Fani Willis and Wade referred to Georgia State Bar for Misconduct

Is it your contention that if I took 10k out of my savings account and bought myself a top of the line gaming computer and put the rest toward my campaign; that is illegal?
No dumb ass but if your took 10k out of your campaign funds and did the same thing it would be.
The CNN transcripts are incomplete and edited. She talked a lot more than the transcripts reflect. None of her responses were concise or particularly responsive to the question. It was mostly rationalizations and deflections.

She said she lost 50K in her 2018 campaign, and that was money she withdrew from her retirement account. She told some reporters/writers that she was living month-to-month, poorme, etc.

She was asked if she could show where the cash that she was using to reimburse Wade came from. She said she took it from her campaign. She didn't say she withdrew it from personal funds, she said her campaign.

That's a no-no. Campaign funds have accounting rules and restrictions on how they are spent.

She just volunteered that statement- no one had accused her of anything, it just slipped out in one of her rambles.

She was scheduled to return the next morning, and I was getting out the popcorn. Bummer the DA's office wouldn't let her go back, lol.
So you have proof she took it from campaign funds?
Yeah I have all this proof sitting at my house Im just not handing it over to the GA election commission randomly. No one has said anything about having proof she did what was implied in her testimony. Certainly I havent. Her campaign should be audited and if there's no wrong doing she's got nothing to worry about. Not sure why your defending her so hard. Oh wait yes I do.....
Really? Why? Becausd you know Trump is guilt.
Ass hole
Are you sure your face piercing isn't poking your brain? Calm down. Take your meds. And understand that just because you don't want to see America Great Again doesn't mean that Trump is guilty of your imaginary crime. That's not only poor logic but just plain stupid.
Yeah I have all this proof sitting at my house Im just not handing it over to the GA election commission randomly. No one has said anything about having proof she did what was implied in her testimony. Certainly I havent. Her campaign should be audited and if there's no wrong doing she's got nothing to worry about. Not sure why your defending her so hard. Oh wait yes I do.....
What did she imply in her testimony? You don't even fucking know. I posted the transcript of her testimony. Why don't you try and see if there's anything in there that supports your claim.
Legal decisions are not based on your confusion. They are based on fact.
From what I've seen the last couple years, it looks like the legal winner is the one that has the judge on their side. And who ever knew there were so many crooked judges, especially Democrats. That must be because Democrats don't really like the country, the constitution or our laws as they are, MAGA
I know what she said because I posted the transcript. She said she took $50 grand of her own money from her retirement for her campaign and that she took a little of that money to keep as cash as she said she often did (keep a little cash from transactions).
She’s going down…And deservedly so.

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