Family mourns man killed trying to stop shooting spree

You really are a nut case. It's not possible to carry on an intelligent discussion with you. Once again, I'm done with you. You need mental health care.

I'm sure that the concept of putting yourself at risk to help another is crazy to you. Liberals only talk about sacrificing and even then it's with someone else's life or money.
Family mourns man killed while trying to stop shooting spree | Las Vegas Review-Journal


Joseph Robert Wilcox wasn’t one for the limelight.

And yet the 31-year-old Las Vegan is being heralded as a hero for giving his life while trying to stop Jerad and Amanda Miller in the midst of their shooting spree in the east valley late Sunday morning.

After executing two Las Vegas police officers at CiCi’s Pizza, Jerad Miller entered a nearby Wal-Mart, at Nellis Boulevard and Stewart Avenue, fired a round in the air and ordered everyone to leave, setting off a panic. It was at that point, instead of running, Wilcox approached Jerad Miller from behind.

Law enforcement sources said Wilcox, who had a concealed weapons permit and carried a handgun, was ready to “end it” when Amanda Miller, who was behind Wilcox, shot and killed him.

Standing outside her home in the Sunrise Oaks mobile home park off of Lamb Boulevard near Washington Avenue on Monday afternoon, Debra Wilcox took phone calls from reporters, accepted a 3-foot tall teddy bear from a neighbor and lamented that her son was not there to see it all.

“I wish Joseph could see this. That everybody was grateful for what he tried to do,” said Debra Wilcox, fighting back tears.

There were more phone calls from relatives and friends. There were more tears shed by his extended family.

Debra Wilcox tried to stay strong. “I want him back home,” she said.

How a "good guy with a gun" took a fatal bullet to the back

Joseph Wilcox is dead today because he strapped on his gun before he left for Wal Mart two days ago. Sadly, his family doesn't have the money to pay for his burial:

While dealing with their grief, Wilson said family members have the added burden of trying to find the financial means to provide a proper burial for Joseph Wilcox.

Debra Wilcox said she has no money to pay for her son’s funeral expenses.

If you want to help the family out, here is the info to make a donation:

Wilcox Memorial Fund

A memorial fund has been set up for Joseph Wilcox at Wells Fargo. Those who wish to contribute to the Joseph R. Wilcox Memorial Fund can do so using account number 8485852688.

I am sorry that Joseph Wilcox lost his life. I am also sorry that he believed the propaganda that told him he needed to carry a gun in order to be safe in an urban environment.

It ended up costing him his life.

We've got to end this madness.

Nothing says "low life degenerate" or "liberal" like using the murder of a brave man to push an anti-freedom agenda.

"people" like you make me hope there's a hell.
You really are a nut case. It's not possible to carry on an intelligent discussion with you. Once again, I'm done with you. You need mental health care.

Who's actually the one who needs mental therapy? The person who said they were done with me and then states it's the same situation but comes back for more.. That's known as insanity. My theory is that you're out of your league based upon the merit of your argument. You looked for a small opening to try to personally insult me and found your own words being thrown back in your face.. LOL Take care !!
He shouldn't have tried to play the hero. The safest thing to do is to protect yourself.

yes, be a coward and let others die

ahh, the liberal mind set, hide in the herd and hope the predator takes out the sick and old, never thinking it might be them that's sick and old.
In the US, we have more guns per capita than any country on Earth, nearly twice as many per capita as Yemen or Serbia. Doesn't that say anything to anyone? Don't the right wing gun enthusiasts get it at all? This is a very, very violent country. For private citizens to own so many guns is sick; it's a sickness.

Guns per 100 people: US = 97, Serbia = 58.2, and Yemen = 54.8

actually with all those guns and only .00003 of them ever killing someone it tells me we are a very nonviolent country. the number of guns that actually ever kills someone is an incredibly small percentage. in fact with that percentage, any other item would be labeled as no risk. imagine a medication that only had a negative impact on .00003 of the people who took it. it would be a total homerun.

another fact is, while the number of guns continues to increase rapidly, 66,000,000 more in the last 5 years, the number of deaths continues to decrease. more guns = less deaths.

That's patently ridiculous.

More Guns always equals more deaths by guns.

The US cannot disarm every citizen, ever. Impractical, and harmful, I know families that live on game, and gardens in forested areas, how can they protect themselves from wild animals?
nice job on shitting on this guy's life by making it about your rabid anti gun crusade

you're pathetic luddly

Nice job using this man's needless death to sell more guns. But, he knew what he was doing. Its his family who's suffering because he had to play Mighty Mouse.

Like I said, we've got to end this madness.

Gun control works if you take all guns away, but that only works if the vast majority of the people support that type of ban. There is no such support for that type of ban in the US, so it's not going to happen.


Is what a complete moron sounds like.

He all but says; Honest people, that don't want trouble will disarm, but I know criminals won't.

and he still supports making everyone easy pickings.
He may not have been trying to 'play the hero.' His only thought may have been to stop the shooting. However, it didn't work, and, to me, this is a salient point. The pro-gun people are always saying that if people were armed, they could stop things like mass shootings. Obviously, as we can see from this incident, that isn't true.

So you use one example and it is now the standard?

So policemen get killed in the line of duty, should we disarm them?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

And you choose to overlook the obvious fact that it is far more common and far more likely for an untrained, private citizen to be injured or killed when using a firearm.

You have one example, there have been several where intruders came into the home to violate, rob or kill and the results have been the gun owner killing the perp.

So I disagree with your premise that it is obvious, or a fact, or common.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

i tried to sell more guns? can you for once be honest luddly?

you shit on this guys life in order to pursue your rabid anti gun crusade. if he used a knife or a car you would never have posted this story. you are a sick individual.

No he can't.

His honesty is exactly what you dislike about him most. He's got a different point of view than you....and he states it. You'd prefer that he wouldn't.

The dishonesty here comes from Yurt....who knows that Luddy wasn't referring to Yurt personally selling guns. Why is it that Yurt keyed in on that? Is it because he's so honest?

hey retard, it's irrelevant as to who he was talking to.

"people" like you use this, constantly, to push your anti-freedom views on the rest of us.

You and luddy are scum and both of you are liars.
My guess is that 99.9 percent of those who think they are prepared to defend themselves by killing someone have never killed a human being and have no idea what it's like. Also, same statistic, they have never been in a situation where there was gunfire and they have no idea how they would react. Also, same statistic, they have never been in a situation where their life was threatened with violence, and even if they were carrying a gun, they don't know at all how they'd react or if the gun would actually protect them. That situation usually backfires (pun intended). They are all hot air. Windbags. Blustering little beings thinking the gun makes them tough.

Even someone as unimaginative, boring, and dense as yourself might have wondered what they may do if threatened?


Nah, probably not.
The man tried to save lives. He died doing so. Sometimes heroes die, and that sucks.

Actually, he might have succeeded.

The articles in the OP omit this from the story....


Wonder why....
My guess is that 99.9 percent of those who think they are prepared to defend themselves by killing someone have never killed a human being and have no idea what it's like. Also, same statistic, they have never been in a situation where there was gunfire and they have no idea how they would react. Also, same statistic, they have never been in a situation where their life was threatened with violence, and even if they were carrying a gun, they don't know at all how they'd react or if the gun would actually protect them. That situation usually backfires (pun intended). They are all hot air. Windbags. Blustering little beings thinking the gun makes them tough.

I know what it's like. It's not any fun, but sometimes necessary.

i tried to sell more guns? can you for once be honest luddly?

you shit on this guys life in order to pursue your rabid anti gun crusade. if he used a knife or a car you would never have posted this story. you are a sick individual.

No he can't.

His honesty is exactly what you dislike about him most. He's got a different point of view than you....and he states it. You'd prefer that he wouldn't.

The dishonesty here comes from Yurt....who knows that Luddy wasn't referring to Yurt personally selling guns. Why is it that Yurt keyed in on that? Is it because he's so honest?

what did my post have to do with selling guns?

luddly was completely dishonest about that, because i never once mentioned or inferred anything about selling guns.
Family mourns man killed while trying to stop shooting spree | Las Vegas Review-Journal


Joseph Robert Wilcox wasn’t one for the limelight.

And yet the 31-year-old Las Vegan is being heralded as a hero for giving his life while trying to stop Jerad and Amanda Miller in the midst of their shooting spree in the east valley late Sunday morning.

After executing two Las Vegas police officers at CiCi’s Pizza, Jerad Miller entered a nearby Wal-Mart, at Nellis Boulevard and Stewart Avenue, fired a round in the air and ordered everyone to leave, setting off a panic. It was at that point, instead of running, Wilcox approached Jerad Miller from behind.

Law enforcement sources said Wilcox, who had a concealed weapons permit and carried a handgun, was ready to “end it” when Amanda Miller, who was behind Wilcox, shot and killed him.

Standing outside her home in the Sunrise Oaks mobile home park off of Lamb Boulevard near Washington Avenue on Monday afternoon, Debra Wilcox took phone calls from reporters, accepted a 3-foot tall teddy bear from a neighbor and lamented that her son was not there to see it all.

“I wish Joseph could see this. That everybody was grateful for what he tried to do,” said Debra Wilcox, fighting back tears.

There were more phone calls from relatives and friends. There were more tears shed by his extended family.

Debra Wilcox tried to stay strong. “I want him back home,” she said.

How a "good guy with a gun" took a fatal bullet to the back

Joseph Wilcox is dead today because he strapped on his gun before he left for Wal Mart two days ago. Sadly, his family doesn't have the money to pay for his burial:

While dealing with their grief, Wilson said family members have the added burden of trying to find the financial means to provide a proper burial for Joseph Wilcox.

Debra Wilcox said she has no money to pay for her son’s funeral expenses.

If you want to help the family out, here is the info to make a donation:

Wilcox Memorial Fund

A memorial fund has been set up for Joseph Wilcox at Wells Fargo. Those who wish to contribute to the Joseph R. Wilcox Memorial Fund can do so using account number 8485852688.

I am sorry that Joseph Wilcox lost his life. I am also sorry that he believed the propaganda that told him he needed to carry a gun in order to be safe in an urban environment.

It ended up costing him his life.

We've got to end this madness.

had Wilcox been able to carry an AR 15 like his 2nd amendment rights allow him to he could have ended it. he wouldn't have had to approach to a safe distance. you're right the madness must be stopped. gun grabbers and their ridiculous laws need to be cut off cold. criminals will always have the advantage when law abiding citizens who follow these asinine laws are put at a disadvantage
I made a factual declaration dickweed.. You and every flaming leftist may as well shut your fat mouths because you will never disarm Americans and should you try, you will find a true Civil War.

A civil war over guns. Though the percentage of guns in the country is high, the percentage of people who own guns is low. Most people are not with you and will not support you or fight side by side with you over guns. (Fortunately most Americans are sane.) As well, whatever crazy fire power you think you have, it is no match for the US military. What a joke. Declaring war against the government is treason. You will end up dead or spending the rest of your life in prison. Better come up with another plan.

Yea right.. That's why we have open carry and there's not a damn thing you leftists can do about it. LMAO If you hadn't noticed Tokyo Rose, we're winning the battle on the right to keep and bear arms.. < winks > Don't take that as flirting.. I like women soft and sensual.

As I have often said, I'm in favor of open carry.

If you live in the US, the war to keep and bear arms was fought and won a long tine ago and not by whiny little conservatives. They were busy turning progressives over to the king of England.

I don't really care how you like women but the ones I call my friends would react the same way I do at all this silly posturing and swagger. Grow up and live in the real world.

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A civil war over guns. Though the percentage of guns in the country is high, the percentage of people who own guns is low. Most people are not with you and will not support you or fight side by side with you over guns. (Fortunately most Americans are sane.) As well, whatever crazy fire power you think you have, it is no match for the US military. What a joke. Declaring war against the government is treason. You will end up dead or spending the rest of your life in prison. Better come up with another plan.

Yea right.. That's why we have open carry and there's not a damn thing you leftists can do about it. LMAO If you hadn't noticed Tokyo Rose, we're winning the battle on the right to keep and bear arms.. < winks > Don't take that as flirting.. I like women soft and sensual.

Oh, so you are actually a man....that adds up. Or possibly bi, or gay, or trans? :D

Apparently he/she is confused by a lot things. In other threads, it says it's a Christian but later said it isn't.



Maybe tomorrow it will be something else.

Or maybe it will be fighting the Revolution and winning us our right to keep and bear arms.

Or not.

Frankly, I thing some of these folks are posting from a padded room.

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