Fake News at it again

Oh...I believe you mean Dan Rather.

He gets cranky when you mention "fake but accurate".

And what happened to Rather after that Bush story?
He never understood why he was canned, because, like most leftists, he feels (I say "feel" because it's not really thinking) that if he believes it, it's true.

It makes a funny sound when leftists and reality collide.

Doesn't matter "what he understood" or not. The premise of this thread is that Fox makes up or out right lies about their stories. You posted that because Rather got the facts on a Bush story wrong, there was equivalance. There wasn't. Rather was canned by CBS after being forced to apologize. Anchors and pundits that lie on FOX are given raises and/or their own shows.
Thanks for the in-depth analysis.

How's this for "In-Depth" analysis. Just this week, Hannity, Beck and even Michelle Bachmann repeated the newest internet fable, President Obama's trip to India costing 200 million dollars..as news.

That work for you? There are dozens more.

But Bachmann wasn't alone in repeating the claims. Fox News' Glenn Beck went as far to say that the trip will cost $2 billion for Obama to see "the festival of lights." Rush Limbaugh, Doug Powers and Sean Hannity also repeated some of the rumors.

The Pentagon's press secretary, Geoff Morrell, told reporters the claims were "comical."

Read more: President Obama's trip to India will cost $200M a day, GOP claim; White House says that's bogus

I guess your one of those folks who doesn't know the difference between opinion, Hannity, Beck, and hard news.

In case you haven't noticed Bachmans a Congresswoman and doesn't work for FOX.

Even pundits..or news analysts should have the underlying story that they are commenting on..correct.

And the fact that Bachmann gets a pass on this by anyone is a National disgrace. She should apologize and vow to stop spreading lies. Which she has done numerous times.
And what happened to Rather after that Bush story?
He never understood why he was canned, because, like most leftists, he feels (I say "feel" because it's not really thinking) that if he believes it, it's true.

It makes a funny sound when leftists and reality collide.

Doesn't matter "what he understood" or not. The premise of this thread is that Fox makes up or out right lies about their stories. You posted that because Rather got the facts on a Bush story wrong, there was equivalance. There wasn't. Rather was canned by CBS after being forced to apologize. Anchors and pundits that lie on FOX are given raises and/or their own shows.
The moral of the story here is not that you object to Fox lying...you just hate it that they don't tell your lies.
He never understood why he was canned, because, like most leftists, he feels (I say "feel" because it's not really thinking) that if he believes it, it's true.

It makes a funny sound when leftists and reality collide.

Doesn't matter "what he understood" or not. The premise of this thread is that Fox makes up or out right lies about their stories. You posted that because Rather got the facts on a Bush story wrong, there was equivalance. There wasn't. Rather was canned by CBS after being forced to apologize. Anchors and pundits that lie on FOX are given raises and/or their own shows.
The moral of the story here is not that you object to Fox lying...you just hate it that they don't tell your lies.

Exactly..... lies are great, as long as they are liberal lies.
People are going to wise up to The RepublicanNewsNetwork, perhaps the next 2 years will do it.

Nah... not really feelin' it myself.

Fox News viewers inherently get their information from shitty sources and don't have the ability to find accurate information themselves, and Fox News isn't going to run the story "Fox News Full of Shit".

Liberals incorrectly assume that being right about an issue is enough. If you don't explain why you are right it leaves a vacuum for Fox News to go around harping on death panels and other tall tales.

You know what's funny? You probably actually believe that. :lol: And yet, time and again, on this site... the left link to MSNBC :)lol:), or better still.... media matters....:lol::lol: And you whine at the right? Jebus, you have no idea how fucking stupid you are.

You sound about as butt hurt as somebody that just had their religion insulted.

Just as an example of the inability of Fox viewers to find accurate information, why are there so many reports that media bias is not bad or conservative? I just now glanced over the "Media bias" article on wikipedia and read about a conservative group called FAIR that found reporters to be to the right of the public on most issues. There is no widespread liberal bias, and I honestly believe most of that misconception comes from people listening to Fox News or disagreeing with well established concepts of scientific reality like, say, evolution.

If you were as smart as me, your head wouldn't implode every time an article was linked from a source you didn't agree with. You would read the article and decide its merits for yourself, as I do with articles from Fox News. Can you manage a task like that unsupervised?

Media Matters was set up to fight BIAS, and the only reason you have any animosity towards it is because Fox News is such an easy target for them that Billo has made them one of his pet straw men.
Wikipedia can easily have a bias. I know, your completely surprised by that.

You would be better off to take some time to evaluate your liberal agendas and adjust them to what the election should have told you. By all means, please, please continue to tilt at windmills until the first Tuesday following a Monday in November 2012.
People are going to wise up to The RepublicanNewsNetwork, perhaps the next 2 years will do it.

Nah... not really feelin' it myself.

Fox News viewers inherently get their information from shitty sources and don't have the ability to find accurate information themselves, and Fox News isn't going to run the story "Fox News Full of Shit".

Liberals incorrectly assume that being right about an issue is enough. If you don't explain why you are right it leaves a vacuum for Fox News to go around harping on death panels and other tall tales.
Liberals incorrectly assume they're right.

This whole thread is full of leftist elitism.

You people really do think you're smarter than Fox viewers. Why? Your preferred news outlets are biased, but you agree with that bias, so that makes them unbiased? Is that what you're using instead of logic?

Until Fox came along and started whipping the lefty outlets in the ratings, the left controlled the media message. Now unapproved thought is being spread among the proles. And you don't like it.

Too bad.

Lay off the bong water, criticizing Fox News does not make them part of some massive conspiracy to silence thought.
Wikipedia can easily have a bias. I know, your completely surprised by that.

You would be better off to take some time to evaluate your liberal agendas and adjust them to what the election should have told you. By all means, please, please continue to tilt at windmills until the first Tuesday following a Monday in November 2012.

Ok let's assume that this article is completely biased to the left.

That doesn't mean there is no conservative report that says reporters lean left written by FAIR. It doesn't mean that numerous reports with findings that there is no widespread media bias or even that media bias is generally to the right exist.

It's up to you and I to take what facts we can from anything we read or see on TV.

I don't see why I should adjust my agendas based on the midterm election when there were numerous polls where people favored a public option in the health care bill.

There was even a poll where most republicans favored a public option. Republicans didn't change their position then, they just poisoned the words "public option." They got on the airwaves and ran ads about death panels and government take overs. After that when polls were taken mentioning "public option" people didn't want it any more.

So following their model, we should start changing people's opinions.
LOL, Chrissy Matthews, Rachel Madcow, Keithy Olbermann and Eddie boy Schultz are all nothing but talking rude jackasses.

Hahahahahaha good one.

Not one of them is as rude or hypocritical as Limbaugh, Hannity, or Weiner.
These are company policies, and they vary. I personally have no problem with Someone Donating. My problem is with the failure to disclose.
Keith may be smarter than I gave him credit. He'll make more at a successful network before this is done.
Keith may be smarter than I gave him credit. He'll make more at a successful network before this is done.

It would do him good to get away and detox, before he finds himself in his basement building bombs. He's gotten too close to the kool-aid making it. A decent Groucho Nose/Mustache Disguise, an AMTRAK Sleeper Train, and he can forget his troubles for a while.
Keith may be smarter than I gave him credit. He'll make more at a successful network before this is done.

It would do him good to get away and detox, before he finds himself in his basement building bombs. He's gotten too close to the kool-aid making it. A decent Groucho Nose/Mustache Disguise, an AMTRAK Sleeper Train, and he can forget his troubles for a while.
Say what you will... Fox News has accomplished something the other outlets haven't.. it's called viewership. As to Mathews, Maddow, Olberman, etc... they're carnival sideshows. Something to stop, gawk and laugh at on your way to the real show.

Look at the shares... the vast majority of Americans pay no attention to CNN, MSNBC, etc. Even Brokaw want nothing to do with gasbags like Olberman and Maddow. But hey, no doubt it's all because you're part of that tiny elite that knows everything. Again how'd that work out Tuesday?

Nah... not really feelin' it myself.

Fox News viewers inherently get their information from shitty sources and don't have the ability to find accurate information themselves, and Fox News isn't going to run the story "Fox News Full of Shit".

Liberals incorrectly assume that being right about an issue is enough. If you don't explain why you are right it leaves a vacuum for Fox News to go around harping on death panels and other tall tales.
Liberals incorrectly assume they're right.

This whole thread is full of leftist elitism.

You people really do think you're smarter than Fox viewers. Why? Your preferred news outlets are biased, but you agree with that bias, so that makes them unbiased? Is that what you're using instead of logic?

Until Fox came along and started whipping the lefty outlets in the ratings, the left controlled the media message. Now unapproved thought is being spread among the proles. And you don't like it.

Too bad.

Lay off the bong water, criticizing Fox News does not make them part of some massive conspiracy to silence thought.
I don't do illegal drugs; I see no need to chemically alter my brain to think like a leftist.

Of course the far left wants to silence Fox News. They want to control what the people see and hear. That's because leftism can't tolerate comparison with other ideas. It thrives only in vacuum.
Nancy Pelosi is going to be wiping Michele Bachmann's boots from now on.

Seems like the GOP is attempting to sideline Bachmann's ambitions in the House. And who could blame them? She might play well with the Tea Party, but outside of them, she's seen as a loose cannon, prone to saying some pretty stupid things from time to time.
Nancy Pelosi is going to be wiping Michele Bachmann's boots from now on.

Seems like the GOP is attempting to sideline Bachmann's ambitions in the House. And who could blame them? She might play well with the Tea Party, but outside of them, she's seen as a loose cannon, prone to saying some pretty stupid things from time to time.
Don't knock that...it got Biden the vice-presidency. :lol:
Keith may be smarter than I gave him credit. He'll make more at a successful network before this is done.

It would do him good to get away and detox, before he finds himself in his basement building bombs. He's gotten too close to the kool-aid making it. A decent Groucho Nose/Mustache Disguise, an AMTRAK Sleeper Train, and he can forget his troubles for a while.

I'm thinking more gorilla suit from Trading Places.

Trading Places (1983) - IMDb

I lost, here's your dollar Intense. :lol:
Liberals incorrectly assume they're right.

This whole thread is full of leftist elitism.

You people really do think you're smarter than Fox viewers. Why? Your preferred news outlets are biased, but you agree with that bias, so that makes them unbiased? Is that what you're using instead of logic?

Until Fox came along and started whipping the lefty outlets in the ratings, the left controlled the media message. Now unapproved thought is being spread among the proles. And you don't like it.

Too bad.

Lay off the bong water, criticizing Fox News does not make them part of some massive conspiracy to silence thought.
I don't do illegal drugs; I see no need to chemically alter my brain to think like a leftist.

Of course the far left wants to silence Fox News. They want to control what the people see and hear. That's because leftism can't tolerate comparison with other ideas. It thrives only in vacuum.

FOX News is admittedly biased. They have a public agenda to push the conservative point of view. Yet, it's viewers constantly complain that the "preferred news outlets" are biased. They would rather listen to a "news" program that is publicly biased to their way of thinking rather then to get their "news" from an unbiased source.

If you prefer getting your "news" from a right wing biased source, don't complain when people call you on your uninformed or right leaning agenda. And don't claim to be unbiased in the information you claim to be correct - because it's NOT correct and it IS BIASED! That's what you want, that's why you watch FOX - to get your biased news.

Even if most news outlets give a slightly left leaning spin to their news it doesn't even come close to the right leaning tendencies of FOX. One does NOT justify the other!

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