Far Right Conservative Politics, Race and SCOTUS Nominations

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Far Right Conservative Politics, Race and SCOTUS Nominations

Guess who it is? A Democrat?

"I am a Southerner by ancestry, birth, training, inclination, belief, and practice. I believe that segregation of the races is proper and the only practical and correct way of life in our states. I have always so believed and I shall always so act. ... I yield to no man as a fellow-candidate, as a fellow-citizen, in the firm, vigorous belief in the principles of white supremacy, and I shall always be so governed." - Federal Judge and an unsuccessful nominee to the United States Supreme Court.

Our good friend Pat Buchanan during a cable tv segment on the Sonia Sotomayor nomination: "Buchanan not only supported Carswell when Nixon nominated him in 1970, he continues to defend Carswell against charges of racism. In a 2005 column, Buchanan claimed "Liberals smeared Nixon nominees [Clement] Haynesworth and Carswell as racists."" - see as bove quote by non other than Carswell :lol: I do so love Pat for the entertainment value alone.


Republican nominee who was alleged to have made court decisions favoring segregation and of being reflexively anti-labor. Of course his defenders screamed "unjustified character assassination" - a United States judge and an unsuccessful nominee for the United States Supreme Court.

G. Harrold Carswell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Clement Haynsworth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


These are the beginnings of the Senate not rubber stamping Presidential Judicial nominations to the Supreme Court (thank you Senator Edward M. [ Ted ] Kennedy :clap2: )

There were arguments made and principle involved. In the end Republicans voted with the majority of Democrats and Southern White Conservative Christian Democrats sided with the majority of Republicans

a connection between these people can be made with an admitted Racist and bigot form the Grand Old Confederate states Harry Dent adviser to Strom Thurmond, Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, Gerald R. Ford, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush.

The Southern Strategist whom Lee Atwater praised highly. btw, both very visible Christians who later repented, although Lee's (one of my favorite characters in American politics) apology, confessions and mea culpa have an asterisk attached

*Ed Rollins, however, stated in the 2008 documentary Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story, that "[Atwater] was telling this story about how a Living Bible was what was giving him faith and I said to Mary (Matalin), 'I really, sincerely hope that he found peace.' She said, 'Ed, when we were cleaning up his things afterwards, the Bible was still wrapped in the cellophane and had never been taken out of the package,' which just told you everything there was. He was spinning right to the end."[10]

Lee Atwater - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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G. Harrold Carswell G. Harrold Carswell

AKA George Harrold Carswell

Born: 22-Dec-1919
Birthplace: Irwinton, GA
Died: 31-Jul-1992
Location of death: Tallahassee, FL
Cause of death: Cancer - Lung

Gender: Male
Race or Ethnicity: White
Sexual orientation: Matter of Dispute
Occupation: Judge
Party Affiliation: Republican [1]

Nationality: United States
Executive summary: Failed US Supreme Court nominee

Military service: US Navy

"I am a Southerner by ancestry, birth, training, inclination, belief, and practice. I believe that segregation of the races is proper and the only practical and correct way of life in our states. I have always so believed and I shall always so act. ... I yield to no man as a fellow-candidate, as a fellow-citizen, in the firm, vigorous belief in the principles of white supremacy, and I shall always be so governed." (1948 speech)
Why don't you quote Robert Byrd? Are you so bereft of rational justification for your opinions that you are only left with calling those with whom you disagree racists?
Why don't you quote Robert Byrd? Are you so bereft of rational justification for your opinions that you are only left with calling those with whom you disagree racists?

former Senator Robert Byrd? The Southern White Conservative Christian?
Okay jwoodie : Byrd enjoyed a perfect 100 percent rating from the NAACP.

And yet, Robert Byrd evolved—he changed for the good. He apologized for his intolerant past and declared that he had been wrong. Although he voted against Justice Marshall for the Supreme Court seat, years later he also voted with 45 other Democrats against the candidacy of conservative Clarence Thomas. Byrd did not like Thomas’s assertion that he was the victim of a “high-tech lynching of uppity blacks,” and found the introduction of race into the Senate proceedings offensive. Most of all, he believed Anita Hill’s allegations against Thomas. Hindsight is 20-20 for those who were misguided enough to support Clarence Thomas, but looking back nearly 20 years, the senator had a very good point.

The evolution of Robert Byrd s racial politics theGrio

Far Right Conservative Politics, Race and SCOTUS Nominations

Guess who it is? A Democrat?

"I am a Southerner by ancestry, birth, training, inclination, belief, and practice. I believe that segregation of the races is proper and the only practical and correct way of life in our states. I have always so believed and I shall always so act. ... I yield to no man as a fellow-candidate, as a fellow-citizen, in the firm, vigorous belief in the principles of white supremacy, and I shall always be so governed." - Federal Judge and an unsuccessful nominee to the United States Supreme Court.

Our good friend Pat Buchanan during a cable tv segment on the Sonia Sotomayor nomination: "Buchanan not only supported Carswell when Nixon nominated him in 1970, he continues to defend Carswell against charges of racism. In a 2005 column, Buchanan claimed "Liberals smeared Nixon nominees [Clement] Haynesworth and Carswell as racists."" - see as bove quote by non other than Carswell :lol: I do so love Pat for the entertainment value alone.


Republican nominee who was alleged to have made court decisions favoring segregation and of being reflexively anti-labor. Of course his defenders screamed "unjustified character assassination" - a United States judge and an unsuccessful nominee for the United States Supreme Court.

G. Harrold Carswell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Clement Haynsworth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


These are the beginnings of the Senate not rubber stamping Presidential Judicial nominations to the Supreme Court (thank you Senator Edward M. [ Ted ] Kennedy :clap2: )

There were arguments made and principle involved. In the end Republicans voted with the majority of Democrats and Southern White Conservative Christian Democrats sided with the majority of Republicans

a connection between these people can be made with an admitted Racist and bigot form the Grand Old Confederate states Harry Dent adviser to Strom Thurmond, Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, Gerald R. Ford, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush.

The Southern Strategist whom Lee Atwater praised highly. btw, both very visible Christians who later repented, although Lee's (one of my favorite characters in American politics) apology, confessions and mea culpa have an asterisk attached

*Ed Rollins, however, stated in the 2008 documentary Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story, that "[Atwater] was telling this story about how a Living Bible was what was giving him faith and I said to Mary (Matalin), 'I really, sincerely hope that he found peace.' She said, 'Ed, when we were cleaning up his things afterwards, the Bible was still wrapped in the cellophane and had never been taken out of the package,' which just told you everything there was. He was spinning right to the end."[10]

Lee Atwater - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Southerns and supporters of the Confederacy, Dentialists of American history...

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