Family Suing After Second Grader Pinned to The Ground by School Resource Officer

Cop would have no business being there. A children's mental health professional should be.
Thats what I don't understand
Sounds like wanting to defund the police to me. What would have happened if the policeman hadn't been there and the child would have seriously hurt one of the teachers involved in the video that I was just talking about? Here's the word of the day for you kids... It's called liability and that's what your parents now have.
...A six year old?
Sometimes children become so violent that they cjan hurt themselves and must be restrained.
Have you ever seen a dog or cat disciplining a young one? They get the paw. They are held down by a Parental paw until they behave,
This seems to be getting normal now. Perhaps a small, padded room can be used in schools to put a child into for his/her safety and others around them. This is tough because the child is always the innocent one from a reaction he may cause from authorities. Discipline to some degree is needed to come back. Radical students for any cause need to take a hike. This was a youngster though. Its amazing you can see fims from the 1930's on to today and still see issues in schools. Only we have spent countess dollars to make them better and all inclusive.
There definitely has to be more to the story here. Sure it looks pretty harsh for a little kid, but more than likely something led to this.

He probably sucker punched the officer while he was trying to hand him a lollipop. We learned during the Trayvon Martin trial that black kids have the same strength as a grown man.
Sometimes children become so violent that they cjan hurt themselves and must be restrained.
Have you ever seen a dog or cat disciplining a young one? They get the paw. They are held down by a Parental paw until they behave,
How many times has a cop put a paw on one of your kids or does that only happen to black kids.
We have no evidence this kid did anything.

It does note the officer deleted the encounter from his body camera.
I second this. My big question is why was a cop even needed at all?

God bless you and the boy always!!!

A federal lawsuit accuses a Laramie County, Wyoming, deputy of violating an 8-year-old boy's rights by tackling him to the ground and restraining him at school when he hadn't done anything wrong. The deputy then deleted body camera footage of the assault, the lawsuit claims.

The lawsuit emphasizes that the boy was not suspected of any crime, was not under arrest and did not have a weapon.
According to the lawsuit, when the boy's father asked why the deputy put his hands on J.D. when he wasn't hurting anyone, the deputy said "Because, as a law enforcement officer, that's my primary function."

When J.D. got up to go back to class, the lawsuit says, the deputy grabbed him by the arm, "forcibly wrestled" him into a conference room and "repeatedly slammed J.D. face down onto the floor of the conference room, causing multiple bleeding facial injuries." He then climbed on top of the boy and pinned him facedown on the floor, causing him to struggle to breathe, and screamed threats at him, the lawsuit says. Wyoming law prohibits the use of prone restraint in schools, the lawsuit says.
The lawsuit says the portion of the body camera video showing the assault was deleted by the deputy. The details come from a report filed by the principal.

Body camera video that wasn't deleted shows the boy pinned under the deputy as the boy "screams and cries in pain and fear," the lawsuit says. It also shows him bleeding from wounds on his face. The assault continued for "many minutes," the lawsuit says.

Tell me Lord-Humungus what would you do if this were your son?
Sometimes children become so violent that they cjan hurt themselves and must be restrained.
Have you ever seen a dog or cat disciplining a young one? They get the paw. They are held down by a Parental paw until they behave,
You pussies Whine when police resist you in J6 then think its ok to have cops vs SIX YEAR OLDS.
Kids of all races act up and have trouble controlling themselves. Skin tone should not be a determining factor in how you handle them. Apparently you don’t agree with that
This kid wasn't acting up, we see this bullshit all the time where a black kid is being assaulted by a cop or school resource officer. This what allows this crap to go on, because coons like you want to go along to get along.
This kid wasn't acting up, we see this bullshit all the time where a black kid is being assaulted by a cop or school resource officer. This what allows this crap to go on, because coons like you want to go along to get along.
When know at a minimum he acted inappropriate in the lunchroom. There is no need for you to be a lying ape throwing shit at what you don’t understand, but you just can’t seem to help yourself.
When know at a minimum he acted inappropriate in the lunchroom. There is no need for you to be a lying ape throwing shit at what you don’t understand, but you just can’t seem to help yourself.
Tell me boot licker what inappropriate act did a 7yr old black kid commit to be handled in that manner.

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