Fake phone calls ….

They are trying to get you to say yes, then with AI can manipulate accounts in your name. I get texts all the time, which i not only block but report as spam.
/—-/ I never say yes. When asked can you hear me or is this Cellblock2429? I respond with a question, What is this about? In fact, until they prove I do know them or if it’s a legitimate call, I answer each question with another question.
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Wow! I monitor calls and thus far I don't answer callers I don't recognize. Usually the spammers hang up right after listening to my brief automated message. Question: Where do you report these spammers ?
One thing I hate is when they leave their full one minute time with their message.

Thanks for any info.
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and what do you tell them?
For example:
For example:
do you tell them that?

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