Fake News at it again

I caught a little bit of PMSnbc election night coverage, MY GAWD it was BARF WORTHY and totally useless and worthless. what a joke, Keith Overbite, Eddy boy Shultz and a couple of other lefty putz..

I was :lol: my ass off.
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Hannity had his Media Bash tonight. Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center said about Chris Matthews interview with Michelle Bachman: "Even if you don't agree with her views, you should respect her as a member of Congress.

Well the average time Fake News contradicts itself is about 3 minutes so I didn't have to wait long.

Asked about why Diane Sawyer wouldn't ask the hard questions to Nancy Pelosi:

"She could of ask tougher questions because she was our most militant speaker in the history of the house."

Militant meaning engaging in warfare and fighting. So not that their has actually been fights in congress, the republican brain wash machine is at it again.

Must respect Bachmann but we must call a respected member of Congress a militant. Great job republicans.

Bravo :clap2::clap2:

I'm sure you started out wanting to make a point. Where did you want to go with this?

Why didn't Diane ask harder questions? How does one situation have anything to do with the other? How is calling Nancy a militant disrespectful? Does militant even mean what YOU say it does in this context? What armed forces is she in charge of? This is weak.
Very close to a clean sweep, with a few key exceptions. Hundreds of Conservative wins including the State levels. Thank You Tea Party.

and dude.......best thing I didnt know before the election is........given the epic gains in the state governorships and subsequent redistricting, it will be virtually impossible for the Dums to regain the house before 2020...........virtually impossible according to Pat Cadell. Ironically......we have the recently completed census to thank for that!!!!

So in hindsight..........its beyond all good.

Yep, in all the hysteria about the TEA Parties, it appears the Democrats forgot to protect their flank.... and the GOP walked into Governorships across the country... perfect timing for them.

Well played, GOP. :lol:

And.... thank you for not posting some ridiculous pic. I wish you'd do more comment and less crap.

Well played indeed.

Redistricting wasn't even on most peoples' radar leading up to the election, but now the Dimocratss are gonna have to live with - to use Barry's favorite word - the consequences of districts rewritten to stifle them.

Another blip not yet showing on most folks' radar is the Dim's problem coming up in the '12 election. They have to defend 23 Senate seats vs. only 9 for Republicans. It's a double-edged sword. If they continue to march with Barry the next two years some of them will be out of jobs. Or, to protect their political asses, they can break ranks with Barry's legislative shenanigans and leave him dead in the water and also facing reelection.

The Dims have really painted themselves into a corner, albeit a very crowded one.
I caught a little bit of PMSnbc election night coverage, MY GAWD it was BARF WORTHY and totally useless and worthless. what a joke, Keith Overbite, Eddy boy Shultz and a couple of other lefty putz..

I was :lol: my ass off.

Don't forget the Madcow!

Say what you will... Fox News has accomplished something the other outlets haven't.. it's called viewership. As to Mathews, Maddow, Olberman, etc... they're carnival sideshows. Something to stop, gawk and laugh at on your way to the real show.

Look at the shares... the vast majority of Americans pay no attention to CNN, MSNBC, etc. Even Brokaw want nothing to do with gasbags like Olberman and Maddow. But hey, no doubt it's all because you're part of that tiny elite that knows everything. Again how'd that work out Tuesday?
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FOX is NOT a news organization. They are a Propaganda Company. You don't watch FOX for news. You watch FOX, so that someone can tell you how to think.
E-Mail Joke.

A teacher asked her 6th grade class how many of them were Obama fans.

Not really knowing what an Obama fan is,
but wanting to be liked by the teacher,
all the kids raised their hands except for Little Johnny

The teacher asked Little Johnny why he has decided to be different . . .
. . . again!

Little Johnny said, "Because I'm not an Obama fan."

The teacher asked, "Why aren't you a fan of Obama?"
Johnny said, "Because I'm a Republican.
The teacher asked him why he's a Republican.
Little Johnny answered,
"Well, my Mom's a Republican and my Dad's a Republican,
so I'm a Republican."

Annoyed by this answer, the teacher asked,
"If your mom was a moron and your dad was an idiot,
what would that make you?"

With a big smile, Little Johnny replied,

"That would make me an Obama fan."
For my propaganda fix, I turn to the New York Times, the GE Clone Network Family. ABC TV covers Fantasy. When I want to sleep I tune to NPR. ;)
I watch FOX to increase perspective. They have great debates. ;)

They do have great debates. I love Bob Beckel.. I used to really not like him, but he has grown on me. He seems like a really decent guy, just devoted to some liberal causes.
For my propaganda fix, I turn to the New York Times, the GE Clone Network Family. ABC TV covers Fantasy. When I want to sleep I tune to NPR. ;)

When I want to sleep I put on Comedy Central. Jesus.. they play the same shit over and over and over and over and over.....
And if you think it's because of anything other than AGE, you'd be lying to yourself. Polls done about where young people get their news shows Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert lead with the young people.

You may say that they'll grow out of it, but at the very least it'll be an interesting long-term trend to look back on.

FoxNews is blindingly partisan...as is MSNBC. They do a better job of pandering, scaring, and sexing up (yeah the hotties on that channel help the ratings with old men) their spin.
THAT'S what MSNBC should do...hire more hotties!!
And if you think it's because of anything other than AGE, you'd be lying to yourself. Polls done about where young people get their news shows Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert lead with the young people.

You may say that they'll grow out of it, but at the very least it'll be an interesting long-term trend to look back on.

FoxNews is blindingly partisan...as is MSNBC. They do a better job of pandering, scaring, and sexing up (yeah the hotties on that channel help the ratings with old men) their spin.
THAT'S what MSNBC should do...hire more hotties!!

Oh palease........
Colbert is a joke..... Stewart is a joke..... literally. Anybody taking an ounce of anything coming out of them with any degree of seriousness is a nitwit.
Oh of course they're not the most credible source of news there is. I never claimed they were. I just think that if you're honest with yourself, you'll see that age plays a part ...a major part...in the viewership of any channel. That's led me to 2 conclusions..well not conclusions...but quasi-hypotheses.

1. Fox has mostly old people watching and an older viewership
2. As the younger viewership gets older Fox's reign will wane.

Just my opinions.
Oh of course they're not the most credible source of news there is. I never claimed they were. I just think that if you're honest with yourself, you'll see that age plays a part ...a major part...in the viewership of any channel. That's led me to 2 conclusions..well not conclusions...but quasi-hypotheses.

1. Fox has mostly old people watching and an older viewership
2. As the younger viewership gets older Fox's reign will wane.

Just my opinions.

Fair enough... but most people I know, myself included, moved left to right as they matured. So, you may awake to find that many of the Stewart/Colbert viewers are Fox viewers. I've seen it in my daughter as she has progressed from college student to professional adult. Reality tends to shape your political views.
FOX is not news. No way..no how.

They repeat internet myths with no checks..or just flat make things up.
Many of us were idealic liberals but as we matured, went to work, raised families, built careers and worked to build a future we found that the notion of being expected to support everyone else didn't jive well with our need to support our own and take care of ourselves.

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