Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren’s New Pitch: Reparations For Native Americans

What an idiot! The White man owes the red man nothing.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME, JACKASS?! If there is ANYONE the white man truly owes, it is the Native American! We owe them EVERYTHING! Because we TOOK everything from them, gave them beads and trinkets for Long Island, killed all their people, broke every promise to them, then stuck them off on the most WORTHLESS land out in the middle of nowhere we could find that nobody wanted barely able to grow a weed.

The Native Americans should all get a cut, a percentage of the GDP, or whatever the IRS takes in. Meantime Warren, I would give her what she deserves: 1/1,000,000th of a dollar, to match the 1/1,000,000th of Indian blood she has in her.
So we had to fight in a war with them because we were these evil Europeans that came here to steal their land, and make them desolate and second class citizens by absolutely no fault what so ever of their own eh ?? Your opinion of the European Americans is a bad one, and yes we aren't perfect, but neither were they or anyone else we have clashed with over the years.

Just be glad we have all educated ourselves, and aren't falling into the same traps we all had fallen into back in the day. This includes all Americans of any color and/or culture today.
Native American is the White mans term... you silly fucker
Reminds me of something Tony Hillerman said. He was at a conference of 'native Americans' and the subject of calling them 'Indians' came up. When asked if they were offended by the term, one old Navajo said he didn't mind being called an Indian, he was just glad Columbus wasn't looking for a route to Turkey!

Pocahontas has no understanding of American Indians
And you do?
Native American is the White mans term... you silly fucker
Reminds me of something Tony Hillerman said. He was at a conference of 'native Americans' and the subject of calling them 'Indians' came up. When asked if they were offended by the term, one old Navajo said he didn't mind being called an Indian, he was just glad Columbus wasn't looking for a route to Turkey!

Pocahontas has no understanding of American Indians
And you do?
The term Native American is all about political correctness, that’s what makes it fucked up

Of course I do, I’ve been one all my life...
by absolutely no fault what so ever of their own eh ?

What is THEIR fault? That we showed up to steal their entire continent by force and they didn't like it? THE PROBLEM IS OURS---- they were getting along just fine until we came along and made it a PROBLEM. We OWE them something we can never wholly ever pay back-- -- their way of life.

Do please give me your address: I want to come there and bulldoze your house to the ground while your family tries to sleep to erect a gas station and grocery there while telling you that you are partly responsible as well. o_O
What an idiot! The White man owes the red man nothing. As one guy says in the comments section:

["There is something seriously wrong with EVERY Dem contender for 2020......

it is like the cast from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest all decided to run in the same election."]

Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren's New Pitch: Reparations For Native Americans

She's the Blood sister of "Chief" in that movie! OMG now I see the resemblance. same high cheek bones. Maybe she should take a lesson from him and Never say another word we would all be very thankful. Native Americans are by far some of the poorest communities in America. She just wants to offer them free shit and hope they vote for her. then she'll forget them when they've served their purpose. SCUM BAG Moon bat!
As a card carrying member of the Cherokee Nation, I, for one, do not endorse the Senator's proposal.
As a card carrying member of the Cherokee Nation, I, for one, do not endorse the Senator's proposal.
Would rather make it on your own eh ? Well it's good to know you, and it's great that you know that you can make it in this country just as good as anyone else can today.
by absolutely no fault what so ever of their own eh ?

What is THEIR fault? That we showed up to steal their entire continent by force and they didn't like it? THE PROBLEM IS OURS---- they were getting along just fine until we came along and made it a PROBLEM. We OWE them something we can never wholly ever pay back-- -- their way of life.

Do please give me your address: I want to come there and bulldoze your house to the ground while your family tries to sleep to erect a gas station and grocery there while telling you that you are partly responsible as well. o_O
Good grief, so you hate European Americans eh ? Well tough crap buddy. Progress don't stop for anyone, and that is a battle for every American, and not just for these coddled groups who are whining and complaining constantly these days. No wonder idiots like Warren thought she could get away with what she tried. The Indian people are a proud people, and they don't seem to me to be a people who would be used by these worthless politicians for votes.[/QUOTE]

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