Far Left Just Killed The Olympics


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.
Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.

I wonder when the critical mass of the actual women atheletes pissed at this is reached.

Right now they are cowed into silence or worse endorsement via the mob.
Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.
That means that women will all pile into sports that require grace, and that means women athletes will be more feminine.

No more women’s basketball and more figure skating and gymnastics. Sounds good to me

This might actually save quite a few men’s sports as well with title 9 programs being discontinued due to no interest.

The only losses are women’s volleyball and tennis(which are admittedly pretty sad, especially volleyball).
Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.

It's rather ironic that Progressivism has reinstalled the Patriarcy's domination over women.
Well, who wants to watch stuff like this anyway??


Certainly not our testosterone-challenged dimocrap pals.

A shame, beauty and grace coupled with athleticism gives way to --

The dimocrap scum ideal woman >>

Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.

It's rather ironic that Progressivism has reinstalled the Patriarcy's domination over women.
Women’s sports are pretty much always inferior to men’s sports anyway.

Title 9 has killed so many men’s sports it is sad.
Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.

It's rather ironic that Progressivism has reinstalled the Patriarcy's domination over women.

This isn't the first time Radical Feminists and more conservative people have agreed on something. Are you old enough to remember the "BAN ALL PORN" crap coming from both the Feminists AND the Moral Majority idiots?
Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.

It's rather ironic that Progressivism has reinstalled the Patriarcy's domination over women.

This isn't the first time Radical Feminists and more conservative people have agreed on something. Are you old enough to remember the "BAN ALL PORN" crap coming from both the Feminists AND the Moral Majority idiots?

I don't recall conservatives agreeing that Men Who Claim They Are Women should be able to compete in Womens' sports and use Women's restrooms.
Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.
This will be worked out just like it eventually got worked out when athletes first started taking hormones and other drugs.
Well, who wants to watch stuff like this anyway??


Certainly not our testosterone-challenged dimocrap pals.

A shame, beauty and grace coupled with athleticism gives way to --

The dimocrap scum ideal woman >>

They want “women” who can manhandle them. LOL

But jokes aside, this is not the end of grace and beauty in female sports, this is the reinstallation of it.

Every female athlete will now be in sports that require beauty and grace and that will affect the general female population too.
Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.

It's rather ironic that Progressivism has reinstalled the Patriarcy's domination over women.

This isn't the first time Radical Feminists and more conservative people have agreed on something. Are you old enough to remember the "BAN ALL PORN" crap coming from both the Feminists AND the Moral Majority idiots?

I don't recall conservatives agreeing that Men Who Claim The Are Women should be able to compete in Womens' sports and use Women's restrooms.

Radical Feminists are mostly opposed to the whole Trans rights thing. They see the people as men claiming womenhood without actually being women.

The ones that support trans rights are mostly your typical progressives, not Radical Feminists.
Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.
This will be worked out just like it eventually got worked out when athletes first started taking hormones and other drugs.

Nice non-answer.

Do you think pre-operation transexual women (i.e. men) should be able to compete in women's sporting events or not?
Do you think post operation transexual women (i.e still men) should be able to compete in women's sporting events or not?
Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.

It's rather ironic that Progressivism has reinstalled the Patriarcy's domination over women.

This isn't the first time Radical Feminists and more conservative people have agreed on something. Are you old enough to remember the "BAN ALL PORN" crap coming from both the Feminists AND the Moral Majority idiots?
Why is it crap?

Porn SHOULD be banned.
Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.

It's rather ironic that Progressivism has reinstalled the Patriarcy's domination over women.

This isn't the first time Radical Feminists and more conservative people have agreed on something. Are you old enough to remember the "BAN ALL PORN" crap coming from both the Feminists AND the Moral Majority idiots?

I don't recall conservatives agreeing that Men Who Claim The Are Women should be able to compete in Womens' sports and use Women's restrooms.

Radical Feminists are mostly opposed to the whole Trans rights thing. They see the people as men claiming womenhood without actually being women.

The ones that support trans rights are mostly your typical progressives, not Radical Feminists.

I wouldn't necessarily call all of the Feminists who think Men Who Claim They Are Women are actually men radicals.
Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.

It's rather ironic that Progressivism has reinstalled the Patriarcy's domination over women.

This isn't the first time Radical Feminists and more conservative people have agreed on something. Are you old enough to remember the "BAN ALL PORN" crap coming from both the Feminists AND the Moral Majority idiots?
Why is it crap?

Porn SHOULD be banned.

Oh hell no.

think of the sexual frustration that would result in, and the only outlet would probably be violence. Not only rapey violence, but good old fashioned bar fight violence.
You knew the minute they let girls in the boy scouts, on baseball teams et al it would quickly evolve to this. The days of a urinal in a bathroom are numbered

Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.

It's rather ironic that Progressivism has reinstalled the Patriarcy's domination over women.

This isn't the first time Radical Feminists and more conservative people have agreed on something. Are you old enough to remember the "BAN ALL PORN" crap coming from both the Feminists AND the Moral Majority idiots?

I don't recall conservatives agreeing that Men Who Claim The Are Women should be able to compete in Womens' sports and use Women's restrooms.

Radical Feminists are mostly opposed to the whole Trans rights thing. They see the people as men claiming womenhood without actually being women.

The ones that support trans rights are mostly your typical progressives, not Radical Feminists.

I wouldn't necessarily call all of the Feminists who think Men Who Claim They Are Women are actually men radicals.

Read up on the rest of their views, most of them think sex with men is always rape, women have to be lesbians to be truly free, etc.
Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.

It's rather ironic that Progressivism has reinstalled the Patriarcy's domination over women.

This isn't the first time Radical Feminists and more conservative people have agreed on something. Are you old enough to remember the "BAN ALL PORN" crap coming from both the Feminists AND the Moral Majority idiots?
Why is it crap?

Porn SHOULD be banned.

Oh hell no.

think of the sexual frustration that would result in, and the only outlet would probably be violence. Not only rapey violence, but good old fashioned bar fight violence.

Robots and virtuality pr0n are going to make human pr0n obsolete...just like people in general.

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