Fake news that spawned Black Lives Matter


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Fake news that spawned Black Lives Matter
Exclusive: Jack Cashill traces movement back to bogus mainstream media reporting
Published: 4 hours ago


If there were ever a useful case study for the effect of fake news on real events, it was the media-spawned birth of the Black Lives Matter movement.

The movement congealed around two fatal incidents: the first, the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in 2012; the second, the shooting death of Michael Brown in 2014.

In both cases, the media created countless news stories out of whole cloth. These stories had the obvious effect of aggravating black-white tensions and the less obvious, but more deadly, effect of assuring police reticence in black neighborhoods.

For the record, the Black Lives Matter movement began as a hashtag in July 2013 immediately after the acquittal of neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman on second-degree murder charges.

That Zimmerman’s case even went to trial owed everything to the media’s eagerness to highlight white injustice. With little prompting, the media turned the six-foot, 160-pound, 17-year-old street fighter who viciously attacked Zimmerman into a “boy.”

As a corollary trick, they turned Zimmerman, a Hispanic civil-rights activist and Obama supporter, into a snarling white racist.

The upstart Current TV show, “The Young Turks,” created some imaginative fake news to advance this narrative. Three weeks after the shooting, host Cenk Uygur played the unedited Zimmerman call to the police dispatcher.

No network had done this, in part because Zimmerman used the word “f—ing.” Although the F-word was difficult to hear, the word that followed was impossible to hear, except of course by the social justice warriors (SJW) in the audience.

Able to find evidence of racism even in empty static, they convinced themselves that Zimmerman said, “f—ing coons.”


As the New York Times reported nearly a year after the shooting, the phrase “hands up, don’t shoot” had become “the national rallying cry of a new civil rights movement.”

The Times reported this after the Obama DOJ grudgingly conceded that the whole counter-factual surrender scenario was concocted on the spot by Brown’s running mate. The conservative blogosphere had figured this out within days of the shooting.

Even Attorney General Eric Holder thought it essential “to question how such a strong alternative version of events was able to take hold so swiftly, and be accepted so readily.”

Holder may have thought it essential, but the Times and the other media have not. They may occasionally back off the fake news they have created, but if they have ever apologized for it, the SJWs haven’t gotten the memo.

Fake news that spawned Black Lives Matter

The progressive media doesn't care about the facts so long as they can make it fit their agenda.


Fake news that spawned Black Lives Matter
Exclusive: Jack Cashill traces movement back to bogus mainstream media reporting
Published: 4 hours ago


If there were ever a useful case study for the effect of fake news on real events, it was the media-spawned birth of the Black Lives Matter movement.

The movement congealed around two fatal incidents: the first, the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in 2012; the second, the shooting death of Michael Brown in 2014.

In both cases, the media created countless news stories out of whole cloth. These stories had the obvious effect of aggravating black-white tensions and the less obvious, but more deadly, effect of assuring police reticence in black neighborhoods.

For the record, the Black Lives Matter movement began as a hashtag in July 2013 immediately after the acquittal of neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman on second-degree murder charges.

That Zimmerman’s case even went to trial owed everything to the media’s eagerness to highlight white injustice. With little prompting, the media turned the six-foot, 160-pound, 17-year-old street fighter who viciously attacked Zimmerman into a “boy.”

As a corollary trick, they turned Zimmerman, a Hispanic civil-rights activist and Obama supporter, into a snarling white racist.

The upstart Current TV show, “The Young Turks,” created some imaginative fake news to advance this narrative. Three weeks after the shooting, host Cenk Uygur played the unedited Zimmerman call to the police dispatcher.

No network had done this, in part because Zimmerman used the word “f—ing.” Although the F-word was difficult to hear, the word that followed was impossible to hear, except of course by the social justice warriors (SJW) in the audience.

Able to find evidence of racism even in empty static, they convinced themselves that Zimmerman said, “f—ing coons.”


As the New York Times reported nearly a year after the shooting, the phrase “hands up, don’t shoot” had become “the national rallying cry of a new civil rights movement.”

The Times reported this after the Obama DOJ grudgingly conceded that the whole counter-factual surrender scenario was concocted on the spot by Brown’s running mate. The conservative blogosphere had figured this out within days of the shooting.

Even Attorney General Eric Holder thought it essential “to question how such a strong alternative version of events was able to take hold so swiftly, and be accepted so readily.”

Holder may have thought it essential, but the Times and the other media have not. They may occasionally back off the fake news they have created, but if they have ever apologized for it, the SJWs haven’t gotten the memo.

Fake news that spawned Black Lives Matter
Actually, the Times' duplicity is much worse than that. I uncovered it back in Aug 2014. The New York Times is our enemy folks, and the Schulzbergers should be in jail.
Fake news that spawned Black Lives Matter
Exclusive: Jack Cashill traces movement back to bogus mainstream media reporting
Published: 4 hours ago


If there were ever a useful case study for the effect of fake news on real events, it was the media-spawned birth of the Black Lives Matter movement.

The movement congealed around two fatal incidents: the first, the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in 2012; the second, the shooting death of Michael Brown in 2014.

In both cases, the media created countless news stories out of whole cloth. These stories had the obvious effect of aggravating black-white tensions and the less obvious, but more deadly, effect of assuring police reticence in black neighborhoods.

For the record, the Black Lives Matter movement began as a hashtag in July 2013 immediately after the acquittal of neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman on second-degree murder charges.

That Zimmerman’s case even went to trial owed everything to the media’s eagerness to highlight white injustice. With little prompting, the media turned the six-foot, 160-pound, 17-year-old street fighter who viciously attacked Zimmerman into a “boy.”

As a corollary trick, they turned Zimmerman, a Hispanic civil-rights activist and Obama supporter, into a snarling white racist.

The upstart Current TV show, “The Young Turks,” created some imaginative fake news to advance this narrative. Three weeks after the shooting, host Cenk Uygur played the unedited Zimmerman call to the police dispatcher.

No network had done this, in part because Zimmerman used the word “f—ing.” Although the F-word was difficult to hear, the word that followed was impossible to hear, except of course by the social justice warriors (SJW) in the audience.

Able to find evidence of racism even in empty static, they convinced themselves that Zimmerman said, “f—ing coons.”


As the New York Times reported nearly a year after the shooting, the phrase “hands up, don’t shoot” had become “the national rallying cry of a new civil rights movement.”

The Times reported this after the Obama DOJ grudgingly conceded that the whole counter-factual surrender scenario was concocted on the spot by Brown’s running mate. The conservative blogosphere had figured this out within days of the shooting.

Even Attorney General Eric Holder thought it essential “to question how such a strong alternative version of events was able to take hold so swiftly, and be accepted so readily.”

Holder may have thought it essential, but the Times and the other media have not. They may occasionally back off the fake news they have created, but if they have ever apologized for it, the SJWs haven’t gotten the memo.

Fake news that spawned Black Lives Matter
Actually, the Times' duplicity is much worse than that. I uncovered it back in Aug 2014. The New York Times is our enemy folks, and the Schulzbergers should be in jail.
Trump will teach the media lessons when due, he'll tweet straight to the people...

Here is a tune that will make the left/media cringe, lol...

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