Fake News at it again


Gold Member
Aug 31, 2009
Hannity had his Media Bash tonight. Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center said about Chris Matthews interview with Michelle Bachman: "Even if you don't agree with her views, you should respect her as a member of Congress.

Well the average time Fake News contradicts itself is about 3 minutes so I didn't have to wait long.

Asked about why Diane Sawyer wouldn't ask the hard questions to Nancy Pelosi:

"She could of ask tougher questions because she was our most militant speaker in the history of the house."

Militant meaning engaging in warfare and fighting. So not that their has actually been fights in congress, the republican brain wash machine is at it again.

Must respect Bachmann but we must call a respected member of Congress a militant. Great job republicans.

Bravo :clap2::clap2:
People are going to wise up to The RepublicanNewsNetwork, perhaps the next 2 years will do it.
Nancy Pelosi is going to be wiping Michele Bachmann's boots from now on.
Nancy is going to be accumulating allot of frequent flier miles I would think.
FOX was great tonight. When Graham showed up I flipped to FOX Business. I guess it's safe to switch back now.
LOL, Chrissy Matthews, Rachel Madcow, Keithy Olbermann and Eddie boy Schultz are all nothing but talking rude jackasses.

that's why PMSnbc is the LOWEST RATED "so called" new channel.

who cares what any of them have to say, If I was a Republican and they asked for A INTERVIEW, I'd tell them to kiss my grits and other parts.:lol:
People are going to wise up to The RepublicanNewsNetwork, perhaps the next 2 years will do it.

You place too much faith in the American people.

LOL yeah I did too. Mostly in the elderly. They are so frantic and nuts I mean they should restrict Fake News in Nursing homes IMO.

Yeah, we need to Censor FOX before Everyone wakes up to the truth, that will undermine our plans of world domination. Not even Kyrptonite works against FOX!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: What can we do??? Poison the water??? Tax the Air??? Nothing stops them, they just keep growing and growing!!!:evil:
People are going to wise up to The RepublicanNewsNetwork, perhaps the next 2 years will do it.

Yes they are, which explains why more people now self-identify as Conservative and the GOP took back the House.

Many people have Wised Up.
Hannity had his Media Bash tonight. Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center said about Chris Matthews interview with Michelle Bachman: "Even if you don't agree with her views, you should respect her as a member of Congress.

Well the average time Fake News contradicts itself is about 3 minutes so I didn't have to wait long.

Asked about why Diane Sawyer wouldn't ask the hard questions to Nancy Pelosi:

"She could of ask tougher questions because she was our most militant speaker in the history of the house."

Militant meaning engaging in warfare and fighting. So not that their has actually been fights in congress, the republican brain wash machine is at it again.

Must respect Bachmann but we must call a respected member of Congress a militant. Great job republicans.

Bravo :clap2::clap2:

Wow, all that over a rather silly comparison in some feeble attempt to call FOX hypocritical.

You place too much faith in the American people.

LOL yeah I did too. Mostly in the elderly. They are so frantic and nuts I mean they should restrict Fake News in Nursing homes IMO.

Yeah, we need to Censor FOX before Everyone wakes up to the truth, that will undermine our plans of world domination. Not even Kyrptonite works against FOX!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: What can we do??? Poison the water??? Tax the Air??? Nothing stops them, they just keep growing and growing!!!:evil:

They need to call Fox BUSTERS!

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