Far Left Just Killed The Olympics

Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.

It's rather ironic that Progressivism has reinstalled the Patriarcy's domination over women.

This isn't the first time Radical Feminists and more conservative people have agreed on something. Are you old enough to remember the "BAN ALL PORN" crap coming from both the Feminists AND the Moral Majority idiots?
Why is it crap?

Porn SHOULD be banned.

Oh hell no.

think of the sexual frustration that would result in, and the only outlet would probably be violence. Not only rapey violence, but good old fashioned bar fight violence.
So men would be masculine again?

Porn only creates child predators and cucks who can’t defend their women from men who don’t watch porn.
Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.

I wonder when the critical mass of the actual women atheletes pissed at this is reached.

Right now they are cowed into silence or worse endorsement via the mob.
It won't be long until the women's sports will be populated by nothing but trans. No one will watch them when that happens, and that will be the end of them.
Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.

It's rather ironic that Progressivism has reinstalled the Patriarcy's domination over women.

This isn't the first time Radical Feminists and more conservative people have agreed on something. Are you old enough to remember the "BAN ALL PORN" crap coming from both the Feminists AND the Moral Majority idiots?
Why is it crap?

Porn SHOULD be banned.

Oh hell no.

think of the sexual frustration that would result in, and the only outlet would probably be violence. Not only rapey violence, but good old fashioned bar fight violence.

Robots and virtuality pr0n are going to make human pr0n obsolete...just like people in general.

I for one welcome my new sex robot overlords, especially if I can get this model:

Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.

It's rather ironic that Progressivism has reinstalled the Patriarcy's domination over women.

This isn't the first time Radical Feminists and more conservative people have agreed on something. Are you old enough to remember the "BAN ALL PORN" crap coming from both the Feminists AND the Moral Majority idiots?
Why is it crap?

Porn SHOULD be banned.

Oh hell no.

think of the sexual frustration that would result in, and the only outlet would probably be violence. Not only rapey violence, but good old fashioned bar fight violence.
So men would be masculine again?

Porn only creates child predators and cucks who can’t defend their women from men who don’t watch porn.

Not really. Look at how young men in our culture have been attacked and hounded for being guys. It's no wonder that marriage rates have dropped, dating is nearly obsolete, and many young men have opted out and spend their time on video games and online pr0n.
Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.

It's rather ironic that Progressivism has reinstalled the Patriarcy's domination over women.

This isn't the first time Radical Feminists and more conservative people have agreed on something. Are you old enough to remember the "BAN ALL PORN" crap coming from both the Feminists AND the Moral Majority idiots?
Why is it crap?

Porn SHOULD be banned.

Oh hell no.

think of the sexual frustration that would result in, and the only outlet would probably be violence. Not only rapey violence, but good old fashioned bar fight violence.
So men would be masculine again?

Porn only creates child predators and cucks who can’t defend their women from men who don’t watch porn.

Ok, go with that.

It's rather ironic that Progressivism has reinstalled the Patriarcy's domination over women.

This isn't the first time Radical Feminists and more conservative people have agreed on something. Are you old enough to remember the "BAN ALL PORN" crap coming from both the Feminists AND the Moral Majority idiots?
Why is it crap?

Porn SHOULD be banned.

Oh hell no.

think of the sexual frustration that would result in, and the only outlet would probably be violence. Not only rapey violence, but good old fashioned bar fight violence.

Robots and virtuality pr0n are going to make human pr0n obsolete...just like people in general.

I for one welcome my new sex robot overlords, especially if I can get this model:


I'm not a lesbeterian, but I can grok your welcoming.
Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.

I wonder when the critical mass of the actual women atheletes pissed at this is reached.

Right now they are cowed into silence or worse endorsement via the mob.
It won't be long until the women's sports will be populated by nothing but trans. No one will watch them when that happens, and that will be the end of them.

I think a pushback will happen before that.

Women spent too long trying to create viable women's sports competitons to let this happen.
Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.

It's rather ironic that Progressivism has reinstalled the Patriarcy's domination over women.

This isn't the first time Radical Feminists and more conservative people have agreed on something. Are you old enough to remember the "BAN ALL PORN" crap coming from both the Feminists AND the Moral Majority idiots?
Why is it crap?

Porn SHOULD be banned.

Oh hell no.

think of the sexual frustration that would result in, and the only outlet would probably be violence. Not only rapey violence, but good old fashioned bar fight violence.

Robots and virtuality pr0n are going to make human pr0n obsolete...just like people in general.
Fuck no.

But the west is declining in technological development anyway, so robots aren’t going to get much better than they are and eventually they will be rust buckets.
It's rather ironic that Progressivism has reinstalled the Patriarcy's domination over women.

This isn't the first time Radical Feminists and more conservative people have agreed on something. Are you old enough to remember the "BAN ALL PORN" crap coming from both the Feminists AND the Moral Majority idiots?
Why is it crap?

Porn SHOULD be banned.

Oh hell no.

think of the sexual frustration that would result in, and the only outlet would probably be violence. Not only rapey violence, but good old fashioned bar fight violence.

Robots and virtuality pr0n are going to make human pr0n obsolete...just like people in general.
Fuck no.

But the west is declining in technological development anyway, so robots aren’t going to get much better than they are and eventually they will be rust buckets.

The west doesn't have to do anything.

That's what the Japanese are for.
Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.

I wonder when the critical mass of the actual women atheletes pissed at this is reached.

Right now they are cowed into silence or worse endorsement via the mob.
It won't be long until the women's sports will be populated by nothing but trans. No one will watch them when that happens, and that will be the end of them.

I think a pushback will happen before that.

Women spent too long trying to create viable women's sports competitons to let this happen.
The left was too powerful with their “gender is just a state of mind” propaganda.

There is nothing they can do but invest more in the sports that don’t require strength and athleticism.
Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.

I wonder when the critical mass of the actual women atheletes pissed at this is reached.

Right now they are cowed into silence or worse endorsement via the mob.
It won't be long until the women's sports will be populated by nothing but trans. No one will watch them when that happens, and that will be the end of them.

I think a pushback will happen before that.

Women spent too long trying to create viable women's sports competitons to let this happen.
The left was too powerful with their “gender is just a state of mind” propaganda.

There is nothing they can do but invest more in the sports that don’t require strength and athleticism.

We have to hope that sanity will spread among the followers of the progressive movmeent.

The leaders are hopeless, but those along for the ride may snap back to reality.
This isn't the first time Radical Feminists and more conservative people have agreed on something. Are you old enough to remember the "BAN ALL PORN" crap coming from both the Feminists AND the Moral Majority idiots?
Why is it crap?

Porn SHOULD be banned.

Oh hell no.

think of the sexual frustration that would result in, and the only outlet would probably be violence. Not only rapey violence, but good old fashioned bar fight violence.

Robots and virtuality pr0n are going to make human pr0n obsolete...just like people in general.
Fuck no.

But the west is declining in technological development anyway, so robots aren’t going to get much better than they are and eventually they will be rust buckets.

The west doesn't have to do anything.

That's what the Japanese are for.
The Japanese will either die out, destroy themselves with immigration or ditch robots to grow their population.

Either way, robots are dead in Japan too.

The more that I think about it the whole sci-fi “robots take over the world” thing is complete nonsense. A strong country would never allow robots to get that intelligent and a weak country would destroy itself via immigration before robots became a viable option.
Why is it crap?

Porn SHOULD be banned.

Oh hell no.

think of the sexual frustration that would result in, and the only outlet would probably be violence. Not only rapey violence, but good old fashioned bar fight violence.

Robots and virtuality pr0n are going to make human pr0n obsolete...just like people in general.
Fuck no.

But the west is declining in technological development anyway, so robots aren’t going to get much better than they are and eventually they will be rust buckets.

The west doesn't have to do anything.

That's what the Japanese are for.
The Japanese will either die out, destroy themselves with immigration or ditch robots to grow their population.

Either way, robots are dead in Japan too.

The more that I think about it the whole sci-fi “robots take over the world” thing is complete nonsense. A strong country would never allow robots to get that intelligent and a weak country would destroy itself via immigration before robots became a viable option.

That's what the Robots WANT you to think.
We have to hope that sanity will spread among the followers of the progressive movmeent.

The leaders are hopeless, but those along for the ride may snap back to reality.

Hope in one hand and piss in the other. See which one gets wet.


After WWII, after we defeated the National Socialists, we hunted them down and destroyed them. No matter where they went, they were hunted.

Even in the free and open political atmosphere of the USA, National Socialism is a pariah, despised by Republicans and dimocrap scum alike.

Now, here it is --

We defeated Soviet Socialism but we did it without a War. We didn't have the opportunity to hunt socialist down and kill them. They didn't stand and fight, they hid and ambushed.

And as long as they use those tactics, we will never be able to confront them and destroy them. They have turned hiding and lying into an art form.

Would it be worth it to start a conflict with them so we could destroy them to the last man, the last woman and the last tranny?

I don't think so.

But just remember, if one breaks out, we need to remember what we did after WWII.

But I don't see it happening. It's hard to fight something that is too cowardly to stand, too frightened to commit. All they'll ever do is ambush and hide. Ambush and hide.

They are scum. Our best hope is to show them for what they are. Even then, you've got about 35% of the people that just don't care because -- The truth is......

They're scum too
Oh hell no.

think of the sexual frustration that would result in, and the only outlet would probably be violence. Not only rapey violence, but good old fashioned bar fight violence.

Robots and virtuality pr0n are going to make human pr0n obsolete...just like people in general.
Fuck no.

But the west is declining in technological development anyway, so robots aren’t going to get much better than they are and eventually they will be rust buckets.

The west doesn't have to do anything.

That's what the Japanese are for.
The Japanese will either die out, destroy themselves with immigration or ditch robots to grow their population.

Either way, robots are dead in Japan too.

The more that I think about it the whole sci-fi “robots take over the world” thing is complete nonsense. A strong country would never allow robots to get that intelligent and a weak country would destroy itself via immigration before robots became a viable option.

That's what the Robots WANT you to think.
Without strong national unity we don’t have the resources to mass produce robots. We can’t even keep our military equipment from rusting up.

Notice how apple has gone completely stale with innovation and video games are no longer looking that much better with each new generation.

It is all starting to slow down to screeching halt, and Democrats haven’t even started to destroy it yet.
Not that I care all that much. It long ago lost any meaning in the sense of amateur sports. Now all we have is a bunch of professionals who do nothing but work out 24/7/365, take PED's, then stop them just in time for testing, and TV Networks that know less about sports than I do about Speed of Light Travel.

Cue Bob Costas. THE worst sports announcer in Galactic History

Anyway, people, women in particular, may now (FINALLY) start to see what unfettered progressivism can do when it is politicized and weaponized.

Good Bye women's Sports. We hardly knew ye --

More proof that dimocraps ruin everything they touch.


Olympics Allowing Trans Athletes Sans Surgery Is Just A Ratings Grab

There is a reason that men’s sports and women’s sports are separate. The Olympic Committee’s latest decision to allow transgender athletes to compete alongside whatever sex they identify with, without undergoing transgender surgery, will be the end of women’s sports, at least for natural-born women (women who menstruate and have working mammary glands).

We’ve all read the headlines: Trans girl wins high school wrestling championship. Trans woman wins cycling competition. Trans woman dominates. Trans girl comes in first. These cases are increasing and they won’t stop, because people are either afraid to be labelled transphobic for speaking out or they just don’t care about women’s sports.

I've long been conflicted about allowing transgendered women into women's sports for exactly this reason. Renee Richards, the trans tennis player, had the surgery before competing so it wasn't the same thing, and even then her height, reach, and lower fat/muscle ratio gave her an advantage over the natural women. She just wasn't a great player.

However, in the speed and power sports, it would give distinct advantages. Anything with rotations where hips and boobs slow the rotation, and prepubescent women reign because of their lack of both!
I think a pushback will happen before that.

Women spent too long trying to create viable women's sports competitons to let this happen.
Real actual biological women athletes better speak up and create a ruckus of there goes everything they've worked their whole lives for.
Stay silent and live in fear of upsetting trans Nazis and their lives will be stolen right out from under them.

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