*Fake Elections*

You're a liar. ALL you do is defend Progs.
All I do is defend the truth and our country.

If you tards would stop manufacturing bullshit by the metric ton, I would not be forced to defend the Democrats who you tell so many lies about.

TARD: Joe Biden has shot the moon out of the sky!

G5000: Um...retard? Look out the window.

TARD: You fucking commie!
All I do is defend the truth and our country.

If you tards would stop manufacturing bullshit by the metric ton, I would not be forced to defend the Democrats who you tell so many lies about.

TARD: Joe Biden has shot the moon out of the sky!

G5000: Um...retard? Look out the window.

TARD: You fucking commie!

Laughed so loud it scared my dog!

Do more, martyr! This is fun!

See, this is what the tards do. They manufacture bullshit by the truckload.

"Just keep voting Dem kid."

They can't even see they are destroying their own credibility, which is why they ASSUME there must be cheating going on! :laughing0301:

This "tard" runs rings around you and again ALL you do here is defend progs Jake. You seem to be laboring under a false assumption. Nobody cares what you think or about your judgements.
I have made hundreds of posts about how the Republicans and Trump have made Universal Health Care inevitable. At the same time, I have posted hundreds of times the free market solution we should be shooting for. You tards have STILL not caught on you were hoaxed by Trump and the GOP.

I have made thousands of posts about the federal debt and how to not only balance the budget, but provide a surplus which would enable us to lower tax rates for EVERYONE. Meanwhile, as Trump was adding $8 trillion to the debt, the tard herd was TOTALLY SILENT, after whining for eight years about Obama's spending, and now they are whining about Biden's spending. How DO they stand the stench of their own hypocrisy?!?!?

I have made hundreds of pro-life posts and even posted solutions to how we can drastically reduce abortions in America without resorting to force.

I have made thousands of posts about how to make Social Security and Medicare solvent again.

Notice a pattern, fucktards?

Not only do I propound ACTUAL conservative ideals, I provide SOLUTIONS to our problems.

And what do you bring to the table? Lies, lies, and more lies. Hypocrisy, ignorance, willful stupidity and blindness.

And sadism. Sick, twisted, perverted sadism.

I have made hundreds of posts about how the Republicans and Trump have made Universal Health Care inevitable. At the same time, I have posted hundreds of times the free market solution we should be shooting for. You tards have STILL not caught on you were hoaxed by Trump and the GOP.

I have made thousands of posts about the federal debt and how to not only balance the budget, but provide a surplus which would enable us to lower tax rates for EVERYONE. Meanwhile, as Trump was adding $8 trillion to the debt, the tard herd was TOTALLY SILENT, after whining for eight years about Obama's spending, and now they are whining about Biden's spending. How DO they stand the stench of their own hypocrisy?!?!?

I have made hundreds of pro-life posts and even posted solutions to how we can drastically reduce abortions in America without resorting to force.

I have made thousands of posts about how to make Social Security and Medicare solvent again.

Notice a pattern, fucktards?

Not only do I propound ACTUAL conservative ideals, I provide SOLUTIONS to our problems.

And what do you bring to the table? Lies, lies, and more lies. Hypocrisy, ignorance, willful stupidity and blindness.

I understand how Unregulated Capitalism by GW Bush made the ACA come about.
How did Trump do such?
Be specific.
I understand how Unregulated Capitalism by GW Bush made the ACA come about.
How did Trump do such?
Be specific.
Show me Trump's replacement for Obamacare.

He never had one. He lied. Right to your slack, mouth-breathing faces.

You should have known. After all, he gave full-throated support to UHC on TV and in his book. You should have known. And I spent all of 2016 warning you tards he was lying, and all I got back was venom.

Show me the replacement. I asked hundreds of times.

This is what I mean. You STILL have not caught on you were hoaxed.

It's fucking amazing!

Okay. It's not as if I have not done so countless times already.

Here's Trump just ten days before his inauguration: Trump Vows To Immediately Repeal, Replace ‘Imploding’ Obamacare

In his first press conference since the election, President-Elect Donald Trump called “Obamacare” a “total disaster” and vowed to repeal and replace it immediately.

Trump said a replacement for “Obamacare” will be offered with the confirmation of his health secretary.

Trump's health secretary, Tom Price, was confirmed on February 10, 2017: Tom Price Is Confirmed as Health Secretary

No sign of that repeal and replace has ever shown itself.

Trump: I'll replace ObamaCare with ‘something terrific’

Trump said he would strike "some sort of a really smart deal with hospitals” to cover costs.

Ryan vague on timeline for O-Care replacement

"I don’t want to be, you know, the dictator of the House. I’m the Speaker of the House.”

Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, on Thursday said Republicans will introduce a plan to replace Obamacare next year.

Speaker Ryan: GOP will introduce Obamacare replacement next year

The speaker said Republicans will lay out "a complete alternative to the left's agenda" next year

"There are many things to do, but most urgent is to repeal and replace Obamacare," he said in his first major address as speaker at the Library of Congress. "We think this problem is so urgent that, next year, we are going to unveil a plan to replace every word of Obamacare."

Cantor: House to vote on ObamaCare alternative in 2014

The majority leader did not endorse a specific GOP proposal at their annual retreat.

House Republicans will vote on an alternative to ObamaCare in 2014, Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) announced to members at their annual retreat Thursday morning.

"This year, we will rally around an alternative to ObamaCare and pass it on the floor of the House,” Cantor said during a presentation in which he outlined four areas — healthcare, jobs, helping the middle class and creating opportunities — where Republicans would offer “big, bold ideas.”

Republicans aim to undo health care law

Republicans leave no doubt of their first target: The new health care laws

"If our primary legislative goals are to repeal and replace the health spending bill, to end the bailouts, cut spending, and shrink the size and scope of government, the only way to do all these things is to put someone in the White House who won't veto any of these things," McConnell said in a speech Thursday to the Heritage Foundation, a right-leaning think tank.

I literally spent YEARS on this forum asking the pseudocon tard herd where the GOP's Obamacare replacement is. And then I spent years asking the same tards where Trump's replacement is.

It never failed to either draw blank mouth-breathing stares or ire.

To this very day, the tard herd cannot admit to themselves they were massively hoaxed.

And thanks to Trump's hoax, Obamacare is now immortal. Or at least until it is replaced with UHC, which Trump has made inevitable.
I have made hundreds of posts about how the Republicans and Trump have made Universal Health Care inevitable. At the same time, I have posted hundreds of times the free market solution we should be shooting for. You tards have STILL not caught on you were hoaxed by Trump and the GOP.

I have made thousands of posts about the federal debt and how to not only balance the budget, but provide a surplus which would enable us to lower tax rates for EVERYONE. Meanwhile, as Trump was adding $8 trillion to the debt, the tard herd was TOTALLY SILENT, after whining for eight years about Obama's spending, and now they are whining about Biden's spending. How DO they stand the stench of their own hypocrisy?!?!?

I have made hundreds of pro-life posts and even posted solutions to how we can drastically reduce abortions in America without resorting to force.

I have made thousands of posts about how to make Social Security and Medicare solvent again.

Notice a pattern, fucktards?

Not only do I propound ACTUAL conservative ideals, I provide SOLUTIONS to our problems.

And what do you bring to the table? Lies, lies, and more lies. Hypocrisy, ignorance, willful stupidity and blindness.

And sadism. Sick, twisted, perverted sadism.


ALL you do is defend Progs. You're also wrong, I called Rump out for his spending all 4 years. You've yet to call Joe out on his spending Jake.
Show me Trump's replacement for Obamacare.

He never had one. He lied. Right to your slack, mouth-breathing faces.

You should have known. After all, he gave full-throated support to UHC on TV and in his book. You should have known. And I spent all of 2016 warning you tards he was lying, and all I got back was venom.

Show me the replacement. I asked hundreds of times.

This is what I mean. You STILL have not caught on you were hoaxed.

It's fucking amazing!

Thank you!
While Obama was president, the Republicans partially or fully repealed Obamacare, what, more than 60 times?

And then when they had full control of the House, the Senate, and the White House, they suddenly stopped repealing Obamacare.

Look, tards. If that doesn't prove to you it was all a massive hoax, then you are beyond help. Your credulity is too deep. You are just too stupid.

Okay. It's not as if I have not done so countless times already.

Here's Trump just ten days before his inauguration: Trump Vows To Immediately Repeal, Replace ‘Imploding’ Obamacare

In his first press conference since the election, President-Elect Donald Trump called “Obamacare” a “total disaster” and vowed to repeal and replace it immediately.

Trump said a replacement for “Obamacare” will be offered with the confirmation of his health secretary.

Trump's health secretary, Tom Price, was confirmed on February 10, 2017: Tom Price Is Confirmed as Health Secretary

No sign of that repeal and replace has ever shown itself.

Trump: I'll replace ObamaCare with ‘something terrific’

Trump said he would strike "some sort of a really smart deal with hospitals” to cover costs.

Ryan vague on timeline for O-Care replacement

"I don’t want to be, you know, the dictator of the House. I’m the Speaker of the House.”

Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, on Thursday said Republicans will introduce a plan to replace Obamacare next year.

Speaker Ryan: GOP will introduce Obamacare replacement next year

The speaker said Republicans will lay out "a complete alternative to the left's agenda" next year

"There are many things to do, but most urgent is to repeal and replace Obamacare," he said in his first major address as speaker at the Library of Congress. "We think this problem is so urgent that, next year, we are going to unveil a plan to replace every word of Obamacare."

Cantor: House to vote on ObamaCare alternative in 2014

The majority leader did not endorse a specific GOP proposal at their annual retreat.

House Republicans will vote on an alternative to ObamaCare in 2014, Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) announced to members at their annual retreat Thursday morning.

"This year, we will rally around an alternative to ObamaCare and pass it on the floor of the House,” Cantor said during a presentation in which he outlined four areas — healthcare, jobs, helping the middle class and creating opportunities — where Republicans would offer “big, bold ideas.”

Republicans aim to undo health care law

Republicans leave no doubt of their first target: The new health care laws

"If our primary legislative goals are to repeal and replace the health spending bill, to end the bailouts, cut spending, and shrink the size and scope of government, the only way to do all these things is to put someone in the White House who won't veto any of these things," McConnell said in a speech Thursday to the Heritage Foundation, a right-leaning think tank.

I literally spent YEARS on this forum asking the pseudocon tard herd where the GOP's Obamacare replacement is. And then I spent years asking the same tards where Trump's replacement is.

It never failed to either draw blank mouth-breathing stares or ire.

To this very day, the tard herd cannot admit to themselves they were massively hoaxed.

And thanks to Trump's hoax, Obamacare is now immortal. Or at least until it is replaced with UHC, which Trump has made inevitable.
Wow! Way to go!
Show me Trump's replacement for Obamacare.

He never had one. He lied. Right to your slack, mouth-breathing faces.

You should have known. After all, he gave full-throated support to UHC on TV and in his book. You should have known. And I spent all of 2016 warning you tards he was lying, and all I got back was venom.

Show me the replacement. I asked hundreds of times.

This is what I mean. You STILL have not caught on you were hoaxed.

It's fucking amazing!
Trump did indeed lie; the only solution for Health Care is getting rid all the President Reagan shit that allowed businesses to stop giving their employees health benefits.
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That's why some win by 1% or lose by 1% and it's the super high crime Blue Cities that support the "peaceful" Democrats.
Any other bullshit you'd care to share with us?
It's always been the case that the far right doubles down on their wrath and hate after an election loss. For some reason they conclude that they were not extreme enough. I guess it makes sense to you people.
It's always been the case that the far right doubles down on their wrath and hate after an election loss. For some reason they conclude that they were not extreme enough. I guess it makes sense to you people.
That's why some win by 1% or lose by 1% and it's the super high crime Blue Cities that support the "peaceful" Democrats.
Any other bullshit you'd care to share with us?
ALL you do is defend Progs. You're also wrong, I called Rump out for his spending all 4 years.

Show me the topics you started calling out Trump's spending.

You've yet to call Joe out on his spending Jake.
See? You can't stop lying. It's literally pathological.


While Trump was doing all that massive overspending, I pointed out many times that he was doing it to fraudulently boost the GDP.

He still couldn't get GDP to the 4 to 6 percent GDP growth that he promised.

Each president outspends the one before. Biden will take our debt to outer space.

In a topic about Biden leading the largest budget deficit reduction:

That is an incredibly disingenuous boast.

When Trump left office, the federal deficit was $3.132 trillion.

If you reduce that by $350 billion, you still have a $2.782 trillion deficit.


Color me NOT impressed.

And then there is this topic which I started: Federal Spending Is Beyond Insane

Read the OP, fucktard.

I have serious doubts you will apologize for manufacturing bullshit about me. You just don't have that kind of integrity.

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