Fake News at it again

REALLY!!!??? I thought this was a "political" forum. Yet you need someone to explain to you the politics of getting a front row seat at the White House briefing room??!

You can't seriously expect me to believe that you see this as a justification for your belief that FOX is a legitimate "news agency" ... or can you?

If you are so "slow" that you can't figure out on your own that FOX "bought" that seat then it's not going to do me any good trying to explain it to you.
Soooo...you can't explain it, and instead choose to lash out childishly.

You know that your irrational hatred of Fox is proof of nothing but that you're irrational, right?

You must have me confused with someone else, I never said that I "hated" FOX News. I've only given my opinion about how and what they report. You on the other hand have done nothing and said nothing in your defense of them other then to use demeaning overtones ...

Tell me, what do you really think of FOX News? No disputing that they have a right leaning political agenda?

FOX publicly acknowledges their biased agenda. Maybe I just don't understand the halfwitted, moronic and outright stupid arguement that because other news agencies are accused of bias it's better to get your news from someone who is proud of their biased political agenda.

It makes no sense to complain that the media is biased and then instead of getting your news from an unbiased source you choose to get it from an acknowledged biased source. Unless, of course, you're really not looking for an honest news report but instead one that tells you what you want to hear. :cuckoo:
You keep pretending the other outlets aren't biased.

According to you, that means you're not looking for truth, but simply agree with their bias.

FOX is not news. No way..no how.

They repeat internet myths with no checks..or just flat make things up.

so fox NEWS PROGRAMS repeat internet myths with no checks..or just flat make things up.

some examples please?

You must be kidding. Go back and look at the videos, or better yet view the entire film "Outfoxed".
Fox is propaganda. There is no doubt in the minds of anyone who understands the nature of propaganda and has an open mind.
Now, you may argue that the film "Outfoxed" is propaganda too, but to not watch and consider its content makes you (or one) who defends Fox a willfully ignorant person. Propaganda may be truthful or filled with unsupported opinion, half-truths, inuenndos, rumors or lies. Watch and listen critically, you may learn something.
Obviously, the government should shut them down.
FOX has Left Wing Representation every day.

Fox may have Democrats, but left wing? Or maybe you can't distiguish a Democrat from a member of the Socialist Worker's Party or from the Peace and Freedom Party.
I've never seen a true left winger on cable or network TV (unless a news video shows the behavior of them at WTO meeting). Bernie Sanders may be the nearest to a left winger, but hardly fringe.

Now, ask me if I've ever seen a right winger on cable or network TV.
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FOX has Left Wing Representation every day.

Fox may have Democrats, but left wing? Or maybe you can't distiguish a Democrat from a member of the Socialist Worker's Party or from the Peace and Freedom Party.
I've never seen a true left winger on cable or network TV (unless a news video shows the behavior of them at WTO meeting).

Now, ask me if I've ever seen a right winger on cable or network TV.

Is this guy a true left-winger?
so fox NEWS PROGRAMS repeat internet myths with no checks..or just flat make things up.

some examples please?

You must be kidding. Go back and look at the videos, or better yet view the entire film "Outfoxed".
Fox is propaganda. There is no doubt in the minds of anyone who understands the nature of propaganda and has an open mind.
Now, you may argue that the film "Outfoxed" is propaganda too, but to not watch and consider its content makes you (or one) who defends Fox a willfully ignorant person. Propaganda may be truthful or filled with unsupported opinion, half-truths, inuenndos, rumors or lies. Watch and listen critically, you may learn something.
Obviously, the government should shut them down.

Of course not. Given your politics I suspect you would have no one to provide you with talking points, rumors and inuenndos and half-truths allowing you to believe the unproven axioms you strongly support. You might have to learn how to think, and that's really hard work.
FOX has Left Wing Representation every day.

Fox may have Democrats, but left wing? Or maybe you can't distiguish a Democrat from a member of the Socialist Worker's Party or from the Peace and Freedom Party.
I've never seen a true left winger on cable or network TV (unless a news video shows the behavior of them at WTO meeting). Bernie Sanders may be the nearest to a left winger, but hardly fringe.

Now, ask me if I've ever seen a right winger on cable or network TV.

my god, what a tool......and how completely transparent......you now change the paradigm, that is you define what you think is or accept as examples of left wing right wing ( even though many many of these people are self identified) so as to cocoon your view point from counter argument and make yourself right.

How pathetic, really. I am glad I didn't waste my time answering your previous post before seeing this.
FOX has Left Wing Representation every day.

Fox may have Democrats, but left wing? Or maybe you can't distiguish a Democrat from a member of the Socialist Worker's Party or from the Peace and Freedom Party.
I've never seen a true left winger on cable or network TV (unless a news video shows the behavior of them at WTO meeting). Bernie Sanders may be the nearest to a left winger, but hardly fringe.

Now, ask me if I've ever seen a right winger on cable or network TV.

my god, what a tool......and how completely transparent......you now change the paradigm, that is you define what you think is or accept as examples of left wing right wing ( even though many many of these people are self identified) so as to cocoon your view point from counter argument and make yourself right.

How pathetic, really. I am glad I didn't waste my time answering your previous post before seeing this.

Hmmm, I think left wing and right wing - at least on the fringe - are pretty obvious***. Though there are many who express far right or far left views and our snake oil salesmen/women who promote themselves and are not vested in any outcome but themselves.
I'm glad you're glad because most of your posts are, in all honesty, insipid, self righteous and mean spirited.

***Quote from Tank (Thread: 72% of Babies...post #79) An obvious RW Fringer.
You feed them, they'll breed them.[/QUOTE]
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Soooo...you can't explain it, and instead choose to lash out childishly.

You know that your irrational hatred of Fox is proof of nothing but that you're irrational, right?

You must have me confused with someone else, I never said that I "hated" FOX News. I've only given my opinion about how and what they report. You on the other hand have done nothing and said nothing in your defense of them other then to use demeaning overtones ...

Tell me, what do you really think of FOX News? No disputing that they have a right leaning political agenda?

FOX publicly acknowledges their biased agenda. Maybe I just don't understand the halfwitted, moronic and outright stupid arguement that because other news agencies are accused of bias it's better to get your news from someone who is proud of their biased political agenda.

It makes no sense to complain that the media is biased and then instead of getting your news from an unbiased source you choose to get it from an acknowledged biased source. Unless, of course, you're really not looking for an honest news report but instead one that tells you what you want to hear. :cuckoo:
You keep pretending the other outlets aren't biased.

According to you, that means you're not looking for truth, but simply agree with their bias.


Are you hypnotized? No, Really. Did someone hypnotize you last night? Because you give the same answer no matter what question is asked.

I never said that other news agencies have never reported their news with a biased prospective. I said that FOX purposely reports their news with a biased agenda. Do you disagree with that?

I know it's a difficult position to understand for the less then intelligent members of our society. But, try to follow along. Other news agencies may present a biased narative to the news that they report with regards to politics on occasion. FOX presents a biased narative to all of the news that they report with regards to politics. See the difference now?

If your complaint is that the "general" media is biased to the left why would you promote a news agency that is purposely biased? Even if it is to the right. Unless your complaint of biased news reporting is nothing more then an excuse used to justify the fact that you watch a biased news reporting agency?
You must be kidding. Go back and look at the videos, or better yet view the entire film "Outfoxed".
Fox is propaganda. There is no doubt in the minds of anyone who understands the nature of propaganda and has an open mind.
Now, you may argue that the film "Outfoxed" is propaganda too, but to not watch and consider its content makes you (or one) who defends Fox a willfully ignorant person. Propaganda may be truthful or filled with unsupported opinion, half-truths, inuenndos, rumors or lies. Watch and listen critically, you may learn something.
Obviously, the government should shut them down.

Of course not. Given your politics I suspect you would have no one to provide you with talking points, rumors and inuenndos and half-truths allowing you to believe the unproven axioms you strongly support. You might have to learn how to think, and that's really hard work.
That's especially funny, coming from you. :lol:
You must have me confused with someone else, I never said that I "hated" FOX News. I've only given my opinion about how and what they report. You on the other hand have done nothing and said nothing in your defense of them other then to use demeaning overtones ...

Tell me, what do you really think of FOX News? No disputing that they have a right leaning political agenda?

FOX publicly acknowledges their biased agenda. Maybe I just don't understand the halfwitted, moronic and outright stupid arguement that because other news agencies are accused of bias it's better to get your news from someone who is proud of their biased political agenda.

It makes no sense to complain that the media is biased and then instead of getting your news from an unbiased source you choose to get it from an acknowledged biased source. Unless, of course, you're really not looking for an honest news report but instead one that tells you what you want to hear. :cuckoo:
You keep pretending the other outlets aren't biased.

According to you, that means you're not looking for truth, but simply agree with their bias.


Are you hypnotized? No, Really. Did someone hypnotize you last night? Because you give the same answer no matter what question is asked.

I never said that other news agencies have never reported their news with a biased prospective. I said that FOX purposely reports their news with a biased agenda. Do you disagree with that?

I know it's a difficult position to understand for the less then intelligent members of our society. But, try to follow along. Other news agencies may present a biased narative to the news that they report with regards to politics on occasion. FOX presents a biased narative to all of the news that they report with regards to politics. See the difference now?

If your complaint is that the "general" media is biased to the left why would you promote a news agency that is purposely biased? Even if it is to the right. Unless your complaint of biased news reporting is nothing more then an excuse used to justify the fact that you watch a biased news reporting agency?
So are you claiming the leftward bias among the other outlets is...accidental?

Once again, we have a leftist who is unable to distinguish between Fox's news and opinion shows.
You keep pretending the other outlets aren't biased.

According to you, that means you're not looking for truth, but simply agree with their bias.


Are you hypnotized? No, Really. Did someone hypnotize you last night? Because you give the same answer no matter what question is asked.

I never said that other news agencies have never reported their news with a biased prospective. I said that FOX purposely reports their news with a biased agenda. Do you disagree with that?

I know it's a difficult position to understand for the less then intelligent members of our society. But, try to follow along. Other news agencies may present a biased narative to the news that they report with regards to politics on occasion. FOX presents a biased narative to all of the news that they report with regards to politics. See the difference now?

If your complaint is that the "general" media is biased to the left why would you promote a news agency that is purposely biased? Even if it is to the right. Unless your complaint of biased news reporting is nothing more then an excuse used to justify the fact that you watch a biased news reporting agency?
So are you claiming the leftward bias among the other outlets is...accidental?

Once again, we have a leftist who is unable to distinguish between Fox's news and opinion shows.

I'm not claiming anything with regards to the "other outlets". If you'd like to discuss a specific incident where one of the "other outlets" showed a leftward bias that's fine. But, this discussion is about FOX.

Is it your opinion that FOX slants it's news (and commentary) towards the right to off-set the leftward bias of the "other outlets"? Or that FOX is justified in their rightward bias because of the actions of the "other outlets"?

Just what is the justification for watching a biased news reporting agency? Especially given the fact that the only reason people give for watching it is because they "claim" all other news sources are biased?

In my world claiming that the news is biased is not a reason for promoting and supporting a biased news agency. Just seems to me that it would make more sense to support a non-biased media. Maybe you could explain how supporting and promoting a biased media at the same time that you're complaining about a biased media could result in getting an unbiased media?
So are you claiming the leftward bias among the other outlets is...accidental?

Once again, we have a leftist who is unable to distinguish between Fox's news and opinion shows.

I'm not claiming anything with regards to the "other outlets". If you'd like to discuss a specific incident where one of the "other outlets" showed a leftward bias that's fine. But, this discussion is about FOX.

Is it your opinion that FOX slants it's news (and commentary) towards the right to off-set the leftward bias of the "other outlets"? Or that FOX is justified in their rightward bias because of the actions of the "other outlets"?

Just what is the justification for watching a biased news reporting agency? Especially given the fact that the only reason people give for watching it is because they "claim" all other news sources are biased?

In my world claiming that the news is biased is not a reason for promoting and supporting a biased news agency. Just seems to me that it would make more sense to support a non-biased media. Maybe you could explain how supporting and promoting a biased media at the same time that you're complaining about a biased media could result in getting an unbiased media?
I'm saying Fox's commentary is biased to the right, but its news is not. People who can't tell the difference between the two will shriek otherwise.

Obviously, there are a lot of Americans who seek conservative commentary. Talk radio is dominated by conservatives; Fox routinely trounces its competitors. Not too many people want to hear liberal commentary, as the ratings prove.

The Left is angry because there's an outlet they don't control, and the masses are hearing unapproved thought. Heresy! Outcast unclean!
fox may have democrats, but left wing? Or maybe you can't distiguish a democrat from a member of the socialist worker's party or from the peace and freedom party.
I've never seen a true left winger on cable or network tv (unless a news video shows the behavior of them at wto meeting). Bernie sanders may be the nearest to a left winger, but hardly fringe.

Now, ask me if i've ever seen a right winger on cable or network tv.

my god, what a tool......and how completely transparent......you now change the paradigm, that is you define what you think is or accept as examples of left wing right wing ( even though many many of these people are self identified) so as to cocoon your view point from counter argument and make yourself right.

How pathetic, really. I am glad i didn't waste my time answering your previous post before seeing this.

hmmm, i think left wing and right wing - at least on the fringe - are pretty obvious***.

uh huh....and in other news, day follows night.

though there are many who express far right or far left views and our snake oil salesmen/women who promote themselves and are not vested in any outcome but themselves.


i'm glad you're glad because most of your posts are, in all honesty, insipid, self righteous and mean spirited.

in short; you don't like getting called on a clumsy attempt to frame the debate so you make yourself right, so its time to lash out and tell me off. Tsk tsk.

Oh, and do you even know what insipid means? Really? What? You heard that word on npr?

C u in peoples park. ;)
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FOX has Left Wing Representation every day.

Fox may have Democrats, but left wing? Or maybe you can't distiguish a Democrat from a member of the Socialist Worker's Party or from the Peace and Freedom Party.
I've never seen a true left winger on cable or network TV (unless a news video shows the behavior of them at WTO meeting). Bernie Sanders may be the nearest to a left winger, but hardly fringe.

Now, ask me if I've ever seen a right winger on cable or network TV.

DNC, Yes. Left, Yes. Fringe, on occasion. That's more talk radio, where the stakes are lower. We hear from the fringe there allot to be honest with you. TV is too expensive to waste that kind of time.
my god, what a tool......and how completely transparent......you now change the paradigm, that is you define what you think is or accept as examples of left wing right wing ( even though many many of these people are self identified) so as to cocoon your view point from counter argument and make yourself right.

How pathetic, really. I am glad i didn't waste my time answering your previous post before seeing this.

uh huh....and in other news, day follows night.


i'm glad you're glad because most of your posts are, in all honesty, insipid, self righteous and mean spirited.

in short; you don't like getting called on a clumsy attempt to frame the debate so you make yourself right, so its time to lash out and tell me off. Tsk tsk.

Oh, and do you even know what insipid means? Really? What? You heard that word on npr?

C u in peoples park. ;)

LOL, this post is a perfect example of an insipid post. Thanks for provding it. Ad hominem attacks are trite, banal and hackneyed - all of which characterize your uninspired effort to prove ... exactly what?
I have framed the debate with evidence, video and audio evidence of Fox "Commentary"; exactly when does Fox report news?
Even when a Faux newcast is presented, the informed observer is able to discern a clear and obvious bias.
The funny thing is, watching a broadcast on Fox, no matter which talking head is the focus, the same words and phrases are repeated throughout the day. Not only the same story, the same words are used.
Many times a Fox Commentator will make an observtion, a personal opinion based on a current event. In the following segement, the new commentary will lead with, "some people are saying ...", and the 'some people' are their collegue who broadcast only an hour or so before.
Sadly, it works. I know, it's hard to fathom how stupid some people are.
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I bet when you think Nobody's looking, you Guy's watch FOX. He! He! He!

I do watch Fox, not for hours and hours, but enough to learn the theme of the day. And, I don't care whose looking. What truly amazes me is Rush Limbaugh and the Fox 'commentators' all have the same take on the same idea everyday. Even on MSNBC, which I watch longer - I admit - the conservative guests seem also to have the same ideas on the same day and usually use the same language in describing the theme.
Amazing conincidence. Don't you think, Intense?

Then I might watch PBS (the NewsHour) for a refreshing take on the topic of the day. Of course NPR is my favorite source for indepth topical stories. Do you ever listen to Fresh Air, All Things Considered, Science Friday, Morning Edition, Car Talk and so so much more?
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I bet when you think Nobody's looking, you Guy's watch FOX. He! He! He!

I do watch Fox, not for hours and hours, but enough to learn the theme of the day. And, I don't care whose looking. What truly amazes me is Rush Limbaugh and the Fox 'commentators' all have the same take on the same idea everyday. Even on MSNBC, which I watch longer - I admit - the conservative guests seem also to have the same ideas on the same day and usually use the same language in describing the theme.
Amazing conincidence. Don't you think, Intense?

Then I might watch PBS (the NewsHour) for a refreshing take on the topic of the day. Of course NPR is my favorite source for indepth topical stories. Do you ever listen to Fresh Air, All Things Considered, Science Friday, Morning Edition, Car Talk and so so much more?

I do allot of the Networks too. When something serious goes down, all of them. The one exception lately is MSNBC, though I'm better with CNBC and NBC. I listen to allot more Radio. #3 good Talk stations in NYC + NPR, CBS, Wins. The Talk Show Host are more Autonomous, plus they are reacting to what callers bring up. I agree with you, and I deeply dislike Robot Responses, talking points, Left or Right. Original thought, refreshing new perspectives are alway's good. I like things that provoke thought. I do not like International Correspondents on TV with their Video phones. I hate poor video coverage.

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