticizing those other stations, do you?

Here's a bit of a suggestion: Don't like FOXNews? Don't watch it. If enough feel it's not worth watching then it will fade away into nothing...

I just don't get the constant whining about FNC...

I don't need to. Others create enough posts and or threads that I don't need to.

dogbert is a partisan hack and i guess he had to make a thread to prove it

Only one who's a hack here is you if you can't see Faux carrying out the GOP's agenda. But I'm willing to bet you find MSNBC biased as all eh?
You sure don't spend time creating threads criticizing those other stations, do you?

Here's a bit of a suggestion: Don't like FOXNews? Don't watch it. If enough feel it's not worth watching then it will fade away into nothing...

I just don't get the constant whining about FNC...

I don't need to. Others create enough posts and or threads that I don't need to.

Well that's not very fair and balanced of you is it?

Still doesn't explain the constant whining about FNC from the left...

To your credit, there's just not enough interest in other stations to warrant their own threads... Even most on the left know this...
You sure don't spend time creating threads criticizing those other stations, do you?

Here's a bit of a suggestion: Don't like FOXNews? Don't watch it. If enough feel it's not worth watching then it will fade away into nothing...

I just don't get the constant whining about FNC...

I don't need to. Others create enough posts and or threads that I don't need to.


greatest excuse evah...unfortunately for dogbert, reality doesn't comport with his wussy whiny excuse

others create enough posts about fox all the time too, yet you still create threads about posts about fox
Well that's not very fair and balanced of you is it?

Still doesn't explain the constant whining about FNC from the left...

To your credit, there's just not enough interest in other stations to warrant their own threads... Even most on the left know this...

Sure is fair and balanced of me. My opinion about MSNBC, CBS, CNN, etc are all well known on this board. Never mind the fact I don't watch any of them. That should probably clue you in.

I'm one of those people who get my national and international news from the internet.

As for my so called whining? Alas, no. I created a lighthearted thread that was turned into a bicker "BUT MSNBC! CNN!" thread.
Nice deflecting. :thup:

Now if you can find in my OP where I defended any of those stations, you might have a point. Otherwise, all you're doing is trying to defend Faux. :thup:

From your thread title, the question is begged, "Fair & Balanced" compared to who/what.

From your OP, there is no link to the actual stories so it's not possible to judge weather there were any "talking points" at all in the substance of the articles.

I don't claim you defend the other networks there is not enough in the OP to say much about at all. Why you took the cartoon I posted as a defense of Fox I could not say. It's a simple case of pot(s) calling the kettle black. All in all there is not enough substance so far to make any arguments of note.

greatest excuse evah...unfortunately for dogbert, reality doesn't comport with his wussy whiny excuse

others create enough posts about fox all the time too, yet you still create threads about posts about fox

As I just said to House, this thread wasn't originally serious. YOU along with others turned into a "BUT FOX IS NOT BIASED, CNN AND MSNBC IS!" thread. Which proves my point.

As long as you want to defend Fox, threads like these will be created and piss people like you off.

Me? I'm on here to have fun, not get into bitchfests with you where you'll go off and complain about me again.
From your thread title, the question is begged, "Fair & Balanced" compared to who/what.

From your OP, there is no link to the actual stories so it's not possible to judge weather there were any "talking points" at all in the substance of the articles.

I don't claim you defend the other networks there is not enough in the OP to say much about at all. Why you took the cartoon I posted as a defense of Fox I could not say. It's a simple case of pot(s) calling the kettle black. All in all there is not enough substance so far to make any arguments of note.

No, that's a assumption on your part. There is a clear definition of what fair and biased is, Fox does not match it.

Just like MSNBC, CNN, etc don't. Though these days, CNN seems more like TMZ than anything.

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