Family Suing After Second Grader Pinned to The Ground by School Resource Officer

The kid needs a good ass-whoopin' from his father. Autism isn't an excuse for being a little asshole.

My fiancee is a high functioning autistic (Asperger's) but he has never used that as an excuse when he's done things wrong. Even as a child he has always blamed himself for his actions not his autism.
My fiancee is a high functioning autistic (Asperger's) but he has never used that as an excuse when he's done things wrong. Even as a child he has always blamed himself for his actions not his autism.

We have no evidence this kid did anything.

It does note the officer deleted the encounter from his body camera.
We have no evidence this kid did anything.

I know we don't and I wasn't specifically talking about that situation. We also have no evidence that this was unprovoked though.
A little kid provoking a cop. Ok.

Did you happen to catch the other video I posted of the little kid throwing things at people and kicking the cop who handcuffed him?
Did you happen to catch the other video I posted of the little kid throwing things at people and kicking the cop who handcuffed him?

Cop would have no business being there. A children's mental health professional should be.
Cop would have no business being there. A children's mental health professional should be.

Sounds like wanting to defund the police to me. What would have happened if the policeman hadn't been there and the child would have seriously hurt one of the teachers involved in the video that I was just talking about? Here's the word of the day for you kids... It's called liability and that's what your parents now have.
Cops have no business being in Elementary school addressing small kids.

They do when little kids are caught bringing guns to school and shooting people now as has happened these days. Easy solution: give teachers the freedom to arm and defend themselves.
They do when little kids are caught bringing guns to school and shooting people now as has happened these days. Easy solution: give teachers the freedom to arm and defend themselves.

Exactly! What about the teacher that was shot by the six year old? I'm sure that she's glad that the police got involved, but the democrats have an agenda. No police means they're free to go on a rampage.
There definitely has to be more to the story here.

What do I see here?
  1. Children of color definitely seem to have high incidences of behavior disorders these days, especially vented against authority figures.
  2. The child has an admitted severe behavior disorder and needs special care.
  3. There was an admitted incident where the child did something very inappropriate in the lunchroom.
  4. The person overseeing him in the video appears to be struggling hard to wrest control of the child and felt it necessary to pin him to the ground to keep control.
  5. The child sustained minor injuries, which is unclear how they happened but likely would not have happened had the child been cooperating.
This calls for an investigation and will likely result in a suspension of the teacher pending review. The parents need to get the boy on drugs and in the care of a facility better equipped to deal with such children one on one. Maybe special padding for the teachers, padded walls and cameras in every room. People overlook that even a 8 year old boy can be surprisingly strong and dangerous given the opportunity, and might take serious effort for an adult to completely control without aggressive restraint if the child goes manic.

The parents should probably look into putting the boy in a special care facility designed to cope with violent behavior after trying drug therapy.
Sounds like wanting to defund the police to me. What would have happened if the policeman hadn't been there and the child would have seriously hurt one of the teachers involved in the video that I was just talking about? Here's the word of the day for you kids... It's called liability and that's what your parents now have.

Meh, how much do you think this kids parents are going to get?
They do when little kids are caught bringing guns to school and shooting people now as has happened these days. Easy solution: give teachers the freedom to arm and defend themselves.

I believe a person has the right to defend themselves.

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