Fake News at it again

Nancy Pelosi is going to be wiping Michele Bachmann's boots from now on.
Yes, I am sure this is what is going to happen. The fact that you would give Michele Bachmann any kind of authority concerns me. She is right of right and headed to plaid!
I see some people still struggle with the concept of 'commentary' on news channels. Stupid people struggle with basic shit, I guess.
Did you see the word news in your post, that is what deceives people, if they said The Fox Commentary Channel, there would not be a problem!
Look if you are an Obama lover you will watch MSNBC where they kiss his ASS all the time or if you want to get a real perspective as to what this administration is doing to kill the economy and stifle growth then you can go to FOX.

It's as simple as that.....

Interesting I have yet to see Rightwinger give us his version as to what happened with the election.
And if you watch Fox you kiss Rupert Mudoch's ass, so I guess it is all in whose ass you like the best!
Say what you will... Fox News has accomplished something the other outlets haven't.. it's called viewership. As to Mathews, Maddow, Olberman, etc... they're carnival sideshows. Something to stop, gawk and laugh at on your way to the real show.

Look at the shares... the vast majority of Americans pay no attention to CNN, MSNBC, etc. Even Brokaw want nothing to do with gasbags like Olberman and Maddow. But hey, no doubt it's all because you're part of that tiny elite that knows everything. Again how'd that work out Tuesday?
So, viewership is what counts! Wow, doesn't matter the content, it is just who watches...we are in trouble
E-Mail Joke.

A teacher asked her 6th grade class how many of them were Obama fans.

Not really knowing what an Obama fan is,
but wanting to be liked by the teacher,
all the kids raised their hands except for Little Johnny

The teacher asked Little Johnny why he has decided to be different . . .
. . . again!

Little Johnny said, "Because I'm not an Obama fan."

The teacher asked, "Why aren't you a fan of Obama?"
Johnny said, "Because I'm a Republican.
The teacher asked him why he's a Republican.
Little Johnny answered,
"Well, my Mom's a Republican and my Dad's a Republican,
so I'm a Republican."

Annoyed by this answer, the teacher asked,
"If your mom was a moron and your dad was an idiot,
what would that make you?"

With a big smile, Little Johnny replied,

"That would make me an Obama fan."
Oh, that was deep! and like all political jokes has been around for so long and the only thing that changes are the names!
And if you think it's because of anything other than AGE, you'd be lying to yourself. Polls done about where young people get their news shows Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert lead with the young people.

You may say that they'll grow out of it, but at the very least it'll be an interesting long-term trend to look back on.

FoxNews is blindingly partisan...as is MSNBC. They do a better job of pandering, scaring, and sexing up (yeah the hotties on that channel help the ratings with old men) their spin.
THAT'S what MSNBC should do...hire more hotties!!
A voice of reason, what is this?
Oh of course they're not the most credible source of news there is. I never claimed they were. I just think that if you're honest with yourself, you'll see that age plays a part ...a major part...in the viewership of any channel. That's led me to 2 conclusions..well not conclusions...but quasi-hypotheses.

1. Fox has mostly old people watching and an older viewership
2. As the younger viewership gets older Fox's reign will wane.

Just my opinions.

Fair enough... but most people I know, myself included, moved left to right as they matured. So, you may awake to find that many of the Stewart/Colbert viewers are Fox viewers. I've seen it in my daughter as she has progressed from college student to professional adult. Reality tends to shape your political views.
That is such a generalization.
There are so many voices on FOX, News, Discussion, Debate, totally lost on the Kool-Aid Critics, yet every year it grows in ratings. Someones bearings are off here just a bit....

Do I understand you to say that it doesn't matter if a news agency is biased or not, as long as they tell you what you want to hear you don't care if they tell the truth?

Your perception and comprehension skills are lacking. FOX has News. FOX has commentary. Sometimes they mix. They do try to bring voice from both sides. Many invitations go unanswered. Their slant is right, they don't hide it. Every perspective is biased in one way or another, it's part of the human condition, some of us realize that and strive to overcome that. You might be better off staying away from some of the commentary shows on FOX. Gretta does some great stuff, not all about Left/Right.

My perception and comprehension skills are lacking? Yet, you're the one who considers that everything they hear is biased!!?

When the news is "reported" properly it is not presented with a biased agenda. Most "honest" news agencies strive for this non-biased approach. FOX is not an "honest" nor a "proper" news reporting agency since they strive to present a very biased view of what they report. But then anyone with the least amount of common sense could see that.

I have no issue with you watching what you want. But, at least be honest with yourself! You watch FOX because it's biased towards your agenda - thereby making them anything but a legitimate news agency.

Why is it that they've NEVER won a "news" award for any of their reporting? I'll tell you ... because they're NOT considered a "news" channel by any of the legitimate world wide media. YES World Wide - even Al Jazeera has won "news" awards for their reporting.
Do I understand you to say that it doesn't matter if a news agency is biased or not, as long as they tell you what you want to hear you don't care if they tell the truth?

Your perception and comprehension skills are lacking. FOX has News. FOX has commentary. Sometimes they mix. They do try to bring voice from both sides. Many invitations go unanswered. Their slant is right, they don't hide it. Every perspective is biased in one way or another, it's part of the human condition, some of us realize that and strive to overcome that. You might be better off staying away from some of the commentary shows on FOX. Gretta does some great stuff, not all about Left/Right.

My perception and comprehension skills are lacking? Yet, you're the one who considers that everything they hear is biased!!?

When the news is "reported" properly it is not presented with a biased agenda. Most "honest" news agencies strive for this non-biased approach. FOX is not an "honest" nor a "proper" news reporting agency since they strive to present a very biased view of what they report. But then anyone with the least amount of common sense could see that.

I have no issue with you watching what you want. But, at least be honest with yourself! You watch FOX because it's biased towards your agenda - thereby making them anything but a legitimate news agency.

Why is it that they've NEVER won a "news" award for any of their reporting? I'll tell you ... because they're NOT considered a "news" channel by any of the legitimate world wide media. YES World Wide - even Al Jazeera has won "news" awards for their reporting.
Explain this.
Do I understand you to say that it doesn't matter if a news agency is biased or not, as long as they tell you what you want to hear you don't care if they tell the truth?

Your perception and comprehension skills are lacking. FOX has News. FOX has commentary. Sometimes they mix. They do try to bring voice from both sides. Many invitations go unanswered. Their slant is right, they don't hide it. Every perspective is biased in one way or another, it's part of the human condition, some of us realize that and strive to overcome that. You might be better off staying away from some of the commentary shows on FOX. Gretta does some great stuff, not all about Left/Right.

My perception and comprehension skills are lacking? Yet, you're the one who considers that everything they hear is biased!!?

When the news is "reported" properly it is not presented with a biased agenda. Most "honest" news agencies strive for this non-biased approach. FOX is not an "honest" nor a "proper" news reporting agency since they strive to present a very biased view of what they report. But then anyone with the least amount of common sense could see that.

I have no issue with you watching what you want. But, at least be honest with yourself! You watch FOX because it's biased towards your agenda - thereby making them anything but a legitimate news agency.

Why is it that they've NEVER won a "news" award for any of their reporting? I'll tell you ... because they're NOT considered a "news" channel by any of the legitimate world wide media. YES World Wide - even Al Jazeera has won "news" awards for their reporting.

I am so relieved that you have no problem with me watching what I choose. OMG! You really had me worried there for a while. Thank You so much for your perspective, I would be lost without it. The balance of the Universe is restored.

News Flash, the charade is in believing that you are getting the straight truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, from any source. You are lying to yourself and everyone around you, perpetuating the lie. If a tree falls in the woods and the NY Times didn't report it so did it happen is bullshit. CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS, are no better, there are times when they are no better than a dog and pony show. Their shit don't stink? Who the fuck are you kidding?
Your perception and comprehension skills are lacking. FOX has News. FOX has commentary. Sometimes they mix. They do try to bring voice from both sides. Many invitations go unanswered. Their slant is right, they don't hide it. Every perspective is biased in one way or another, it's part of the human condition, some of us realize that and strive to overcome that. You might be better off staying away from some of the commentary shows on FOX. Gretta does some great stuff, not all about Left/Right.

My perception and comprehension skills are lacking? Yet, you're the one who considers that everything they hear is biased!!?

When the news is "reported" properly it is not presented with a biased agenda. Most "honest" news agencies strive for this non-biased approach. FOX is not an "honest" nor a "proper" news reporting agency since they strive to present a very biased view of what they report. But then anyone with the least amount of common sense could see that.

I have no issue with you watching what you want. But, at least be honest with yourself! You watch FOX because it's biased towards your agenda - thereby making them anything but a legitimate news agency.

Why is it that they've NEVER won a "news" award for any of their reporting? I'll tell you ... because they're NOT considered a "news" channel by any of the legitimate world wide media. YES World Wide - even Al Jazeera has won "news" awards for their reporting.
Explain this.

REALLY!!!??? I thought this was a "political" forum. Yet you need someone to explain to you the politics of getting a front row seat at the White House briefing room??!

You can't seriously expect me to believe that you see this as a justification for your belief that FOX is a legitimate "news agency" ... or can you?

If you are so "slow" that you can't figure out on your own that FOX "bought" that seat then it's not going to do me any good trying to explain it to you.
My perception and comprehension skills are lacking? Yet, you're the one who considers that everything they hear is biased!!?

When the news is "reported" properly it is not presented with a biased agenda. Most "honest" news agencies strive for this non-biased approach. FOX is not an "honest" nor a "proper" news reporting agency since they strive to present a very biased view of what they report. But then anyone with the least amount of common sense could see that.

I have no issue with you watching what you want. But, at least be honest with yourself! You watch FOX because it's biased towards your agenda - thereby making them anything but a legitimate news agency.

Why is it that they've NEVER won a "news" award for any of their reporting? I'll tell you ... because they're NOT considered a "news" channel by any of the legitimate world wide media. YES World Wide - even Al Jazeera has won "news" awards for their reporting.
Explain this.

REALLY!!!??? I thought this was a "political" forum. Yet you need someone to explain to you the politics of getting a front row seat at the White House briefing room??!

You can't seriously expect me to believe that you see this as a justification for your belief that FOX is a legitimate "news agency" ... or can you?

If you are so "slow" that you can't figure out on your own that FOX "bought" that seat then it's not going to do me any good trying to explain it to you.

Nor does expecting honesty from you in conversation do any good.
Your perception and comprehension skills are lacking. FOX has News. FOX has commentary. Sometimes they mix. They do try to bring voice from both sides. Many invitations go unanswered. Their slant is right, they don't hide it. Every perspective is biased in one way or another, it's part of the human condition, some of us realize that and strive to overcome that. You might be better off staying away from some of the commentary shows on FOX. Gretta does some great stuff, not all about Left/Right.

My perception and comprehension skills are lacking? Yet, you're the one who considers that everything they hear is biased!!?

When the news is "reported" properly it is not presented with a biased agenda. Most "honest" news agencies strive for this non-biased approach. FOX is not an "honest" nor a "proper" news reporting agency since they strive to present a very biased view of what they report. But then anyone with the least amount of common sense could see that.

I have no issue with you watching what you want. But, at least be honest with yourself! You watch FOX because it's biased towards your agenda - thereby making them anything but a legitimate news agency.

Why is it that they've NEVER won a "news" award for any of their reporting? I'll tell you ... because they're NOT considered a "news" channel by any of the legitimate world wide media. YES World Wide - even Al Jazeera has won "news" awards for their reporting.

I am so relieved that you have no problem with me watching what I choose. OMG! You really had me worried there for a while. Thank You so much for your perspective, I would be lost without it. The balance of the Universe is restored.

News Flash, the charade is in believing that you are getting the straight truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, from any source. You are lying to yourself and everyone around you, perpetuating the lie. If a tree falls in the woods and the NY Times didn't report it so did it happen is bullshit. CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS, are no better, there are times when they are no better than a dog and pony show. Their shit don't stink? Who the fuck are you kidding?

NEWS FLASH!! FOX News misleads, lies, and reports "facts" that don't exist in an attempt to persuade their viewers and to bolster their political agenda.

And the only people they're persuading are the half-wits of our society! :cuckoo: Who the fuck are you kidding?
Explain this.

REALLY!!!??? I thought this was a "political" forum. Yet you need someone to explain to you the politics of getting a front row seat at the White House briefing room??!

You can't seriously expect me to believe that you see this as a justification for your belief that FOX is a legitimate "news agency" ... or can you?

If you are so "slow" that you can't figure out on your own that FOX "bought" that seat then it's not going to do me any good trying to explain it to you.

Nor does expecting honesty from you in conversation do any good.

Funny! But not even worth a reply. The typical "when you have no intelligent arguement resort to name calling".
My perception and comprehension skills are lacking? Yet, you're the one who considers that everything they hear is biased!!?

When the news is "reported" properly it is not presented with a biased agenda. Most "honest" news agencies strive for this non-biased approach. FOX is not an "honest" nor a "proper" news reporting agency since they strive to present a very biased view of what they report. But then anyone with the least amount of common sense could see that.

I have no issue with you watching what you want. But, at least be honest with yourself! You watch FOX because it's biased towards your agenda - thereby making them anything but a legitimate news agency.

Why is it that they've NEVER won a "news" award for any of their reporting? I'll tell you ... because they're NOT considered a "news" channel by any of the legitimate world wide media. YES World Wide - even Al Jazeera has won "news" awards for their reporting.

I am so relieved that you have no problem with me watching what I choose. OMG! You really had me worried there for a while. Thank You so much for your perspective, I would be lost without it. The balance of the Universe is restored.

News Flash, the charade is in believing that you are getting the straight truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, from any source. You are lying to yourself and everyone around you, perpetuating the lie. If a tree falls in the woods and the NY Times didn't report it so did it happen is bullshit. CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS, are no better, there are times when they are no better than a dog and pony show. Their shit don't stink? Who the fuck are you kidding?

NEWS FLASH!! FOX News misleads, lies, and reports "facts" that don't exist in an attempt to persuade their viewers and to bolster their political agenda.

And the only people they're persuading are the half-wits of our society! :cuckoo: Who the fuck are you kidding?

Nobody, I'm not the one perpetuating a lie. You think CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, don't. You think you can speak without Bias? Who are you kidding?
REALLY!!!??? I thought this was a "political" forum. Yet you need someone to explain to you the politics of getting a front row seat at the White House briefing room??!

You can't seriously expect me to believe that you see this as a justification for your belief that FOX is a legitimate "news agency" ... or can you?

If you are so "slow" that you can't figure out on your own that FOX "bought" that seat then it's not going to do me any good trying to explain it to you.

Nor does expecting honesty from you in conversation do any good.

Funny! But not even worth a reply. The typical "when you have no intelligent arguement resort to name calling".

That's why you replied huh?

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