Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren’s New Pitch: Reparations For Native Americans


Tribal nations have unique interests, priorities, and histories, and should not be treated monolithically,” she said. “I fully support the federal government doing far more to live up to its existing trust and treaty responsibilities and that includes a robust discussion about historical injustices against Native people. Tribal nations have a government-to-government relationship with the federal government, and they deserve a seat at the table in all decisions that will affect the well-being of their people and their communities.”

Still no reparation checks

We just debunked that lie with Harris
Ohhh goody. The natives can pay reparations to blacks and the blacks can kick in reparations for ME!!!
Somebody must have focus grouped "reparations" and got a hit on the "Oh My God They're Gonna Give My Money Away " scale so we're being inundated with this bullshit.

No sweetums...no one is going to take your money and give it to the scary brown people

Tribal nations have unique interests, priorities, and histories, and should not be treated monolithically,” she said. “I fully support the federal government doing far more to live up to its existing trust and treaty responsibilities and that includes a robust discussion about historical injustices against Native people. Tribal nations have a government-to-government relationship with the federal government, and they deserve a seat at the table in all decisions that will affect the well-being of their people and their communities.”

Still no reparation checks

We just debunked that lie with Harris
So the author of the hit piece inserted the 'reparations' dog whistle for those too dumb to figure out his misdirection by themselves! Well an article by a supporter of a fake honest President that cites fake quotes shouldn't be too much of a surprise.
Any mention of members of the Rez not allowed to vote because they have had PO boxes since forming the Rez instead of street addresses? Seems like nobody has the wherewithal to figure out a solution, and Warren is a bad person for mentioning stuff like Native American issues to be addressed. Remember Ira Hayes!!
Somebody must have focus grouped "reparations" and got a hit on the "Oh My God They're Gonna Give My Money Away " scale so we're being inundated with this bullshit.

No sweetums...no one is going to take your money and give it to the scary brown people
You find brown people scary. Says a lot .
That stupid liar Warren has no right to talk anymore!

she should hide her head in shame!!!
Somebody must have focus grouped "reparations" and got a hit on the "Oh My God They're Gonna Give My Money Away " scale so we're being inundated with this bullshit.

No sweetums...no one is going to take your money and give it to the scary brown people
This is about the best of the best. Those who creat employment for others. Scary brown people have their chance in half the land mass of the western hemisphere. The lushest in the world.

Tribal nations have unique interests, priorities, and histories, and should not be treated monolithically,” she said. “I fully support the federal government doing far more to live up to its existing trust and treaty responsibilities and that includes a robust discussion about historical injustices against Native people. Tribal nations have a government-to-government relationship with the federal government, and they deserve a seat at the table in all decisions that will affect the well-being of their people and their communities.”

Still no reparation checks

We just debunked that lie with Harris
The checks came in the form of inclusion, and in education after we had war with them so many, many years ago. Does anyone want to discuss why we had war with the native indians so many years ago ? There are always two sides to a story.

The way it is played by the left, is that we as European's are the devil, and any alledged victimized group by us, is now green lighted to get back at us for our history or the past.

At various times in our history, we had to actually fight cultures along with the people who didn't see us as their friend's (i.e. would kill us in a skinny), and rather saw us as their sworn enemy instead.

This nation as it was settled and built by immigrants, will not apologize for it's long struggle to tame and civilize this nation.

To think of us as fools today, will bring folly and hardship on those who think in these ways. To early to think that this nation has gotten that stupid yet. Maybe in 20 more years maybe, but not yet it ain't.
What an idiot! The White man owes the red man nothing.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME, JACKASS?! If there is ANYONE the white man truly owes, it is the Native American! We owe them EVERYTHING! Because we TOOK everything from them, gave them beads and trinkets for Long Island, killed all their people, broke every promise to them, then stuck them off on the most WORTHLESS land out in the middle of nowhere we could find that nobody wanted barely able to grow a weed.

The Native Americans should all get a cut, a percentage of the GDP, or whatever the IRS takes in. Meantime Warren, I would give her what she deserves: 1/1,000,000th of a dollar, to match the 1/1,000,000th of Indian blood she has in her.

Tribal nations have unique interests, priorities, and histories, and should not be treated monolithically,” she said. “I fully support the federal government doing far more to live up to its existing trust and treaty responsibilities and that includes a robust discussion about historical injustices against Native people. Tribal nations have a government-to-government relationship with the federal government, and they deserve a seat at the table in all decisions that will affect the well-being of their people and their communities.”

Still no reparation checks

We just debunked that lie with Harris
So the author of the hit piece inserted the 'reparations' dog whistle for those too dumb to figure out his misdirection by themselves! Well an article by a supporter of a fake honest President that cites fake quotes shouldn't be too much of a surprise.
Any mention of members of the Rez not allowed to vote because they have had PO boxes since forming the Rez instead of street addresses? Seems like nobody has the wherewithal to figure out a solution, and Warren is a bad person for mentioning stuff like Native American issues to be addressed. Remember Ira Hayes!!
Native American is the White mans term... you silly fucker

Pocahontas has no understanding of American Indians

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