Family faces jail because of idiotic school policy

How 'bout because it's an athletic event not a graduation commencement.

Graduation is....not an accomplishment? And the graduation I posted, shall we just ignore that?

Tell you what, don't even bother. You're going to end up making yourself look very foolish. People are proud of their kids at graduation. Of course they want to cheer. It's not a crime. The only reason people have a big problem with is is because they are prudes who subscribe to a misguided notion of pristine perfection. Which, coincidentally, tends to coincide with white-preference racism.
Yes, some people are inconsiderate of others and feel that if they want to do something it must be okay.

Why are you asking about graduation no being an accomplishment? I don't see anywhere in this thread that anyone said it isn't.

And with the graduation that you posted, the cheering appears to be at the end which is when it is suppose to take place. "Please hold applause until the end" means exactly that.

Furthermore, I am sure you can find plenty of videos of white people cheering at inappropriate times during graduations, because it happens. Why are you trying to make this a black-white racist thing? It's a lack of class thing whatever the race.
rules are rules

Yeah! The rules are no cheering and that if you cheer you're going to go to jail! That's freedom baby!

and graduation ceremonies should be dignified.

Says who? Who decides what constitutes as dignified? What makes cheering for your child's success undignified? Are the parents at the swim meet not dignified? Oh yeah, that's different, somehow.

What's dignified about arresting and jailing someone for cheering the success of their child? That's what you call dignified!?!
Who says? How about the school that is conducting the graduation? If you don't want a dignified graduation, go to a school that has no dignity.
you really think it's appropriate and considerate to make an ass out of yourself in public

You're doing it right now. Quick, somebody arrest Ogibillm! He's making an ass out of himself!

making everyone around you wait and putting a stop, however temporary, to an event because you can't control yourself when you hear the name of your loved one?

If you don't want to be at the event, get up and walk out. Nobody is forcing you to be there. For fuck's sake, it's nothing but a ceremony to celebrate an accomplishment. If you don't want to show your pride in your child then that's your choice. Just because that's what you want for yourself doesn't make it wrong for other people to express their pride in their own child's success.

you think that when it goes unchecked it doesn't become a competition - which family can make the biggest asses out of themselves, with louder, longer, and more elaborate disruptions?

Oh yes, it often does. Long ago as it was, I still remember my HS graduation. My family, and some families of friends who were graduating with me, cheered when my name was called and I walked across the stage. Some people created a competition out of cheering the loudest.

Nobody cared. Because it was a graduation. The whole purpose is to celebrate success. So that's what people did.

the superintendent has solved his graduation disruption problem for years to come. i'm sure there are districts all over the country with supers wishing they had thought of it, or had the guts to go through with it.

Listen to how fucking crazy you sound. You want to throw people in jail just because they cheered in celebration of their child's graduation. And that's your idea of a free country? Jesus fucking Christ, you're one deranged individual.
you really think it's appropriate and considerate to make an ass out of yourself in public

You're doing it right now. Quick, somebody arrest Ogibillm! He's making an ass out of himself!

making everyone around you wait and putting a stop, however temporary, to an event because you can't control yourself when you hear the name of your loved one?

If you don't want to be at the event, get up and walk out. Nobody is forcing you to be there. For fuck's sake, it's nothing but a ceremony to celebrate an accomplishment. If you don't want to show your pride in your child then that's your choice. Just because that's what you want for yourself doesn't make it wrong for other people to express their pride in their own child's success.

you think that when it goes unchecked it doesn't become a competition - which family can make the biggest asses out of themselves, with louder, longer, and more elaborate disruptions?

Oh yes, it often does. Long ago as it was, I still remember my HS graduation. My family, and some families of friends who were graduating with me, cheered when my name was called and I walked across the stage. Some people created a competition out of cheering the loudest.

Nobody cared. Because it was a graduation. The whole purpose is to celebrate success. So that's what people did.

the superintendent has solved his graduation disruption problem for years to come. i'm sure there are districts all over the country with supers wishing they had thought of it, or had the guts to go through with it.

Listen to how fucking crazy you sound. You want to throw people in jail just because they cheered in celebration of their child's graduation. And that's your idea of a free country? Jesus fucking Christ, you're one deranged individual.
no, i want people to learn to behave as adults - and to face consequences when they disrupt events, or, as the charges say, disturb the peace.
Nobody thought to call this undignified. Not until a black person did the same thing....

Who says? How about the school that is conducting the graduation? If you don't want a dignified graduation, go to a school that has no dignity.

The government serves the people, not the other way around!

That's what you liberals can never seem to comprehend. It's not the school's place to tell parents that cheering for their children is undignified.

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