Fake News Pundits Trying to Claim "Nothing Accomplished" In Trump's First 100 Days

Signed 212 bills? Just how drunk are you??

All total, he's signed 30 bills...

Signed Legislation
I didn't say he signed 212 bills. You said that.

I said he ACCOMPLISHED more. Buy a dictionary.
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Yes, you said it, not me.
Signed 212 bills undoing Obama damage.

They whine every day that Trump accomplished this that and the other.

And now they claim that he hasn't accomplished anything. How delusional are these people?
And here are the things Trump promised he'd have done in the first 100 days. Nobody held him at gunpoint and forced him to issue that document. So what is your explanation for why the goals he stated he achieve in 100 days are overwhelmingly incomplete?
  • Blame others --> Did Trump not realize he wasn't being elected monarch/dictator?
  • Trump failed to focus on the goals he set for himself --> Yes, that's just what a competent CEO would do, right? Not!
  • He didn't really mean that he'd do those things --> Ah, I get it. He was making up sh*t to get voters' approbation and votes, not because he actually had any plan or means of achieving those things.
Those are just three reasons. I'm sure you can come up with some other plausible ones that explain why the man went so far as to put in writing what he would do in his first 100 days.

You see, the "100 Days" failure illustrates multiple character failings of Donald Trump.
  • His utter inability to accurately assess the limits of what he can and cannot accomplish. One'd think that after 70 years, he'd be far better at doing that.
  • His need to present a grandiose image more so than merely accomplish whatever he does and make the best of that. Quite simply, there was never a call for Trump to promise to do any specific things in his first 100 days.

    Why he did that defies rational application of both sage management principles and strategic principles. And to what end? Now he's got Spicer out there "spinning," once again, to make the case that what is patently obvious to everyone who looks is instead not at all what they see. And what is the thematic thrust of his "spin?" That there isn't "really" a sense of urgency to accomplishing Trump's "100 Day" list of results.
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The topic is about fake news pundits claiming that Trump has accomplished nothing so far, not what was or wasn't promised. :biggrin:
The topic is about fake news pundits claiming that Trump has accomplished nothing so far,

Fine. Please do provide specific instances where the noted pundits claimed Trump has accomplished nothing. Surely you've seen or head them doing so for you to assert that they have. Give us some quoted examples of a few of them doing just that.

Just turn on CNN and watch

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You said it twice, ya dildo.
2 typos. and don't insult me if you want to stay out of JAIL. :biggrin:

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

Make that PRISON - 5 years for FELONY.
Typos are hitting the wrong key -- you posted an entire sentence you claimed you didn't write.

And then you posted it again.

And good luck prosecuting me for abusing an old man. I can easily prove you were crazy before I ever posted to you.
Typos are hitting the wrong key -- you posted an entire sentence you claimed you didn't write.

And then you posted it again.

And good luck prosecuting me for abusing an old man. I can easily prove you were crazy before I ever posted to you.
1. Even if I was crazy, that wouldn't let you off the hook. You can't offend a senior citizen (65 or older) in Florida without commiting a felony. Do you live in Florida ?

2. You're just talking about typos or not, to escape from the topic of the thread. You know you're beaten on it, Mr Deflection.
Typos are hitting the wrong key -- you posted an entire sentence you claimed you didn't write.

And then you posted it again.

And good luck prosecuting me for abusing an old man. I can easily prove you were crazy before I ever posted to you.
1. Even if I was crazy, that wouldn't let you off the hook. You can't offend a senior citizen (65 or older) in Florida without commiting a felony. Do you live in Florida ?

2. You're just talking about typos or not, to escape from the topic of the thread. You know you're beaten on it, Mr Deflection.

Call 911:lmao:
ANd you STILL are hoodwinked by that disabled reporter SCAM. You STILL don't know the truth about that ? Of course you don't. I see you're still using that in your posts, as if it had an ounce of credibility.

Well, you're either baldfaced lying the scam to us, or you really are THAT IGNORANT.

Of course your liberal OMISSION media isn't going to provide you with the correction for that lying Hillary TV ad, now are they ? Poor information-deprived liberals. Sheeeesh!
ANd you STILL are hoodwinked by that disabled reporter SCAM. You STILL don't know the truth about that ? Of course you don't. I see you're still using that in your posts, as if it had an ounce of credibility.

Well, you're either baldfaced lying the scam to us, or you really are THAT IGNORANT.

Of course your liberal OMISSION media isn't going to provide you with the correction for that lying Hillary TV ad, now are they ? Poor information-deprived liberals. Sheeeesh!

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