Fake Senate ACA Replacement Already Blocked!

I think the people hurt the most by the ACA are small business owners who had to buy their own insurance and they didn't qualify for any subsodies. They were paying more so the poor could get free coverage.

But were they? Small businesses up to 50 employees were (and are) exempt from providing coverage to their workers, and also got generous tax credits for providing coverage to workers. So which small business owners did this hurt? The restaurant owner or the hedge fund? Not all small businesses are created equal.

I have to be honest, the poor don't deserve coverage. They didn't vote for Hillary so they must not want the healthcare that Democrats got for them.

Everyone deserves health care regardless of how ideologically confused they are. Everyone will need health care at some point in their lives and for most, they cannot afford the high costs of treating major conditions. That's why we have insurance in the first place.

Democrats need to stop worrying about poor people who don't vote. Focus on the middle class.

I think Democrats need to stop chasing corporate money; whether that's corporate money from Wall Street, Silicon Valley, or Hollywood. If Democrats abandon corporate donors, they no longer have to justify shitty corporate policies, and people will vote for them because of that.

No, I mean the small business owner who had to go buy their own insurance.

GOP Resurrects A Bill From 2003 To Help Small Firms Buy Health Insurance

Entrepreneurs and small businesses on why they hate — and love — Obamacare

Why 60 percent of small-business owners want Obamacare repealed

Health care has become an ongoing source of pain for many small-business owners. It was the top issue owners wanted Trump to address in a survey of 700 owners and prospective buyers in late February by BizBuy Sell, a marketplace for small businesses.

Among respondents, 60 percent favored an ACA repeal. The major reason: spiraling health insurance premiums — often a result of insurance companies fleeing the marketplace.

It is a trend affecting business owners in all states. Ross Coulter, 49, and his wife, who run a two-person public relations firm in Dallas, have been hunting for a new health insurance plan after Humana notified them it was discontinuing their current one. They had no immediate plans to slow their search after the House vote. They are looking for an affordable replacement by July 1 for the high-deductible plan, for which premiums are $900 a month for the couple and their three children.
So obiecare will be left to fail. Not a risky gamble, many will be hurt though.
The problem of bringing insurers to the table has back fired as they now are leaving for political points. I believe it was Aetna that was caught doing this even in markets where they were making money so as to win gop favor.
I believe you need to support your opinion.
Can't win without votes! Three GOP or more vote, "Nyet(?)" or however that is said(?)!

Enough GOP senators to block Obamacare replacement will announce opposition: NBC News, citing source

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(At GOP, the "Nyet" votes have it. . . .speaking of Lands of Many Nations!)

Hard to believe the Repubs will not support whatever HC Bill they end up with in the Senate. I would venture a guess they might lose the Senate in 2018 or 2020 if they don't pass something. Bitching about the ACA is so yesterday, they are in power now and they better be doing something or they're gone. And rightfully so.
Let Obamacare die on its own. Now that the insurance bailouts are ending, so will Obamacare.

It's time to move on. The ACA didn't work, plain and simple. Yeah, people signed up for it mostly cuz it was free or mostly subsidized; people love free stuff. But the truth is that we as a nation cannot afford free health care for everybody, to believe otherwise is to ignore reality. Not unless you want to have everybody paying a huge increase in taxes, and I mean everybody rather than just the top 50%. I think we can do better than the ACA and better than what we had before that, and better than a single payer system too. The problem is the politicians in Washington are too involved in their power games to do what's best for the rest of us, and we're too stupid to vote the bastards out of office.

Move on to what?

Obamacare that kills Medicaid and gives tax cuts to the rich

How is that better?
So obiecare will be left to fail. Not a risky gamble, many will be hurt though.
Why isn't Obamacare help along to success, its easily done

Easily done my ass. ObamaCare was a POS from day one and is getting worse. It never had a hope in hell of working out, and most people were against it from the getgo.
Must be why millions have signed up for it. Lets be honest, you don't know the first thing about the ACA
lets be honest, the reason they sign up is because of the fines if they don't in as much as anything.
wrong again, many do not pay fines
So obiecare will be left to fail. Not a risky gamble, many will be hurt though.

If the pubs don't have the balls to repeal it (which seems like a certainty), let it wither is better than a bad paint job.
Why isn't Obamacare help along to success, its easily done

Easily done my ass. ObamaCare was a POS from day one and is getting worse. It never had a hope in hell of working out, and most people were against it from the getgo.
Must be why millions have signed up for it. Lets be honest, you don't know the first thing about the ACA

Obviously more than you do. Millions signed up for it because they had pre-existing conditions or the gov't was paying some if not all of their medical costs. Millions more went on Medicaid and can't find a doctor, do you know how many counties there are in America were there is NO insurance company offering a plan under the ACA? I heard 70% this morning and it's getting worse. Have you seen the rise on premiums over the past few years since ObamaCare went into effect? And how much more the insurance companies are asking to raise premiums next year? Hells bells, most people can't afford to use the insurance they have, the co-pays and deductibles are too high.
Maybe you need to blame the insurance industry and not the ACA

Insurance companies are not in business to help failed gov't programs succeed, especially when they're losing money.
They shouldn't be in business to make a profit over healthcare, and determine who can get which procedures and who can't. To them its all about profits over people
So obiecare will be left to fail. Not a risky gamble, many will be hurt though.
Why isn't Obamacare help along to success, its easily done

Easily done my ass. ObamaCare was a POS from day one and is getting worse. It never had a hope in hell of working out, and most people were against it from the getgo.
Must be why millions have signed up for it. Lets be honest, you don't know the first thing about the ACA
lets be honest, the reason they sign up is because of the fines if they don't in as much as anything.
wrong again, many do not pay fines
Individual Mandate Penalty You Pay If You Don't Have Health Insurance Coverage

argue with them.
Why isn't Obamacare help along to success, its easily done

Easily done my ass. ObamaCare was a POS from day one and is getting worse. It never had a hope in hell of working out, and most people were against it from the getgo.
Must be why millions have signed up for it. Lets be honest, you don't know the first thing about the ACA
lets be honest, the reason they sign up is because of the fines if they don't in as much as anything.
wrong again, many do not pay fines
Individual Mandate Penalty You Pay If You Don't Have Health Insurance Coverage

argue with them.
How do you pay a penalty when you don't owe any taxes or your refund is way too small to cover any penalty?
So far, four conservative Senators including Cruz and Paul are opposed to the law....it is not mean enough
Still need to hear from Murkowsky and Collins from the center
Easily done my ass. ObamaCare was a POS from day one and is getting worse. It never had a hope in hell of working out, and most people were against it from the getgo.
Must be why millions have signed up for it. Lets be honest, you don't know the first thing about the ACA

Obviously more than you do. Millions signed up for it because they had pre-existing conditions or the gov't was paying some if not all of their medical costs. Millions more went on Medicaid and can't find a doctor, do you know how many counties there are in America were there is NO insurance company offering a plan under the ACA? I heard 70% this morning and it's getting worse. Have you seen the rise on premiums over the past few years since ObamaCare went into effect? And how much more the insurance companies are asking to raise premiums next year? Hells bells, most people can't afford to use the insurance they have, the co-pays and deductibles are too high.
Maybe you need to blame the insurance industry and not the ACA

Insurance companies are not in business to help failed gov't programs succeed, especially when they're losing money.
They shouldn't be in business to make a profit over healthcare
Should they be in business to make a loss over healthcare? How would that work out?

, and determine who can get which procedures and who can't.

They actually don't have that power - unless government gives it to them via the regulatory regime. Who is covered by a given policy, and for what, is spelled out in the policy contract. If you don't think the contract is fair, don't sign it. Before ACA, no one was forced to buy insurance.
well that's where we do agree. for *any* of this to work will take a culture shift. we have to revamp the medical profession and maybe help pay for the education if their first 5 years are in a gov type service. dunno. i can't picture that flying for many either but then they can pay for their own education and move on i suppose.
but to get this to happen a lot has to change in reference to how we've built this medical field/profession.

Totally agree. I like Israel's model where every citizen has to do two years of public service. I think that is a good model for what may work in this country. Do a few years of public service with the degree you got and all your debts are forgiven. For doctors, maybe they could work for low-income and under-served areas to "pay off" their school costs. I think there's lots of creative things that can be done.
No, I mean the small business owner who had to go buy their own insurance.

So, individual coverage or through SHOP? I think that if you're a small business owner who needs medical coverage, you should be allowed to purchase on the SHOP marketplace.

Among respondents, 60 percent favored an ACA repeal. The major reason: spiraling health insurance premiums — often a result of insurance companies fleeing the marketplace.

Yes, and this is the primary struggle we have with Obamacare or any other insurance reform that addresses universal coverage. It's just not possible to provide universal coverage and maintain profitability. So I think that leads us to having to make a tough choice; do we put patient needs above the needs of shareholders? I think, yes. I think that it's worth sacrificing the for-profit insurance system if it means everyone has coverage.

Problem is, there's no real way we can go from Obamacare to anything other than the system we had before, or single-payer. I suppose a Public Option would work to gradually move us to single-payer, which is why the insurance industry fought hard against it in 2009-10.
How do you pay a penalty when you don't owe any taxes or your refund is way too small to cover any penalty?

I think the penalty is separate from any refunds, EIC, or credits. But as I understand it, you can get a waiver.
Should they be in business to make a loss over healthcare? How would that work out?

They shouldn't be in business at all. Insurance companies put profits ahead of patient needs. Also, they cannot provide universal coverage and remain profitable. So I think it boils down to a simple choice as to which is more important; insurance company profitability or universal coverage. The two simply cannot exist in the same space together.

They actually don't have that power - unless government gives it to them via the regulatory regime. Who is covered by a given policy, and for what, is spelled out in the policy contract. If you don't think the contract is fair, don't sign it. Before ACA, no one was forced to buy insurance.

Well, they did have that power prior to the ACA. Thanks (?) to the ACA, insurance companies must spend at least 80% of your premium on your health care. Which, in my opinion is still too little to spend on health care. Particularly for the function and role insurance companies play in health care. So that begs the obvious question; what are insurance companies spending the remaining 20% on if not on your health care?
Easily done my ass. ObamaCare was a POS from day one and is getting worse. It never had a hope in hell of working out, and most people were against it from the getgo.
Must be why millions have signed up for it. Lets be honest, you don't know the first thing about the ACA
lets be honest, the reason they sign up is because of the fines if they don't in as much as anything.
wrong again, many do not pay fines
Individual Mandate Penalty You Pay If You Don't Have Health Insurance Coverage

argue with them.
How do you pay a penalty when you don't owe any taxes or your refund is way too small to cover any penalty?
good question. not my problem to solve however.
Must be why millions have signed up for it. Lets be honest, you don't know the first thing about the ACA
lets be honest, the reason they sign up is because of the fines if they don't in as much as anything.
wrong again, many do not pay fines
Individual Mandate Penalty You Pay If You Don't Have Health Insurance Coverage

argue with them.
How do you pay a penalty when you don't owe any taxes or your refund is way too small to cover any penalty?
good question. not my problem to solve however.
Nothing to solve. If you don't get a refund you don't pay a penalty

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