Fake News at it again

People are going to wise up to The RepublicanNewsNetwork, perhaps the next 2 years will do it.

Nah... not really feelin' it myself.

Fox News viewers inherently get their information from shitty sources and don't have the ability to find accurate information themselves, and Fox News isn't going to run the story "Fox News Full of Shit".

Liberals incorrectly assume that being right about an issue is enough. If you don't explain why you are right it leaves a vacuum for Fox News to go around harping on death panels and other tall tales.
People are going to wise up to The RepublicanNewsNetwork, perhaps the next 2 years will do it.

Nah... not really feelin' it myself.

Fox News viewers inherently get their information from shitty sources and don't have the ability to find accurate information themselves, and Fox News isn't going to run the story "Fox News Full of Shit".

Liberals incorrectly assume that being right about an issue is enough. If you don't explain why you are right it leaves a vacuum for Fox News to go around harping on death panels and other tall tales.

i agree, fox news will make or break politicians until the end of time. and people will believe the gospel of fox news, because oreilly is right - it is the most popular network. but that is the stupid fallacy - just because a thought or philosophy is the most popular, doesnt make it true.
People are going to wise up to The RepublicanNewsNetwork, perhaps the next 2 years will do it.

Nah... not really feelin' it myself.

Fox News viewers inherently get their information from shitty sources and don't have the ability to find accurate information themselves, and Fox News isn't going to run the story "Fox News Full of Shit".

Liberals incorrectly assume that being right about an issue is enough. If you don't explain why you are right it leaves a vacuum for Fox News to go around harping on death panels and other tall tales.

lol, Is thenks hes jest calls alls the peeples whos wetces Foox niws, stupt.
Rachel Maddcow, is that you? pass the barf bag, will ya.
I see some people still struggle with the concept of 'commentary' on news channels. Stupid people struggle with basic shit, I guess.
Look if you are an Obama lover you will watch MSNBC where they kiss his ASS all the time or if you want to get a real perspective as to what this administration is doing to kill the economy and stifle growth then you can go to FOX.

It's as simple as that.....

Interesting I have yet to see Rightwinger give us his version as to what happened with the election.
People are going to wise up to The RepublicanNewsNetwork, perhaps the next 2 years will do it.

Nah... not really feelin' it myself.

Fox News viewers inherently get their information from shitty sources and don't have the ability to find accurate information themselves, and Fox News isn't going to run the story "Fox News Full of Shit".

Liberals incorrectly assume that being right about an issue is enough. If you don't explain why you are right it leaves a vacuum for Fox News to go around harping on death panels and other tall tales.
Liberals incorrectly assume they're right.

This whole thread is full of leftist elitism.

You people really do think you're smarter than Fox viewers. Why? Your preferred news outlets are biased, but you agree with that bias, so that makes them unbiased? Is that what you're using instead of logic?

Until Fox came along and started whipping the lefty outlets in the ratings, the left controlled the media message. Now unapproved thought is being spread among the proles. And you don't like it.

Too bad.
I see some people still struggle with the concept of 'commentary' on news channels. Stupid people struggle with basic shit, I guess.

Exactly. There's reporting news [Just whats' going on], and then there's mixing commentary with it. [That's Editorial].

I fail to understand why that's a hard concept. However, when I read people's posts on here - particularly those who, when asked to 'prove it' then provide a link to some opinion piece, that makes me laugh - lots. They have absolutely no clue how stupid they are. :lol:

I notice there is not one word on this site about the latest lie by a member of the Washington Post's "journalists". Not one. And, even more interestingly, not one criticism of their Editor who refused to amend the lie, instead he issues a statement standing by his 'journalist'. Where is truthmatters to call them to account?
People are going to wise up to The RepublicanNewsNetwork, perhaps the next 2 years will do it.

Nah... not really feelin' it myself.

Fox News viewers inherently get their information from shitty sources and don't have the ability to find accurate information themselves, and Fox News isn't going to run the story "Fox News Full of Shit".

Liberals incorrectly assume that being right about an issue is enough. If you don't explain why you are right it leaves a vacuum for Fox News to go around harping on death panels and other tall tales.

You know what's funny? You probably actually believe that. :lol: And yet, time and again, on this site... the left link to MSNBC :)lol:), or better still.... media matters....:lol::lol: And you whine at the right? Jebus, you have no idea how fucking stupid you are.
Hannity had his Media Bash tonight. Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center said about Chris Matthews interview with Michelle Bachman: "Even if you don't agree with her views, you should respect her as a member of Congress.

Well the average time Fake News contradicts itself is about 3 minutes so I didn't have to wait long.

Asked about why Diane Sawyer wouldn't ask the hard questions to Nancy Pelosi:

"She could of ask tougher questions because she was our most militant speaker in the history of the house."

Militant meaning engaging in warfare and fighting. So not that their has actually been fights in congress, the republican brain wash machine is at it again.

Must respect Bachmann but we must call a respected member of Congress a militant. Great job republicans.

Bravo :clap2::clap2:

fake news..........but only to the k00ks.

Go check the ratings s0n!!!:fu:

As an aside.........did anybody else see Michelle Bachmann pwn the 5 star panel of limpwristers on Tuesday night!!!????:lol:
Look if you are an Obama lover you will watch MSNBC where they kiss his ASS all the time or if you want to get a real perspective as to what this administration is doing to kill the economy and stifle growth then you can go to FOX.

It's as simple as that.....

Interesting I have yet to see Rightwinger give us his version as to what happened with the election.

Very close to a clean sweep, with a few key exceptions. Hundreds of Conservative wins including the State levels. Thank You Tea Party.
Look if you are an Obama lover you will watch MSNBC where they kiss his ASS all the time or if you want to get a real perspective as to what this administration is doing to kill the economy and stifle growth then you can go to FOX.

It's as simple as that.....

Interesting I have yet to see Rightwinger give us his version as to what happened with the election.

Very close to a clean sweep, with a few key exceptions. Hundreds of Conservative wins including the State levels. Thank You Tea Party.

and dude.......best thing I didnt know before the election is........given the epic gains in the state governorships and subsequent redistricting, it will be virtually impossible for the Dums to regain the house before 2020...........virtually impossible according to Pat Cadell. Ironically......we have the recently completed census to thank for that!!!!

So in hindsight..........its beyond all good.
Look if you are an Obama lover you will watch MSNBC where they kiss his ASS all the time or if you want to get a real perspective as to what this administration is doing to kill the economy and stifle growth then you can go to FOX.

It's as simple as that.....

Interesting I have yet to see Rightwinger give us his version as to what happened with the election.

Very close to a clean sweep, with a few key exceptions. Hundreds of Conservative wins including the State levels. Thank You Tea Party.

and dude.......best thing I didnt know before the election is........given the epic gains in the state governorships and subsequent redistricting, it will be virtually impossible for the Dums to regain the house before 2020...........virtually impossible according to Pat Cadell. Ironically......we have the recently completed census to thank for that!!!!

So in hindsight..........its beyond all good.

Agreed. Just allow me my grief living under the Governorship of the Architect of The Housing Crisis. What a waste. Seems the Republican Party here is "The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight". This State is so bought and paid for.
Look if you are an Obama lover you will watch MSNBC where they kiss his ASS all the time or if you want to get a real perspective as to what this administration is doing to kill the economy and stifle growth then you can go to FOX.

It's as simple as that.....

Interesting I have yet to see Rightwinger give us his version as to what happened with the election.

Very close to a clean sweep, with a few key exceptions. Hundreds of Conservative wins including the State levels. Thank You Tea Party.

and dude.......best thing I didnt know before the election is........given the epic gains in the state governorships and subsequent redistricting, it will be virtually impossible for the Dums to regain the house before 2020...........virtually impossible according to Pat Cadell. Ironically......we have the recently completed census to thank for that!!!!

So in hindsight..........its beyond all good.

Yep, in all the hysteria about the TEA Parties, it appears the Democrats forgot to protect their flank.... and the GOP walked into Governorships across the country... perfect timing for them.

Well played, GOP. :lol:

And.... thank you for not posting some ridiculous pic. I wish you'd do more comment and less crap.
Very close to a clean sweep, with a few key exceptions. Hundreds of Conservative wins including the State levels. Thank You Tea Party.

and dude.......best thing I didnt know before the election is........given the epic gains in the state governorships and subsequent redistricting, it will be virtually impossible for the Dums to regain the house before 2020...........virtually impossible according to Pat Cadell. Ironically......we have the recently completed census to thank for that!!!!

So in hindsight..........its beyond all good.

Yep, in all the hysteria about the TEA Parties, it appears the Democrats forgot to protect their flank.... and the GOP walked into Governorships across the country... perfect timing for them.

Well played, GOP. :lol:

And.... thank you for not posting some ridiculous pic. I wish you'd do more comment and less crap.

State Legislatures too.
Very close to a clean sweep, with a few key exceptions. Hundreds of Conservative wins including the State levels. Thank You Tea Party.

and dude.......best thing I didnt know before the election is........given the epic gains in the state governorships and subsequent redistricting, it will be virtually impossible for the Dums to regain the house before 2020...........virtually impossible according to Pat Cadell. Ironically......we have the recently completed census to thank for that!!!!

So in hindsight..........its beyond all good.

Agreed. Just allow me my grief living under the Governorship of the Architect of The Housing Crisis. What a waste. Seems the Republican Party here is "The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight". This State is so bought and paid for.


Hannity had his Media Bash tonight. Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center said about Chris Matthews interview with Michelle Bachman: "Even if you don't agree with her views, you should respect her as a member of Congress.

Well the average time Fake News contradicts itself is about 3 minutes so I didn't have to wait long.

Asked about why Diane Sawyer wouldn't ask the hard questions to Nancy Pelosi:

"She could of ask tougher questions because she was our most militant speaker in the history of the house."

Militant meaning engaging in warfare and fighting. So not that their has actually been fights in congress, the republican brain wash machine is at it again.

Must respect Bachmann but we must call a respected member of Congress a militant. Great job republicans.

Bravo :clap2::clap2:

Still having a hard time with the election results eh.... You might want to see a counselor... :lol::lol::lol::lol:
and dude.......best thing I didnt know before the election is........given the epic gains in the state governorships and subsequent redistricting, it will be virtually impossible for the Dums to regain the house before 2020...........virtually impossible according to Pat Cadell. Ironically......we have the recently completed census to thank for that!!!!

So in hindsight..........its beyond all good.

Agreed. Just allow me my grief living under the Governorship of the Architect of The Housing Crisis. What a waste. Seems the Republican Party here is "The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight". This State is so bought and paid for.



Oh well, you managed one whole post without behaving like a moron. I guess we should be grateful for that.

Pity you choose to remain an idiot.
Look if you are an Obama lover you will watch MSNBC where they kiss his ASS all the time or if you want to get a real perspective as to what this administration is doing to kill the economy and stifle growth then you can go to FOX.

It's as simple as that.....

Interesting I have yet to see Rightwinger give us his version as to what happened with the election.

Very close to a clean sweep, with a few key exceptions. Hundreds of Conservative wins including the State levels. Thank You Tea Party.

and dude.......best thing I didnt know before the election is........given the epic gains in the state governorships and subsequent redistricting, it will be virtually impossible for the Dums to regain the house before 2020...........virtually impossible according to Pat Cadell. Ironically......we have the recently completed census to thank for that!!!!

So in hindsight..........its beyond all good.

Boy Howdy and Amen brother.

A big thanks to FOX news for showing the "right" side of things.

Its just a shame that some folks can't tell the difference between opinion and hard news. Jeeze.
Hannity had his Media Bash tonight. Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center said about Chris Matthews interview with Michelle Bachman: "Even if you don't agree with her views, you should respect her as a member of Congress.

Well the average time Fake News contradicts itself is about 3 minutes so I didn't have to wait long.

Asked about why Diane Sawyer wouldn't ask the hard questions to Nancy Pelosi:

"She could of ask tougher questions because she was our most militant speaker in the history of the house."

Militant meaning engaging in warfare and fighting. So not that their has actually been fights in congress, the republican brain wash machine is at it again.

Must respect Bachmann but we must call a respected member of Congress a militant. Great job republicans.

Bravo :clap2::clap2:

Obviously some people like what they have to say being that they have more viewers than all other cable news combined.....:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Election Night 2010 Ratings: Fox News Dominates Cable News With 7 Million Viewers

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