Fake news crying child used by Time magazine & CNN was never separated from her mother

ALL THIS SAID - we need to put the focus on the problem that is causing all these "band aids" to be flung around as if they're helping.

trump needs to shut the fuck up about walls and how bad mexico can be and work with their government to find a better way for all of us to deal with this. CONGRESS NEEDS TO LEAD THE WAY HERE by attacking problems with the same love affair they have in attacking trump and the right needs to listen to the ideas they have on this as well and FIX THE PROBLEM.

all the rest here in the middle is why we're so divided up. which band aid is better than the other?
You have finally said something that makes absolute sense. Stick with it.
The image of a crying child at the border that has been used by Time Magazine and CNN to push open border propaganda has been proven completely misleading given that the Honduran girl was never separated from her mother.

Fake News: Crying Child Used by Time Magazine & CNN Was Never Separated From Her Mother

This is as good as the two losers who posted pictures of Melani wearing a rain coat with some bs saying on it and the stupid asses believed it omfg. Leftist Trump haters are so beyond pathetic there aren't even any word left to descripe how pathetic they are.

no. i don't know that, oldlady. i've not made a life study of the situation down there so i have a lot to learn along the way.

but when i studied journalism - we didn't make pictures up to illustrate a point. we took a profound picture and let it say whatever needed to be said and all of it was based on the event being true and real.

if this is such a huge problem
and if families are being torn apart as a regular occurance down there
then how can it be so hard to find a picture that illustrates this truthfully?

it's like katie couric editing her anti-gun show to "illustrate" a problem that didn't exist naturally. it's a lie.

justifying it is part of our problems these days.
When the photographer TELLS everyone what the circumstances were, it is not a lie. I already told you, the photographers are not allowed in the detention facilities so they can't take pics of children as they are being actually taken away.

If the pic were taken and the media did not interview the photographer and make it clear that the pic was of a little girl crying when her mother was strip searched at the border, you would be right that it was fraudulent. That was NOT the case.

I think the picture shows perfectly the anguish of children who just want their mothers in the middle of a frightening and confusing time. That is what it represents to me.

Every day in America, mothers are arrested and their children are usually crying for mama. Those children are separated from their mother, and many wind up in foster care for weeks, months, or years. However, these are American citizens and therefore do not deserve the angst that appears when illegal aliens are concerned.
Oh quit whining about how unfair life is for Americans; I have heard way too much about how these brown people are ruining our neighborhoods, our economies and our social fabric. It's a mess of bigoted slop.

There was no reason to institute this policy of separating children from parents without doing the proper planning to figure out what in hell they were going to do with them all. In that way, the administration failed, same as it did with its half baked first travel ban. Now that the Pres has figured out it doesn't "look good," he's going to go back to the way it was before, except there is still a zero tolerance policy and the question of what to do with everyone still exists.
It's a mess. And it is not the "criminal" parents who are to blame for that. They're just trying to sneak into the country. It is up to US to deal with that, not them.
and ive heard way too much we are strip searching them at the border and believing it out of choice and hate for the other side.

if you hate liars you should HATE THE SHIT out of said photographer.
Oh, I dunno, Iceberg. I think maybe you've got enough hate here for both of us.
The photographer explained that: It is not allowed by border security to enter those areas or take those pics. You know that.

She knew she would be arrested--she and the others paddled directly into the arms of the border patrol agents and requested asylum. She would not have known that her toddler was going to be taken to another facility.

I'm back to this thread because of an article I just read in another thread. From that, I'm wondering how in the world this mother and child were NOT separated. Trusting MindWars isn't something I usually do, but I didn't have any way to check it. This article from the National Review makes it seem pretty inevitable that they would have been separated. Maybe MindWars can explain how that happened?

Separating Kids at Border: The Truth | National Review
no. i don't know that, oldlady. i've not made a life study of the situation down there so i have a lot to learn along the way.

but when i studied journalism - we didn't make pictures up to illustrate a point. we took a profound picture and let it say whatever needed to be said and all of it was based on the event being true and real.

if this is such a huge problem
and if families are being torn apart as a regular occurance down there
then how can it be so hard to find a picture that illustrates this truthfully?

it's like katie couric editing her anti-gun show to "illustrate" a problem that didn't exist naturally. it's a lie.

justifying it is part of our problems these days.
When the photographer TELLS everyone what the circumstances were, it is not a lie. I already told you, the photographers are not allowed in the detention facilities so they can't take pics of children as they are being actually taken away.

If the pic were taken and the media did not interview the photographer and make it clear that the pic was of a little girl crying when her mother was strip searched at the border, you would be right that it was fraudulent. That was NOT the case.

I think the picture shows perfectly the anguish of children who just want their mothers in the middle of a frightening and confusing time. That is what it represents to me.

Every day in America, mothers are arrested and their children are usually crying for mama. Those children are separated from their mother, and many wind up in foster care for weeks, months, or years. However, these are American citizens and therefore do not deserve the angst that appears when illegal aliens are concerned.
Oh quit whining about how unfair life is for Americans; I have heard way too much about how these brown people are ruining our neighborhoods, our economies and our social fabric. It's a mess of bigoted slop.

There was no reason to institute this policy of separating children from parents without doing the proper planning to figure out what in hell they were going to do with them all. In that way, the administration failed, same as it did with its half baked first travel ban. Now that the Pres has figured out it doesn't "look good," he's going to go back to the way it was before, except there is still a zero tolerance policy and the question of what to do with everyone still exists.
It's a mess. And it is not the "criminal" parents who are to blame for that. They're just trying to sneak into the country. It is up to US to deal with that, not them.

Last sentence. Bullshit.

Our duty is to insure these kids are not kidnapped or being trafficked. Beyond that, unless they qualify for asylum, is to get them back to the responsible countries government so they can sort this out.
ALL THIS SAID - we need to put the focus on the problem that is causing all these "band aids" to be flung around as if they're helping.

trump needs to shut the fuck up about walls and how bad mexico can be and work with their government to find a better way for all of us to deal with this. CONGRESS NEEDS TO LEAD THE WAY HERE by attacking problems with the same love affair they have in attacking trump and the right needs to listen to the ideas they have on this as well and FIX THE PROBLEM.

all the rest here in the middle is why we're so divided up. which band aid is better than the other?
You have finally said something that makes absolute sense. Stick with it.
this coming from "lady strip search" and "but the photograph represents me!".

you need to put the brakes on some of the shit you read of CNN and look around for less biased sources. if *any* source is busy trying to tell me how to feel about something, they're trying to sell me something.
When the photographer TELLS everyone what the circumstances were, it is not a lie. I already told you, the photographers are not allowed in the detention facilities so they can't take pics of children as they are being actually taken away.

If the pic were taken and the media did not interview the photographer and make it clear that the pic was of a little girl crying when her mother was strip searched at the border, you would be right that it was fraudulent. That was NOT the case.

I think the picture shows perfectly the anguish of children who just want their mothers in the middle of a frightening and confusing time. That is what it represents to me.

Every day in America, mothers are arrested and their children are usually crying for mama. Those children are separated from their mother, and many wind up in foster care for weeks, months, or years. However, these are American citizens and therefore do not deserve the angst that appears when illegal aliens are concerned.
Oh quit whining about how unfair life is for Americans; I have heard way too much about how these brown people are ruining our neighborhoods, our economies and our social fabric. It's a mess of bigoted slop.

There was no reason to institute this policy of separating children from parents without doing the proper planning to figure out what in hell they were going to do with them all. In that way, the administration failed, same as it did with its half baked first travel ban. Now that the Pres has figured out it doesn't "look good," he's going to go back to the way it was before, except there is still a zero tolerance policy and the question of what to do with everyone still exists.
It's a mess. And it is not the "criminal" parents who are to blame for that. They're just trying to sneak into the country. It is up to US to deal with that, not them.
and ive heard way too much we are strip searching them at the border and believing it out of choice and hate for the other side.

if you hate liars you should HATE THE SHIT out of said photographer.
Oh, I dunno, Iceberg. I think maybe you've got enough hate here for both of us.
cause i don't agree with you i'm now hating?

you're the one who puts up reasons *to* hate then goes on the D when your reason was proven to be a lie.

don't bother responding here. you've dug quite a hole already today. i'm gonna go strip search this pizza now.
Dems starting to use the same tactics that Drumpf is using. Half truths are not a good look.
The image of a crying child at the border that has been used by Time Magazine and CNN to push open border propaganda has been proven completely misleading given that the Honduran girl was never separated from her mother.

Fake News: Crying Child Used by Time Magazine & CNN Was Never Separated From Her Mother

This is as good as the two losers who posted pictures of Melani wearing a rain coat with some bs saying on it and the stupid asses believed it omfg. Leftist Trump haters are so beyond pathetic there aren't even any word left to descripe how pathetic they are.

oldlady - i don't hear the photographer saying anyone was strip searched here - can you provide a link to where the photographer said this, as you say he did?
The image of a crying child at the border that has been used by Time Magazine and CNN to push open border propaganda has been proven completely misleading given that the Honduran girl was never separated from her mother.

Fake News: Crying Child Used by Time Magazine & CNN Was Never Separated From Her Mother

This is as good as the two losers who posted pictures of Melani wearing a rain coat with some bs saying on it and the stupid asses believed it omfg. Leftist Trump haters are so beyond pathetic there aren't even any word left to descripe how pathetic they are.

We're having a good time watching a live demostration of LEFTIST gone LUNATIC keep going you are doing a great job.
The image of a crying child at the border that has been used by Time Magazine and CNN to push open border propaganda has been proven completely misleading given that the Honduran girl was never separated from her mother.

Fake News: Crying Child Used by Time Magazine & CNN Was Never Separated From Her Mother

This is as good as the two losers who posted pictures of Melani wearing a rain coat with some bs saying on it and the stupid asses believed it omfg. Leftist Trump haters are so beyond pathetic there aren't even any word left to descripe how pathetic they are.

oldlady - i don't hear the photographer saying anyone was strip searched here - can you provide a link to where the photographer said this, as you say he did?

They should learn to find that link within an article and click it they don't know how and want everyone else to do it jus tso they can laugh after they tell you " it's still not true" and it's a lie.
The image of a crying child at the border that has been used by Time Magazine and CNN to push open border propaganda has been proven completely misleading given that the Honduran girl was never separated from her mother.

Fake News: Crying Child Used by Time Magazine & CNN Was Never Separated From Her Mother

This is as good as the two losers who posted pictures of Melani wearing a rain coat with some bs saying on it and the stupid asses believed it omfg. Leftist Trump haters are so beyond pathetic there aren't even any word left to descripe how pathetic they are.

oldlady - i don't hear the photographer saying anyone was strip searched here - can you provide a link to where the photographer said this, as you say he did?

OldLady - how about it? link to where you heard the photographer saying this lady was strip searched?
The image of a crying child at the border that has been used by Time Magazine and CNN to push open border propaganda has been proven completely misleading given that the Honduran girl was never separated from her mother.

Fake News: Crying Child Used by Time Magazine & CNN Was Never Separated From Her Mother

This is as good as the two losers who posted pictures of Melani wearing a rain coat with some bs saying on it and the stupid asses believed it omfg. Leftist Trump haters are so beyond pathetic there aren't even any word left to descripe how pathetic they are.

oldlady - i don't hear the photographer saying anyone was strip searched here - can you provide a link to where the photographer said this, as you say he did?

OldLady - how about it? link to where you heard the photographer saying this lady was strip searched?

Aren't they amazing how they make shit up? They try and get someone going in ten directions at once .
The image of a crying child at the border that has been used by Time Magazine and CNN to push open border propaganda has been proven completely misleading given that the Honduran girl was never separated from her mother.

Fake News: Crying Child Used by Time Magazine & CNN Was Never Separated From Her Mother

This is as good as the two losers who posted pictures of Melani wearing a rain coat with some bs saying on it and the stupid asses believed it omfg. Leftist Trump haters are so beyond pathetic there aren't even any word left to descripe how pathetic they are.

oldlady - i don't hear the photographer saying anyone was strip searched here - can you provide a link to where the photographer said this, as you say he did?

OldLady - how about it? link to where you heard the photographer saying this lady was strip searched?

Aren't they amazing how they make shit up? They try and get someone going in ten directions at once .

i have no idea what she heard, but since it was "BAD TRUMP" she was quick to believe. i just wanted your video where the photographer spent what, 9+ hours on the patrol with everyone? he said nothing about strip searches and while i disagree about his "photograph" being "real", he didn't seem like a vindictive person.

so - all i have is oldlady crying THEY STRIP SEARCHED HER!!!! and running away when called upon it til she calls me out for wanting accurate information.

imagine that. she's calling me out cause i prefer my news real and accurate.
The image of a crying child at the border that has been used by Time Magazine and CNN to push open border propaganda has been proven completely misleading given that the Honduran girl was never separated from her mother.

Fake News: Crying Child Used by Time Magazine & CNN Was Never Separated From Her Mother

This is as good as the two losers who posted pictures of Melani wearing a rain coat with some bs saying on it and the stupid asses believed it omfg. Leftist Trump haters are so beyond pathetic there aren't even any word left to descripe how pathetic they are.

oldlady - i don't hear the photographer saying anyone was strip searched here - can you provide a link to where the photographer said this, as you say he did?

OldLady - how about it? link to where you heard the photographer saying this lady was strip searched?

Aren't they amazing how they make shit up? They try and get someone going in ten directions at once .

i have no idea what she heard, but since it was "BAD TRUMP" she was quick to believe. i just wanted your video where the photographer spent what, 9+ hours on the patrol with everyone? he said nothing about strip searches and while i disagree about his "photograph" being "real", he didn't seem like a vindictive person.

so - all i have is oldlady crying THEY STRIP SEARCHED HER!!!! and running away when called upon it til she calls me out for wanting accurate information.

imagine that. she's calling me out cause i prefer my news real and accurate.

The video? There is a video with in the article , i'm not sure which video you are talking about unless you meant this one , and if some one said strip search I missed since I wasn't able to watch all of this one..

You Trump haters are notorius for making up pure shit lies like " strip search her" lol

but here is one of them on this article's page

The image of a crying child at the border that has been used by Time Magazine and CNN to push open border propaganda has been proven completely misleading given that the Honduran girl was never separated from her mother.

Fake News: Crying Child Used by Time Magazine & CNN Was Never Separated From Her Mother

This is as good as the two losers who posted pictures of Melani wearing a rain coat with some bs saying on it and the stupid asses believed it omfg. Leftist Trump haters are so beyond pathetic there aren't even any word left to descripe how pathetic they are.

It's not fake news. Trump is separating children from their parents. You Trump supporters are the ones who are beyond pathetic. You people are sick and cuckoo birds.
The image of a crying child at the border that has been used by Time Magazine and CNN to push open border propaganda has been proven completely misleading given that the Honduran girl was never separated from her mother.

Fake News: Crying Child Used by Time Magazine & CNN Was Never Separated From Her Mother

This is as good as the two losers who posted pictures of Melani wearing a rain coat with some bs saying on it and the stupid asses believed it omfg. Leftist Trump haters are so beyond pathetic there aren't even any word left to descripe how pathetic they are.

oldlady - i don't hear the photographer saying anyone was strip searched here - can you provide a link to where the photographer said this, as you say he did?

OldLady - how about it? link to where you heard the photographer saying this lady was strip searched?

Aren't they amazing how they make shit up? They try and get someone going in ten directions at once .

i have no idea what she heard, but since it was "BAD TRUMP" she was quick to believe. i just wanted your video where the photographer spent what, 9+ hours on the patrol with everyone? he said nothing about strip searches and while i disagree about his "photograph" being "real", he didn't seem like a vindictive person.

so - all i have is oldlady crying THEY STRIP SEARCHED HER!!!! and running away when called upon it til she calls me out for wanting accurate information.

imagine that. she's calling me out cause i prefer my news real and accurate.

Oh, shit, iceberg, I didn't realize there had been more than one interview and the one I saw was a phone interview with the guy. He wasn't in the studio. Someone obviously clued him in on what a strip search was by the time he did the interview I posted up.

I'm sure you won't believe me. Have fun with your bullshit.

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