Fake News at it again

My perception and comprehension skills are lacking? Yet, you're the one who considers that everything they hear is biased!!?

When the news is "reported" properly it is not presented with a biased agenda. Most "honest" news agencies strive for this non-biased approach. FOX is not an "honest" nor a "proper" news reporting agency since they strive to present a very biased view of what they report. But then anyone with the least amount of common sense could see that.

I have no issue with you watching what you want. But, at least be honest with yourself! You watch FOX because it's biased towards your agenda - thereby making them anything but a legitimate news agency.

Why is it that they've NEVER won a "news" award for any of their reporting? I'll tell you ... because they're NOT considered a "news" channel by any of the legitimate world wide media. YES World Wide - even Al Jazeera has won "news" awards for their reporting.

I am so relieved that you have no problem with me watching what I choose. OMG! You really had me worried there for a while. Thank You so much for your perspective, I would be lost without it. The balance of the Universe is restored.

News Flash, the charade is in believing that you are getting the straight truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, from any source. You are lying to yourself and everyone around you, perpetuating the lie. If a tree falls in the woods and the NY Times didn't report it so did it happen is bullshit. CNN, ABC, NBC, and CBS, are no better, there are times when they are no better than a dog and pony show. Their shit don't stink? Who the fuck are you kidding?

NEWS FLASH!! FOX News misleads, lies, and reports "facts" that don't exist in an attempt to persuade their viewers and to bolster their political agenda.

And the only people they're persuading are the half-wits of our society! :cuckoo: Who the fuck are you kidding?

Project much?
My perception and comprehension skills are lacking? Yet, you're the one who considers that everything they hear is biased!!?

When the news is "reported" properly it is not presented with a biased agenda. Most "honest" news agencies strive for this non-biased approach. FOX is not an "honest" nor a "proper" news reporting agency since they strive to present a very biased view of what they report. But then anyone with the least amount of common sense could see that.

I have no issue with you watching what you want. But, at least be honest with yourself! You watch FOX because it's biased towards your agenda - thereby making them anything but a legitimate news agency.

Why is it that they've NEVER won a "news" award for any of their reporting? I'll tell you ... because they're NOT considered a "news" channel by any of the legitimate world wide media. YES World Wide - even Al Jazeera has won "news" awards for their reporting.
Explain this.

REALLY!!!??? I thought this was a "political" forum. Yet you need someone to explain to you the politics of getting a front row seat at the White House briefing room??!

You can't seriously expect me to believe that you see this as a justification for your belief that FOX is a legitimate "news agency" ... or can you?

If you are so "slow" that you can't figure out on your own that FOX "bought" that seat then it's not going to do me any good trying to explain it to you.
Soooo...you can't explain it, and instead choose to lash out childishly.

You know that your irrational hatred of Fox is proof of nothing but that you're irrational, right?
REALLY!!!??? I thought this was a "political" forum. Yet you need someone to explain to you the politics of getting a front row seat at the White House briefing room??!

You can't seriously expect me to believe that you see this as a justification for your belief that FOX is a legitimate "news agency" ... or can you?

If you are so "slow" that you can't figure out on your own that FOX "bought" that seat then it's not going to do me any good trying to explain it to you.

Nor does expecting honesty from you in conversation do any good.

Funny! But not even worth a reply. The typical "when you have no intelligent arguement resort to name calling".
FOX doing News and Commentary is just too much for some to grasp.


Or some really do grasp what Fox is doing. Please, so as to not further embarass yourself, view the above - or continue to expose your ignorance.

Of course, only some people say...

FOX doing News and Commentary is just too much for some to grasp.


Or some really do grasp what Fox is doing. Please, so as to not further embarass yourself, view the above - or continue to expose your ignorance.

Of course, only some people say...


How many thousands of hours do you need to go through to find crap on FOX? You don't think that the other Networks have screw ups too, huh? Liberal's can't do anything wrong, Conservatives can't do anything right. WTF Sparky! You really buy into the shit you peddle? Or is this more about you needing to vent after getting your asses kicked coast to coast. Kill the messenger is all you have, you can't govern. The moron's that bought into your lies in the past, have learned by being burned. FOX is your Scapegoat, nothing more.

CNN Bloopers and Off Camera Chatter
Explain this.

REALLY!!!??? I thought this was a "political" forum. Yet you need someone to explain to you the politics of getting a front row seat at the White House briefing room??!

You can't seriously expect me to believe that you see this as a justification for your belief that FOX is a legitimate "news agency" ... or can you?

If you are so "slow" that you can't figure out on your own that FOX "bought" that seat then it's not going to do me any good trying to explain it to you.
Soooo...you can't explain it, and instead choose to lash out childishly.

You know that your irrational hatred of Fox is proof of nothing but that you're irrational, right?

You must have me confused with someone else, I never said that I "hated" FOX News. I've only given my opinion about how and what they report. You on the other hand have done nothing and said nothing in your defense of them other then to use demeaning overtones ...

Tell me, what do you really think of FOX News? No disputing that they have a right leaning political agenda?

FOX publicly acknowledges their biased agenda. Maybe I just don't understand the halfwitted, moronic and outright stupid arguement that because other news agencies are accused of bias it's better to get your news from someone who is proud of their biased political agenda.

It makes no sense to complain that the media is biased and then instead of getting your news from an unbiased source you choose to get it from an acknowledged biased source. Unless, of course, you're really not looking for an honest news report but instead one that tells you what you want to hear. :cuckoo:

Funny that You Tube is loaded with Fox Bullshit. The gremlins have bee busy fertilizing. Another DNC Lock Step assault, in the pipe-line.

I saw one on the claims of Sharia Law. Ask any Muslim what their goal is in relation to Sharia Law, and implementing it throughout the world. The Cordoba Project is tallying percentages of Islamic Populations around the world to what end? They test for compliance to Sharia Law to what end? Take your heads out of your asses before you tell me anything about what you think is the truth. Gotta love Lou Dobbs. Great man.


Funny that You Tube is loaded with Fox Bullshit. The gremlins have bee busy fertilizing. Another DNC Lock Step assault, in the pipe-line.

I saw one on the claims of Sharia Law. Ask any Muslim what their goal is in relation to Sharia Law, and implementing it throughout the world. The Cordoba Project is tallying percentages of Islamic Populations around the world to what end? They test for compliance to Sharia Law to what end? Take your heads out of your asses before you tell me anything about what you think is the truth. Gotta love Lou Dobbs. Great man.



I'm sure there are many videos one might find from different sources; the point being made is that all of the videos are from Fox; that distinction will confuse you, but my point is not directed at the willfully ignorant or those not so willfully ignorant.
Funny that You Tube is loaded with Fox Bullshit. The gremlins have bee busy fertilizing. Another DNC Lock Step assault, in the pipe-line.

I saw one on the claims of Sharia Law. Ask any Muslim what their goal is in relation to Sharia Law, and implementing it throughout the world. The Cordoba Project is tallying percentages of Islamic Populations around the world to what end? They test for compliance to Sharia Law to what end? Take your heads out of your asses before you tell me anything about what you think is the truth. Gotta love Lou Dobbs. Great man.



I'm sure there are many videos one might find from different sources; the point being made is that all of the videos are from Fox; that distinction will confuse you, but my point is not directed at the willfully ignorant or those not so willfully ignorant.

The point is that your premise is false. There is plenty to point fingers at on both sides. Your argument is flawed. You seem to think that you know better than the rest. I know that it is for each to determine for ones self where they stand or fall. You imagine principle, and ideal, and value on the left, yet you are directly opposed to all three.
FOX is not news. No way..no how.

They repeat internet myths with no checks..or just flat make things up.

so fox NEWS PROGRAMS repeat internet myths with no checks..or just flat make things up.

some examples please?

You must be kidding. Go back and look at the videos, or better yet view the entire film "Outfoxed".
Fox is propaganda. There is no doubt in the minds of anyone who understands the nature of propaganda and has an open mind.
Now, you may argue that the film "Outfoxed" is propaganda too, but to not watch and consider its content makes you (or one) who defends Fox a willfully ignorant person. Propaganda may be truthful or filled with unsupported opinion, half-truths, inuenndos, rumors or lies. Watch and listen critically, you may learn something.

OUTFOXED: Clips & Trailer
FOX is not news. No way..no how.

They repeat internet myths with no checks..or just flat make things up.

so fox NEWS PROGRAMS repeat internet myths with no checks..or just flat make things up.

some examples please?

You must be kidding. Go back and look at the videos, or better yet view the entire film "Outfoxed".
Fox is propaganda. There is no doubt in the minds of anyone who understands the nature of propaganda and has an open mind.
Now, you may argue that the film "Outfoxed" is propaganda too, but to not watch and consider its content makes you (or one) who defends Fox a willfully ignorant person. Propaganda may be truthful or filled with unsupported opinion, half-truths, inuenndos, rumors or lies. Watch and listen critically, you may learn something.

OUTFOXED: Clips & Trailer

Fail. The other Networks have the same problems, and you deny that. FOX has both News and Commentary. You seem to miss that. You also do not distinguish between difference in perspective, as opposed to outright lie.
so fox NEWS PROGRAMS repeat internet myths with no checks..or just flat make things up.

some examples please?

You must be kidding. Go back and look at the videos, or better yet view the entire film "Outfoxed".
Fox is propaganda. There is no doubt in the minds of anyone who understands the nature of propaganda and has an open mind.
Now, you may argue that the film "Outfoxed" is propaganda too, but to not watch and consider its content makes you (or one) who defends Fox a willfully ignorant person. Propaganda may be truthful or filled with unsupported opinion, half-truths, inuenndos, rumors or lies. Watch and listen critically, you may learn something.

OUTFOXED: Clips & Trailer

Fail. The other Networks have the same problems, and you deny that. FOX has both News and Commentary. You seem to miss that. You also do not distinguish between difference in perspective, as opposed to outright lie.

Other networks are not all left wing all the time. Fox is all right wing, all the time.
And I do and did distinguish a difference, read above where I point out in addition to lies Fox presents some truth, much unsupported opinon, many half-truths, lots of inuenndo and rumors.
Watch the video, open you mind or follow Bill O'Reilly's advice, here:


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