Fake News Pundits Trying to Claim "Nothing Accomplished" In Trump's First 100 Days


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
It's their big push now. The FALSE idea that Trump has not accomplished anything in his first 100 days (except maybe the nomination of SCOTUS judge Gorsuch). Trump, referring to his own administration, has said "No administration has accomplished more in its first 90 days."

Not hard to see who's right. Try these dozen. Already, Trumps has >>>

1. Ended US in TPP.

2. Reduced illegal border crossings 70%.

3. Deported scores of illegal aliens.

4. Abolished "catch & release"

5. Signed Congressional ethics pledge - No public lobbying for 5 years after leaving Congress & no lobbying for other countries.

6. Syria airstrike - widely praised (even by Democrats)

7. Thousands of jobs saved (Carrier, Ford, Boeing, etc) -which Obama failed to do)

8. Muslim ban (not Trump's fault treasonous judges took action against us)

9. Signed 28 bills already

10. Biggest increase in the military in many years

11. Cut business regulations (any addition of business regulations requires 2 others to be cut)

12. Signed 212 bills undoing Obama damage.
And here are the things Trump promised he'd have done in the first 100 days. Nobody held him at gunpoint and forced him to issue that document. So what is your explanation for why the goals he stated he achieve in 100 days are overwhelmingly incomplete?
  • Blame others --> Did Trump not realize he wasn't being elected monarch/dictator?
  • Trump failed to focus on the goals he set for himself --> Yes, that's just what a competent CEO would do, right? Not!
  • He didn't really mean that he'd do those things --> Ah, I get it. He was making up sh*t to get voters' approbation and votes, not because he actually had any plan or means of achieving those things.
Those are just three reasons. I'm sure you can come up with some other plausible ones that explain why the man went so far as to put in writing what he would do in his first 100 days.

You see, the "100 Days" failure illustrates multiple character failings of Donald Trump.
  • His utter inability to accurately assess the limits of what he can and cannot accomplish. One'd think that after 70 years, he'd be far better at doing that.
  • His need to present a grandiose image more so than merely accomplish whatever he does and make the best of that. Quite simply, there was never a call for Trump to promise to do any specific things in his first 100 days.

    Why he did that defies rational application of both sage management principles and strategic principles. And to what end? Now he's got Spicer out there "spinning," once again, to make the case that what is patently obvious to everyone who looks is instead not at all what they see. And what is the thematic thrust of his "spin?" That there isn't "really" a sense of urgency to accomplishing Trump's "100 Day" list of results.
And here are the things Trump promised he'd have done in the first 100 days. Nobody held him at gunpoint and forced him to issue that document. So what is your explanation for why the goals he stated he achieve in 100 days are overwhelmingly incomplete?
  • Blame others --> Did Trump not realize he wasn't being elected monarch/dictator?
  • Trump failed to focus on the goals he set for himself --> Yes, that's just what a competent CEO would do, right? Not!
  • He didn't really mean that he'd do those things --> Ah, I get it. He was making up sh*t to get voters' approbation and votes, not because he actually had any plan or means of achieving those things.
Those are just three reasons. I'm sure you can come up with some other plausible ones that explain why the man went so far as to put in writing what he would do in his first 100 days.

You see, the "100 Days" failure illustrates multiple character failings of Donald Trump.
  • His utter inability to accurately assess the limits of what he can and cannot accomplish. One'd think that after 70 years, he'd be far better at doing that.
  • His need to present a grandiose image more so than merely accomplish whatever he does and make the best of that. Quite simply, there was never a call for Trump to promise to do any specific things in his first 100 days.

    Why he did that defies rational application of both sage management principles and strategic principles. And to what end? Now he's got Spicer out there "spinning," once again, to make the case that what is patently obvious to everyone who looks is instead not at all what they see. And what is the thematic thrust of his "spin?" That there isn't "really" a sense of urgency to accomplishing Trump's "100 Day" list of results.

The topic is about fake news pundits claiming that Trump has accomplished nothing so far, not what was or wasn't promised. :biggrin:
And here are the things Trump promised he'd have done in the first 100 days. Nobody held him at gunpoint and forced him to issue that document. So what is your explanation for why the goals he stated he achieve in 100 days are overwhelmingly incomplete?
  • Blame others --> Did Trump not realize he wasn't being elected monarch/dictator?
  • Trump failed to focus on the goals he set for himself --> Yes, that's just what a competent CEO would do, right? Not!
  • He didn't really mean that he'd do those things --> Ah, I get it. He was making up sh*t to get voters' approbation and votes, not because he actually had any plan or means of achieving those things.
Those are just three reasons. I'm sure you can come up with some other plausible ones that explain why the man went so far as to put in writing what he would do in his first 100 days.

You see, the "100 Days" failure illustrates multiple character failings of Donald Trump.
  • His utter inability to accurately assess the limits of what he can and cannot accomplish. One'd think that after 70 years, he'd be far better at doing that.
  • His need to present a grandiose image more so than merely accomplish whatever he does and make the best of that. Quite simply, there was never a call for Trump to promise to do any specific things in his first 100 days.

    Why he did that defies rational application of both sage management principles and strategic principles. And to what end? Now he's got Spicer out there "spinning," once again, to make the case that what is patently obvious to everyone who looks is instead not at all what they see. And what is the thematic thrust of his "spin?" That there isn't "really" a sense of urgency to accomplishing Trump's "100 Day" list of results.
View attachment 123139 View attachment 123138

The topic is about fake news pundits claiming that Trump has accomplished nothing so far, not what was or wasn't promised. :biggrin:
The topic is about fake news pundits claiming that Trump has accomplished nothing so far,

Fine. Please do provide specific instances where the noted pundits claimed Trump has accomplished nothing. Surely you've seen or head them doing so for you to assert that they have. Give us some quoted examples of a few of them doing just that.
And here are the things Trump promised he'd have done in the first 100 days. Nobody held him at gunpoint and forced him to issue that document. So what is your explanation for why the goals he stated he achieve in 100 days are overwhelmingly incomplete?
  • Blame others --> Did Trump not realize he wasn't being elected monarch/dictator?
  • Trump failed to focus on the goals he set for himself --> Yes, that's just what a competent CEO would do, right? Not!
  • He didn't really mean that he'd do those things --> Ah, I get it. He was making up sh*t to get voters' approbation and votes, not because he actually had any plan or means of achieving those things.
Those are just three reasons. I'm sure you can come up with some other plausible ones that explain why the man went so far as to put in writing what he would do in his first 100 days.

You see, the "100 Days" failure illustrates multiple character failings of Donald Trump.
  • His utter inability to accurately assess the limits of what he can and cannot accomplish. One'd think that after 70 years, he'd be far better at doing that.
  • His need to present a grandiose image more so than merely accomplish whatever he does and make the best of that. Quite simply, there was never a call for Trump to promise to do any specific things in his first 100 days.

    Why he did that defies rational application of both sage management principles and strategic principles. And to what end? Now he's got Spicer out there "spinning," once again, to make the case that what is patently obvious to everyone who looks is instead not at all what they see. And what is the thematic thrust of his "spin?" That there isn't "really" a sense of urgency to accomplishing Trump's "100 Day" list of results.
View attachment 123139 View attachment 123138

The topic is about fake news pundits claiming that Trump has accomplished nothing so far, not what was or wasn't promised. :biggrin:
The topic is about fake news pundits claiming that Trump has accomplished nothing so far,

Fine. Please do provide specific instances where the noted pundits claimed Trump has accomplished nothing. Surely you've seen or head them doing so for you to assert that they have. Give us some examples.


Gee, that was really fucking tough....


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100 days of failure for Trump? (Opinion) - CNN.com
2 days ago - As more people focus on his policy agenda -- and not earlier controversies -- DonaldTrump's biggest achievement in his first 100 days is that ...
Schumer: Trump's First 100 Days a 'Failure' of Broken Promises ...
10 hours ago - Monday on MSNBC's “Morning Joe,” Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called President DonaldTrump's first 100 days in office a “failure” of broken ...
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1 day ago - Trump's First 100 Days: An 'Entry-Level' Presidency ... "Particularly in his dealings with Congress, he's been an utter failure in the sense that ...
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How do Donald Trump's first 100 days rate historically? | PolitiFact
Claim: "No administration has accomplished more in the first 90 days."
Claimed by: Donald Trump
Fact check by PolitiFact: False
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. Thousands of jobs saved (Carrier, Ford, Boeing, etc) -which Obama failed to do)

well, Obama DID save Chrysler and GM.....(two to one on the scoreborad).....AND
Carrier saved a few hundred of jobs because Trump bribed them with government contracts.....AND, Boeing is benefiting from Obama's deal with Iran....

Glad I could help, nitwit.....LOL
9. Signed 28 bills already

12. Signed 212 bills undoing Obama damage.

Well, make up your fucking mind is it 28 or 212 or 3 million? LOL

here, let me help you.....Perhaps the BIGGEST achievement by Trump, is a noteworthy improvement on his golf game....
And here are the things Trump promised he'd have done in the first 100 days. Nobody held him at gunpoint and forced him to issue that document. So what is your explanation for why the goals he stated he achieve in 100 days are overwhelmingly incomplete?
  • Blame others --> Did Trump not realize he wasn't being elected monarch/dictator?
  • Trump failed to focus on the goals he set for himself --> Yes, that's just what a competent CEO would do, right? Not!
  • He didn't really mean that he'd do those things --> Ah, I get it. He was making up sh*t to get voters' approbation and votes, not because he actually had any plan or means of achieving those things.
Those are just three reasons. I'm sure you can come up with some other plausible ones that explain why the man went so far as to put in writing what he would do in his first 100 days.

You see, the "100 Days" failure illustrates multiple character failings of Donald Trump.
  • His utter inability to accurately assess the limits of what he can and cannot accomplish. One'd think that after 70 years, he'd be far better at doing that.
  • His need to present a grandiose image more so than merely accomplish whatever he does and make the best of that. Quite simply, there was never a call for Trump to promise to do any specific things in his first 100 days.

    Why he did that defies rational application of both sage management principles and strategic principles. And to what end? Now he's got Spicer out there "spinning," once again, to make the case that what is patently obvious to everyone who looks is instead not at all what they see. And what is the thematic thrust of his "spin?" That there isn't "really" a sense of urgency to accomplishing Trump's "100 Day" list of results.
View attachment 123139 View attachment 123138

The topic is about fake news pundits claiming that Trump has accomplished nothing so far, not what was or wasn't promised. :biggrin:
The topic is about fake news pundits claiming that Trump has accomplished nothing so far,

Fine. Please do provide specific instances where the noted pundits claimed Trump has accomplished nothing. Surely you've seen or head them doing so for you to assert that they have. Give us some quoted examples of a few of them doing just that.

Now that we have gotten the OBLIGATORY snowflake response of "NUH-UH!!" out of the way,....and we know that MANY pundits are claiming Trump's First 100 Days were a "FAILURE"...why don't you move along to the substance behind the OP.

Are you capable of discussion beyond, "NUH-UH!!"?
And here are the things Trump promised he'd have done in the first 100 days. Nobody held him at gunpoint and forced him to issue that document. So what is your explanation for why the goals he stated he achieve in 100 days are overwhelmingly incomplete?
  • Blame others --> Did Trump not realize he wasn't being elected monarch/dictator?
  • Trump failed to focus on the goals he set for himself --> Yes, that's just what a competent CEO would do, right? Not!
  • He didn't really mean that he'd do those things --> Ah, I get it. He was making up sh*t to get voters' approbation and votes, not because he actually had any plan or means of achieving those things.
Those are just three reasons. I'm sure you can come up with some other plausible ones that explain why the man went so far as to put in writing what he would do in his first 100 days.

You see, the "100 Days" failure illustrates multiple character failings of Donald Trump.
  • His utter inability to accurately assess the limits of what he can and cannot accomplish. One'd think that after 70 years, he'd be far better at doing that.
  • His need to present a grandiose image more so than merely accomplish whatever he does and make the best of that. Quite simply, there was never a call for Trump to promise to do any specific things in his first 100 days.

    Why he did that defies rational application of both sage management principles and strategic principles. And to what end? Now he's got Spicer out there "spinning," once again, to make the case that what is patently obvious to everyone who looks is instead not at all what they see. And what is the thematic thrust of his "spin?" That there isn't "really" a sense of urgency to accomplishing Trump's "100 Day" list of results.
He's actually doing pretty good...have we hit 100 days yet?

Five actions to restore security and the constitutional rule of law:
★ FIRST, cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order issued by President Obama.
★ SECOND, begin the process of selecting a replacement for Justice Scalia from one of the 20 judges on my list, who will uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution.
★ THIRD, cancel all federal funding to sanctuary cities.
★ FOURTH, begin removing the more than two million criminal illegal immigrants from the country and cancel visas to foreign countries that won’t take them back.
★ FIFTH, suspend immigration from terror-prone regions where vetting cannot safely occur. All vetting of people coming into our country will be considered “extreme vetting.”

Yeah I think he's on all those things.
And here are the things Trump promised he'd have done in the first 100 days. Nobody held him at gunpoint and forced him to issue that document. So what is your explanation for why the goals he stated he achieve in 100 days are overwhelmingly incomplete?
  • Blame others --> Did Trump not realize he wasn't being elected monarch/dictator?
  • Trump failed to focus on the goals he set for himself --> Yes, that's just what a competent CEO would do, right? Not!
  • He didn't really mean that he'd do those things --> Ah, I get it. He was making up sh*t to get voters' approbation and votes, not because he actually had any plan or means of achieving those things.
Those are just three reasons. I'm sure you can come up with some other plausible ones that explain why the man went so far as to put in writing what he would do in his first 100 days.

You see, the "100 Days" failure illustrates multiple character failings of Donald Trump.
  • His utter inability to accurately assess the limits of what he can and cannot accomplish. One'd think that after 70 years, he'd be far better at doing that.
  • His need to present a grandiose image more so than merely accomplish whatever he does and make the best of that. Quite simply, there was never a call for Trump to promise to do any specific things in his first 100 days.

    Why he did that defies rational application of both sage management principles and strategic principles. And to what end? Now he's got Spicer out there "spinning," once again, to make the case that what is patently obvious to everyone who looks is instead not at all what they see. And what is the thematic thrust of his "spin?" That there isn't "really" a sense of urgency to accomplishing Trump's "100 Day" list of results.

Holy crap.....binding and everything.

I think this means he needs to resign.

Did Democrats stand in the way of any of those goals, or did he just not do them because he hates America and is a racist?
And here are the things Trump promised he'd have done in the first 100 days. Nobody held him at gunpoint and forced him to issue that document. So what is your explanation for why the goals he stated he achieve in 100 days are overwhelmingly incomplete?
  • Blame others --> Did Trump not realize he wasn't being elected monarch/dictator?
  • Trump failed to focus on the goals he set for himself --> Yes, that's just what a competent CEO would do, right? Not!
  • He didn't really mean that he'd do those things --> Ah, I get it. He was making up sh*t to get voters' approbation and votes, not because he actually had any plan or means of achieving those things.
Those are just three reasons. I'm sure you can come up with some other plausible ones that explain why the man went so far as to put in writing what he would do in his first 100 days.

You see, the "100 Days" failure illustrates multiple character failings of Donald Trump.
  • His utter inability to accurately assess the limits of what he can and cannot accomplish. One'd think that after 70 years, he'd be far better at doing that.
  • His need to present a grandiose image more so than merely accomplish whatever he does and make the best of that. Quite simply, there was never a call for Trump to promise to do any specific things in his first 100 days.

    Why he did that defies rational application of both sage management principles and strategic principles. And to what end? Now he's got Spicer out there "spinning," once again, to make the case that what is patently obvious to everyone who looks is instead not at all what they see. And what is the thematic thrust of his "spin?" That there isn't "really" a sense of urgency to accomplishing Trump's "100 Day" list of results.

Holy crap.....binding and everything.

I think this means he needs to resign.

Did Democrats stand in the way of any of those goals, or did he just not do them because he hates America and is a racist?

Dems do stand in the way, and despite that, he's doing pretty darned awesome.

Are we at 100 days yet?
Dude, if you are of a mind to toss a bunch of links at me you should read their content before doing so.

No news pundit there. A GW professor did, however say, "It’s clear nothing’s really happening on the legislative front, other than Gorsuch, for the Trump administration."

No news pundit there. "This man is without experience, and it's showing," said Robert Dallek, the presidential historian and author of multiple books on presidents, from Roosevelt and Truman to Kennedy, Nixon and Reagan. "Particularly in his dealings with Congress, he's been an utter failure in the sense that he's gotten nothing passed. He's issuing all sorts of executive orders, like immigration limits; they're failing. The attempt to get health care reform failed. I'd give him failing marks for his 100 days."

Here, we have a news pundit writing the article, but nowhere in it do they claim Trump has accomplished nothing.

100 days of failure for Trump? (Opinion) - CNN.com
2 days ago - As more people focus on his policy agenda -- and not earlier controversies -- DonaldTrump's biggest achievement in his first 100 days is that ...

This is a repeat of the editorial on which I immediately above remarked.

Schumer: Trump's First 100 Days a 'Failure' of Broken Promises ...
10 hours ago - Monday on MSNBC's “Morning Joe,” Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called President DonaldTrump's first 100 days in office a “failure” of broken ...

I don't know if this writer can even be called a pundit. I can't find a CV for her. I can tell that she didn't claim Trump has done nothing in his first 100 days, and ostensibly, the site for which she writes has something to do with news, but it's more aptly called a media site.

At that point it became clear that you had no idea of whether any of the writer's content you offered to illustrate the OP-er's claim that news pundits have tried to claim Trump accomplished nothing in his first 100 days did, in fact, do so. Because it was clear to me you've not even read the content you linked, I stopped reading it.
Last edited:
And here are the things Trump promised he'd have done in the first 100 days. Nobody held him at gunpoint and forced him to issue that document. So what is your explanation for why the goals he stated he achieve in 100 days are overwhelmingly incomplete?
  • Blame others --> Did Trump not realize he wasn't being elected monarch/dictator?
  • Trump failed to focus on the goals he set for himself --> Yes, that's just what a competent CEO would do, right? Not!
  • He didn't really mean that he'd do those things --> Ah, I get it. He was making up sh*t to get voters' approbation and votes, not because he actually had any plan or means of achieving those things.
Those are just three reasons. I'm sure you can come up with some other plausible ones that explain why the man went so far as to put in writing what he would do in his first 100 days.

You see, the "100 Days" failure illustrates multiple character failings of Donald Trump.
  • His utter inability to accurately assess the limits of what he can and cannot accomplish. One'd think that after 70 years, he'd be far better at doing that.
  • His need to present a grandiose image more so than merely accomplish whatever he does and make the best of that. Quite simply, there was never a call for Trump to promise to do any specific things in his first 100 days.

    Why he did that defies rational application of both sage management principles and strategic principles. And to what end? Now he's got Spicer out there "spinning," once again, to make the case that what is patently obvious to everyone who looks is instead not at all what they see. And what is the thematic thrust of his "spin?" That there isn't "really" a sense of urgency to accomplishing Trump's "100 Day" list of results.
View attachment 123139 View attachment 123138

The topic is about fake news pundits claiming that Trump has accomplished nothing so far, not what was or wasn't promised. :biggrin:
The topic is about fake news pundits claiming that Trump has accomplished nothing so far,

Fine. Please do provide specific instances where the noted pundits claimed Trump has accomplished nothing. Surely you've seen or head them doing so for you to assert that they have. Give us some quoted examples of a few of them doing just that.

Now that we have gotten the OBLIGATORY snowflake response of "NUH-UH!!" out of the way,....and we know that MANY pundits are claiming Trump's First 100 Days were a "FAILURE"...why don't you move along to the substance behind the OP.

Are you capable of discussion beyond, "NUH-UH!!"?
and we know that MANY pundits are claiming Trump's First 100 Days were a "FAILURE"...

Yes, many pundits have described Trump's first 100 days as a failure. But as you and I both learned as far back as primary school, one can fail at a task and still get some parts of it accomplished correctly and adequately. Pundits know that too, which is why they aren't trying to claim Trump's accomplished nothing.

Very few people, including Trump in his first 100 days, fail so thoroughly that they get nothing adequately accomplished. About the only folks who manage to pull off that "feat" are the ones who outright make no effort whatsoever to not-fail.
And here are the things Trump promised he'd have done in the first 100 days. Nobody held him at gunpoint and forced him to issue that document. So what is your explanation for why the goals he stated he achieve in 100 days are overwhelmingly incomplete?
  • Blame others --> Did Trump not realize he wasn't being elected monarch/dictator?
  • Trump failed to focus on the goals he set for himself --> Yes, that's just what a competent CEO would do, right? Not!
  • He didn't really mean that he'd do those things --> Ah, I get it. He was making up sh*t to get voters' approbation and votes, not because he actually had any plan or means of achieving those things.
Those are just three reasons. I'm sure you can come up with some other plausible ones that explain why the man went so far as to put in writing what he would do in his first 100 days.

You see, the "100 Days" failure illustrates multiple character failings of Donald Trump.
  • His utter inability to accurately assess the limits of what he can and cannot accomplish. One'd think that after 70 years, he'd be far better at doing that.
  • His need to present a grandiose image more so than merely accomplish whatever he does and make the best of that. Quite simply, there was never a call for Trump to promise to do any specific things in his first 100 days.

    Why he did that defies rational application of both sage management principles and strategic principles. And to what end? Now he's got Spicer out there "spinning," once again, to make the case that what is patently obvious to everyone who looks is instead not at all what they see. And what is the thematic thrust of his "spin?" That there isn't "really" a sense of urgency to accomplishing Trump's "100 Day" list of results.

Holy crap.....binding and everything.

I think this means he needs to resign.

Did Democrats stand in the way of any of those goals, or did he just not do them because he hates America and is a racist?

Dems do stand in the way, and despite that, he's doing pretty darned awesome.

Are we at 100 days yet?
De gustibus non disputandum est.

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