Fargo on The FX Network


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Anyone watching it?

What an AWESOME show!

The character, Molly, she's the greatest...isn't she?

They SO did justice to the original movie, it's like a continuation of the same exactly classic movie with different characters.

Totally awesome.
Lester is an idiot.
I just watched tonight's episode.

Was too caught up in all this Cantor drama to remember to watch it earlier.

Lester's no fool, he's managed to stay alive this long.

We'll see if he gets it on the finale next week or does he end up being the victor.

Billy Bob Thornton is a versatile actor but what's the point to the series? It's similar but different from the movie so it's nothing but a soap opera. How long can you get away with making fun of speech patterns?
Isn't it over? That last episode with Lester seeing Malvo in the hotel sure looked like a final episode.

It was very well done. Having seasonal shows with a beginning and an ending is becoming quite popular.
Back when it came out on DVD, somebody suggested I would like Fargo. I didn't get that they were being sarcastic. Now I have images that I'll never get out of my head.

I managed to get rid of that turdball in a yard sale but I talked to the buyer and made sure they knew what they were getting. I just gave it to them, it would feel too guilty to take money for it. It's a good example of why I don't do movies. :puke:
Isn't it over? That last episode with Lester seeing Malvo in the hotel sure looked like a final episode.

It was very well done. Having seasonal shows with a beginning and an ending is becoming quite popular.
Next week is the finale.

Last week's episode ended with Lester seeing Malvo afar off in a restaurant.

This week's episode continued with what happened when he confronts him face to face.

Malvo warned him to go away, and he didn't.

Well now it's on.

Malvo is out to kill him and Lester is running for his life.

Next week, the finale, they're going to face off and we'll see who dies and who lives.

Should be EPIC!

Back when it came out on DVD, somebody suggested I would like Fargo. I didn't get that they were being sarcastic. Now I have images that I'll never get out of my head.

I managed to get rid of that turdball in a yard sale but I talked to the buyer and made sure they knew what they were getting. I just gave it to them, it would feel too guilty to take money for it. It's a good example of why I don't do movies. :puke:
You mean you didn't like it?

People have been suggesting to me for years to see that movie. I never got around to it.

However, when I saw the previews to Fargo, the series, I quickly downloaded the original before I started watching the series.

The movie was EPIC. Totally loved it.

Kinda like a weird mid-western Tarantino movie.

The series basically takes up exactly where the movie stopped and advances the story, with different characters of course.


So what's your beef w/the film? And are you not watching the series either?

You couldn't pay me to watch this show. I can't stand Billy Bob.
I like it. I was skeptical at first because usually when they turn a movie into a tv show it doesn't work out well, but they did a really good job on this one.
Back when it came out on DVD, somebody suggested I would like Fargo. I didn't get that they were being sarcastic. Now I have images that I'll never get out of my head.

I managed to get rid of that turdball in a yard sale but I talked to the buyer and made sure they knew what they were getting. I just gave it to them, it would feel too guilty to take money for it. It's a good example of why I don't do movies. :puke:
You mean you didn't like it?

People have been suggesting to me for years to see that movie. I never got around to it.

However, when I saw the previews to Fargo, the series, I quickly downloaded the original before I started watching the series.

The movie was EPIC. Totally loved it.

Kinda like a weird mid-western Tarantino movie.

The series basically takes up exactly where the movie stopped and advances the story, with different characters of course.


So what's your beef w/the film? And are you not watching the series either?


Series? I don't even have a television, brother. :eusa_angel:

I can't watch graphic violence, that's my beef with the film. Those images are permanently imprinted, along with others from other films that either my roommate was watching or unexpected scenes in a theater I walked out of. Just can't do it.

I think that shit destroys a piece of the human soul. I think it desensitizes our humanity. So I don't want to see that for the same reason I don't want my finger amputated. I'd prefer not to be any further psychically injured than I've already been. Same reason I don't do fast food. I kind of resent having that taken from me, and that's my beef with Fargo.
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You couldn't pay me to watch this show. I can't stand Billy Bob.
Why? What's wrong w/Billy?

I like it. I was skeptical at first because usually when they turn a movie into a tv show it doesn't work out well, but they did a really good job on this one.
I know what you mean. However, from the previews it looked like a great show. That's why I finally ended up watching the original film. Because I had those same sentiments you shared about the original film. UNTIL I saw it.

I am watching Tuesday's episode right now. This is an outstanding production. Smart dialogue......well developed characters.

First rate.
Indeed sir, stellar show and cast. Particularly the actress that plays Molly. She's a brand new actor fresh off of non-acting land. First gig's a mega-hit. I'm so happy for her.

[MENTION=4301]boedicca[/MENTION] , [MENTION=43056]Dont_Taz_Me_Bro[/MENTION] , [MENTION=32973]LoneLaugher[/MENTION]
Series? I don't even have a television, brother. :eusa_angel:

I can't watch graphic violence, that's my beef with the film. Those images are permanently imprinted, along with others from other films that either my roommate was watching or unexpected scenes in a theater I walked out of. Just can't do it.

I think that shit destroys a piece of the human soul. I think it desensitizes our humanity. So I don't want to see that for the same reason I don't want my finger amputated. I'd prefer not to be any further psychically injured than I've already been. Same reason I don't do fast food. I kind of resent having that taken from me, and that's my beef with Fargo.
Interesting... so you have a serious issue w/graphic violence on TV huh? That must make watching TV and/or movies quite a chore, as there's much violence in the media.

That said, is it some religious belief or just a personal repulsion to it you have?
BTW, when I get my rep back, reps for all participants of this thread.
Series? I don't even have a television, brother. :eusa_angel:

I can't watch graphic violence, that's my beef with the film. Those images are permanently imprinted, along with others from other films that either my roommate was watching or unexpected scenes in a theater I walked out of. Just can't do it.

I think that shit destroys a piece of the human soul. I think it desensitizes our humanity. So I don't want to see that for the same reason I don't want my finger amputated. I'd prefer not to be any further psychically injured than I've already been. Same reason I don't do fast food. I kind of resent having that taken from me, and that's my beef with Fargo.
Interesting... so you have a serious issue w/graphic violence on TV huh? That must make watching TV and/or movies quite a chore, as there's much violence in the media.

Indeed there is; I keep making that point in the gun violence topics. We're a violent culture that celebrates death, killing and destruction every day, and the perpetuation of that keeps us desensitized - but that's another topic. And as I said I don't even have TV -- not for that reason but just because it's a colossal waste of time. Once it dawned on me that I could get anything I want on the internet except live sports (and there are other channels for that), I told DreckTV to take a hike and took the box to the local thrift store.

That said, is it some religious belief or just a personal repulsion to it you have?

Not a religious thing -- I do believe in Ahimsa but I also understand it's theater and actors, not reality. No, it's just the way it's always struck me; I just find it distasteful -- same reason I don't, say, eat prunes or play with hot soldering irons.
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Just watching the end of the season finale. This was the best one yet.

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