Family Feud: Democrats Enraged At Russia

Time to admit how truly bogus the ‘Russia helped Trump’…..or even the ‘Russia wanted Trump to win’ fairy tales are.
Look at you contradicting the entire intelligence community, congress, and to an extent even our dotard President. The rest of your post is retarded nonsense.

Wasn't it always the Liberal bumper stickers that always told us "Question Authority" ?
The justice department and these agencies investigating Hillary Clinton basicaly changed the definition of what a crime is so she could get a pass. There were deeply entrenched politicized members of the intelligence community who wanted Hillary to be Pres. and on the other side of the coin these people want to destroy Trump and his entire family so they are searching for a crime because of their bias.
Time to admit how truly bogus the ‘Russia helped Trump’…..or even the ‘Russia wanted Trump to win’ fairy tales are.
Look at you contradicting the entire intelligence community, congress, and to an extent even our dotard President. The rest of your post is retarded nonsense.

Wasn't it always the Liberal bumper stickers that always told us "Question Authority" ?
The justice department and these agencies investigating Hillary Clinton basicaly changed the definition of what a crime is so she could get a pass. There were deeply entrenched politicized members of the intelligence community who wanted Hillary to be Pres. and on the other side of the coin these people want to destroy Trump and his entire family so they are searching for a crime because of their bias.

"I'm sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic. We need to stand up and say we're Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration."
Hillary Rodham Clinton

11. If we are to believe the hype, Democrat are enraged about another nation working to influence our politics and elections.

Especially, Russia, the nation about which Democrats have been enamored for decades and generations.

Yet….we can point to elected Democrat officials praising another nation, Mexico in this example, for winning an election against American voters:

“Antonio Villaraigosa, then California State Assembly Speaker, thanked the president of Mexico for helping to overturn the will of California voters….60% of Californians voted in favor of Proposition 187, which would have denied government benefits to illegal alien, a federal judge overturned it.

“Zedillo Key to End of Prop. 187, Villaraigosa Says

MEXICO CITY — California Assembly Speaker Antonio Villaraigosa thanked President Ernesto Zedillo here Tuesday for helping defuse Proposition 187, saying the Mexican leader played a key role in scuttling the controversial state measure that denied benefits to illegal immigrants.

"As leader of the state Assembly, I say President Zedillo had great impact in defeating Proposition 187," Villaraigosa told a news conference…” Zedillo Key to End of Prop. 187, Villaraigosa Says

Soooo…..what happened to the angst about foreign influence in our system????????
Time to admit how truly bogus the ‘Russia helped Trump’…..or even the ‘Russia wanted Trump to win’ fairy tales are.
Look at you contradicting the entire intelligence community, congress, and to an extent even our dotard President. The rest of your post is retarded nonsense.

BlackFag, as usual you are wrong...

The heads of the intelligence community have been

proven dirty beyond a shadow of a doubt....

Only if the "truth isn't truth", you ascribe to "alternate facts" and you worship a disgusting orange blob that lies an average of 5 times a day. For the rest of us (a majority I might add) on Earth One, Russia interfered to help Trump.

Are Senate Republicans part of your "dirty" intelligence community?

New Senate Intelligence Committee report backs up the intel community's findings on Russian election meddling and flies in the face of Trump's attacks

You are dumber than most….

Just what did Russia do to change one vote Dumb Ass?

It’s your side that colluded with the Russians for the FAKE dossier

that was used to unlawfully get the FISA warrant…

Then the deep state operatives of both parties conspired to

destroy Trump with lies…

The Rino republicans Hate Trump because he threatens all swamp creatures…

You are a fool that’s being played by one party masquerading as two…………
Time to admit how truly bogus the ‘Russia helped Trump’…..or even the ‘Russia wanted Trump to win’ fairy tales are.
Look at you contradicting the entire intelligence community, congress, and to an extent even our dotard President. The rest of your post is retarded nonsense.

BlackFag, as usual you are wrong...

The heads of the intelligence community have been

proven dirty beyond a shadow of a doubt....

Only if the "truth isn't truth", you ascribe to "alternate facts" and you worship a disgusting orange blob that lies an average of 5 times a day. For the rest of us (a majority I might add) on Earth One, Russia interfered to help Trump.

Are Senate Republicans part of your "dirty" intelligence community?

New Senate Intelligence Committee report backs up the intel community's findings on Russian election meddling and flies in the face of Trump's attacks

You are dumber than most….

Just what did Russia do to change one vote Dumb Ass?

While I may not be smarter than many, I'm assuredly not dumber than most. I'm smart enough to have read assessments of the indictments against the Russians. It lays out in detail what the Russians did.

It should concern all Americans. As Rod Rosenstein stated when he read the indictments:

In my remarks, I have not identified the victims. When we confront foreign interference in American elections, it’s important for us to avoid thinking politically as Republicans or Democrats and instead to think patriotically as Americans. Our response must not depend on which side was victimized. The internet allows foreign adversaries to attack America in new and unexpected ways. Free and fair elections are always hard fought and contentious.

There will always be adversaries who seek to exacerbate our divisions and try to confuse, divide, and conquer us. So long as we are united in our commitment to the values enshrined in the Constitution, they will not succeed. A partisan warfare fueled by modern technology does not fairly reflect the grace, dignity, and unity of the American people. The blame for election interference belongs to the criminals who commit election interference. We need to work together to hold the perpetrators accountable, and we need to keep moving forward to preserve our values, protect against future interference, and defend America.

It’s your side that colluded with the Russians for the FAKE dossier

My "side" is America and getting to the bottom of who all was involved in the crimes committed against her.

List all the parts of the Steele dossier that have been definitively disproved. (You are aware that parts have been verified, right? )

that was used to unlawfully get the FISA warrant…

It was used as collaboration for information they already had. The Steele Dossier was only part of the reason for the FISA warrant. Are you aware the warrant has been released to the public?

Then the deep state operatives of both parties conspired to

destroy Trump with lies…

The Rino republicans Hate Trump because he threatens all swamp creatures…

You are a fool that’s being played by one party masquerading as two…………
You just sound completely insane when you babble about a "deep state"
What we, as Americans, know: Russia interfered to help Trump win

What we, as Americans, don't know: How much American help they had.

I want to know, don't you?

How are we going to know since mueller is leading a scam investigation to hide his own illegal activities and failing to report the collusion that clinton had with the russians. Neither of you want to know anything.
What we, as Americans, know: Russia interfered to help Trump win

What we, as Americans, don't know: How much American help they had.

I want to know, don't you?

How are we going to know since mueller is leading a scam investigation to hide his own illegal activities and failing to report the collusion that clinton had with the russians. Neither of you want to know anything.

:lol: Wow, new tinfoil!
What we, as Americans, know: Russia interfered to help Trump win

What we, as Americans, don't know: How much American help they had.

I want to know, don't you?

How are we going to know since mueller is leading a scam investigation to hide his own illegal activities and failing to report the collusion that clinton had with the russians. Neither of you want to know anything.

:lol: Wow, new tinfoil!

No, thats not tinfoil.
What we, as Americans, know: Russia interfered to help Trump win

What we, as Americans, don't know: How much American help they had.

I want to know, don't you?

How are we going to know since mueller is leading a scam investigation to hide his own illegal activities and failing to report the collusion that clinton had with the russians. Neither of you want to know anything.

:lol: Wow, new tinfoil!

No, thats not tinfoil.

Oh, you recycle. An environmentally conscious conspiracy theorist. Good on you!
What we, as Americans, know: Russia interfered to help Trump win

What we, as Americans, don't know: How much American help they had.

I want to know, don't you?
Oh really!

Putin convinced me and a number of other Independents and Democrats to vote against Hillary.

Giving Trump the Presidency.


Our spies had a network to force Hillary to accuse half the Country of being...


That alone had me find Democrats and those who cheered them as even more Deplorable.

Move to North Korea.
What we, as Americans, know: Russia interfered to help Trump win

What we, as Americans, don't know: How much American help they had.

I want to know, don't you?
Oh really!

Putin convinced me and a number of other Independents and Democrats to vote against Hillary.

Giving Trump the Presidency.


Our spies had a network to force Hillary to accuse half the Country of being...


That alone had me find Democrats and those who cheered them as even more Deplorable.

Move to North Korea.

I don't know where you got the idea that a crime must have a successful completion in order for it to be considered a crime.
Ya know, while the Left shits in it's panties and keeps our system bogged down in it's cesspools of despair and deception, (because someone like Trump might actually want America to be a great place), China is steadily moving ahead and taking the lead on critical matters.

We can all thank the left's demand to destroy America for allowing China to surpass the US as the worlds largest economy, in AI, the Internet and all things vitally important to national security and national prosperity.

The Left.....the definition of depravity and waste product.

The Left is FAR more interested in what Beyonce's next album title is, and that whites not use certain words, than that China is pulling ahead of us at an alarming pace.

But rest assured, the motherfuckers will be quick to blame it ALL on the Right and Trump. same as they blame guns and not their fucked up social policies for the inner city messes nationwide.

Leftist A-holes are a more deadly plague on humanity than Ebola on a crowded bus.
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What time is it in Moscow?

Looks like the trolls woke up...
What time is it in Moscow?
Looks like the trolls woke up...

What time is it in the toilet you're swimming in?
Looks like the turds woke up

What time is it in Moscow?
Looks like the trolls woke up...

What time is it in the toilet you're swimming in?
Looks like the turds woke up

Trolls do get angry don't they

You're asking yourself, Noobskie ? You mad bro?

Learn not to be such a jackass and maybe you'll make some friends to talk to :rolleyes:

As for your Snowflake anger issues....dunno....try a chocolate flavored pacifier maybe.
Where you stick it is up to you.
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What we, as Americans, know: Russia interfered to help Trump win

What we, as Americans, don't know: How much American help they had.

I want to know, don't you?
Oh really!

Putin convinced me and a number of other Independents and Democrats to vote against Hillary.

Giving Trump the Presidency.


Our spies had a network to force Hillary to accuse half the Country of being...


That alone had me find Democrats and those who cheered them as even more Deplorable.

Move to North Korea.

I don't know where you got the idea that a crime must have a successful completion in order for it to be considered a crime.

Strange that you would mention a 'successful completion' of a crime.....

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying on the Trump campaign?

Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies
What time is it in Moscow?
Looks like the trolls woke up...

What time is it in the toilet you're swimming in?
Looks like the turds woke up

Trolls do get angry don't they

You're asking yourself, Noobskie ? You mad bro?

Learn not to be such a jackass and maybe you'll make some friends to talk to :rolleyes:

As for your Snowflake anger issues....dunno....try a chocolate flavored pacifier maybe.
Where you stick it is up to you.

In what world would you think I would want friends like you?
What time is it in Moscow?
Looks like the trolls woke up...

What time is it in the toilet you're swimming in?
Looks like the turds woke up

Trolls do get angry don't they

You're asking yourself, Noobskie ? You mad bro?

Learn not to be such a jackass and maybe you'll make some friends to talk to :rolleyes:

As for your Snowflake anger issues....dunno....try a chocolate flavored pacifier maybe.
Where you stick it is up to you.

In what world would you think I would want friends like you?

He's suggesting that you might move out of your parent's basement, and join the real world.

Your passport photo????

What we, as Americans, know: Russia interfered to help Trump win

What we, as Americans, don't know: How much American help they had.

I want to know, don't you?
Oh really!

Putin convinced me and a number of other Independents and Democrats to vote against Hillary.

Giving Trump the Presidency.


Our spies had a network to force Hillary to accuse half the Country of being...


That alone had me find Democrats and those who cheered them as even more Deplorable.

Move to North Korea.

I don't know where you got the idea that a crime must have a successful completion in order for it to be considered a crime.

Strange that you would mention a 'successful completion' of a crime.....

Difference between Watergate and the Obama Spying on the Trump campaign?

Watergate was a failed attempt by a political party to spy on their political enemies

Obama spying was a Trump lie debunked ages ago. You guys need new material.

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