Far-right Jackass Wants - Internment Camps For Muslims.


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Erik Rush: Might Be Time To Bring Back Internment Camps For Muslims

#1 - "bring back"??? WTF?

#2 - /facepalm.

WorldNetDaily columnist Erik Rush, who believes most journalists should be thrown in jail, today demands that the U.S. government crack down on Muslim foreign nationals living in the country following the beheading of a woman in Oklahoma.

In a column titled “Is It Time To Deport, Intern Foreign Muslims?,” Rush claims that all Muslims are either terrorists or terrorist-sympathizers who must be hounded like Japanese-Americans during World War II.

“We deported, expelled and interned foreign nationals and naturalized citizens for a whole lot less during World War II, and I would certainly call for the deportation or expulsion of all Muslim foreign nationals at this juncture,” he writes.

WND - cesspool for the far-right.
Erik Rush: Might Be Time To Bring Back Internment Camps For Muslims

#1 - "bring back"??? WTF?

#2 - /facepalm.

WorldNetDaily columnist Erik Rush, who believes most journalists should be thrown in jail, today demands that the U.S. government crack down on Muslim foreign nationals living in the country following the beheading of a woman in Oklahoma.

In a column titled “Is It Time To Deport, Intern Foreign Muslims?,” Rush claims that all Muslims are either terrorists or terrorist-sympathizers who must be hounded like Japanese-Americans during World War II.

“We deported, expelled and interned foreign nationals and naturalized citizens for a whole lot less during World War II, and I would certainly call for the deportation or expulsion of all Muslim foreign nationals at this juncture,” he writes.

WND - cesspool for the far-right.
Sounds like a plausible safety measure to me.
Sounds like an absurd, illegal, and unconstitutional overreaction.
You talking about Obama's election(s)? :dunno:

Clearly I am not. Anyone calling for such actions isn't a true lover of the liberty and freedom that our nation is blessed with. It's a chilling suggestion to say the least.
Sounds like an absurd, illegal, and unconstitutional overreaction.
You talking about Obama's election(s)? :dunno:

Clearly I am not. Anyone calling for such actions isn't a true lover of the liberty and freedom that our nation is blessed with. It's a chilling suggestion to say the least.
The left is not true lovers of liberty, quite the opposite actually.
Erik Rush: Might Be Time To Bring Back Internment Camps For Muslims

#1 - "bring back"??? WTF?

#2 - /facepalm.

WorldNetDaily columnist Erik Rush, who believes most journalists should be thrown in jail, today demands that the U.S. government crack down on Muslim foreign nationals living in the country following the beheading of a woman in Oklahoma.

In a column titled “Is It Time To Deport, Intern Foreign Muslims?,” Rush claims that all Muslims are either terrorists or terrorist-sympathizers who must be hounded like Japanese-Americans during World War II.

“We deported, expelled and interned foreign nationals and naturalized citizens for a whole lot less during World War II, and I would certainly call for the deportation or expulsion of all Muslim foreign nationals at this juncture,” he writes.

WND - cesspool for the far-right.
Sounds like a plausible safety measure to me.
Of course it does.
Once again USMB conservatives exhibit their ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.
I doubt that most folks think of it in those terms, rather, they're up-in-arms over Militant Islam, and want it (and most things connected with it, including more passive adherents of that belief system) gone from our shores.

It's an attractive idea for anyone who sees Islam as incompatible with The West, albeit a dangerous idea which should scare anyone who has the foresight to see where such precedents might lead.

To some, it's a dilemma asking whether to (1) abide by the Constitution in all respects and trust to luck that we can control the threat here or otherwise risk allowing an Enemy to remain un-checked in our midst, or (2) remove the threat or minimize the dangers first, then worry about the legalities later.

It's not an attractive set of alternatives to choose from - allow the Enemy (and all the innocents connected to him) to remain, or kick them all out, and let God sort 'em out.

And we're not there yet.

However, if the war on Militant Islam gets much worse, we may be looking at the future.

When Constitutionality and Public Safety are at odds with each other, Safety wins every time.
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Once again USMB conservatives exhibit their ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.
It is you idiot libtards who have contempt for the constitution and have no idea what it means or what the founders of this country wanted. You prove it by lying saying obuthurtcare is constitutional, which it is not. Idiots.
Sounds like an absurd, illegal, and unconstitutional overreaction.
You talking about Obama's election(s)? :dunno:

Clearly I am not. Anyone calling for such actions isn't a true lover of the liberty and freedom that our nation is blessed with. It's a chilling suggestion to say the least.
The left is not true lovers of liberty, quite the opposite actually.

In some ways you're correct. Yes, there are quite a few on the left that enjoys curtailing freedom and liberty of Americans. Look no further then large sodas and the 2nd Amendment. This chilling proposal however is being suggested by someone from the right and seems to be getting support from some on the right. Some on both sides of the spectrum are willing to sacrifice our liberties and freedoms when it suits their fancy.
Erik Rush: Might Be Time To Bring Back Internment Camps For Muslims

#1 - "bring back"??? WTF?

#2 - /facepalm.

WorldNetDaily columnist Erik Rush, who believes most journalists should be thrown in jail, today demands that the U.S. government crack down on Muslim foreign nationals living in the country following the beheading of a woman in Oklahoma.

In a column titled “Is It Time To Deport, Intern Foreign Muslims?,” Rush claims that all Muslims are either terrorists or terrorist-sympathizers who must be hounded like Japanese-Americans during World War II.

“We deported, expelled and interned foreign nationals and naturalized citizens for a whole lot less during World War II, and I would certainly call for the deportation or expulsion of all Muslim foreign nationals at this juncture,” he writes.

WND - cesspool for the far-right.
We learned from your team. Franklin Roosevelt interned Japanese Americans. Lost their homes, jobs, businesses. Your idea.
"Internment Camps For Muslims"

A few questions for rightists who agree with this:

Are you aware that this would constitute a violation of the First and 5th Amendments to the Constitution?

Are you aware that any measure authorizing 'internment' would be invalidated by the courts accordingly?

Are you aware that there are millions of Americans who are Muslim, citizens of the United States, born and raised in this country just like you?

Or are you aware of this but just don't care.

Erik Rush: Might Be Time To Bring Back Internment Camps For Muslims

#1 - "bring back"??? WTF?

#2 - /facepalm.

WorldNetDaily columnist Erik Rush, who believes most journalists should be thrown in jail, today demands that the U.S. government crack down on Muslim foreign nationals living in the country following the beheading of a woman in Oklahoma.

In a column titled “Is It Time To Deport, Intern Foreign Muslims?,” Rush claims that all Muslims are either terrorists or terrorist-sympathizers who must be hounded like Japanese-Americans during World War II.

“We deported, expelled and interned foreign nationals and naturalized citizens for a whole lot less during World War II, and I would certainly call for the deportation or expulsion of all Muslim foreign nationals at this juncture,” he writes.

WND - cesspool for the far-right.
Substitute Jews for Muslims and you have Germany in the '30s.
Erik Rush: Might Be Time To Bring Back Internment Camps For Muslims

#1 - "bring back"??? WTF?

#2 - /facepalm.

WorldNetDaily columnist Erik Rush, who believes most journalists should be thrown in jail, today demands that the U.S. government crack down on Muslim foreign nationals living in the country following the beheading of a woman in Oklahoma.

In a column titled “Is It Time To Deport, Intern Foreign Muslims?,” Rush claims that all Muslims are either terrorists or terrorist-sympathizers who must be hounded like Japanese-Americans during World War II.

“We deported, expelled and interned foreign nationals and naturalized citizens for a whole lot less during World War II, and I would certainly call for the deportation or expulsion of all Muslim foreign nationals at this juncture,” he writes.

WND - cesspool for the far-right.
I said that last week.
Erik Rush: Might Be Time To Bring Back Internment Camps For Muslims

#1 - "bring back"??? WTF?

#2 - /facepalm.

WorldNetDaily columnist Erik Rush, who believes most journalists should be thrown in jail, today demands that the U.S. government crack down on Muslim foreign nationals living in the country following the beheading of a woman in Oklahoma.

In a column titled “Is It Time To Deport, Intern Foreign Muslims?,” Rush claims that all Muslims are either terrorists or terrorist-sympathizers who must be hounded like Japanese-Americans during World War II.

“We deported, expelled and interned foreign nationals and naturalized citizens for a whole lot less during World War II, and I would certainly call for the deportation or expulsion of all Muslim foreign nationals at this juncture,” he writes.

WND - cesspool for the far-right.

Me I am all for camps for rightwing christers
"Internment Camps For Muslims"

A few questions for rightists who agree with this:...
I'm reluctant to see us go down such a road, but I'm game to respond, playing Devil's Advocate, if nothing else...

...Are you aware that this would constitute a violation of the First and 5th Amendments to the Constitution?...

...Are you aware that any measure authorizing 'internment' would be invalidated by the courts accordingly?...
I am aware that the courts might try to invalidate it.

In any emergency scenario by which such an unlikely outcome is being proposed, it's also a good guess that either (a) the courts would be ignored on this particular matter or (b) the courts would be brought into line behind-the-scenes, to table the matter until the so-called emergency had passed.

There are precedents, such as Lincoln's suspension of Habeas Corpus.

...Are you aware that there are millions of Americans who are Muslim, citizens of the United States, born and raised in this country just like you?...

The same could be said of many Japanese-Americans in 1941-1942.

In any serious contest between Safety and Constitutionality, Safety always wins.

...Or are you aware of this but just don't care.


In an emergency, that simply may not be enough.
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